Alaris 7100, 7130, 7200 User manual

Title: Alaris Infusion Pump Date: 7-29-2010 Rev 11-11-11 Update Disclaimer
Disclaimer: This procedure provided "as is" and with possible faults. User must verify before use. Neither provider nor website assumes any responsibility for its use.
File = alaris3.doc
2. Reference Documents: Technical Service Manual (Signature Edition) Training Manual if available
3. Tools / Fixtures / Labels Safety Tester Ivac Signature Administration Set (AccuSlide) Scale accurate to 0.1 gram (preferred method) and cup for collecting output of pump. See picture. Green Write-on Label ex: Veriad P/N 171332 Clear Shield Label ex: Veriad P/N US408
4. Initial Inspection
4.1. Check labels, cleanliness, line cord, cracks in cabinet.
4.2. Exercise the latch mechanism, checking for normal movement.
4.3. Check appearance of peristaltic cam actuators.
4.4. Mounting bracket and its knob/screw.
4.5. Check tightness of cable strap screw.
4.6. Air-in-Line detecting surface must be clean. There is a
small note on the front case pointing to this spot.
5. Setup and Diagnostics
5.1. While holding down the upper left-hand soft key, press
the power-on button; this opens the unit in the diagnostic mode.
Note: Hit <page> to “scroll” forward.
5.2. Check Date/time and update if necessary
5.3. Reset the PM interval.
Note: Electrical Safety: Use the strap metal button as a contact for the following. Loosen and then re-tighten this screw to insure good chassis contact. Holding your gnd lead tight to button helps.
5.4. Using the safety tester, check that leakage with ground open is less than 100 uA
(“Case In” on some testers).
5.5. Using the safety tester, check that ground lead resistance is less than 0.100 ohms.
5.6. Fan Check: Turn unit on unplugged; then plug in line cord. Normal faint fan noise
should now be heard. Recommended: Blow dust from fan housing after first removing battery for access.
5.7. Battery Check: The Measured capacity > should be greater than the assigned
capacity. After a ½ hr charge, the bat bar graph should be at least 50%. If not, see appendix for the Battery Refresh procedure.
6. Flow, Rate, Occlusion, Air-in-line, and Pressure Check
6.1. Turn unit on; <Accept>ing the current configuration (ICU for
example); Clear patient data <Yes>, and then hitting <Primary Infusion> . Get administration set (see picture) ready by insuring that it flows freely with no air bubbles apparent.
Note: The following for flow/volume is only a QuickCheck. See Appendix when updating the volume cal factor is required.
6.2. Set Flow rate to 600ml/hr and Volume = 20mL.
6.3. Hit Run/Hold. With no cassette, get message “Set Out” etc.
6.4. Inset full cassette; press “Run/Hold”. In exactly 2 minutes, the
pump should deliver 20mL +/- 5% If outside this range, see appendix.
Note: If display says “Instrument Self Check is Due”, follow on screen prompts and be sure to wait up to one minute for this internal task to finish.
6.5. Reprogram the unit for 7-9 mL volume; press <Run>.
6.6. Upstream Occlusion: As soon as the flow begins, pinch the upstream hose line.
Pump will halt and display “Occlusion upstream” or equivalent.
6.7. Silence Alarm: Now is good time to check this.
6.8. Downstream Occlusion: Restart the flow. Pinch the output hose. The unit often
displays “Checking Line” multiple times before finally halting with an Occlusion message.
6.9. Air-in-Line: Run unit with empty cassette. Must get alarm. Clean the shiny xducer
surface with damp Q-tip before proceeding.
6.10.Pressure Calibration (or check). If/when required, see appendix.
7. Wrapup (depends on institution)
7.1. Re-label: Replace old PM label with dated and initialized green. Protect by
applying clear cover label.
7.2. Cross unit off the check list.
Battery Refresh Cycle
1. Disconnect the battery; press the ON/OFF switch for 5 seconds; and reconnect the battery.
2. Plug unit in. Turn-on in the diagnostic mode. If software is 2.02 or higher, enter 0.0 aH in
the rated capacity for battery; hit OK. Re-enter 1.3 into the battery capacity field. Once <ok> is pressed, cycle will start. Note that the battery bar graph will jump to 15-16 bars.
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