Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Cross-Connect
The Alcatel-Lucent 9500 Microwave Cross-Connect (MXC) is a flexible, multiservice wireless transport platform
for medium- to high-capacity mixed traffic. Offering a new generation of digital, point-to-point microwave radio
capabilities, the 9500 MXC provides an effective way to meet the growing demand for high-capacity applications.
950 0 MXC ter minal with in doo r unit
(here using Intelligent Node Un it [INU] with
up to 4 card slots) and Outdoor Unit (ODU)
950 0 MXC nod e with ODU an d IN U
The compact Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MXC
supports SDH/SONET and “super PDH”
applications with higher flexibility
afforded by its integrated crossconnection capabilities. It can also
support fixed applications such as DSL
and WiMA X backhauling, due to its
multiple interfaces, including PDH, SDH
and Ethernet with integrated Layer-2
switching. The 9500 MXC is a reliable,
complete, homogeneous series, from
6 GHz to 38 GHz. Its unique network
management capabilities serve both
small and large networks, and its
compact design enables easy installation while ensuring that maximum
commonality is achieved across
frequencies and capacities.
• Spectrum efficiency to support
increasing broadband traffic
• High reliability
• Reduced costs – with a modular
design and cost-optimized IDUs
for SDH and Ethernet applications
• Easy installation and reduced cabling
• Enhanced customer satisfaction with
QoS management
• Wireless point-to-point
• Mobile, private and carrier
network infrastructures
• SDH, high-capacity PDH and
Ethernet radio transmissions
• Local traffic aggregation
• High-capacity aggregation
• Backhauling for DSL, WiMAX
and PC networks
• High-capacity transport for mixed
data and TDM traffic
¬ SDH capacity up to 2xSTM-1
¬ PDH capacity up to 106xE1 or 8xE3
¬ Ethernet capacity up to 200 Mb/s
¬ Gigabit Ethernet capacity up to
600 Mb/s with link aggregation
and Layer 2 switch integrated
• High-integration design that delivers
high reliability
• Terminal Integrated Solution (IDU)
for 1xSTM-1, 20xE1 or Fast Ethernet +
8xE1 configurations
Ext end ed Intel ligent N ode Unit (INUe)
with up to 10 card s lot s

• Node configuration and integrated
cross-connect functionalities
(using Intelligent Node Unit [INU]
or extended Intelligent Node Unit
¬ Flexible aggregate capacity
sharing between E1s and Ethernet
¬ Powerful embedded traffic
routing with E1 cross-connect
¬ Nodal capabilities supporting up
to six radio paths (with INUe)
• Universal ODU (16, 32, 64, 128 and
256 QAM; 64 Mb/s to 311 Mb/s)
• Java™-based craft terminal
• Full software configurable modulation
and capacity
• Highly modular architecture
Technical specifications
• Unprotected
• 1+1 hot-standby
• 1+1 space diversity
• 1+1 frequency diversity
• Co-channel cross-pol operation
• Repeater with traffic add-drop
• 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-way nodal
configuration with traffic routing
• E1 and STM-1 line protection
System-level specifications
• Operating frequencies: 6, 7, 8,
10.5, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26, 28
and 38 GHz
• Modulation options: QPSK, 16,
32, 64, 128 and 256 QAM
• Capacity ranges: 32, 40, 48, 52,
64, 75, 93 and 106 E1; 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7 and 8 E3; 1 and 2 STM-1
Power requirements
• Input voltage range:
-40 V DC to -60 V DC
• Power consumption
¬ IDU: 10 W
¬ INU and INUe: dependent on
cards installed:
- Radio Access Card: 6 W
- Digital Access Card: 3 W
- Node Control Card: 4 W
- Node Protection Card: 4 W
- Fan Unit: 2 W
¬ ODU: 50 W maximum
IDU an d INU
• Height: 44.5 mm (1.75 in.)
• Width: 480 mm (18.9 in.)
• Depth: 300 mm (11.8 in.)
• Height: 89 mm (3.50 in.)
• Width: 480 mm (18.90 in.)
• Depth: 300 mm (11.81 in.)
• Height: 284 mm (11.18 in.)
• Width: 284 mm (11.18 in.)
• Depth: 162 mm (6.38 in.)
• IDU and INU: -5°C to +45°C
(23°F to 113°F)
• INUe: -50°C to +65°C
(-58°F to +149°F)
• ODU: -33°C to +55°C
(-27°F to +131°F)
Standards compliance
• EMC: EN 301 489
• Operation
¬ ODUs: ETS 300 019, Class 4.1
¬ IDUs: ETS 300 019, Class 3.2
• Storage: ETS 300 019, Class 1.2
• Transportation: ETS 300 019,
Class 2.3
• Radio frequency: EN 302 217
• Safety: EN 60950
• Water ingress (ODUs)
IEC 60529 (IPX6)
Modulation scheme:
• QPSK, 16 QAM, 32 QAM,
64 QAM, 128 QAM, 256 QAM
(software selectable)
• PDH ETSI: 20,40, 52, 64, 75, 93
and 106 E1
• SDH: STM-1, 2xSTM-1 singlecarrier at 56 MHz, 2xSTM-1 XPIC
• LAN: 4x 10/100 BASE-T(X), 1000
BASE-LX, 3x1000 BASE-T
Channel spacing (MHz) and
modulation options
• 7 (5 E1), 14 (10 E1), 28 (20 E1)
for QPSK
• 3, 5 (E1), 7 (10 E1), 14 (20 E1),
28 (3 2E1), 28(40 E1), 56 (64 E1),
56 (75 E1), 56 (STM-1) for 16 QAM
• 14 (27 E1), 28 (52 E1) for 32 QAM
• 7 (16 E1), 14 (32 E1), 28 (64 E1),
56 (100 E1), 40 (STM-1) for
64 QAM
• 28 (75 E1), 28 (STM-1), 28
(1xSTM1 + 1xE1), 56 (2xSTM-1)
for 128 QAM
• 28 (93 E1) for 256 QAM
• 1+0, 1+1 HSB/SD/FD, 1+1 HSB XP,
Alcatel- Lucent 950 0 Microwav e Cross-Co nnect | Data She et2