8611 Usage Control
Empowering parents to manage their
children’s mobile services

Protect children, reassure
parents and grow your business
Today, many parents and guardians want to give
their children a mobile phone for safety and security.
But concerns about how these phones are used
can prevent them from taking this step. With the
Alcatel-Lucent 8611 Usage Control application,
service providers can empower parents and guardians
to define, manage and enforce policies for how
their children access mobile voice and data services.
By addressing the conflicting concerns of parents
and guardians with this reassuring capability, service
providers can improve customer loyalty to reduce
churn and increase their number of youth subscribers
for growth in mature markets. They can also increase
their contribution to social responsibility by enabling
family safety in real time.
Alca tel- Lucent 8611 Us age Co ntrol2

Focus on the family to tap a new market
The nature of mobile subscribers is continually changing.
They are more sophisticated, more demanding and now,
much younger. In both emerging and mature markets,
this younger “tween” and teen market has become an
increasingly important source of mobile subscriber growth.
For service providers already facing competitive pressures,
this new market presents both challenge and opportunity.
While the number of potential new subscribers is very
high, parents and guardians typically don’t want their
children to have unlimited access to mobile services. They
are concerned about misuse and access to inappropriate
content. To win younger subscribers, service providers
must focus on the needs of the family as a whole. That
means meeting the needs of parents and guardians first.
After all, they are the ones paying for the service.
Improve customer loyalty to reduce churn
By offering usage control capabilities from Alcatel-Lucent,
service providers can build a trusted relationship with
parents and guardians. They will be less likely to turn to
another provider and they will want their children to use
services from the same provider.
Service providers can also improve loyalty by helping
parents and guardians stick to their budget. For example,
parents and guardians can set spending limits to ensure
children don’t chat away the family’s shared minutes or
bloat the family’s wireless bill with text messaging charges.
Alcatel-Lucent 8611 Usage Control works with virtually
any mobile phone so parents aren’t strapped with
additional device costs to benefit from the service.
Capture the growing youth market – through
their parents
There is no doubt that mobile services are in high demand
by both teens and tweens. With Alcatel-Lucent 8611
Usage Control, service providers can capture this new
market and open new channels for revenue growth by
appealing to the needs of parents. Expanding the number
of subscribers within a family increases the service provider’s
subscriber base. More subscribers mean more traffic and
more service revenue. By extending the functionality and
flexibility of basic plans with usage control capabilities,
service providers are better positioned to attract
entire families.
• 49% of respondents indicate their children have mobile phones
• 23% of respondents’ children under ve years of age have a mobile phone
• 46% of parents would pay for the ability to limit voice minutes and text messaging
• 46% of parents would pay for the ability to block certain web content
• 85% of postpaid teens are on a family plan
• 53% of respondents have added their tweens from 8 to 12 years of age to the family plan
Sources : Yanke e Group, Any whe re C onsumer: 20 08 US Pe net rati on and Us age Sur vey, July 20 08; Yankee Grou p, Chasi ng Tail End s
of th e Age Spe ct rum i n Pursuit of New W ire les s Su bsc ribers , Augus t 20 08
Alca tel- Lucent 8611 Us age Co ntrol 3