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Unpacking the System24
Contents of the 2200 TapeStation System26
Installing the System30
4 Using the 2200 TapeStation System33
Intended Use of the 2200 TapeStation System35
Performance Limitations of Use36
Additional Components Required by the User37
Operating Procedure38
How to prepare your samples50
Good Measurement Practices for Analysing DNA on the Agilent 2200
Ta p e S t a t i o n52
DNA Sample Preparation53
RNA Sample Preparation61
Protein Sample Preparation67
5 Maintenance71
General Information72
Changing the Needle73
Preventative Maintenance Interval76
Tap eS ta ti on Te st Tap e78
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual3
6 Appendix83
Limited Use Label License84
Sound Emission85
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive86
Technical Service87
The Agilent 2200 TapeStation system is a revolutionary automated
platform for simpler, faster and more reliable electrophoresis. It is made
up of three elements: a consumable tape (ScreenTape device), an
instrument (the 2200 TapeStation instrument), and an Agilent Software
package (2200 TapeStation Controller Software, and Agilent TapeStation
Analysis Software). The system is very straightforward to use, simply
place the sample tubes and ScreenTape device in to the 2200 TapeStation
instrument and let it load, separate, image, analyze, and present the
Place ScreenTape device and some tips in the 2200 TapeStation
Place your samples in the 2200 TapeStation instrument and click
Start on the 2200 TapeStation Controller Software.
View your analyzed results in around 1 min per sample.
This User Manual guides the operation of all ScreenTape assays, the 2200
TapeStation instrument, and software for the analysis of DNA, RNA, and
protein samples. The contents of the ScreenTape system are detailed
Information pertaining to the 2200 TapeStation system can be found in:
• Technical Specification
• Agilent 2200 TapeStation Instrument Components
• Installing the System
6Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual
Information pertaining to sample and ScreenTape device requirements can
be found in:
• ScreenTape Device Architecture
• Operating Procedure
ScreenTape Device Architecture
Barcode:The unique barcode tracks lane usage within each ScreenTape device and
allows traceability of results.
Buffer chamber:The buffer chamber is located at the top of the channel and contains
optimised buffers for the effective separation of nucleic acid fragments or
Electrodes:The integrated electrodes apply a current across the ScreenTape device
and eliminate the need for any additional electrophoresis equipment.
Gel:The gel contained within the ScreenTape device has been developed
specifically to resolve nucleic acids or proteins.
Introduction to the 2200 TapeStation System
Overview of the System
ScreenTape device
product details:
The information is unique to each ScreenTape device. This includes:
ScreenTape assay type, product expiry date and a unique serial number.
Figure 1Example: P200 ScreenTape device
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual7
1Introduction to the 2200 TapeStation System
Overview of the System
Agilent 2200 TapeStation Instrument Components
Lid:The 2200 TapeStation instrument lid must be closed each time the 2200
TapeStation Controller Software is initialized, and whilst the instrument is
in operation.
LED:The LED will illuminate once the instrument is on. When the LED is
flashing slowly, the instrument is in use and the lid should not be opened,
rapid flashing indicates that the 2200 TapeStation instrument requires
Sample Block:There are 2 sample blocks provided that can either hold 0.2 mL sample
tube strips or a 96-well plate.
Tip Holder:The tip holder can accommodate up to 16 loading tips at any one time.
ScreenTape device:The ScreenTape device must be placed into the holder with the barcode
towards the front of the instrument, facing towards the right.
USB Socket:The USB connector is inserted into the USB socket to link the laptop to the
2200 TapeStation instrument.
Power-cable socket:The power cable must be connected to the 2200 TapeStation instrument
and the relevant mains electricity outlet.
8Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual
Introduction to the 2200 TapeStation System
USB socket
On/off switch
Power-cable socket
Overview of the System
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual9
Figure 22200 TapeStation instrument (front view)
Figure 32200 TapeStation instrument (back view)
1Introduction to the 2200 TapeStation System
Overview of the System
10Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual
Technical Specifications12
ScreenTape Specifications14
This chapter provides information on specifications.
Instrument operating temperature may be higher than ambient lab temperature, especially after
prolonged use.
20 °C (68 °F).
12 – 37 °C (54 – 99 °F) for D1000 ScreenTape assay
17 – 37 °C (63 – 99 °F) for High Sensitivity D1000 ScreenTape assay
15 – 30 °C (59 – 86 °F) for Genomic DNA, D5000 and High Sensitivity
D5000 ScreenTape assays
14 – 30 °C (57 – 86 °F) for RNA and High Sensitivity RNA ScreenTape
10 – 33 °C (50 – 91 °F) for P200 ScreenTape assay
12Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual
Technical Specifications
If the instrument is out of the recommended temperature range for the ScreenTape assay
selected, the following error message will appear in the software:
• If the quoted current temperature is above the specified range, please move the
system out of direct sunlight and away from any windows. Check that any air
conditioning is functioning.
• If the quoted current temperature is below the specified range, please allow the
instrument to equilibrate to the ambient temperature, and avoid using in a cooled
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual13
ScreenTape Specifications
ScreenTape Specifications
Specification (D1000 ScreenTape Assay)
Analytical SpecificationsD1000 ScreenTape assay and reagents
Sizing Range35 – 1000 bp
Typical Resolution35 – 300 bp: 15 %
Sizing Precision5 % CV
Sizing Accuracy
Quantitative Precision0.1 – 1 ng/µL: 15 % CV
Quantitative Accuracy
Quantitative Range0.1 – 50 ng/µL
300 – 1000 bp: 10 %
0.1 ng/µL
±10 %
1 – 50 ng/µL: 10 % CV
±20 %
Maximum sample buffer strength20 mM KCl,
60 mM Phosphate Buffer,
60 mM Guanidine-HCl,
240 mM NaCl,
60 mM Acetate
Software Installation30
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System Set Up31
This chapter gives information about how to install the system.
Agilent Technologies
3Installing the System
Unpacking the System
Unpacking the System
Unpacking the Agilent 2200 TapeStation Instrument
PrerequisitesThe installation and familiarization service is bundled with instrument sale, and will be
conducted by an Agilent engineer.
Instrument and software familiarization should be completed before use.
Do not attempt to use the 2200 TapeStation instrument until you have read the
accompanying Site and Safety Manual.
Condensation within the instrument
Condensation will damage the system electronics.
➔ If your instrument was shipped in cold weather, leave it in its box and allow it to
warm slowly to room temperature to avoid condensation.
24Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual
"Defective on arrival" problems
If there are signs of damage, please do not attempt to install the instrument. Inspection
by Agilent is required to evaluate if the instrument is in good working condition.
➔ Notify your local Agilent Representative and the Technical support channel.
➔ An Agilent service representative will inspect the instrument at your site and
initiate appropriate actions.
Personal injury
The TapeStation instrument is heavy.
➔ Enlist the aid of a co-worker to share the lifting load to avoid personal injury.
1 Remove the 2200 TapeStation instrument from the packaging and place
on a clean, dry, flat surface.
2 Allow the 2200 TapeStation instrument to acclimatize to the ambient
temperature of the operating environment.
3 Remove the label covering the ScreenTape device holder, as shown in
the image below.
Figure 4Remove before use
Delivery Checklist
Ensure all parts and materials have been delivered with your system. The
delivery checklist is shown below.
Installing the System
Unpacking the System
Please report any missing or damaged parts to your local Agilent
Technologies sales and service office.
Please note that ScreenTape devices and reagent kits are not provided with instrument
delivery and must be purchased separately.
Agilent 2200 TapeStation System - User Manual25
3Installing the System
Contents of the 2200 TapeStation System
Contents of the 2200 TapeStation System
The Agilent 2200 TapeStation System
Ta b le 1The Agilent 2200 TapeStation System (G2964AA, G2965AA)
Agilent 2200
2200 TapeStation
Software Setup Disc
Laptop1x LaptopInstrument Control Laptop
USB Cables/Power
supply units
Sample Block1 x 0.2 mL strip
Tip Holder2xA removable cartridge for pipette tips placed in the 2200 TapeStation
Loading tips1x 384tipsPipette tips to use in the 2200 TapeStation instrument
2200 TapeStation
instrument compatible 0.2 mL
tube strips and lids
96-well platespack of 10
96-well plate foil sealpack of 100
1xInstrument for loading, electrophoresis, imaging, and analyzing:
• 2200 TapeStation system (G2964AA) or
• 2200 TapeStation Nucleic Acid system (G2965AA)
1x CDThe software is required to drive the 2200 TapeStation instrument and visualize
the ScreenTape device analysis
1x USB cable
2x power cords
1 x 96-well plate
1x box of 120
tubes and caps
1x USB cable to connect the laptop to the 2200 TapeStation instrument
1x Power supply unit for the laptop
1x Power supply unit for the 2200 TapeStation instrument
A removable sample block for the correct loading of samples within the
2200 TapeStation instrument
Tube strips for placing samples mixed with loading buffer into the
2200 TapeStation instrument
Loading tip transfer
tool (optional)
IKA Vortexer and
associated PCR plate
GuidesSite Safety guide and Quick Guides (G2964AA - Protein, DNA and RNA;