Acer X223W Service manual

Model ID: R22ANUW-M1
Service Manual
Table of Contents
Important Safety Notice------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01
01. Product Specification--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02
02. OSD Menu-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------08
03. Exploded Diagram
04. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures-----------------------------------------------------------12
06. Schematics and Layouts------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30
AppendixI:User’s Manual
Appendix II: Quick Setup Guide
Appendix III : Spare Parts Llist
Any person attempting to service this chassis must familarize with the chassis and be aware of the
necessary safety precautions to be used when serving electronic equipment
Safety Notice
containing high voltage.
Published by LITE-ON Service Printed in Taiwan © All rights reserved Subject to modification
Product Anouncement:
Important Safety Notice
Go to cover page
This product is certificated to meet RoHS Directive and
Lead-Free produced definition. Using approved critical
components only is recommended when the situation
to replace defective parts. Vender assumes no liability
express or implied, arising out of any unauthorized
modification of design or replacing non-RoHS parts.
Service providers assume all liability.
Qualified Repairability:
Proper service and repair is important to the safe,
reliable operation of all series products. The service
providers recommended by vender should being
aware of notices listed in this service manual in order
to minimize the risk of personal injury when perform
service procedures. Furtermore, the possibile existed
improper repairing method may damage equipment or
Using Lead-Free solder to well mounted the parts.!
! The fusion point of Lead-Free solder requested in the
degree of 220 C.°
products. It is recommended that service engineers
should have repairing knowledge, experience, as well
as appropriate product training per new model before
performing the service procedures.
To avoid electrical shocks, the products should be
connect to an authorized power cord, and turn off the
master power switch each time before removing the
AC power cord.
To prevent the product away from water or explosed
in extremely high humility environment.
To ensure the continued reliability of this product,
use only original manufacturer’s specified parts.
To ensure following safty repairing behavior, put the
replaced part on the components side of PWBA, not
solder side.
To ensure using a proper screwdriver, follow the
torque and force listed in assembly and disassembly
procedures to screw and unscrew screws.
Go to cover page

1. Product Specification


This document defines the design and performance
requirements for an 20/22W inch diagonal , flat panel
monitor .The display element shall be a WSXGA
(1680x1050) resolution TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor
Liquid Crystal Display).16.7M color(RGB 6bits+FRC)
images are displayed on the panel.Video input signals are
analog RGB (0.7Vp-p). When the systemis powered-on ,
previously stored screen parameters for a pre-defined
mode will be recalled if the operating mode is one of stored
in memory( 19 factory , 9 users timing ).This monitor
operates normal by non-interlaced mode. DDC (Display
Data Channel) function is DDC2Bi compliance Power
saving function complies with the DPMS (Display Power
Management Signaling) standard.


1.2.1 Test Condition
Brightness level & contrast level max. Full white
pattern test mode following spec. Warm up more than
1 hr, ambient light < 10 Lux , Luminance meter CA110
or BM7 or same equipment .
1.2.2 Test Equipment
The reference signal source is a calibrated Chroma
2135 video generator or higher.The use of other
signal generators during qualification and production
is acceptable provided the product complies with this


This section describes the electricalrequirement of the
monitor.The block diagram in Figure1 illustrates the various
electrical sub-system.
Figure 1
Monitor Block Diagram
Power Board
AC to DC Adapter,
DC to DC Converter,
DC to AC Inverter.
CCFT Dr ive
Spe aker
DC5.3V (Audio)
Inve rter cont rol
Speaker line input
Audio So urce
Audio line input
LCD Flat Panel
Panel d at a & control,DC power
Inte rface B oard
Flat P anel Controller, D DC
Audio AMP.
Video Signalinput & DDC
Host Computer
Function key input
Functio n
Key Board
The LCD monitor consists of an interface board , a power board
, a function key board and two speaker (1W)(with audio)
The interface board will house the flat panel control logic ,
brightness control logic, audio function control (option), key
function control, DDC and DC to DC conversion to supply the
appropriate power to the whole board and LCD flat panel , and
transmitting LVDS signals into LCD flat panel module to drive
the LCD display circuit .
The power board will support main power DC5V to interface
board, and the power DC5.3V to audio function power of
interface board,and drive the two CCFLs (Cold Cathode
Fluorescent Tube).The interface board provides the power ON /
OFF control over the whole monitor and control for DPMS LED
indicator to function key board.
Signal Input Frequency
(Analog) V : 56Hz~76H z
Pixel clock 165MHz (Max)
Video Input Analog 0.7Vp-p
Display Pixels 640 x 480 (VG A) ~ 1680 x 1050 (WSXGA)
Sync Signal Separate SYNC for TTL (N or P)
Signal Input Frequency
(Digital) V : 56Hz~76Hz
Pixel clock 165MHz (Max)
Video Input Analog 0.7Vp-p
Display Pixels 640 x 480 (VG A) ~ 1680 x 1050 (WSXGA)
Connector AC Input AC100V ~ AC240V ± 10% 50/60Hz , 3 pin AC power cord
Input connector D-SUB 15 pin & DVI-D
Audio Jack
Power Consumption AC in 100V~240V Active 48W (with Audio), active 38W , power saving < 2W
User's Control Front Empowering,Auto Adjust,Adjust(-),Adjust (+),Menu,Power
Pre-Defined Timing Factory 19
User 9
Plug and Play VESA DDC2Bi
Power Saving VESA DPMS
Input Signal Counter Tolerance
Analog : H : 30kHz~81kHz
Digital : H : 30kHz~81kHz
Input Impedance 75
(OPTION A L) Audio input 3.6F
Contrast , Brightness , Position ,Clock ,Phase ,Analog/Digital,RESET, Color , Language select , Audio (option), etc.
H ± 1kHz,≦V±1Hz
1.3.1 Interface Connectors Power Connector and Cables
The AC input shall have an IEC/CEE-22 type male
power receptacle for connection to mains power.
The power cord shall be with length of 1.8+/-0.005
meters. Video Signal Connectors and Cable
The signal cable shall be 1.8 0.005 meters long.
At the end of the cable shall be a molded-over,
shielded,triple row, 15 position, D-subminiature
connector. The CPU connection shall have captive
screw locks, which will be adequate for hand
tightening. The monitor connection may use small
1. Product Specification (continued)
Go to cover page
Connector P in Assignm ent
P in Sig n a l P in S ig na l P in S ig n al
G reen-V ideo
Connector Pin D escription
D-SUB Pin Description
Pin N ame D e scription
1 Red -Video Red video signalinput. 2 G reen-Video Green video signal input. 3 B lue -V id eo B lue v id eo s ign al in pu t. 4GND Ground 5 DDC -G N D DDC gro und for the V E S A D DC 2 Bi functio n. 6 Red- GN D A nalog signal ground for the R e d video . 7 Green - G ND A na log signal gr o und for the G re e n video. 8 Blue-G N D Ana log signal gr o und for the B lue vide o .
9 + 5 V +5V input from host system for the V ES A DD C 2 Bi function. 10 S ync-G ND S ignal ground 11 GN D Ground 12 D DC _SD A SDA signal input for the V E S A D D CB 2i functio n. 13 H- S YN C Horizontalsignalinput from the host system. 14 V- S YN C Verticalsignal input from the host system. 15 D D C- S CL S CL signal input for the V ESA D D C 2B i function.
Sync-GN D
DVI-I / DVI-D (If using DVI-D cable, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 is NC)
Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
Analog V-Sync (NC)
DVI-I / DV I-D C on nector P inDes crip tion
Pin Name Description Pin Nam e Description
1 RX2- TM D S l i n k #0channel#2 differen ti alpair 16 HP Hot plu g g in g 2 RX2+ TMDS link #0 cha nnel #2 differ ential pair 1 7 RX0- TMDS link #0 cha n nel #0 diffe rentia lp air 3 GN D GND for no link shar e 18 RX0+ TMDS link #0 c hannel #0 diffe rential p air 4 N C NC 19 GN D GND for no link sha re 5NC NC 20NC NC 6 SCL Clock lin e f or D D C i nterf ace 21 NC NC 7 S DA Dat a line for DDC int erfac e 22 GN D Clo ck shie ld
Analo g
V-s ync for ana log inter face 23 RXC + TMDS clock d iffere ntial pa ir
V- Sync
9 RX1- TMDS link #0 channel #1 d ifferent ial pair 24 RXC- TMDS clock d ifferentia l pair
10 RX 1+ TM D Slink #0channel#1 differen ti alpair C1
11 GND GNDfornolinkshare C2
12 NC NC C3
13 NC NC C4
14 5V +5V inpu t f romhost systemfor DD C2Bfunction . C5
15 GND Ground(U si n gas Detect Cabl e)
Analo g Red Analo g Gre en Analo g Blue
Analo g H-S ync Analo g GND
Analog Red (NC)
Analog Green (NC)
Analog Blue (NC)
Analog H-Sync (NC)
Analo gRe d signal
Analo gGr een sign al
Analo gBlu e signal
H-s ync for analo gint erface
Analo gGN D Audio Jack (option)
This jack shall connect the audio input from host
1.3.2 Video Input Signals
Video Input Signal
No. Symbol Item Min
Fh Scanning Horizontal Frequency 30 81 kHz Minimum range
Fv Scanning Vertical Frequency 55 76 Hz Minimum range
Vih Hi Level Input 2.0 5.0 V Note 1)
Vil Low Level Input 0 0.8 V Note 1)
Video RGB Analog Video Level 0.0 0.7 1.0 V
Note 1) Schmitt-Triggers Input , Supported 3.3V device H(&V) sync output from PC.
Max Unit Remark
75Ωto Ground Video Signal Amplitudes
The three video inputs consist of Red ,Green , and Blue
signals, each with its own coaxial cable terminated at the
monitor. These video signals are analog levels, where 0
V corresponds to black , and 700 mV is the maximum
signal amplitude for the respective color, when each
signal is terminated by a nominal 75.0 ohms .For a given
monitor luminance levels are measured using this
defined video amplitud driving a monitor meeting the
termination requirements .The signal amplitude is not to
be readjusted to compensate for variations in termination
impendance. Video Signal Termination Impedance
This analog video signal termination shall be 75 1%
which shall be resistive with a negligible reactive
. Synchronization ( Sync ) Signals
The Horizontal Sync (HS) TTL signal is used to initiate
the display of a horizontal line. HS may be either active
high or active low, depending upon the timing .The
Vertical Sync (VS) TTL signal is used to initiate the
display of a new frame .VS may be either active high or
active low, depending on the timing Sync Signal Levels
The monitor must accept sync signals from both 3.3 and
5 volt TTL logic families.The inputs shall sense a logic 0
when the input is 0.8 volt or less and shall sense a logic
1 when the input is 2.0 volts or greater. In addition to
these level requirements, there shall also be a minimum
of 0.3 volt hysteresis provided for noise immunity
(typically by using a Schmitt Trigger input ).That is , the
input level at which the monitor actually detects a logic 0
shall be at least 0.3 volt lower than the level at which it
actually detects a logic 1.If the monitor sync processing
circuits are designed around the 3.3 volt logic family
,then the sync inputs must be 5 volt tolerant . Sync Signal Loading
TTL input loading shall be equivalent to one TTL input
load. When logic 0 is asserted by a sync input , the
maximum current source from any single monitor sync
input to the driver is 1.6 mA .When logic 1 is asserted ,
the maximum current source from the driver to any
single monitor sync input is 400 uA .
Go to cover page
1. Product Specification (continued) Abnormal Signal Immunity
The monitor shall not be damaged by improper sync
timing , pulse duration , or absence of sync , or
abnormal input signal amplitude ( video and/ or sync
too large or too small) , or any other anomalous
behavior of a graphics card video generator when
changing modes , or when any combination of input
signals is removed or replaced . Additionally , under
these conditions , the monitor shall not cause
damage to the driving source
1.3.3 User Controls and Indicatiors On / Off Switch
The monitor shall have a power control switch
visible and accessible on the front of the monitor .
The switch shall be marked with icons per IEC 417 ,
# 5007 and # 5009.The switch shall interrupt the DC
supply to the monitor Power Indicator LED
The monitor shall make use of an LED type
indicator located on the front of the monitor .
The LED color shall indicate the power states as
given in Table 1.
Table 1
Function LED Color
Full Power Blue color
Sleep Orange color On-Screen Display
The Lite-ON On Screen Display system shall be
used , controlled by a Menu button. If the buttons
remain untouched for OSD turn off time while
displaying a menu , the firmware shall save the
current adjustments and exit. Also, if the video
controller changes video mode while the OSD is
active, the current settings shall be saved
immediately, the OSD turn off, and new video mode
is displayed.
Key When no OSD display OSD Displayed
Menu Display
Speaker Volume/Minus
(with Audio)
Speaker Volume/Plus
(with Audio)
Auto Adjust Function
Empowering Menu or EXIT/Scenario mode
1. To display the OSD menu on the screen.
2. To select the OSD sub-Menu
1. Forward selection of the OSD menu.
2. Increase the value after sub-menu selected.
1. Back-forward selection of the OSD menu.
2. Decrease the value after sub-menu selected.
Menu or EXIT/Auto Adjust function. OSD adjustment
AUDIO VOLUME To increase or decrease the sound level
BRIGHTNESS Back li ght Luminance of the LCD panel is adjusted.
CONTRAST A gain of R , G and B signal is adjusted.
AUTO CONTRAST A gain of R , G and B signal auto adjust.
CLOCK The ratio of dividing frequenc y of the dot clock is adjusted.
PHASE The phase of the dot clock is adjusted.
H-POSITION The indication screen is horizontally moved right and left (1 Pixels pitch).
V-POSITION The indica tio n s c re en is ver tica lly moved up and down (1 Pixels pitch).
AUTO ADJUST Clock system auto adjustment, about under 8 sec.
COLOR BALANCE Select three ki nds of modes. ( USER /6500 / 9300 ).
OSD POSITION The OSD indication posit ion can be adjusted.
RECALL DEFAULTS All data copy fro m factory shipment data.
OSD DURATION Adjust OSD menu off time range from10~120 second.
Select the language used for the OSD menu among English , French , Italian , Deutsch and Spanish.
Back light of the LCD panel is cut when the signal is not input (AC line power consumption 2W or less).
The frequency of the horizontal / vertical synchronizing signal under the input is indicated.
1.3.4 Monitor Modes and Timing Capability Format and Timing
The monitor shall synchronize with any vertical
frequency from 55 to 76 Hz , and with any
horizontal frequency from 30 to 81KHz. If the input
frequency is out of the above – specified range,
the monitor shall display a warning screen
indicating that the input frequency is out of range.
Under no circumstances shall any combination of
input signals cause any damage to the monitor . Factory Assigned Display Modes
There are 19 factory pre-set frequency video
modes. These modes have a factory pre-set for all
characteristics affecting front-of-screen
performance. When the system is powered-
on,previously stored screen parameters for a pre-
defined mode will be recalled if the operating
mode is one of those stored in memory. If the
operating mode is not one of those stored in
memory, the monitor CPU will select the PRESET
timing for a mode that is the next lowest in
horizontal scanning frequency to the mode being
currently used. The screen parameters may be
adjusted by the use of the front bezel controls and
then may be saved as a user defined mode. The
monitor shall include all the preset video timings
shown in the following page.(Please see Note.(3) )
1. Product Specification (continued)
Go to cover page
5 Mode Recognition Pull-in
The monitor shall recognize preset modes within a
range of +/-1KHz whichever is less for horizontal ;
and within +/-1Hz for vertical. User Display Modes
In addition to the factory pre-set video modes,
provisions shall be made to store up to 9 user
modes. If the current mode is a user mode, the
monitor shall select its previously stored settings.
If the user alters a setting, the new setting will be
stored in the same user mode. The user modes
are not affected by the pre-set command. If the
input signal requires a new user mode, storage of
the new format is automatically performed during
user adjustment of the display (if required, please
see Note.(4) )
Preset Timing Ch art
Item N o Resolution
1 102 720 x 400 (70Hz) 31.469 28.322 - + 2 103 640 x 480 (59.94Hz) 31.469 25.175 - ­3 182 640 x 480 (66.66Hz) 35 30.24 - -
4 173 640 x 480 (72Hz) 37.861 31.5 - ­5 109 640 x 480 (75Hz) 37.5 31.5 - -
6 648 x 500 (57.7Hz) 31.234 25.175 + +
7 104 800 x 600 (56.25Hz) 35.156 36 + +
8 116 800 x 600 (60Hz) 37.879 40 + +
9 117 800 x 600 (72Hz) 48.077 50 + +
10 110 800 x 600 (75Hz) 46.875 49.5 + + 11 108 832 x 624 (74.55Hz) 49.722 57.28 - ­12 118 1024 x 768 (60Hz) 48.363 65 - ­13 157 1024 x 768 (70Hz) 56.476 75 - ­14 141 1024 x 768 (75Hz) 60.023 78.75 + + 15 126 1152 x 864 (75Hz) 67.5 108 + + 16 161 1280 x 960 (60Hz) 60 108 + + 17 179 1280 x 1024 (60Hz) 63.981 108 + + 18 131 1280 x 1024 (75Hz) 79.976 135 + + 19 1680 x1050(60Hz) 65.3 146.25 - +
NOTE : (1) 76≦FV≦86 : monitor can display but doesn't guarantee.
(2) fV < 55, or fV > 86 : warning invalid mode. (3) Factory m od el :
After w e first burn the code into the flash, every preset-modelw e run firstm ust do auto-adjusting. Then it'll not do auto-adjust again w hen we changed preset-mode back including AC on/offD C on/off. The only way that preset-mode do auto-adjust again is press '' Internal Factory Reset''.
(4) User m ode :
The code should memorize 9 timing m ode exclusive of preset-modes as use mode and do auto-adjusting. Whenusersetanewmodethatisnotamongpreviously.It'lldoauto-adjustingthenbesolvedtousermodes. The ne w mode w ill o ve rw rite the first mem o rize d u se r m o de s. The user modes be cleared is same as Factory mode. Just do '' Internal Factory Reset''.
(5) Internal F actory Reset and OS D F actory Reset behavior.
H-Sync Band Width
(KHz) (MH z ) H V
1.3.5 Controller Requirements General Requirements
The monitor shall include a controller capable of
converting the analog RGB signal from a standard
SXGA resolution video controller in the CPU to a
signal which can be displayed on the panel. The
controller will include a PLL, A/D converters, LVDS
transmitter and other circuitry necessary to perform
its function. The PLL shall be stable enough to
ensure that a static image from the CPU is placed
in the same physical location on the flat panel in
each frame. Video Stretching
The monitor shall contain provisions to “stretch” the
video signal, so that an input signal from the
computer in any resolution smaller than 1680 x
1050 is automatically expanded to fill the entire
screen. Panel Timing and Interface
The controller supplied with the monitor shall
control all panel timing. This controller shall
adequately insulate the monitor from the computer,
so that no possible combination of input signals
from the computer shall cause damage to the flat
panel or any other component of the monitor. The
LCD panel interface shall support the TFT
1.3.6 DC - AC Inverter Requirements
The DC-AC inverter is on the power board. The
frequencies used by the DC-AC inverter used to power the
backlight shall be chosen so as to prevent any noticeable
effects on the flat panel (such as a rolling effect).
1.3.7 Power Supply Requirements
The AC to DC converter power supply for the monitor shall
be an external AC to DC converter ”brick” This brick shall
have an IEC receptacle for main power input and a pin - in
-socket for DC power out. The brick shall provide sufficient
power for both the monitor and the backlight assembly,
and shall meet requirements specified in Table 2.
Table 2
C, with the unit
C, and nominal input line
Input Voltage Range
Input Frequency Range
Power Consumption
Line Fu s e
Initial Cold Start
Inrus h Cur rent
Hot Start Cycle
Under Voltage
Line Transient
AC to DC Converter Requirements
The operating range shall be from 90 to 132 and 195 to 265 AVC sinusoidal for all models specified.
Input power frequency range sha;; be from 47.5 to 63 Hz over the specified input voltage range.
Power consumption for the m onitor shall be less than 46W over the specified voltage and frequency ranges. In suspend or sleep mode the power consumption will be less than 2W.
The AC input shall be fused and become electrically open as a result on an unsafe current level. The fuse many not be user replaceable.
The power supply shall start and function properly when under full load, with worst case conditions of input voltage, input frequenct, operating temperature, and cold backlight lamps.
The inrush current must be limited to 30A when operated at 120VAC, and 50A when operated at 220VAC. Inrush current is
measured at an ambient temperature of 25 temperature stabilized in the pow er-off.
The power supply shall be dam aged when switched ON for one second and OFF for one second for seven consecutive after
operating for one hour at full load, 25 voltage.
The power supply shall contain protection circuitry such that the application of an input voltage below the minimum specified in this table shall not cause damage to the power supply unit nor cause failure of the input.
The power supply shall operate within IEC 801-4 (± 1KV) and IEC 801-5 (± 2KV) for the domestic U.S. version. The UPS power supply shall operate and comply with CE mark.
Go to cover page
1. Product Specification (continued)
1.3.8 Display Communications Channel
The monitor assembly shall provide a display
communications channel that conforms to VESA
DDC2Bi hardware requirements. This configuration
shall contain the 128-byte EDID file as specified by
VESA EDID standard.The monitor should not write to
the EDID file for the first two minutes of operation
following power-up UNLESS some action taken by the
user or the host CPU forces the write (for instance,
requesting the serial number via the OSD).
Furthermore, it is recommended that CMOS switches
be incorporated to isolate the DDC IC from outside
connections while the EDID Fault Management is
being updated. This is to prevent corruption of the data
by attempts to read the data while it is being changed.
1.3.9 Firmware Update Function (same ISP function)
The update firmware need through from the D-Sub
connector, use DDC I2C bus to do update firmware.


1.4.1 General Requirements
The panel used as the display device shall be an
WSXGA resolution,20/22W, TFT-LCD.This panel shall
be approved for use in this monitor.
1.4.2 Panel Timings
The controller included with the monitor shall translate
all video timings from the CPU that meet the timing
requirements listed in Panel specification into timings
appropriate for the panel. Under no circumstances may
the controller supply the panel with timings that may
result in damage. The controller shall insulate the
panel from the CPU , so that the panel shall always be
driven per it's own specification regardless of the
timings being sent from the CPU.
1.4.3 Polarizer Hardness
The outer face of the front polarizer panel shall be
covered with a coating witha#3hardness value
1.4.4 Backlight Requirements General Requirements
The backlight assembly shall be designed to support
field replacement at the customer site or authorized
service center. The lamps shall have a continuous
operating life of at least 40,000 hours at 25. The
operating life is defined as having ended when the
illumination of light has reached 50% of the initial
value. The lamps shall extend a sufficient amount
from the edge of the light guide that sputtering over
the life of the lamps shall not cause degradation of
the luminance uniformity (such as non-illuminated
bands along the edges of the display). Lamps Startup Time
The backlight lamps shall start about 2 sec of the
time the monitor power switch is pressed or the
monitor is restarted from a power - down mode .The
starting time shall stay about 2 sec. for the
minimum expected life of the lamps.
Test conditions are as follows :
Ambient Light ---------------------- < 1.0 lux
Temperature-------------------------- 10
Inactive Time ----------------------- > 24 hours
1.4.5 Defects Visual Inspection
The LCD panel shall be inspected with all pixels set
to white,black , red , green , and blue. The color
variation, brightness variation , and overall
appearance must not be perceived as poor quality
by Lite-On . Areas and / or parameters considered
questionable shall be subjected to detailed
measurements . Display Degradation
Over the life of the product , variation of the
parameters specified in Panel specification shall be
maintained within reasonable limits.The panel must
not exhibit any significant defects while in operation
( excluding the CCFL operation ).This does not in
any way change the warranty given by the panel
manufacturer . Light Leakage
Except for the active display area , there shall be no
light emission visible from any angle from any other
part of the display . For this test , the ambient
illumination must follow panel's specification. Allowable Defects
No cosmetic defects are allowed except those
specified below.The conditions of visual inspections
are as follows :
For P20/22 W Series.
Viewing distance is to be approximately 35-50cm
Ambient illumination is to be 300 to 700 lux.
Viewing angle shall be at 90 degree.
Defects not apparent within one minute shall be
1. Product Specification (continued)
Go to cover page
7 Defect Terminology
Table 3 gives the descriptive terms used in classifying
Spo ts or lines that a p p ea r dark in the d is p lay patte rn s and are
Dark / Spots / Lines
Bright Spots / Lines
Polarizer Scratch
Polarizer Dent
Rubbing Line
Newton R ing The “rainbow” effect caused by non-uniform cell thickness.
Mo ttling
Dim Line
Cross Lines Off
Bright/DarkDot Asub–pixel(R,G,Bdot)stuckoff/on(electrical).
usually the result of contamination. D efects do not vary in size or intensity (contrast) when contrast voltage is varied. Contrast variation can be achieved through the use of varying gray shade patterns.
Spots o r lines that appear light in the display p atterns. Defects do no t va ry in s ize or intens ity (co ntra st) w h en contrast voltage is varied. Contrast variation can be achieved through the use of varying gray sh ade patterns.
When the unit lights, lines appear light (white) with display patterns dark and do not vary in size. Physical dam age to the polarizer that does not damage the glass
When the unit lights, spots appear light (white) w ith display patterns dark and do not vary in size. Physical damage to the polarizer that does not damage the glass.
Horizontal o r d iagonal lines that app ear g ray w ith the display patterns dark and may have resulted from an “out of control” rubbin g process on the p o lyim ide or “wave s” on the B E F s or prism sheets.
Wh en the unit lig hts , variation / no n – u n iform ity (splotchiness) appears light (white) with the display and might v ary in size.
Wh en the unit lights, line (s) in th e mon ito r (vertical) or m ajo r (horizontal) axis appear dim, but not com pletely on or off.
When the unit lights, lines in both the minor and major axis do not appear. Smudges, Streaks and Smears
When viewing the panel oriented so as to maximize
reflected light , there shall be no visible smudging ,
streaking, smearing or other nonuniformity from
contaminants ,fingerprints,or defects in any of the visible
surfaces. This is independent of whether the unit is
operating or off . Other Defects
Undefined defects that are considered to be rejectable
by Lite–On will be reviewed by Lite-On as they become
apparent. These panels will be referred to the Lite - On
Corporate / Manufacturer Purchasing Agreement for
disposition. LCD Inspection
Put LCD panel on inspection table and illuminate the
panel with a daylight fluorescent lamp located above the
panel surface such that the illuminance at the LCD panel
is between 1000 lux and 1500 lux .Defect limits are given
in Table 4 .

1.5 Optical Characteristics

Depends on the LCD supplier's spec. Details refer to QA
Inspection Spec.
Average Diameter smaller of
(L+W)/2 or L/20+2W
< 0.1mm Non countable N / A
0.1 mm ~ 0.3 mm 10 15 mm
0.31 mm ~ 0.5 mm 10 15 mm
0.51 mm ~ 1.25 mm 5 15 mm
1.26 mm ~ 2.5 mm 3 25.4 mm
2.51 mm ~ 3.75 mm 3 25.4 mm
Greater than 3.75 mm NONE Not applicable
Note : Allowable distance between spots of two sizes is the minimum separation
number for the smaller spot. Therefore, if there are two spots, 1.30mm and 0.4mm
in diameter, they must be at least 15mm apart.
Acceptable Number Minimum Separation
Go to cover page


The description for control function:

2 OSD Menu

Ico n
Ico n
N/A Warm
N/A Cool
N/A English N/A N/A D eutsch N/A Francais N/A Espanol N/A Italiano N/A N/A
N/A Auto C onfig
N/A Analog
N /A D ig it a l
N/A Information
N/A Reset
N/A Exit
Sub Menu
Ite m
User /Red 0-100 100
User/Green 0-100 100
User/Blue 0-100 100
V. Position
Set the color tem perature to warm white. Set the color tem perature to cool w hite.
Ad ju s ts R ed /U s er /G re e n
Green/Blue intensity.
M u lti-la ng u a ge s ele ctio n . N /A
Ad jus t th e h o rizo nta l position of the OS D. Ad jus t th e v e rtic a l p os itio n of the OSD .
Ad jus t th e O S D tim e o ut. 10 -1 2 0 1 0
Auto Adjust the H/V Position, Focus and Clockof picture. (Only Analog InputM odel) Selectinput signal from analog (D-Sub) (Only DualInputM odel) Selectinput signal from digital(DVI) (Only DualInputM odel)
SelecttheDDC/CION or OFF
Show the resolution, H/V freq ue n cy ,SN an d inputportofcurrentinput tim in g .
Clear each o ld status of Au to-c o nfig u ratio n and set the co lor temperature to W arm.
Save user a djustment an d OSD disappear.
Adjustm ent
The color
temperature w illbe set to cool.
be set to Eng lish
0-100 50
0-100 50
The DD C/CI switch,
defaultis “ON” in
2. OSD Manu (continued)
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3.1 Packing Exploded Diagram

3. Exploded Diagram

3.2 Product Exploded Diagram

3. Exploded Diagram (continued)
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4.1 Assembly procedures:

Connect the cable between power board(P802)
and interface board (P301)
Connect the function key cable into interface
Connect the FFC cable into interface board

4. Assembly and Disassembly Procedures

Take the key function cable out from the hole
shown as photo
Fix the function key cable with a PVC tape
Take a bracket chassis base on a protective
cushion and stick an insulator on the specific
position, take a power board and turn it over. Then,
put it on the specific positions of bracket chassis
Use a Phillips-head screwdriver screwed the
No.1~4 screws till that power board and bracket
chassis base firmly attached.(No1 screw
size=M4x8; No2~4 screw size=M3x6;
Turn the monitor faced down and put it on the
Bracket Chassis module till both parts firmly
Take lamp cables out from the holes shown as
the photo.
Use a Phillips-head screwdriver screwed the
No.1~4 screws till that interface board and bracket
chassis base firmly attached.
Connect the FFC cable to the connector of the LCD
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