Agilent Technologies 81480A, 81640A, 81642A, 81680A, 81689A, 81682A User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Agilent 81480A and
Agilent 81680A, 81640A, 81682A, 81642A, & 81689A
Tunable Laser Modules
User’s Guide
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The material in this document is subject to change
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Agilent Technologies makes n o warran ty of an y kind
with rega rd to this p rint ed ma teri al, inclu ding , but not
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and fitness for a particular purpose.
Agilent Technologies shall not be liable for errors
contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing,
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Printing History
New editions are complete revisions of the guide
reflecting alterations in the functionality of the
instrument. Updates are occasionally made to the guide
betwee n editio ns. The date on the titl e page changes
when an updated guide is published. To find out the
current revision of the guide, or to purchase an updated
guide, contact your Agilent Technologies representative.
Control Serial Number: First Edition applies directly to
all instruments.
This Agilent Technologies instrument product is
war rante d agains t defect s in m ate rial and workm anship
for a period of one year from date of shipment. During
the warranty period, Agilent will, at its option, either
repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For warranty service or repair, this product must be
returned to a service facility designated by Agilent.
Buyer shall prepay shipping charges to Agilent and
Agilent shall pay shipping charges to return the product
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Agilent warrants that its software and firmware
designated by Agilent for use with an instrument will
execute its programming instructions when properly
installed on that instrument. Agilent does not warrant
that the operation of the instrument, software, or
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Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are Buyer’s sole and
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Product maintena nce agreem ents and other cus tomer
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nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Office.
Agilent Technologies Inc. certifies that this product met
its published specifications at the time of shipment from
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Agilent Technologies further certifies that its calibration
measurements are traceable to the United States
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(formerly the United States National Bureau of
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other International Standards Organization members.
ISO 9001 Certification
Produced to ISO 9001 international quality system
standard as part of our objective of continually
increasin g custome r satisfac tion throug h improved
process c ontrol.
Sixth Edition
81680-90014 E0101
First Edition:
E0599: May 1999
Second Edition:
E1099: October 1999
Third Edition:
E1299: December 1999
Fourth Edition:
E0300: March 2000
Fifth Edition:
E0900: September 2000
Sixth Edition:
E0101: January 2001
Limitation of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects
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No oth er warran ty is expre ssed or implied. Agilent
Technologies specifically disclaims the implied
warranties of Merchantability and Fitness for a
Particular Purpose.
WARNINGThe WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure,
Safety Summary
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all
phases of operation, service, and repair of this instrument. Failure to
comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in
this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and
intended use of the instrument. Agilent Technologies Inc. assumes no
liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
Before operation, review the instrument and manual, including the
red safety page, for safety markings and instructions. You must follow
these to ensure safe operation and to maintain the instrument in safe
practice or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to,
could result in injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a
WAR N I NG sign u ntil th e indica t ed conditions ar e fully u nd ersto od a nd
Safety Symbols
The apparatus will be marked with this symbol when it is necessary
for the user to refer to the instruction manual in order to protect the
apparatus against damage.
Hazardous laser radiation.
Initial Inspection
Inspect the shipping container for damage. If there is damage to the
container or cushioning, keep them until you have checked the
contents of the shipment for completeness and verified the instrument
both mechanically and electrically.
The Performance Tests give procedures for checking the operation of
the instrument. If the contents are incomplete, mechanical damage or
defect is apparent, or if an instrument does not pass the operator’s
checks, notify the nearest Agilent Technologies Sales/Service Office.
WARNINGTo avoid hazardous electrical shock, do not perform electrical tests
when there are signs of shipping damage to any portion of the outer
enclosure (covers, panels, etc.).
WARNINGYou MUST return instruments with malfunctioning laser modules to
an Agilent Technologies Sales/Service Center for repair and
Line Power Requirements
The Agilent 81480A, Agilent 81680A, Agilent 81640A, Agilent 81682A,
Agilent 81642A, & Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser Modules operate
when installed in the Agilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement System.
The Agilent 81689A also operates when installed in the Agilent 8163A
Lightwave Multimeter or Agilent 8166A Lightwave Multichannel
Operating Environment
The safety information in the Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter,
Agilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement System, & Agilent 8166A
Lightwave Multichannel System User’s Guide summarizes the
operating ranges for the Agilent 81480A, Agilent 81680A,
Agilent 81640A, Agilent 81682A, Agilent 81642A, & Agilent 81689A
Tunable Laser Modules. In order for these modules to meet
specifications, the operating environment must be within the limits
specified for your mainframe.
Input/Output Signals
CAUTIONThere are two BNC connectors on the front panel of the
Agilent 81480A, Agilent 81680A, Agilent 81640A, Agilent 81682A, and
Agilent 81642A; a BNC input connector and a BNC output connector.
There is one BNC connector on the front panel of the Agilent 81689A a BNC input connector.
An absolute maximum of ±6 V can be applied as an external voltage to
any BNC connector.
Storage and Shipment
This module can be stored or shipped at temperatures between
−40°C and +70°C. Protect the module from temperature extremes that
may cause condensation within it.
Laser Class according to
IEC 60825-1 (1998)- International
Max. permissible CW output
power - IEC**
Laser Class according to
FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 (1995) - USA
Max. permissible CW output
power - FDA**
* Max. CW output power is defined as the highest possible optical power that the laser source can produce at its output connector.
** Max. permissible CW output power is the highest optical power that is permitted within the appropriate laser class.
A sheet of laser safety warning labels are included with the
instrument. You MUST stick the labels in the local language onto the
outside of the instrument, in a position where they are clearly visible
to anyone using the instrument.
Top Vi e w
See page 6See page 6
Figure 3Position of Safety Labels on Backloadable Tunable Laser Modules
These labels are applied in these positions to every Agilent 81480A,
Agilent 81680A, Agilent 81640A, Agilent 81682A, and Agilent 81642A
Tunable Laser Module before shipment.
See page 6
Figure 4Position of Safety Labels on Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser Module
These labels are applied in these positions to every Agilent 81689A
Tunable Laser Module before shipment.
Safety Symbols3
Initial Inspection3
Line Power Requirements4
Operating Environment4
Input/Output Signals4
Storage and Shipment4
Initial Safety Information for Tunable Laser Modules5
Laser Safety Labels 6
Preserving Connectors179
Cleaning Instrument Housings179
Which Cleaning Procedure should I use ?180
How to clean connectors180
How to clean connector adapters181
How to clean connector interfaces182
What is a Tunable Laser ?Getting Started with Tunable Laser Sources
What is a Tunable Laser ?
A Tunable Laser is a laser source for which the wavelength can be
varied through a specified range. The Agilent Technologies range of
Tunable Laser modules also allow you to set the output power, and to
choose between continuous wave or modulated power.
What is a Tunable Laser ?Getting Started with Tunable Laser Sources
The Agilent 81480A and 81680A/82A/40A/42A Tunable Laser
modules are back-loadable modules. To fit these modules into the
Agile nt 8164A mainframe see “How to Fit and Remove Modules” in th e
Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter, Agilent 8164A, Lightwave
Measurement System, & Agilent 8166A Lightwave Multichannel
SystemUser’s Guide.
The Agilent 81480A and 81680A/82A/40A/42A Tunable Laser
modules have a built-in wavelength control loop to ensure high
wavelength accuracy. As these modules are all mode-hop free tunable
with continuous output power, they qualify for the test of the most
critical dense-Wavelength Division Multiplexer (dWDM) components.
The Agilent 81480A and Agilent 81640A/80A Tunable Laser modules
are equipped with two optical outputs:
• Output 1, the Low SSE output, delivers a signal with ultra-low
source spontaneous emission (SSE). It enables accurate crosstalk
measurement of DWDM components with many channels at narrow
spacing. You can characterize steep notch filt ers such as Fiber
Bragg Gratings by using this output and a power sensor module.
• Output 2, the High Power output, delivers a signal with high optical
power. You can adjust the signal by more than 60 dB by using the in-
built optical attenuator.
The Agilent 81682A/42A Tunable Laser module delivers a signal with
high optical power. If you choose O ption 0 03 , you can adjust the signal
by more than 60 dB by using the in-built optical attenuator.
Getting Started with Tunable Laser SourcesWhat is a Tunable Laser ?
Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser Module
Agilent 81689A with
Straight Contact Connector
Figure 10Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser Module
The Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser module is a front-loadable module.
To insert this module into the Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter,
Agilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement System or Agilent 8166A
Lightwave Multichannel System see “How to Fit and Remove Modu les”
in the Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter, Agilent 8164A Lightwave
Measurement System, & Agilent 8166A Lightwave Multichannel
System User’s Guide.
You can use the Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser module to set up a
realistic multi-channel test-bed for DWDM transmission systems. Its
continuous, mode-hop free tuning makes it quick and easy to set even
the most complex configurations to the target wavelengths and power
The Agilent 8163A Lightwave Multimeter, a Power Sensor module,and
a Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser module together represent a smart
loss-test set with selectable wavelength.
Optical OutputGetting Started with Tunable Laser Sources
Optical Output
Polarization Maintaining Fiber
If you have an instrument with a polarization maintaining fiber (PMF),
the PMF is aligned to maintain the state of polarization.
The fiber is of Panda type, with TE mode in the slow axis in line with
the connector key. A well defined state of polarization ensures
constant measurement conditions.
The Agilent 81480A and 81680A/40A/82A/42A Tunable Laser
modules are equipped with PMF outputs as standard.
For the Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser module, PMF output is available
as an option.
Stress Rods
Figure 11PMF Output Connector
Angled and Straight Contact Connectors
Angled contact connectors help you to control return lo ss. With angled
fiber endfaces, reflected light tends to reflect into the cladding,
reducing the amount of light that reflects back to the source.
Connector Key
Fiber Cladding
Fiber Core
(8-µm Diameter)
Slow Axis (Polarization Axis)
Not to Scale
The Agilent 81480 and 81680A/40A/82A/42A/89A Tunable Laser
modules can have the following connector interface options:
Getting Started with Tunable Laser SourcesOptical Output
Two additional connector interface options are available for the
Agilent 81689A Tunable Laser module:
• Option 021, Standard single-mode fiber straight contact connectors,
• Option 022, Standard single-mode fiber angled contact connectors.
CAUTIONIf the contact connector on your instrument is angled, you can only
use cables with angled connectors with the instrument.
Angled Contact
Connector Symbol
Figure 12Angled and Straight Contact Connector Symbols
Figure 12 shows the symbols that tell you whether the contact
connector of your Tunable Laser module is angled or straight. The
angled contact connector symbol is colored green.
Figure 7 and Figure 13 show the front panel of the Agilent 81682A
Tunable Laser module with straight and angled contact connectors
You should connect straight contact fiber end connectors with neutral
sleeves to straight contact connectors and connect angled contact fiber
end connectors with green sleeves to angled contact connectors.
NOTEYou cannot connect angled non-contact fiber end connectors with