Advanced Dual Radio MESH Outdoor AP
he WH-9100MESH is the latest addition to the AirLive WISP
solution family. It is our top of the line outdoor AP featuring
the latest MESH outdoor technology. The hardware features
2 Dual Band radios and Temperature Control Module that allows
operation from -30 to 70 degree Celsius. In addition, the software
features such as WMS utility, Rogue AP Detection, and Client load
balancing provide better security and control for administrators.
Comparing to our WH-9000MESH, it adds Gateway mode, Multiple
SSID, VLAN, and Layer 2 Isolation functions. The WH-9100MESH
adds significant improvement for performance and uptime for your
WISP network.
The MESH technology provides self-forming, self-healing, and self-configuring capabilities using the spanning
tree protocols. These technologies let MESH network constantly adjust itself to the best condition and
Self Forming: When you turn on the the MESH's auto bridge function, you only need to set each AP's
SSID and encryption key to the same value. Then the MESH APs will auto search and establish
connections between themselves. This technology let the MESH network self-adjust and establish
networks according to change in inference and weather conditions.

Self Healing: When one connection in your network is broken, the MESH network will disable this path
and re-route the data to take a different path. This ensure the lost of one or more AP will not bring down
your network.
Self Configuring: MESH provides multi-path capability that enables the MESH network to choose the
best path from point A to point B. The end result is stable and optimal performance throughout your WISP
Inside the WH-9100MESH is a high performance Intel Xscale Processor working with 2 Dual Band 802.11a/b/g
RF modules. One RF radio is set to AP mode while the other radio is set to bridge mode, each radio have their
own set of antenna connectors. This means you can choose to let the AP provide service in 2.4GHz or 5GHz
spectrum, while the bridge radios maintain links to the remote MESH network.
What good does an advanced outdoor AP do if it doesn't stand up to the temperature and environment
challenge? Besides the water-proof IP-67 certification, the WH-9000MESH uses the Thermal Electric Active
Cooler from Marlow Industries that enable the unit to operate from -30 degree to 70 degree Celsius
temperature. This means year-round operation for your WISP network.