Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR
M I C R O W AV E P AC K E T R A D I O | R E L E A S E 2
The Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Packet Radio (MPR) platform enables the smooth transformation of
transport networks from circuit to IP backhaul, seamlessly transporting TDM, ATM, IP and Ethernet over a
Carrier Ethernet infrastructure. As a result, the Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR efficiently transports multimedia
traffic while guaranteeing the Quality of Service (QoS) end users require. The Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR packet
radio addresses all microwave applications with a single product family — from full outdoor to split-mount
and node configurations — for hybrid and full-packet traffic, enabling the easy introduction of full IP-base
stations such as Long Term Evolution (LTE) while leveraging the existing infrastructure. The operator is now
free to maintain its current mode of operation using TDM/Hybrid model and starting migrating to packet as
data traffic grows boosted by IP-3G nodeBs and HSPA where needed.
Microwa ve Se rvice Switc h-8 (MSS-8)
Microwa ve Packet Transpor t (M PT):
Multipurpose O utd oor Unit (ODU)
• Intelligent nodal IDU that supports up
to 12 ODUs in hybrid or packet node
• Hitless switching service driven
Adaptive modulation
• Multiservice aggregator with
embedded Circuit Emulation Service
(CES) (MEF 8) and ATM IMA
pseudowire (PWE3) (RFC 4717)
capabilities for Carrier Ethernet
• Backwards compatibility with existing
Alcatel-Lucent hybrid ODUs
• Common multipurpose ODU for
standalone full outdoor application
and split-mount/nodal configuration
• Millimeter wave support
• Multiservice switching capacity greater
than 16 Gb/s, radio throughput
greater than 4 Gb/s and termination
of up to 192 x E1
• Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) support
• Reduces OPEX
¬ Aggregation of multiple access
technologies over Ethernet
convergence layer, removing the
need of new external equipment
• Protects operators’ investments
and enables backhaul networks for
smooth migration from TDM to IP
¬ Operates in hybrid or packet mode
with the same hardware items
• Addresses all microwave applications
with common hardware
¬ Backwards compatibility with
existing hybrid ODU
• Guarantees TDM deterministic
behavior for packet transport
¬ No performance degradation
comparable to native TDM
¬ Guarantees high priority traffic
transport even in congested nodes

• Simplified deployment
¬ Fast pre-provisioning
¬ Quick setup and network planning
• Drastically reduces footprint and
rack power dissipation
¬ Highest nodal capability with
smallest footprint
¬ Zero footprint in standalone
full-outdoor solution to address
full IP sites such as IP 3G, LTE or IP
DSLAM backhaul; common system
used in the split-mount solution
Figure 1. Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR archite cture
• Improves scalability and availability
¬ End-to-end service-aware
management provided by the
Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service
Aware Manager (SAM) for
the Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS
Service Router portfolio and
the Alcatel-Lucent 1350 Optical
Management System (OMS), for
the Alcatel-Lucent T-MPLS/MPLS-TP
Packet Optical Transport portfolio
• Enhanced performance and reliability
with built-in test functionalities
• Embedded synchronization
distribution even in full Ethernet
• Nodal microwave configuration with
a single packet matrix switching
• Full redundancy with no single
point of failure, including Ethernet
matrix switch
Mobile antenna
E1 and Ethernet
Mobile antenna
Mobile antenna
E1 and Ethernet
NE: 9500 MPR
NE: 9500 MPR-e
NE: 9500 MPR
Hybrid or packet node
Mobile antenna
E1 and Ethernet
NE: 9500 MPR
Point of
NE: 9500 MPR
Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR | R elease 2 | Da ta Sheet2