Chronogr aph Reset (I ncl. After R eplacing B attery) 82
This boo klet contai ns setting i nstruct ions for the Accu rist Quar tz
Chronograph series of watches. Each section describes a particular calibre
(also calle d watch moveme nt) which off ers a unique s et of funct ions and
As such, it is n ecessar y to identif y the correc t calibre of y our watch bef ore
proceeding to the appropriate section (see diagram opposite).
The lates t setting ins tructio ns, technica l manuals and inte ractive
instruc tions are avai lable from ou r website at ww
When on the w ebsite pleas e click on the ser vice area fo r more inform ation.
The Accuris t technical h elpline is als o available du ring off ice hours:
+44 (0)20 7447 3945 or em ail service@a
Model Number
Calibre Number
Battery Number
Avoid temperature extremes
1. Avoid leav ing your watch in d irect sunli ght or in extr emely warm
conditio ns for long per iods of time: t his will cause ma lfunctio ning and
shorte n the life of the b attery.
2. Do not leave you r watch for long p eriods of tim e in extrem ely cold
places; thi s may cause your wa tch to gain or lose t ime. Should it b egin to
gain or lose t ime, place you r watch on your wri st to restore it t o its normal
working temperature.
Avoid wet conditions
1. Do not op erate the but tons when you r watch is wet, eve n on models
marked ‘ Water Resista nt’.
2. Check case back markin gs and refer to th e Resistance t o water sect ion.
Care Of Your Watch
Avoid strong shocks
1. This watc h will withst and the bumps an d jars normal ly incurred d uring
sports activities.
2. Avoid droppin g your watch on th e ground or othe rwise imp arting seve re
shock to it.
Avoid strong magnetic fields
1. Keep you r watch away from s trong magne ts.
2. Generally, your watch is not affected by magnetic fields from household
applianc es such as telev ision sets an d stereo equi pment.
Care Of Your Watch
Avoid harmf ul chemicals , solvents & ga ses
1. Avoid wear ing your watch in t he presence of s trong chemi cals, solve nts
or gases.
2. Avoid materia ls such as gasoli ne, benzene , paint thinne r, alcohol, spray
cosmetics, nail polish, nail polish remover, adhesives or paint.
Periodic inspection
1. A regula r 4 to 5 years ser vice by an author ised Accuris t technician w ill
ensure trou ble free op eration.
2. Refer to the Af ter Sales S ervice sec tion for de tails.
Keep the batteries out of reach of infants and small children. Should
accidental ingestion occur consult a doctor immediately.
2. Do not attempt to replace the battery yourself as this invalidates your
Keep your watch clean
Wipe off any
clean cloth.
moisture that adheres to the case, glass or band with a soft,
Care Of Your Watch
1. Keep the b atteries o ut of reach of inf ants and small c hildren. Sho uld
accident al ingestio n occur consult a d octor imme diately.
2. Do not attem pt to replace th e battery y ourself as th is invalidates yo ur
Keep your wa tch clean
Wipe of f any moisture th at adheres to th e case, glass or b and with a sof t,
clean cloth.
The cross ed-out wh eeled bin in dicates that u sed elect rical and ele ctronic
equipme nt should not b e mixed with ge neral domes tic waste. Th ere is a
separate c ollectio n point for the se produc ts.
The objectives of the Community’s environment policy are, in particular,
to preser ve, protec t and improve the q uality of th e environment , protect
human health and utilise natural resources prudently and rationally.
WEEE Directive
Disposal information for consumers
EU Countries
In accordance with legislation that requires proper treatment, recovery and
recycli ng of used ele ctrical an d electro nic equipme nt. Private hou seholds
within the EU s tates may retu rn their used e lectric al and elec tronic
equipment to designated collection points free of charge. Equally return
your produ ct to an Accuris t stockist o r Accurist head quarters , who will see
to the produ cts dispos al.
Please cont act your auth ority for f urther de tails.
WEEE Directive
Non EU Countr ies
If you wish to di scard this pro duct, ple ase contact yo ur local auth orities
and ask for th e correct me thod of dispo sal. Other wise pleas e return to
Accurist he adquarte rs, who will se e to the produc ts dispos al.
Disposa l informatio n for business u sers EU Countr ies
Please cont act your Accur ist dealer wh o will inform yo u about the ‘ take
back’ of p roducts .
The brace let require s a small adjust ment and the mo del has
a Z-type clas p.
1. Depre ss the end of the sp ring bar
on the centr e clasp with a pin.
2. Relocate t he spring bar in a n
alternative hole.
Bracelet Adjustment
The brace let require s a signific ant adjustme nt or the model d oes not have
a Z-type clas p.
1. Use the en closed wris t gauge to measu re and mark the si ze of your wrist .
2. Return the co mpleted wr ist gauge with y our watch.
3. Follow the in structio ns in the After S ales Serv ice sectio n to return your
watch for adj ustment. Your wa tch will be adjus ted free of ch arge.
Using the Slide Rule Bezel
For further information on the slide rule bezel please visit and follow the service link.
International Service Headquarters
Asher House, Blackburn Road,
West Hampstead,
London, NW6 1AW
Ellermanstraat 23,
1099 BX Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Tel: 0031 20 692 8888,
Fax: 0031 20 665 2184
Kingdo m of Saudi Arabi a
Al Asasy ah, Sitteen St reet,
P.O. Box 19248 - 19249,
Je dda h 21435
Tel: 00966 261 92035,
Fax: 0096 6 676 2262
International Service Agents
Timewor x Ltd, 45
Andrea Demetriou St,
Nicosia 2024, Cypru s
Tel: 003 57 22 44132 8,
Fax: 00 357 22441329
Parsec Ent erprises In c, 7501
N.Harke r Drive, Peori a , IL, 61615
Tel: 1 800 359 2508
Indicati ons on dial or cas ebackLight spray,
Light rain , etc.
-Water resistantOkX
Water resistant
50M (5 ATM)
Water resistant
100M (10 ATM)
Water resistant
150M (15 ATM )
and deeper
Water resistantOkOk
Water resistantOkOk
Water resistantOkOk
Resistance To Water
IMPORTANT - Ne ver pull out the c rown when the w atch is wet.
• Tighten screwlock crown completely.
• Water resist ance is not a per manent prop erty. We stro ngly
recomme nd you return yo ur watch for res ealing ever y 4 - 5 years and/
or when changing batteries.
• “Water res istant” may s ometimes b e abbreviate d as “Water resi st”
or “WR”.
• Never pull o ut the crown wh en the watch is wet .
• Always set t he crown in the no rmal positi on.
The terms o f this guarante e provide rig hts that are in ad dition to your
statuto ry rights an d do not in any way lim it or otherw ise affec t those
statutory rights.
Your Accurist wa tch is guarantee d for 1 year fro m the date of orig inal retail
purchase a gainst any malf unction of t he watch moveme nt due to defec tive
materials o r workmansh ip and exten ded to 3 years on ce registere d at This guarantee is applicable only to
watches pu rchased in the U nited Kingd om. This guar antee does no t cover
the following: Breakages caused from maltreatment, mishandling or
accident ; Water damage unl ess marked wa ter resistant (5ATM or ab ove);
batter ies; the repla cement or repa ir of bracele ts and leathe r watch straps .
To make a claim unde r the guarante e please retu rn your watch alo ng with
your proof of purchase directly to the International Service Headquarters
at the addre ss set out on pa ge 17 or an Internation al Service A gent.
Each Accuri st watch comes w ith a lifetime co mmitment to qu ality af ter
sales ser vice. Our aw ard winning cus tomer ser vice team are de dicated to
providin g expert s ervicing f rom bracele t adjustmen ts to full overh aul. We
pride ourselves in identifying our customer’s requirements and reacting
to their ind ividual nee ds. An expe rt watchmake r personal ly service s each
watch and Accu rist guarant ees qualit y at every step o f the process .
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