The information, specifications and illustrations in this
manual are b ased o n the latest i nf orma tion ava i lable at the
time of printing.
to make changes at any time without notice.
Actron Manufacturing
reserves the right
Table of Contents
Section 1 –––––––––– Using this Manual
Section 2 ––––––––––––Getting Started
Section 3 ––––––––Using The Scan Tool
Section 4 ––– Global OBD II Diagnostics
Section 5 –––––––––––– GM Diagnostics
Section 6 –––––––––––Ford Diagnostics
Section 7 ––––––––Chrysler Diagnostics
Section 8 ––––– Help & Troubleshooting
Appendix A ––––– Data Link Connectors
Appendix B –––––––––––––––– Glossary
Safety Precautions
For your safety , read this manual thoroughly before oper ating your Professional
Enhanced Scan Tool. Always r efer to and foll ow safety messag es and test proÂcedures provided by the manufacturer of the vehi cle or equipment being tested .
Y our scan t ool is intend ed for us e by properl y trained, sk illed pr ofessiona l autoÂmotive techni cians. The safety mes sages presented b elow and throughou t this
user’s manual are reminders to the operator to exercise extreme care when
using this test instrument.
Read All Instructions
Read, understa nd and fol low al l safet y mes sages and i nstru ctions in thi s manÂual and on the test equipment. Safety messag es in this secti on of the manual
contain a signal word with a three-part message and, in some instances, an
icon. The signal word indicates the level of the hazard in a situation.
Safety Messages
Safety messages are provided t o help prevent personal injury and equipment
damage. All safety messages are introduced by a signal word indicating the
hazard level. The types of safety messages are:
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will r esult in deat h or serious i njury to the o perator
or to bystanders.
Indicates a potential ly hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could resul t in deat h or serio us injur y to the operÂator or to bystanders.
Indicates a potential ly hazardous situation which, if not
Safety messages contain three different type styles.
• Normal type states the hazard.
• Bold type states how to avoid the hazard.
An icon, when present, gives a graphical description of the potential hazard.
avoided, may resul t in mod erate or m inor inj ury to the operÂator or to bystanders.
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, may result in
damage to the test equipment or vehi cle.
type states th e possible consequences of not avoidi ng the hazard.
Engine systems can malfunction expelling fuel, oil vapors, hot
steam, hot toxic exhaust gases, acid, refrigerant and other
Wear safety goggles and protective gloves, user and
bystander . Ever yday eyeglasses onl y have impact resistant
lenses, they are NOT safety glasses.
Engine systems that malfunction can cause injury.
Safety Precautions
Important Safe ty Instru ct ion s
Risk of electric shoc k.
• Do not exceed volt age limits between inputs as indicated
in the “Specifi cations” on page 3-2.
• Use extre me caution when worki ng with circuit s that have
greater than 60 volts DC or 24 volts AC.
Electric shock can cause injury .
Risk of explosion.
• Wear safety goggles and protective clothing, user and
bystan der. Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resisÂtant lenses, they are NOT safety glasses.
• Do not use this system in environments where explosive
vapor may collect, such as i n below-ground pits , confined
areas, or area s that are less than 18 inches above t he floor .
• Use this equipment in locations with mechanical ventilaÂtion providing at least four air changes per hour.
• Flammable fuel and vapors can ignite.
• Do not smoke, stri ke a match, or cause a spark in the vicinÂity of the battery. Battery gases can ignite.
• Avoid making accidental connection between battery terÂminals. Do not place uninsula ted m etal tools on the batÂtery.
• When removing battery cabl es, remove ground cable firs t.
• Avoid sparks when connecting or disconnecting power
leads to battery.
• Be sure ignition is OFF, headlight s and other accessori es
are OFF and vehicle doors are closed before disconnectÂing battery cables. Thi s also helps prevent damage to
on-board computer systems.
• Always disconnect batt ery ground connections before
servicing electrical system components.
Explosion can cause injury.
Risk of poisoning.
• Use this equipment in locations with mechanical ventilaÂtion providing at least four air changes per hour. Engine
exhaust contains odorless lethal gas.
• Route exhaust outside while testing with engine running.
Poisoning can result in death or serious injury.
Battery acid is a highl y corrosive sulfuric acid.
• Wear safety goggles and protective gloves, user and
bystan der. Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resisÂtant lenses, they are NOT safety glasses.
• Make sure someone can hear you or is close enough to
provide aid when working near a battery.
• Have plenty of fresh wat er and soap nearby . If battery aci d
contacts skin, clothing, or eyes, flush exposed area with
soap and water for 10 minutes.
• Seek medical help.
• Do not touch eyes while working near battery.
Battery acid can burn eyes and skin.
Risk of fire.
• Wear safety goggles and protective clothing, user and
bystan der. Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resisÂtant lenses, they are NOT safety glasses.
• Do not position head directly over or in front of throttle
body. Do not pour gasoline down throttle body when
cranking or ru nning engi ne, when wor king wit h fuel delivÂery systems or any open fuel line. Engine backfire can
occur when air cleaner is out of positi on.
• Do not use fuel injector cleaning solvents when performÂing diagnostic testi ng.
• Keep cigarett es, sp a rks, op en f lame and o ther sources of
ignition away from vehicl e.
• Keep a dry chemical (Class B) fire extinguisher rated for
gasoline, chemical and electrical fires in work area.
Fire can cause death or serious injury .
Risk of flying particles.
Wear safety goggl es while using elect rical equipment . ElecÂtrical equipment or rotating engine parts can cause flying
Flying particles can cause eye injury.
Risk of burns.
Batteries can produce a short-circuit current high enough
to weld je w e lr y to me tal . Re move jew e lr y su ch a s ri n g s,
bracelets and watches before working near batteri es.
Short circuits can cause injury.
Risk of burns.
• Do not remove radiator cap unless engine is cold. PresÂsurized engine cool ant may be hot.
• Do not touch hot exhaust systems, ma nifolds, engines,
radiators, sampl e probe, etc.
• Wear insulated gloves when handling hot engine compoÂnents.
• Tester leads can become hot after extended testing in
close proximity to manifolds etc.
Hot components can cause injury.
Risk of expelling fue l, oil vapors, hot steam, hot toxic exhaus t
gases, acid, refri gerant and other debris.
• Wear safety goggles and protective clothing, user and
bystan der. Everyday eyeglasses only have impact resisÂtant lenses, they are NOT safety glasses.
• Engine systems can malfunction expelling fuel, oil
vapors, hot st eam, hot toxi c exhaust gas es, aci d, ref rigerÂant and other debris.
Fuel, oil vapors, hot steam, hot toxic exhaust gases, acid,
refrigerant and other debris can cause serious injury.
The engine compartment contains electrical connections and
hot or moving parts.
• Keep yourself, test le ads, clothing and other obj ect s clear
of electrical connections and hot or moving engine parts.
• Do not wear watches, rings, or loo se fitting cl othing when
working in an engine compartment.
• Do not place test equipment or tools on fenders or other
places in the engine compartment.
• Barriers are recommended to help identify dan ger zones
in test area.
• Prevent personnel f rom walking through immediate test
Contact with electrical connections and hot or moving parts
can cause injury.
• This equipment should be oper ated by qualified personÂnel only.
• Use this equipment onl y as described in this manual. Use
only the manufacturer’s recommended attachments.
• Do not operate equipment with a damaged cord or if the
equipment has been dropped or damaged, until it has
been examined by a qualified service representative.
Operation of this equipment by anyone other than qualified
personnel may result in injury.
Risk of unexpected vehicle movement.
• Block drive wheels before performing a test with engine
• Unless instruct ed otherwise, set parking bra ke and pu t
gear selector in neut ral for standar d transmissions or park
for automatic transmissions.
• If vehicle has an aut omatic p ar king br ake r elease, disconÂnect release mech anism for testing and reconnect when
testing is completed.
• Do not leave a running engine unattended.
A moving vehicle can cause injury.
Risk of equipment or circ uit damage.
• Unless specific ally directed by the manufacturer, make
sure the ignition i s OFF before connect ing or disconnec tÂing connectors or any vehi cle electrical terminals.
• Do not create a short between bat tery terminals with a
jumper wire or tools.
Improper equipment use can cause equipment or circuit damÂage.
Misdiagnosis may lead to incorrect or improper repair and/or
Do not rely on errati c, questionable, or ob viously erroneous
test informati on or result s. If test in formation or re sults ar e
erratic, questionable, or obviously erroneous, make sure
that all connectio ns and da ta e ntr y infor mation are corr ect
and that the test proc edure was perform ed correctly . If test
information or resul ts ar e sti ll su spicious , do not use them
for diagnosis.
Improper repair and/or adjustment may cause vehicle or equipÂment damage or unsafe operation.
Some vehicles are equi pped wit h air bags. You must follow
vehicle service manual’s warnings when working around the
air bag components or wiring. If the service manual’s instrucÂtions are not follo wed, the air bag may open up unexpectedly,
resulting in perso nal injury. Note that the air bag can still open
up several minutes af ter the ignition key is off (or even if the
vehicle battery is disconnected) because of a speci al energy
reserve module.
Appendix A – Data Link Connectors
Appendix B – Glossary
Section 1 – Using This Manual
This manual cont ains in struct ions f or use and se tup of your sc an too l. A tabl e
of contents and gl ossary are provided to make this manual eas y to use.
Some of the inf ormation sh own in text or illust rations is obtaine d using optional
equipment. A
This section contains a list of conventions use d.
Safety Messages
Refer to “Safety Precautions” on page i.
Check Note
A check note provi des additional i nformation abou t the subject in t he preceding
âś“ Make sure the printer is turned on, on- line and connected.
Equipm ent Tips and Lists
Equipment tips and list s provide informat ion that applies to specifi c equipment.
Each tip is introduced by this icon
❒ Observe all vehicle and/or equipment manufacturer’s cautions and warn-
ings when testing with the scan tool.
Equipment Damage
Situations aris e during t esti ng that coul d damag e the vehic le or the test equipÂment. The word IMPORTANT signals these situat ions.
Sales Representa tive can determine option availabi li ty.
âť’ for easy identification.
Failure to follow these instructions could damage the scan tool.
Functions and Selections
Diagnostic and tool functions performed by the scan too l ar e highlighted in
The View Data function al lows you to view the vehicle’s Parameter IdentificaÂtion (PID) data in real time.
The menus on the scan tool display ar e refere nced in the pr ocedu res and are
highlighted in
The Scan Tool displays the Pending DTCs or a message stating SYSTEM
Manual References
Used to reference other sections of the manual. Reference s include the “Title”
and page number (secti on-page).
For more information on DTCs, refer to “Diagnostic Link Connectors (DLC)”
on page 2-3.
Certain Help mess ages, information, and dat a that are displayed on the scan
tool are also shown in graphical text boxes. The screens are presented as
examples and may change as the software is updated.
The Professional Enhanced Scan Tool was developed by experts in the autoÂmotive servi ce industr y to help diagnose ve hicles and assist i n troubl eshooting
procedures. The tool monit ors vehicle e vents an d retrieves co des from t he vehiÂcle computer’s memory to pinpoint problem areas.
All information, il lustrations and specifications contained in this manual are
based on the latest information available from indust ry sources at the time of
publication. No warranty (expressed or implied) can be made for its accur acy
or completeness , nor is any r esponsibilit y assumed by th e manufacturer or anyÂone connected with it for loss or damages suffered through reli ance on any
information conta ined i n t his manual o r misuse of acco mpan yin g produc t. The
manufacturer res erves the right to make changes at any time to this manual or
accompanyin g product without obligation to notify any person or organization
of such changes.
The following is a list of publi shers who have manuals containing el ectronic
engine control diagnost ic informat ion. Some m anuals may be availabl e at auto
parts stor es or your local public library. For others, you need to write for availÂability and pricing, specifying the make, model and year of your vehicle.
Chilton Book Company
Chilton Wa y
Radnor, PA 19089
Haynes Publications
861 Lawrence Drive
Newbury Park, CA 91320
Cordura Publications
Mitchell Manual s, Inc.
Post Office Box 26260
San Diego, CA 92126
Motor Ăs t Au to R ep a i r M a nu a l
Hearst Company
250 W. 55th Street
New York, NY 10019
The original on-board diagnostics (OBD I) lacked consistency in communicaÂtion and interfac e while allowin g different interpr etations am ongst vehicle m anÂufacturers. For d and Chr ysler used different types of engine cont rol comput ers
and data link conn ectors, and GM varied the tr ouble codes and communicat ion
protocols from year-to-year.
The tables belo w highl ight changes for GM, Ford, and Chrysl er. If this seems
confusing; d on’t worry. Your tool makes it easy. Based on the VI N information
selected during Scan Tool setup, the processor is aut omatically recogni zed. All
you have to do is choose the correct adapter cable and jumper wires (if necÂessary). Details on adapter cables and jumper wires may be found in “Diag-
nostic Link Connectors (DLC)” on page 2-3.
GM On-Board Diagnostics
Most vehicles u sed the 12 -pin AL DL (Asse m bly Li ne Data Li nk)
OBD I Control Module
OBD II Control Modul e
OBD II system used in certain 1994-1995 vehicles equipped with a 2.2L, 2.3L, 3.8L, 4.3L or 5.7L engines.
1981–199 5
1994*-Presen t Complies with OBD I I regulation s and us e s the J1 962 DLC.
located under the d ash on the driver side. S om e 94 -95 vehicles
used the 16-pin O B D II (J19 62) da ta link c onn ect or (DL C ), but
use the Historical application software. Refer to the vehicle’s
Vehicle Emission Control Information label.
Ford On-Board Diagnostics
SystemLong Na meYearsDescription
Microproc essor C o ntrol Unit 1980 –1991
* EEC-V OBD II system used in 1994-1995 vehicles equipped with a 3.8L or 4.6L engine.
Elec tronic Engine Control,
Fourth gene ration
Mazda Electronic Control
Elec tronic Engine Control,
Fifth generation
Powertrain E lectron ic Co n-
1984 –1995
1988 –1995
1994* – present
2000 – presen t
Used in police vehicles, contai ning carbureted
engines. Uses the MCU DLC.
Most Ford ve hicles e quipped with North Am erican
engines. Uses the EEC- IV DLC.
Vehicles equ ipped with Mazda-sourced en gin es.
Uses MECS 6- pin and 17-pin DLCs.
Complies with O B D II regulations an d uses the
Complies with O B D II regulations an d uses the
Chrysler On-Board Diagnostics
SystemLong Na meYearsDescription
Single Module Engine
Single Board Engine
OBD II Pow ert rain
Control Module
Jeep/T ruck Engi ne
* In 1989, the SBEC system was installed in selected vehicles with 3.0L V6 engines.
** Some vehicles in 1995 were equipped with the OBD II PCM.
1989–199 0
1989*–19 95
1995**– present
1996– present
Used a 6-pin Serial Communication Interface (SCI) DLC
and has bidirectiona l cap ability.
Used two types of DLCs: a 6-pin SCI and a 6-pin LH
The first to allow a tool to reset the EMR light on trucks.
Complies with O B D II regulations an d uses the O B D II
J1962 DLC .
Complies with O B D II regulations an d uses the O B D II
J1962 DLC .
The JTEC system is used on light-duty trucks and Jeeps
OBD II stands for O n-Boar d Diagnos tics ver sion I I. OBD I I is a syste m tha t the
Society of Autom otive Engineers (SAE) dev eloped to standardize automotive
electronic diagnosis. Technicians now can use the same tool to test any OBD
II compliant vehic les without special adapt ers. The SAE establish ed guidelines
that provide:
• a universal diagnostic test connector, c alled the data link connector (DLC),
with dedicated pin assi gnm ents.
• a standardized location for the DLC, visible under the dash on the driver’s
• a standa rdi zed list of diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) used by all manufacÂturers.
• a standardized list of parameter identification (PID) data used by all manuÂfacturers.
• the ability of the vehicle system to recor d a freeze frame of the operati ng conÂditions when a fault occurs.
• expanded diagnostic capabilities that records a code whenever a condition
occurs that ef fects vehicle emissions.
• the ability to clear stored codes from vehicle memory with the scan tool.
In addition, SAE has published hundreds of pages of text defining a stan dard
communications protocol that establishes the hardware, software, and cir cuit
parameters of OBD II systems. Unfortunately , vehicle manufacturers have difÂferent interpr etations of this standard comm unications prot ocol. As a result, the
generic OBD II communic ations scheme us ed will vary, depending on t he vehiÂcle.
SAE publishes r ecom m endations, not laws, bu t t he Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) and California Air Resources Board (CARB) made many of
SAE’s recommenda ti ons legal requirements that vehicle manufacturers were
required to phase in over a three-year period. Beginni ng in 1994, vehicle s with
a new engine m anagement c omputer – about 1 0% of ea ch manufact urers fl eet
– were supposed to comply with O BD II standards. For 1995, OBD II systems
were to appear on about 40% of t he new vehic les sold in t he USA. Some of the
1994-1995 OBD II systems were not fully compliant, so the Government
granted waivers to give manufacturers time to fine-tune their systems. BeginÂning in 1996, m ost of the new vehicles sold in the USA were fully OBD II comÂpliant.
The Data Link Connector (DLC) allows the scan to ol to communicate wit h the
vehicle’ s com puter(s). Before OBD II, manufactur ers used different data link
connectors to communicate with the vehicle. The proper DLC adapter cable
must be used to connect the tool to the ve hicle. Also , the vehi cle’s DLC may be
found in several different places and have many different configurations. The
following descri bes the DLCs used by Ford, GM and Chrysl er. The DLC lo cation
and types for domestic vehicles can be looked up in the charts in “Appendix
A - Data Link Connectors".
OBD II (J1962)
Beginning in 1996, vehicl es sold in
the United States use the J1962
(OBD II) DLC, a term taken from a
physical and el ectrical speci fication
number assigned by SAE (J1962).
The DLC should be located under
the dashboard o n t he dri ver si de of the vehicl e. I f the DLC is n ot locat ed under
the dashboard as stated, a decal describing its location should be attached to
the dashboard in the area the DLC should have been located.
Because the OBD II J196 2 conn ector ha s power and ground , yo u only need a
single cable conn ection to the tool for both power and tool communi cations.
Attach the OBD II adapter cable to the extender cabl e, both supplied with the
tool, to connect the t ool. Certain pins in the connector are reserved.
Ford Historic
1 - Manufacturer Reserved
2 - J1850 Bus+
3 - Manufacturer Reserved
4 - Chassis Ground
5 - Signal Groun d
6 - CAN High, J-2284
7 - K Line, I SO 914 1- 2 & IS O/ DIS 14 230- 4
8 - Manufacturer Reserved
9 - Manufacturer Reserved
10 - J1850 Bus
11 - Manufacturer Reserved
12 - Manufacturer Reserved
13 - Manufacturer Reserved
14 - CAN Low, J-2284
15 - L Line, I SO 91 41-2 & ISO /DIS 14 230- 4
16 - Battery Power
Ford used three types of DLCs with their historic (OBD I) systems. Refer to
“Appendix A - Data Link Connectors" for the adapte r cable neede d for your
Use the Battery Power cab le to provi de power to the sca n tool
for all systems.
The EEC-IV/MCU DLC is a large si x-side d conn ector wi th a pi gtai l conne cto r .
The pigtail connector is not used on MCU vehicles – leave the pigtail unatÂtached. The EEC-IV/MCU cable adapter is included with the scan tool.
MECS vehicles (1988 –1995) use either a 6-pin (with pigtail) or a 17-pin DLC.
Use the MECS 6-pin adapte r cable k it (P/N 9603) fo r both con figur ation s. The
MECS adapter cable ki t includes jumpe r wires to connect to the MECS 17- pin
DLC. The MECS adapter cable kit is not included with this tool. It is available
through your dealer. Us e the following diagram s to connect the adapter cable.
Certain Ford Probes have a WHITE TACH CONNECTOR
located very close to the 6-pi n Self-Test connec tor and
bundled in the same wiring harness. This is NOT the STI
(Self Test Input) Pigtail.
Connect the pigtail to the BLACK STI connector located fart her back on the wire
harness. If the tool is connec ted to the WHITE Tach co nnector , serious damage
will result and may void warranty. Refer to the illustration.
Cable Adapter
6-Pin MECS
P/N 9603
Vehicle DLC
6-Pin MECS
GM Historic
Prior to1996, m ost GM vehicles us ed the 12-pin Assem bly Line Diagnosti c Link
(ALDL) DLC. The GM ALDL ca ble kit incl udes th e ALDL adapter and cigar ette
lighter power cable. This adapter cable is included with t he scan too. In 1994
and 1995, certain GM vehicles use the J1962 (OBD II) DLC, but are not OBD
II compliant. Refer to “Appendix A - Data Link Connectors".
The ALDL DLCs are usually located unde r
the dashboard on the driver’ s side.
On Corvettes & Fieros, the DLC may be
located in the center console behind the
ashtray . Refer to vehicle service manual for
exact locati on. I t may be in full view, or it
may be recessed behind a p anel. A n openÂing in the panel sho uld allow access to the recessed connect or.
6-Pin MECS
6-Pin MECS
Clip to good
vehicle ground
Use the Battery Power cable to provide 12V to the tool.
Prior to 1996, most Chrys ler vehicl es use d either the SCI or LH DLC. Refer to
“Appendix A - Data Link Connectors" for DLC type and lo cation. The SCI
adapter cable is i ncluded with th e scan tool. The LH adapte r cab le (P/ N 9605)
can be purchased from your dealer.
The SCI (serial communications interface) DLC is a
6-pin connector located in the engine compartment.
The adapter cable to be used on these vehicl es is supÂplied with the tool. This ca ble is labeled CHRY on the
15 pin DB styl e connec tor an d SCI on the veh icle end.
Use the Battery Power cable to provide 12V to the tool when
using the SCI adapter cable.
The DLC is used on LH platform vehic les. The LH
style DLC is a small, blue, rectangular 6-pin connecÂtor located in the pas senger comp art ment belo w the
dashboard to the right of the steering column.
The LH Adapter Cable (P/N 9605) is optional and
must be purchased separately.
Diagnostic T rouble Codes (DTCs) consist of a five-digit alphanumeric code.
The DTC format and gener al code typ es are shown bel ow . When the on-b oard
computer recogni zes and identifi es a probl em, a DTC for t hat fault is stor ed in
memory. These codes are intended to help you determine the root cause of a
Within each general category, th e DTCs are assi gned to specific ranges that
cover certain vehicle systems.
Lower UpperAssigned DTC Syste m
Fuel Air Metering Auxiliary
Emission Controls
Fuel Air Metering
Ignition System or Misfire
Auxiliary Em is sion Contr o ls
Vehicle Speed Idle Speed Con-
trol Auxiliary Inputs
Computer and Auxiliary Out-
Hybrid Propulsion
Manufacturer Control Fuel & Air
Meterin g, Auxil ia ry Emis sion
Manufacturer Control Fuel & Air
Manufacturer Control Ignition
System or Misfire
Manufacturer Control Auxiliary
emission Controls
P0000 P00FF
P0100 P02FF
P0300 P03FF
P0400 P04FF
P0500 P05FF
P0600 P06FF
P0700 P09FF
P1000 P10FF
P1100 P12FF
P1300 P13FF
P1400 P14FF
J2012 and ISO 15031-6 are standards for all DTCs, established by the SAE,
International Organization for S tandardization (ISO) and other governing bodÂies. Codes and the definitions assigned by this specification are known as
Generic OBD II codes. OBD II requi res compliance of this standard, and has
made it a standard for all cars , light t rucks , APVs, MPVs, an d SUVs so ld in t he
U.S. Codes not reserved by the SAE are reserved for the manufacturer and
referred to as Manuf acturer Specific.
Lower UpperAssigned DTC Syste m
Manufacturer Cntrl Veh.Spd.
P1500 P15FF
P1600 P16FF
P1700 P19FF
P2000 P22FF
P2300 P23FF
P2400 P24FF
P2500 P25FF
P2600 P26FF
P2700 P27FF
P2900 P32FF
P3300 P33FF
P3400 P34FF
U0000 U00FF
U0100 U02FF
Idle Speed Cont rol Auxiliary
Manufacturer Control Auxiliar
Inputs Auxiliar y Outputs
Manufacturer Control TransÂmission
Fuel Air Metering Auxiliary
emission Controls
Ignition System or Misfire
Auxiliary Emission Controls
Auxiliary Inputs
Computer and Aux iliary Out -
Fuel Air Metering Auxiliary
Emission Controls
Ignition System or
Cylinder Deactivation
Network Electrical
Network Communication
Display: Backlit LCD, 4 line, 20 column, contrast adjust
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Storage Temperature: -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)
Intern a l P o w e r: 6-AAA cells
External Power: 6.5 to 15 .5 Volts
âś“ Most vehicle control modul es require at least 8.0 V to operate properly.
Power Dissipation: 3.5 Watts maximum
1.625"5.25" 9.75"
41 mm133 mm248 mm
Weight: 3.16 lb s (1432 g)
Stan dard 8 ft Extender Cable
Battery Power Cable (includes cigarette lighter adapter)
– included with adapter cable kits
– Battery Clip Adapter — Optional
Adapter Cables: Standard OBD II (J1962) cable — Included
GM ALDL cable kit — Included
Ford EEC-IV/MCU cable kit — Included
Chrysler SCI cable kit — Included
9605 Chrysler LH cable kit — Optional
9603 Ford Probe/MECS cable kit — Optional
Optional / Replacement Parts are available from the:
• dealer where you originally purchased your tool.
• manufactur er cont act cust omer se rvice at 1-800-228-7667 (8:00 – 6:00 EST
Monday – Friday) or send an email to
The scan tool uses a 4 line by 20 character, back-li t Liquid Crystal Display
(LCD). The l arge viewing area di splays mess ages, ins tructio ns, and di agnostic
informatio n. The contrast can be adjusted.
Seven charact ers help you nav igate and
operate the scan too l:
appears in upper right corner o f disÂplay to indicate Hel p is available.
identifies the selection.
indicates additional information is
available on the ne xt screen.
indicates additional information is available on the previous screen.
identifies selected items in data lists.
Bell in lower right corner means the sound alert is on or active.
Low battery symbol will appear i n bottom rig ht-hand corner of the screen at
power-up if the inte rnal batteries need replacement or are not installed.
The scan tool’ s software is designed for ease in operat ing and navigating
through menus. Do not use s olvents such as alco hol to cl ean the keyp ad or disÂplay . Use a mi ld nonabrasive de tergent and a soft cot ton cloth. Do not soak th e
keypad as water might find its way inside the scan tool.
✓ Refer to “Scan Tool Does Not Power Up” on page 8-1 if you encounter
Internal Batteries
When the scan tool is no t connect ed to the ve hicle , the
the scan tool . Press and hold do wn th e
turn ON the scan tool.
To conserve battery power, the scan tool disab les the display’s back-lighting
and turns OFF after a period of inactivity.
Each time the s can tool is p owere d up, t he v olt age of t he b atter ies i s checke d.
If the voltag e is low, t he Low Battery Symbol (
batteries using the instructions provided in “Battery Replacement” on
page 4-3.
) displays on the screen. Replace
key for at l east o ne se cond to
âś“ If the scan tool wi ll not be used for an extended period of time, rem ove the
batteries to prevent electrolyte leakage from damaging the battery comÂpartment.
Vehicle Power
When using the OB D II J1962 or Chry sler LH adapte r cabl es, th e powe r to t he
tool comes from vehicle Dat a Link Connector (DLC). All other vehicles will
require power connec tion to the cigarette light er, acces sory plug, or the vehicl e
battery using battery clip adapters. If you are unsure of what DLC adapter to
use, then refer to “Appendix A - Data Link Connectors".
Some vehicle ci garette lighters are not po wered when the ignit ion is i n the OFF
position. Therefore, you may wish to use battery clip adapt ers.
Batter y Clip A da p ter (op t io na l)
key turns ON
Cigarette Lighter Adapter
AC Power Adapter
An AC power adapter (not incl uded) can be used to power the t ool when reproÂgramming from a per sonal comput er or off-vehi cle reviewing of codes and print Âing. 12V AC-DC converters are available at most PC and electronic stores.
The tool is equipped to accept any 110 Vac - 12
Vdc wall adapter wit h the following specificat ions:
• 300 mA minimum current unregulated wall
power adapter.
measurement units and LCD contrast,
turn beeper On/Off and display tool
informatio n. The set tings remain until
the internal batteries become disÂcharged.
Measurement Units
T o ch ange t he measur ement unit s, use
English/Metric and pre ss
In the
select English or Metric and then press
Changing Display Contrast
The display contr ast can be adjusted
from the
play Contrast and press
Use the
increase and decrease the contrast.
return to the
Beeper selection a llows the user to turn Off the tool ’s beeper. The bell symbol
will not appea r in t he lower right han d corner of th e displ ay wh en the be eper
is off.
Tool Information
This function allows you to view specific
tool informati on that may be needed when
contacting customer service.
Select Tool Information with th e
The information shown t o the right displays
on the screen. Use the
keys to view all the lines.
Press the
Setup Tool
âś“ Write this inform ation in the space provi ded on the inside of the front cov er.
arrow keys to select
Measurement Units
. English is the default.
again to re tu rn to th e
Tool Setup
Setup Tool
arrow keys and press
menu. Sele ct Dis-
arrow keys to
to save the setting and to
key to return to
Setup Tool
Main Menu|`VehicleDiagnosis
Tool Setup[Tool Self-Tests ~
SWID: 945BHHWVer:0 BootVer: 0
ProdID:3BoardID: 10BurnDate:03/07/02
Printer Interface
The scan tool is designed as a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) dev ice with a
DB9M (9-pin D-shape male) connector to interface with a compatibl e serial
Compatible Printers
The printer must have a ser ial RS- 232 inte rface c ircui t and be comp at ible wit h
the Epson FX format. The following printers are recommended:
âť’ Seiko DPU-414
âť’ Kodak DICONIX 180si (seri al printer model)
âť’ Lexmark Model 2480 with optional serial interface (p/n 12T0154)
âť’ Panasonic KX-P1131 printer
âť’ Type: A standard RS-232 type cable.
âť’ Scan Tool end: DB9F (female) connector.
âť’ Printer end:
• Use a DB9M (male) connec-t or for the Seiko and
Kodak printers.
• Use a DB25 male connector f or the Lexmark and
Panasonic printers.
• If the printer uses a di fferent connector, then an
adapter or different RS-232 cable is required.
Adapters are available at most local PC stores or
electronics outlets.
Serial Port Settings
âť’ Default settings for the scan tool are: 9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits, No Parity
and 1 Stop Bit.
âť’ Ensure the settings on the scan tool and printer match .
❒ For the Lexmark and Panasonic printers, ensure the pri nter’s interface
selection is set to either “auto” or “serial”.
The printer and scan tool must have t he same comm unication sett ings. Y ou c an
change the scan tool’s settings if necessary.
Changing the Printer Settings
Select either Print Codes from the
Main Menu
Function List
or Print D ata from of the
and press
Main Menu|
Tool Setup
Next, the tool will inform you of the
printer setti ngs (Custom or Default),
then ask if you wish to change them.
Select YES and press
default values are desi gnated on the disÂplay with the word (Default) next to the
Refer to the printer manu al for the settings. The changes made res ide in the tool
even when the tool is turned of f.
Tool settings are as follows. Defaults are in [ . . . ]
Tool Set ToDefault|Printer Settings.Change Settings?
To diagnose a vehicle, connect the DLC and
power adapter (if applicable) to the scan tool.
Refer to “Diagnostic Link Connectors (DLC)”
on page 2-3 of Getting St arted.
If you just want to power up the tool to do its
self-tests, code lookup, review or printing data
from the last vehicle t ested, then you do not need
to attach the cable to the Data Link Connector . The internal battery provides
power fo r th is .
When the scan tool powers u p, a series
of messages display on the screen
beginning with a “Welcome” scr een and
ending with a “Key Bu tton Help” scr een.
If you wish to re vie w the key button def Âinitions, pus h the
Veh icle Sel ectio n
When the tool powers up, the “Key Butt on Help” screen is fol lowed by a
Pick Vehicle Di agnosis to begin Vehi-
cle Selection. I f there is a pr evious vehi Âcle present, the tool displays that
vehicle. Y o u can choose the l ast vehicle
selected or set up for a new vehicle. The
tool retains all data retrieved from the
last vehicle select ed until any of the fol Âlowing occurs:
âť’ A new vehicle is selected
âť’ Internal AAA batteries are depleted or disconnect ed
âť’ Tool is flash pro grammed to update software
âť’ The last vehicle selected is kept but you choose Erase Data
You can either keep the previously
selected vehicle or change it. If changÂing the vehi cle, press t he
key and press
Keep Current Vehicle
The next screen asks if you want t o
erase the stored data. The default is
Changing vehicl es erases all data
stored in the tool. The default is YES.
Four V ehicle Op tions are avai lable: General Motor s, Ford, Ch rysler and Glo bal
OBD II. Global OBD II does not require additional information and takes you
directly to th e function list . The other three requ ire additional inf ormation so that
the tool can communicate with the vehicle. For example, selec t GENERAL
The menus provide a list
of choices and reference
the vehicle’s VIN where
applicable. The VI N is visÂible fro m outsid e the vehi Âcle by looking thr ough the
base of the front windÂshield at the top of the
dashboard on the dr iver’s
side. Because manufacÂturers use diff erent VIN
schemes, the tool will
indicate which d igit of the
VIN to loca t e fo r info r m a Âtion such as Year, Make
and Engine.
keys to move through the
If you make a mistake,
press the
return to the previous
At the last screen, press
to continue.
key to
Picking New Vehicle
Erases AllStored
Data. Continue?
Select Manufacturer`General Motors
Select VehicleType`Car
TruckSelect YearVIN 10
Select MakeVIN 3
Select Model
Park Avenue]
Select Engine VIN8l`L=3.8L SFI
M=3.1L SFI 4T60EM=3.1L SFI AUTO-3S
1995RegalL=3.8L SFI
If a message displays , follow the instrucÂtions then press
For 10 Seconds
Then TurnKey On
Then Press ENTER
âś“ Vehicles manufactured from 2000 to present automatically use G lobal OBD
II Diagnostics even if GM, Ford or Chrysler was selected.