Alaris SE User manual

Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131 and 7230/7231
Supports Guardrails® Suite MX
June 2006
Alaris® Products
For service contact your local Affiliate Office or Distributor.
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General Contact Information
©200 6 Cardinal Health, Inc. or one of its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7320/7231
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
UNPACKING ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHECK-IN AND CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Rate Accuracy Qualification Test ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Alternative Rate Accuracy Qualification Test .............................................................................................................................. 8
Set Sensor Check / Pressure Calibration Verification Functional Test
Flow Stop Test ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Ground Current Leakage Test ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
Ground Resistance Test ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Instrument Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
ADMINISTRATION SET INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................ 14
General ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
SmartSite® Infusion Set ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Preparing Solution Container and Set ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Loading Set ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Removing Set ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Changing Solution Container .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
PROGRAMMING AND NAVIGATION TIPS ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Soft Keys ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Entering Values ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Menus - With Guardrails® Suite MX Protection .......................................................................................................................... 20
Menus - NO Guardrails® Suite MX Protection ............................................................................................................................. 21
Split Screen (Dual Channel Only) ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Powering On and Off .............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Responding to Maintenance Reminder .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Responding to Time Set Reminder .................................................................................................................................................. 23
GUARDRAILS® SUITE MX PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Soft Limits ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Hard Limits .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
PRIMARY INFUSION - WITH GUARDRAILS® SUITE MX PROTECTION .............................................................................. 25
Selecting New Patient and Profile Options ................................................................................................................................... 25
Primary Infusion Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 27
Continuous Infusion ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Pausing and Restarting Infusion ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
Making Changes During Continuous Infusion ............................................................................................................................. 31
Resuming Interrupted Infusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
KVO Mode .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Resuming Operation from KVO Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Clearing Volume Infused ...................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Bolus Dose ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Delivering a Bolus Dose Prior to Beginning Continuous Infusion ...................................................................................... 35
Delivering a Bolus Dose During a Continuous Infusion .......................................................................................................... 36
Bolus Only ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Stopping Bolus Dose
Repeating a Bolus Dose
Intermittent Infusion ................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Making Changes During Intermittent Infusion ............................................................................................................................. 43
IV Fluid Infusion ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
.............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
....................................................................................................................................................................... 39
............................................................................................................. 11
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Table of Contents
SECONDARY INFUSION - WITH GUARDRAILS® SUITE MX PROTECTION ...................................................................... 46
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Secondary Intermittent Infusion ........................................................................................................................................................ 48
PRIMARY INFUSION - NO GUARDRAILS® SUITE MX PROTECTION ................................................................................... 52
Selecting New Patient Option-Profiles Feature Not Enabled (OFF) ................................................................................. 52
Basic Infusion ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Promoting Basic Infusion to Guardrails® Suite MX Protection Infusion ........................................................................... 53
Promoting Basic Infusion to Guardrails® Drug Infusion .......................................................................................................... 53
Promoting Basic Infusion to Guardrails® IV Fluid Infusion ..................................................................................................... 55
Dose Rate Calculation- Drug? NO DOSE LIMIT-Profiles Feature Enabled (ON) ....................................................... 56
Dose Rate Calculation- Drug? NO DOSE LIMIT-Profiles Feature Not Enabled (OFF) ............................................ 58
LOADING DOSE ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Programming ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
MULTI-DOSE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 63
Programming ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Resuming an Interrupted Multi-Dose .............................................................................................................................................. 68
MULTI-STEP ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Programming ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 69
Making Changes During Multi-Step ................................................................................................................................................. 75
Resuming an Interrupted Multi-Step ............................................................................................................................................... 78
QUITTING MULTI-DOSE AND MULTI-STEP ....................................................................................................................................... 79
SECONDARY INFUSION - NO GUARDRAILS® SUITE MX PROTECTION ........................................................................... 80
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Basic Secondary Infusion-Profiles Feature Enabled (On) ..................................................................................................... 80
Basic Secondary Infusion-Profiles Feature Not Enabled (Off) ............................................................................................ 81
MONITORING OPTIONS - GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 83
Selecting Monitoring Option ................................................................................................................................................................ 84
MONITORING OPTIONS - RESISTANCE MODE .............................................................................................................................. 86
Detection of Downstream Occlusions ............................................................................................................................................. 86
Auto Restart Plus Feature .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Resistance Alert ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 88
Resistance Trend Graphs .................................................................................................................................................................... 89
MONITORING OPTIONS - PRESSURE MODE .................................................................................................................................. 92
Detection of Downstream Occlusions ............................................................................................................................................. 92
Auto Restart Plus Feature .................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Adjustable Pressure Alarm .................................................................................................................................................................. 93
Pressure Baseline ................................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Pressure Trend Graphs ......................................................................................................................................................................... 97
UPSTREAM OCCLUSION DETECTION ................................................................................................................................................. 10 0
AUDIO ADJUST .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 103
TAMPER RESIST ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Locking and Unlocking Panel Lock .................................................................................................................................................. 103
Table of Contents
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 105
General ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 105
Guardrails® Suite MX ............................................................................................................................................................................. 106
Administration Sets ................................................................................................................................................................................. 107
Epidural Administration ......................................................................................................................................................................... 107
Electromagnetic Compatibility ............................................................................................................................................................ 108
BATTERY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ........................................................................................................................................................ 109
Battery Power Gauge and Indicator ................................................................................................................................................ 110
Battery Recharge ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
FLOW SENSOR .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 110
ALERTS COUNTER .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Definitions ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 112
Viewing Alerts Counter ......................................................................................................................................................................... 113
NURSE CALL (7130/7230 ONLY) ............................................................................................................................................................... 114
Activating Nurse Call Feature ............................................................................................................................................................. 114
If an Alarm Occurs .................................................................................................................................................................................. 114
POLE CLAMP ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 115
Changing Pole Clamp Orientation .................................................................................................................................................... 115
RS-232 COMPUTER LINK ............................................................................................................................................................................. 116
Connecting to a Computer .............................................................................................................................. ..................................... 116
Disconnecting from a Computer ....................................................................................................................................................... 117
FEATURES AND DISPLAYS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Operating Features, Controls, Indicators ...................................................................................................................................... 118
Displays ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 121
Feature Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
CONFIGURABLE SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 123
Configurable Option Definitions-General ...................................................................................................................................... 124
Configurable Option Definitions-Guardrails® Suite MX ........................................................................................................... 128
Configurable Options ............................................................................................................................................................................. 129
System Configurable Options ............................................................................................................................................................ 130
SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 130
SYMBOLS AND TERMS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 134
TRUMPET AND START-UP CURVES ..................................................................................................................................................... 137
Pressure Mode .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 138
Resistance Mode ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 140
High Resistance Mode .......................................................................................................................................................................... 142
GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 143
AIR IN LINE ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................................................................................................. 143
SINGLE OR ACCUMULATED AIR BUBBLE DETECTION (NO RESET FEATURE) .......................................................... 144
ALARMS, ALERTS, PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 145
Alarms ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 146
Alerts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 0
Prompts ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 151
INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 156
CLEANING ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 156
SERVICE INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 158
Technical Support .................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
WARR ANTY ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 159
Directions for Use
Table of Contents
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
COMPLIANCE ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161
Electromagnetic Environment ............................................................................................................................................................ 161
Standards .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 168
TRADEMARKS .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 168
Table of Contents
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
This document provides directions for use for the SE Pump, Models 7130/7131 and 7230/7231. It is used in conjunction with:
product administration set instructions Drug product labeling SE Pump Technical Service Manual Ground test equipment instructions ECG monitoring system instructions
The SE Pump is intended for use in professional healthcare environments, including healthcare facilities, home care, and medical transport, that utilize infusion pumps for the delivery of fluids, medications, blood, and blood products. It is indicated for continuous or intermittent delivery through clinically acceptable routes of administration; such as, intravenous (IV), intra-arterial (IA), subcutaneous, epidural, enteral, and irrigation of fluid spaces.
The SE Pump is available as either a single or a dual channel pump that supports the Guardrails
Suite MX. The SE Dual Channel Pump is a two-channel device intended to deliver multiple infusions to a single patient.
Suite MX for the SE Pump brings a new level of medication error prevention to the point of patient care. Guardrails
Suite MX features programming guidelines for medication dosing, delivery rate, duration, bolus dose and bolus dose administration rate, concentration and optional initial programming values in up to 15 patient-specific care areas referred to as profiles. Each profile contains a specific Drug Library and an IV Fluid library as well as instrument configurations appropriate for the care area. Optional drug­specific or fluid-specific clinical advisories provide visual messages. Limits for each Guardrails
drug or fluid entry may include Hard Limits that cannot be overridden during infusion programming and/or Soft Limits that can be overridden, based on clinical requirements.
Read all instructions before using
the SE Pump.
A Data Set is developed and approved by the facility’s own multi-disciplinary team using the Editor Software, the PC­based authoring tool. A Data Set is then transferred to the SE Pump by qualified personnel. Approved Data Sets are maintained by the Editor Software for future updates and reference.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Introduction (Continued)
Information about a Guardrails® alert that occurs during use is stored within the SE Pump, and can be accessed using the CQI Reporter.
The SE Pump may be operated with or without the Guardrails Suite MX protection. When an approved Data Set is transferred to the SE Pump by qualified personnel and the Profiles feature is enabled (ON) in instrument configuration, then Guardrails
Suite MX protection is available. When the Profiles feature is not enabled (Off), or when no Data Set has been transferred to the SE Pump, Guardrails
Suite MX protection is not available (see "Primary Infusion – NO Guardrails
- NO Guardrails navigation may differ when Guardrails
Suite MX Protection", and "Secondary Infusion
Suite MX Protection"). Programming and
Suite MX software is
not in use.
Documentation provided with this product may reference product not present in your facility or not yet available for sale in your area.
A superscript number (for example, À) identifies additional information provided as a note at the end of the section.
Administration Sets: Reference “General Information” for specific “Administration Set Information”.
Alarms, Alerts, Prompts: Reference “Troubleshooting and Maintenance” for specific alarms, alerts and prompts.
Electromagnetic Environment: Reference “Regulations and Standards”, "Compliance”.
Contraindications: None known.
Warnings and Cautions:
Warnings and cautions provide information needed to safely and effectively use the SE Pump. Reference "General Information", "Warnings and Cautions".
is an alert to an imminent hazard which could result in serious personal injury and/or product damage if proper procedures are not followed.
is an alert to a potential hazard which could result in serious personal injury and/or product damage if proper procedures are not followed.
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Introduction (Continued)
Warnings and Cautions: (Continued)
is an alert to a potential hazard which could result in minor personal injury and/or product damage if proper procedures are not followed.
The following table identifies the defined terms used throughout this document for certain products and product features.
Product Name Defined Term
AccuSlide® flow regulator Flow Regulator Alaris® SE pump SE Pump Guardrails Guardrails® CQI Reporter CQI Reporter Guardrails® data set Data Set Guardrails® drug library Drug Library Guardrails® Editor Editor Software Guardrails® hard limit Hard Limit Guardrails® IV fluid IV Fluid Guardrails® soft limit Soft Limit SmartSite® needle-free valve Needle-Free Valve SmartSite® positive bolus needle-free valve Needle-Free Valve
clinical advisory Clinical Advisory
1. Remove instrument from carton.
2. Important: Plug instrument into an AC outlet a minimum
of 24 hours prior to use.
Maximum battery capacity, as well as gauge accuracy, is reached after several charge/discharge/recharge cycles, in the refresh process. Cardinal Health recommends that the battery be fully charged/discharged/recharged, using the refresh cycle, before placing the instrument in use.
3. Perform Periodic Inspections (reference "Troubleshooting
and Maintenance", “Inspection Requirements”).
See "General Information", "Configurable Settings" for a list of the configurable features.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Failure to properly charge the battery results in an instrument
malfunction. Biomedical personnel in the facility are responsible for unpacking the instrument and ensuring the battery is fully charged before placing the instrument in use.
Getting Started
Check-In and Configuration
This is a quick reference procedure for check-in and configuration of new and recently serviced instruments.
Rate Accuracy Qualification Test
This procedure is to be used only for the testing of an instrument during New Instrument Check-In or when just received from the Service Depot Center. This test is to verify that damage or changes to the instrument did not occur during shipment and handling.
Instruments returned from the service depot may be set to
factory defaults and not have a hospital-defined Data Set loaded. Biomedical personnel in the facility are responsible for checking-in the instrument and ensuring the current hospital-approved Data Set is loaded.
Charge the battery for a minimum
of 24 hours prior to performing the check-in and configuration procedures. Batteries without a full charge on initial use may become damaged and/or cause a malfunction.
Rate accuracy should be tested using a Model 80VCS Calibration Set. The system is designed to produce overall accuracy of ±5% for rates greater than 1 mL/h and up to
999.9 mL/h, and ±6.5% for rates equal to or less than 1 mL/h, 95% of the time with 95% confidence (reference "General Information", "Trumpet and Start-Up Curves" for additional information). The system performance with a calibration set produces a smaller variability. In order to ensure overall accuracy is achieved, new instruments are tested to an accuracy of ±3% with the Model 80VCS set during New Instrument Check-In.
Due to the dynamic monitoring feature, the rate is varied during operation. For this reason, automatic testers should not be used to check rate accuracy. Generally, these devices collect small samples and may cause the results to be incorrect, even though the instrument is accurate.
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Rate Accuracy Qualification Test (Continued)
Do not use the Model 80VCS Calibration Set for more than 30 rate verification runs (15 rate calibration number changes). Keep track of the number of times the set is used by recording each use on the 80VCS insert or on a separate record.
Test Setup
Burette (50 ml)
Burette Clamp
Equipment Stand
ableor Bench
Water Source
30 ±1 in
76.2 cm±2.5
Table or Bench
IV Tubing
Used Fluid Receptacle
1. Fill solution container with clean tap water. Close Flow
Regulator clamp on 80VCS set and then insert spike into solution container.
2. Open Flow Regulator clamp and prime set. Ensure all air
is expelled from set. Close Flow Regulator clamp.
3. Connect output of set to one side of three-way stopcock.
4. Load set into instrument.
80VCS Calibration Set
Instrument Stand
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Rate Accuracy Qualification Test (Continued)
5. Close latch.
6. Verify no fluid flow or drops falling in drip chamber.
7. Plug instrument into a properly grounded AC outlet.
8. Set stopcock to output into a class A or B burette.
9. Press POWER key to turn channel on.
10. Set primary infusion rate to 400 mL/h.
11. Set VTBI to 20 mL.
12. Ensure instrument (both channels if dual channel) is set to
Pressure mode.
13. Press RUN/HOLD key to start primary infusion. Infuse
until tubing and burette are fully primed (approximately 1 minute).
14. Press RUN/HOLD key to stop infusion.
15. Adjust height of instrument and/or fluid container to attain
a head height of 30 ±1 inches / 76.2 ±2.5 centimeters between middle of pumping mechanism and fluid level in:
bag or vented bottle (vent closed on administration set)
drip chamber (unvented bottle with vent open on administration set).
16. Adjust fluid level in burette until meniscus is level with zero mark on burette.
17. Verify primary infusion rate is 400 mL/h.
18. Reset VTBI to 40 mL and clear volume infused.
19. Press RUN/HOLD key to start primary infusion.
20. Instrument will run approximately 360 seconds (6 minutes) to complete delivery and then go into KVO mode. Stop instrument within 1 second of its entering KVO mode.
21. Make a note of volume collected in burette.
22. Note expected volume, as identified on 80VCS set insert.
23. Do not remove 80VCS set from instrument until one of following conclusions is determined:
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Rate Accuracy Qualification Test (Continued)
Instrument passes rate verification and calibration is
not needed.
Rate calibration number was changed and instrument
now passes verification.
Mechanism replacement is required.
24. Calculate volume accuracy, as follows:
Volumetric Volume Accuracy Error Computation
Vcollected = volume in burette in milliliters Vexpected = characterized volume printed on 80VCS set
Step 1: A = Vcollected ÷ Vexpected Step 2: B = A x 100 Step 3: % Error (round % Error to nearest tenth of a percent)
= B – 100
25. Result should be 0.0±3%.
26. If volume accuracy does not fall within required range of ±3% from expected volume and test results were:
inside a range of -5.5% to +7.0% from expected
perform rate calibration (reference Technical Service Manual). Set rate calibration number to 0.0% before running rate test, to determine a new calibration number.
outside a range of -5.5% to +7.0% from expected
return instrument to Cardinal Health for repair or replace mechanism.
27. Set stopcock to drain fluid in burette to zero level, in preparation for next test.
À The factory default for the Monitoring Options mode is
Á A 30-inch head height was used in the initial qualification of
this process and is the recommended head height for the Check-In Rate Accuracy Test. Based on observed field use, a 24-inch head height was also tested and verified for the Rate Accuracy Specification.
 The instrument may need to be run to prime the line to the
zero level of the burette (step 13).
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Alternative Rate Accuracy Qualification Test
This procedure is to be used only for the testing of an instrument during New Instrument Check-In or when just received from the Service Depot Center. This test is to verify that damage or changes to the instrument did not occur during shipment and handling.
Make the following changes to Test Setup:
Burette and equipment stand have been replaced by digital
scale, Acculab Vic-212 or equivalent and 50 or 100 mL flask (plastic or glass).
Three-way stopcock and used fluid receptacle are no
longer needed.
Due to the dynamic monitoring feature, the rate is varied during operation. For this reason, Cardinal Health does not recommend using automatic testers to check rate accuracy. Generally, these devices collect small samples and may cause the results to be incorrect, even though the instrument is accurate.
Do not use the Model 80VCS set for more than 30 rate verification runs (15 rate calibration number changes). Keep track of the number of times the set is used by recording each use on the 80VCS insert or on a separate record.
1. Fill solution container with clean tap water. Close Flow Regulator clamp on 80VCS Calibration Set and then insert spike into solution container.
2. Open Flow Regulator clamp and prime set. Ensure all air is expelled from set. Close Flow Regulator clamp.
3. Place flask in middle of scale.
4. Load set into instrument.
5. Close latch.
6. Verify no fluid flow or drops falling in drip chamber.
7. Plug instrument into a properly grounded AC outlet.
8. Place output of set so it drips into flask. (Do not let set rest on flask.)
9. Press channel’s POWER switch to turn channel on.
10. Set primary infusion rate to 400 mL/h.
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Alternative Rate Accuracy Qualification Test (Continued)
11. Set VTBI to 20 mL.
12. Ensure instrument (both channels if dual channel) is set to Pressure mode.
13. Press RUN/HOLD key to start primary infusion. Infuse until tubing is fully primed (approximately 1 minute).
14. Press RUN/HOLD key to stop infusion.
15. Adjust height of instrument and/or fluid container to attain a head height of 30 ±1 inches between middle of pumping mechanism and fluid level in:
bag or vented bottle (vent closed on administration set)
drip chamber (unvented bottle with vent open on
administration set).
16. Zero reading on scale.
17. Verify primary infusion rate is 400 mL/h.
18. Reset VTBI to 40 mL and clear volume infused.
19. Press RUN/HOLD key to start primary infusion.
20. Instrument will run approximately 360 seconds (6 minutes) to complete delivery and then go into KVO mode. Stop instrument within 1 second of entering KVO mode.
21. Make a note of scale reading in grams.
22. Note expected volume, as identified on 80VCS set insert.
23. Do not remove 80VCS set from instrument until one of following conclusions is determined:
Instrument passes rate verification and calibration is
not needed.
Rate calibration number was changed and instrument
now passes verification.
Mechanism replacement is required.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Alternative Rate Accuracy Qualification Test (Continued)
24. Calculate gravimetric accuracy as follows:
Gravimetric Volume Accuracy Error Computation
Vcollected = volume in flask in grams
Vexpected = characterized volume printed on 80VCS set
Step 1: A = Vcollected / Vexpected Step 2: B = A x 100 Step 3: % Error (Round % Error to nearest tenth of a
percent.) = B – 100
25. Result should be 0.0 ±3%.
26. If volume accuracy does not fall within required range of ±3.0% from expected volume and test results were:
inside a range of -5.5% to +7.0% from expected
perform rate calibration (reference Technical Service Manual). Set rate calibration number to 0.0% before running rate test, to determine a new calibration number.
outside a range of -5.5% to +7.0% from expected
return instrument to Cardinal Health for repair or replace mechanism.
27. Empty flask and reset scale to zero, in preparation for next test.
À The factory default for the Monitoring Options mode is
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Set Sensor Check / Pressure Calibration Verification
1. Access DIAGNOSTICS MODE by pressing and holding upper left soft key on power-up. Reference Technical Service Manual, “Troubleshooting” chapter, for details or contact Cardinal Health Technical Support.
2. Advance to D6 page and choose Cal Pressure (both Channel A and Channel B for dual channel instruments).
3. Verify both 0 mmHg and 500 mmHg readings indicate Pass.
4. Install a standard set and close latch. Verify reading is over 170, to confirm set sensor operation.
5. Remove standard set and verify Sensor = reading is in
-80 to +30 mmHg range without set installed, to verify pressure calibration.
À “08.XX” in the illustrated display represents the current
software revision.
Á If the reading is out of range, reference the Technical Service
Manual, “Pressure Calibration” section, or contact Cardinal Health Technical Support for assistance.
ID No. : 000000000 SW Rev.: 08.XX PM Due : 52 weeks
Functional Test
1. Turn instrument on without set installed. Verify it beeps and red alarm light flashes but does not stay lit.
2. Set infusion rate to 460 mL/h and VTBI to 100 mL.
3. With latch closed, press RUN/HOLD key and rate and VTBI ≠ 0 to cause Set Out and Air In Line messages.
4. Open latch.
5. Install primed administration set with latch open.
6. Verify instrument displays Air In Line and Latch Open messages.
7. Close latch and verify display returns to setup page.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Functional Test (Continued)
8. Perform Upstream Occlusion Test, as follows:
a. Verify infusion rate is set to 460 mL/h.
b. With instrument on hold, or at start-up, verify primary
VTBI is set to greater than 100 mL.
c. Press RUN/HOLD key to begin infusion.
d. Clamp off IV line just above instrument (about
2 inches) to simulate an upstream occlusion.
e. Verify instrument stops running, alarms, and displays
OCCLUSION UPSTREAM within 60 seconds.
f. Press RUN/HOLD key to silence alarm and put
instrument on hold.
g. Release or open clamp and remove from tubing.
h. Press RUN/HOLD key to resume infusion. Alarm
should not reoccur.
9. Perform Downstream Occlusion Test, as follows:
a. Continue infusing (from step 8h).
b. Verify rate is set to 460 mL/h.
c. Clamp off IV line just below instrument (about
2 inches) to simulate a downstream occlusion.
d. Allow instrument to run until it alarms OCCLUSION
DOWNSTREAM. Verify this occurs within 60 seconds.
e. Press RUN/HOLD key to silence alarm and put
instrument on hold.
f. Release or open clamp and remove from tubing.
g. Press RUN/HOLD key to resume infusion. Alarm
should not reoccur.
h. Press RUN/HOLD key to stop infusion.
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Check-In and Configuration (Continued)
Flow Stop Test
1. With an administration set primed and loaded in instrument, turn power off.
2. With all tubing clamps open and fluid container 2 or more feet above instrument, verify no fluid flows through set.
3. Open latch and remove set. Verify no fluid flows through set.
Ground Current Leakage Test
Use a DNI Nevada Model 232D (or equivalent) to measure the ground leakage current. Refer to the test equipment’s operation manual for the proper setup and measurement technique. Leakage current must be ≤100μA for normal and reversed line polarity.
Ground Resistance Test
Use a DNI Nevada Model 232D (or equivalent) to measure the ground resistance. Measure resistance from the AC power plug ground pin to the screw for the power cord strap, or to the screw for the battery cover on the chassis. Refer to the test equipment’s operation manual for the proper setup and measurement technique. Resistance must be ≤0.10Ω.
Instrument Configuration
Instrument Configuration for the SE Pump with the Guardrails® Suite MX is set for each profile using the Editor Software, the PC-based authoring tool. The Data Set is then transferred to the SE Pump by qualified personnel.
The SE Pump may be operated with or without the Guardrails Suite MX protection. When an approved Data Set is transferred to the SE Pump by qualified personnel and the Profiles feature is enabled (ON) in instrument configuration, then Guardrails
Suite MX protection is available.
Instrument configuration is set by qualified personnel in the Data Set or Configuration and Diagnostics modes. When the Profiles feature is not enabled (Off), or when no Data Set has been transferred to the SE Pump, Guardrails
MX protection is not available (see "Primary Infusion – NO
- NO Guardrails
Suite MX Protection" and "Secondary Infusion
Suite MX Protection").
Do not connect the ground
resistance probe to the pressure transducer.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Administration Set Information
The SE Pump uses a wide variety of Flow Regulator administration sets. The sets dedicated for use with the SE Pump are designed for use with the instruments as well as for gravity-flow stand-alone use. The unique, patented Flow Regulator has an integral flow control device that minimizes the risk of unintended flow when the set is removed from the instrument, and provides accurate rate control during gravity administration.
For specific administration set instructions, reference directions for use provided with set.
Use aseptic technique when handling sets and syringes.
Administration sets are supplied with a sterile and non­pyrogenic fluid path for one time use. Do not re-sterilize or re-use.
For administration set replacement interval, refer to facility protocol and/or government standards (such as: CDC guidelines in the United States) and see "SmartSite Infusion Set" section of this Directions for Use (DFU).
Discard administration set per facility protocol.
For IV push medication (put instrument on hold), occlude tubing above injection port during administration.
Flush port(s) per facility protocol.
Place a sterile replacement cap on open end of tubing connector when not in use. Discard tubing when integrity has been compromised.
SmartSite® Infusion Set
The Needle-Free Valve is designed to permit injection and aspiration of fluids without the use of needles.
1. Use proper hand-hygiene procedures. Wash hands with conventional antiseptic-containing soap and water or disinfect with waterless alcohol-based gels or foams.
2. Prepare Needle-Free Valve.
Always swab top of valve port, prior to every access,
with sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe and allow to
-- Continued Next Page --
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Administration Set Information (Continued)
SmartSite® Infusion Set (Continued)
Replace every 72 hours or 100 activations, whichever
comes first.
À For multiple syringes, swab prior to each syringe access.
Á For infusions of blood, blood products or lipid emulsions
replace every 24 hours.
Preparing Solution Container and Set
Prepare the primary solution container in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions for use.
Use only sets dedicated for use with SE Pump.
• Use only sets dedicated for
use with the SE Pump. The use of any other set may cause improper instrument operation, resulting in an inaccurate fluid delivery or other potential hazard.
Discard if packaging is not intact
or protector caps are unattached.
1. Slide Flow Regulator thumb clamp down until an audible click verifies it is in fully closed position.
2. Spike solution container.
3. Fill drip chamber to 2/3 full.
4. Invert Flow Regulator.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Flow Regulator
Thumb Clamp
Getting Started
Administration Set Information (Continued)
Preparing Solution Container and Set (Continued)
5. Slide Flow Regulator thumb clamp to open position to slowly prime set.
6. Close Flow Regulator clamp when priming is complete, as in Step 1. Verify no fluid is flowing.
7. A gravity flow rate may be adjusted with Flow Regulator thumb clamp, if desired.
À Open the vent cap on the spike if the container requires
Loading Set
1. Slide Flow Regulator thumb clamp down until an audible click verifies it is in fully closed position.
Slide up to open for priming.
Slide down to close for loading.
Thumb Clamp
2. Using both hands, press top and bottom of Flow Regulator into instrument until it snaps into place.
a. Verify 3 gray fingers (clamp arms) on each side of
pumping mechanism have engaged Flow Regulator.
b. Let go of set. A properly loaded set should stay in
Getting Started
Flow Regulator
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Administration Set Information (Continued)
Loading Set (Continued)
3. Press firmly just below blue thumb clamp on Flow Regulator with one hand while using other hand to close latch fully to left.
If resistance is met while closing latch, remove set,
verify Flow Regulator is fully closed and then reinstall set.
Verify thumb clamp has moved to open (up) position
prior to starting infusion.
After set installation, verify no fluid
is flowing through the administration set’s drip chamber, to avoid free­flow.
Before operating instrument, verify that administration set is free from kinks and installed correctly in instrument.
4. Attach set to patient’s vascular access device.
5. Verify flow from IV container after starting infusion.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Getting Started
Administration Set Information (Continued)
Removing Set
1. Place channel on hold.
2. Open latch.
Flow Regulator automatically closes to prevent
accidental unintended flow.
3. Press latch fully to right.
Set is ejected from instrument.
Changing Solution Container
1. Place channel on hold.
2. Remove empty solution container.
3. Spike new container.
4. Ensure drip chamber is filled to 2/3 full.
Even though the instrument automatically closes the Flow Regulator, verify the Flow Regulator is closed when the set is removed from the instrument to prevent unintended flow.
Do not attempt to force the set
from the instrument. Send the instrument to qualified service personnel.
Getting Started
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
References throughout this procedure to specific drugs and drug doses are for illustration purposes only. Refer to specific drug product labeling for information concerning appropriate administration techniques and dosages.
Programming and Navigation Tips
Soft Keys
Soft Keys are the keys located on the left side and the bottom of the main LCD display. They serve a variety of functions, as indicated by the text in the display at the time. A soft key is active if there is a tick mark (y) next to the key.
If there is no tick mark next to the key, then it is not active and cannot be selected. [In the illustrated example Conc (concentration) is not active.] Pressing an inactive key results in an invalid keypress tone.
Active Soft Keys
Rate = 56.0 mL/h Dose= 0.8 mg/kg/h Conc= 100 mg/ 100 mL Wt= 70 kg
Entering Values
To enter programming values, select the desired parameter by pressing the corresponding soft key. The field is highlighted. To enter desired value, use the numeric keys then press the ENTER key.
A value must be highlighted to be changed.
A flashing highlight indicates that the entry is incomplete. Complete the entry and press the ENTER key.
To clear an existing value, press the CLEAR key. If the existing value should not be cleared, pressing the CLEAR key a second time (before pressing the ENTER key) restores that value.
When all parameters required on a programming setup screen have been entered, the ok soft key is used to confirm all entries and continue programming.
Active Soft Keys
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Programming and Navigation Tips (Continued)
Menus - With Guardrails® Suite MX Protection
MENU screens provide access to the Profile drug libraries and to basic programming in both the primary and the secondary mode:
MENU (Primary Main Menu)
Press menu soft key while in primary programming mode to display
Press menu soft key while in bolus programming mode to display
Press menu soft key while in secondary programming mode to display
New Guardrails Drug New Guardrails Fluid Basic Infusion
Repeat Last Bolus New Bolus Quit Bolus
Guardrails SEC Drug Basic SEC Return to PRI
À When the Profiles feature is not enabled (Off), or when no
Data Set has been transferred to the SE Pump, Guardrails Suite MX protection is not available and these menus do not appear.
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Programming and Navigation Tips (Continued)
Menus - NO Guardrails® Suite MX Protection
MENU screens for optional modes can be accessed using the OPTIONS key:
Split Screen (Dual Channel Only)
When both channels are infusing, a split screen showing programmed information for both channels displays automatically after one minute.
key to switch immediately to split screen.
key to stop split screen.
Powering On and Off
1. To turn channel on, press channel's POWER key.
Guardrails® Suite MX protection is
not available within the MULTI-STEP, MULTI-DOSE OR DOSE-RATE MENU options.
Rate = 75.0
0.9% NS
VI = 40.9
5 mcg/kg/min
VI = 0.5
Instrument performs a self test when first channel is
powered on.
All indicators and displays momentarily light.
An audio tone sounds.
• Hold indicator flashes.
-- Continued Next Page --
Each time the instrument is turned on verify and/or set the
monitoring mode, resistance alert and/or pressure alarm limit. If the monitoring mode, resistance alert and/or pressure alarm limit are not verified, the instrument may not be operating with the desired occlusion detection parameter(s).
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Programming and Navigation Tips (Continued)
Powering On and Off (Continued)
System startup page displays briefly (08.XX in
example display represents current software revision; ID No. is instrument serial number).
Appearance of lines and/or dots
that remain on constantly when the instrument is powered on may indicate improper functioning of the Main Display. Although the instrument is functioning, return it to qualified service personnel.
• Inspect LCD for anomalies (improperly lit/unlit pixels).
© 2002, 2006 Cardinal Health SW Rev. : 08.xx
ID No. : - - - - - - - - -
When self test completes, if Guardrails® Suite MX protection is available, current profile screen appears.
If Profiles feature is not enabled, then NEW PATIENT? screen appears.
2. To power off, press and hold POWER key until display
turns off.
Hospital Name
DataSet ID 123456789
Current Profile Is
Adult ICU
Accept Change
"Yes" Clears Previous
Patient Data
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Programming and Navigation Tips (Continued)
Responding to Maintenance Reminder
If the Preventive Maintenance Reminder option is enabled and the device is due for preventive maintenance a Maintenance Reminder message appears at power up.
1. Notify appropriate facility personnel if a Maintenance Reminder message appears.
2. If necessary, press continue soft key to temporarily bypass reminder.
Responding to Time Set Reminder
Following certain battery depleted conditions it is necessary to re-set the internal clock so that CQI Reporter data integrity is maintained. In such cases, a Verify Time reminder message appears at power up.
Verify Date / Time
Feb 28 2006
1. Press Change soft key.
Time set screen displays.
2. Press soft key next to parameter to be changed.
Current value is highlighted.
3. To enter a new value, use numeric keypad, then press ENTER key.
4. Verify that all fields are correct then press ok soft key to continue programming.
Month Day
Year Time
02 28
2006 16h 43min
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
Guardrails® Suite MX Prompts
Guardrails® Suite MX software allows the facility to create Soft and/or Hard Limits for Guardrails Concentration, Guardrails Administration Rate, Guardrails
Bolus Dose, Bolus Dose
continuous dose,
intermittent total dose,
Intermittent Time, and IV Fluid Rate.
Within each profile the facility may also pre-define the following Hard Limits: maximum patient weight (kg), maximum patient body surface area (m
) and maximum rate (mL/h).
Additional prompts are provided if Time or VTBI are edited resulting in a rate change, or if a VTBI significantly larger or smaller than the bag volume is entered.
Soft Limits
If programmed parameter is outside Soft Limit for that care area, a prompt appears before programming can continue.
1. If it is inappropriate to override Soft Limit, press no soft key.
Drug set up page displays.
2. Use numeric keys to enter a new value, then press ENTER key.
Prior to overriding a Soft Limit
prompt, confirm the infusion parameters are correct.
3. If it is clinically appropriate and necessary to override Soft Limit, press yes soft key.
Programming may continue.
When a maximum dose limit is exceeded,
↑↑↑ precedes the drug
or fluid name. This indicates that the drug is infusing at a rate exceeding the defined maximum limit for that profile.
When a minimum dose limit is exceeded,
↓↓↓ precedes the drug
or fluid name. This indicates that the drug is infusing at a rate less than the defined minimum limit for that profile.
Hard Limits
If programmed parameter is outside the Hard Limit for that care area, a prompt appears indicating a value within range must be entered before programming can continue.
Use numeric keys to enter a new value, then press ENTER key.
Exceeds Soft Limit:
0.81 mg/kg/h
Override Dose Limit?
Rate = 600.0 mL/h
Exceeds Hard Limit:
50 mcg/kg/min REPROGRAM
Directions for Use
Alaris® SE Pump
Models 7130/7131, 7230/7231
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