Abb TPS48-F32 User Manual

Operation Manual
ABB Turbo Systems Ltd CH 5401 Baden
Type TPS48-F32 HT590361 n
SOLD06 00180 16 60 60 Year 2019
HZTL2412 English
Original Operation Manual
1/s °C
made in Switzerland
680 650
Application according to
the Operation Manual
ABB Turbocharging
Operating condition and replacement intervals
The operational limits for the turbocharger nBmax, tBmax, nMmax, tMmax, inspection- and replacement intervals for the compon­ents concerned on the rating plate are valid for the operational mode and compressor inlet condition, which has been agreed upon between the engine builder and ABB.
Note: Replacement intervals of components depends on the load profi le, turbine inlet temperature, suction air temperature and
Unless otherwise agreed, the application limits nMmax, tMmax are valid for the test operation for a limited time.
turbocharger speed. In case the operation conditions differs signifi cantly from what is considered to be normal for the cur­rent application, it is recommended to contact ABB for a re-calculation of replacement intervals. Frequent load alterations, high temperatures and high speed lower the life of components.
Table of contents Page 1
Purpose of this manual
Layout and function
Intended use of the turbocharger
Storage of new turbochargers and spare parts
Essential information
Symbols and definitions
Turbocharger rating plate
Contact information
CE conformity
2.3Definition of mandatory signs
Definition of Safety instructions
Warning plates on the turbocharger
Safe operation and maintenance
Hazards during operation and maintenance
Deflagration on gas engines
Periodic checking of the pressure vess
Lifting loads
Oil supply
Inspection work
Commissioning after taking out of operation
Noise emissions
Servicing work
Expected exchange intervals
Speed measurement
Stopping the engine
Table of contents
Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F..
August 2017HZTL2412_ENRevision F
1 Preliminary remarks
2 Safety
3 Start-up
4 Operation
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Table of contents Page 2
d to Maintenance
Cleaning the compressor during operation
Turbine cleaning during operation
Cleaning components mechanically
Malfunctions when starti
Surging of the turbocharger
Malfunctions during operation
Malfunctions when stopping
6.5Speed measurement system
Turbocharger weights
Remove the turbocharger
Installing the turbocharger
Module weights
Disassembling and assembling turbocharger
Axial clearance A and radial clearance B
Radial clearances N and R
Table of tightening torques
Shutting down the turbocharger
Taking the engine out of operation for up to 12
Taking the engine out of operation for more than 12
Ordering spare parts
View of turbocharger showing part numbers
View of cartridge group showing part numbers
5 Maintenance
6 Troubleshooting
Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F..
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7 Removal and installation
8 Disassembly and assembly
9 Taking out of operation
10 Mothballing the turbocharger
11 Disposing of turbocharger components
12 Spare parts
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Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F..
Preliminary remarks 1
Purpose of this manual 1.1 Page 3
Preliminary remarks
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Purpose of this manual
This operation manual belongs to the turbocharger with the identical HT number (01), see the cover sheet of the operation manual and the turbo­charger rating plate.
Operation Manual
This Operation Manual enables you to familiarize yourself with the turbo­charger supplied by ABB Turbo Systems and to use it as intended.
It provides important information in order that the turbocharger can be op­erated safely, correctly and efficiently.
This Operation Manual complements and expands existing national regu­lations concerning work safety and accident prevention.
Target group
This Operation Manual is intended for engineers and qualified mechanics who are responsible for operating the engine and the turbocharger in­stalled on it.
Availability of operation manual
An operation manual must be available at all times at the place where the turbocharger is used.
Everyone who operates or works on the turbocharger must have first read and understood the operation manual.
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Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F..
Preliminary remarks 1
Layout and function 1.2 Page 4
Layout and function
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1 Suction branch / filter silencer 8 Gas outlet flange
2 Compressor casing 9 Nozzle ring
3 Diffuser 10 Turbine casing
4 Bearing casing 11 Turbine-end bearing flange
5 Axial thrust bearing 12 Compressor-end bearing flange
6 Radial plain bearing (visible only
at turbine end)
7 Turbine
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13 Compressor wheel
Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F..
Preliminary remarks 1
Layout and function 1.2 Page 5
Mode of operation
The turbocharger is a turbomachine consisting of the following main com­ponents:
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These are mounted on a common shaft.
Exhaust gases from the diesel or gas engine flow through the turbine cas­ing (10) and the nozzle ring (9) to impinge on the turbine (7).
The turbine (7) uses the energy contained in the exhaust gas to drive the compressor wheel (13). The compressor draws in fresh air, compresses it and then forces it into the engine's cylinders.
The exhaust gases escape into the ambient air through the exhaust gas pipe, which is connected to the gas outlet flange (8).
The air, which is necessary for operation of the diesel or gas engine and is compressed in the turbocharger, is drawn into the compressor wheel (13) through the suction branch or filter silencer (1). It then passes through the diffuser (3) and leaves the turbocharger through the outlet on the compressor casing (2).
The rotor runs in two radial plain bearings (6), which are located in the bearing flanges (11/12) between the compressor and the turbine. The axi­al thrust bearing (5) is located between the two radial plain bearings.
The bearings are connected to a central lubricating oil duct which is sup­plied by the engine's lubricating oil circuit. The oil outlet is always at the lowest point of the bearing casing (4).
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Operation Manual / TPS44-F.. - TPS61-F..
Perfect condition
Preliminary remarks 1
Intended use of the turbocharger 1.3 Page 6
State of the art
Intended use of the turbocharger
This turbocharger supplied by ABB Turbo Systems has been developed for use on diesel engines to generate the volume of air and the charg­ing pressure required to operate the engine.
The engine builder has provided ABB Turbo Systems with information regarding the intended use of the engine, from which the operating lim­its specific to the turbocharger shown on the rating plate (such as oper­ating speeds, temperatures, exchange intervals / replacement intervals) have been derived.
If it is used in conjunction with a gas engine, the engine must not be in­stalled in a potentially explosive environment, and precautionary measures must be taken to ensure that the machine room as a whole is classified as not potentially explosive.
Any other use will be regarded as a special application which must first be discussed with ABB Turbo Systems. The manufacturer accepts no liability for other applications. If it is used otherwise, ABB Turbo Sys­tems reserves the right to reject all warranty claims.
This turbocharger was built according to state-of-the-art technology and is operationally safe according to recognised safety regulations.
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Improper operation and maintenance of the turbocharger can result in danger to life and limb of the user or third parties. In addition, improper use may cause damage to the machine.
τ The machine may be operated only by trained personnel.
Use of the turbocharger as intended also includes observance of the in­stallation / fitting, disassembly / removal, operating, maintenance / servic­ing and repair conditions specified by the manufacturer. Disposal regula­tions set down by local authorities must be observed.
The turbocharger may be installed only when in technically perfect condi­tion while observing the instructions given in the engine builder's manual. It may be used only for the intended purpose and operated in compliance with the operation manual.
τ Malfunctions which could affect safety must be eliminated immediately.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage resulting from unau­thorised alterations to the turbocharger.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Storage of new turbochargers and spare parts
1.4 Page 7
Storage of new turbochargers and spare
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Storage of new turbochargers and spare parts up to 6 months
New turbochargers and spare parts from ABB Turbo Systems can be stored in sealed packaging without additional mothballing measures for up to 6 months from the date of delivery (marked by the VCI label on the package).
Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI)
Only dry rooms in which the relative humidity is between 40…70 % and no condensation can form are suitable for storage.
Storage of new turbochargers and spare parts for more than 6 months (VCI)
Protection of health when handling VCIs
VCI products are not hazardous in the sense of the Hazardous Sub­stances Ordinance. Nevertheless, the following points are to be ob­served when handling VCIs:
τ Ensure good room ventilation. τ Do not eat, drink or keep food at the workplace while working with
τ Wear safety gloves. τ Clean hands and face after working with VCIs. τ For further information refer to
Wear safety gloves to protect against chemical hazards.
The following mothballing measures are required every 6 months:
τ Open the package.
τ Remove the VCI corrosion protection emitter from the package and
replace it with a new, identical VCI corrosion protection emitter. New VCI corrosion protection emitters can be obtained at
τ Dispose of the old VCI corrosion protection emitter in an environmen-
tally compatible manner, professionally and in accordance with local regulations.
τ Seal the package. The better the external seal is designed, the more
permanent the protection.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Storage of new turbochargers and
1.4 Page 8
spare parts
Long-term storage of replacement turbochargers or spare parts
Per order, turbochargers or cartridge groups will be prepared by ABB Tur­bo Systems for prolonged storage. The package is equipped with a hyg­rometer (see illustration).
The following measures are required every 6 months:
τ Check the hygrometer (02) in the sight-glass. There is an opening (01)
in the wooden crate which allows this check to be carried out. When the display field has changed colour at the 70% level, the maximum permissible humidity has been exceeded. In this case the turbocharger or rotor must be inspected by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station and repacked.
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τ Inspect the package for damage. If the package is damaged, the tur-
bocharger or cartridge group must be inspected by an ABB Turbo­charging Service Station and repacked.
After every 3 years the following work steps must be performed by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station:
Inspect the components
Exchange the desiccant agent
Repackage the components.
Replacement components ready for operation
If the 70% display field of the hygrometer (02) has not changed colour and the package is undamaged, the replacement turbocharger or re­placement cartridge group can be placed into operation without any pri­or testing by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Unpacking replacement turbochargers or spare parts
The corrosion protection effect ends after the material is unpacked from the VCI package.
To avoid the formation of condensation, the surroundings and the content of the package must have the same temperature during unpacking.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Essential information 1.5 Page 9
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Essential information
Organisational measures
In addition to this manual, the general, statutory regulations applicable in the respective country for the prevention of accidents and the protection of the environment must be observed.
This also applies to the provision and wearing of personnel protection equipment.
The safety and risk consciousness of the personnel working on and with the turbocharger must be checked regularly with reference to this manual.
τ The turbocharger must be shut down immediately by stopping the en-
gine in the event of alterations affecting safety or of corresponding op­erating behaviour. The fault must be reported to the person or depart­ment responsible.
Additions and alterations to, and conversions of the turbocharger that could compromise safety require the prior approval of ABB Turbo Sys­tems.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Essential information 1.5 Page 10
Original parts and safety
Original parts and accessories are specially designed for the turbocharger supplied by ABB Turbo Systems.
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Use original parts
Operation of the turbocharger with non-original parts can impair the safety of the turbocharger and can cause serious damage to property and injury to personnel.
τ Only use original parts from ABB Turbo Systems.
ABB Turbo Systems accepts no liability for any damage resulting from the use of non-original parts and corresponding accessories.
Competence of personnel
The turbocharger must only be operated and serviced by trained and au­thorised personnel. Basic mechanical training is a prerequisite.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Essential information 1.5 Page 11
Design variants
This document is valid for different design variants of turbochargers. There may be sections and descriptions of components that are not rele­vant for a specific turbocharger variant.
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ABB Turbocharging Service Stations will be happy to provide information on questions regarding a design variant (see Contact information at
Accuracy of illustrations
The illustrations in this document are general in nature and intended for ease of understanding. Differences in detail are therefore possible.
Registered Trademarks
Registered trademarks of external companies are used in this document. The trademarks are marked with ®.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Symbols and definitions 1.6 Page 12
Symbols and definitions
The following symbols are used in the documents:
ϖ Prerequisite
τ Step of a procedure
List, first level
- List, second level
[➙ ] Refers to a page number
Definition of notes
A note provides suggestions which facilitate the work on the product.
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Definition of mandatory signs
Mandatory signs show the protective equipment to be worn for a task. The mandatory signs are described in chapter Safety and must be complied with.
Definition of caution / warning
The caution and warning signs are described in the chapter Safety.
ABB Turbo Systems
In this document, ABB Turbo Systems Ltd is abbreviated to ABB Turbo Systems.
Official ABB Turbo Systems Service Stations
In this document, official service stations are referred to as ABB Turbo­charging Service Stations. They are inspected and certified regularly by ABB Turbo Systems. See also chapter Contact information [ 15].
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Operating limits
Further data
Preliminary remarks 1
Turbocharger rating plate 1.7 Page 13
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Recommended in and replacement intervals of turbocharger compo­nents
Turbocharger rating plate
01 Turbocharger operating limits at engine overload (110%).
Only when operating in the test rig unless otherwise agreed with the enginebuilder.
02 Turbocharger operating limits during operation
03 Inspection interval of plain bearings in 1000 h
04 Replacement interval of compressor in 1000 h
05 Replacement interval of turbine in 1000 h
06 Customer part number
07 Designation of the special design
08 Weight of turbocharger in kg
09 Turbocharger type
10 Serial number
11 Year of construction of turbocharger
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Preliminary remarks 1
Turbocharger rating plate 1.7 Page 14
Explanation of the rating plate
The recommended replacement intervals and the corresponding opera­tional limits are jointly defined with the engine manufacturer. This informa­tion is specific to the system.
Operation above the indicated values n recommended replacement intervals. In such cases, we recommend that you contact the nearest official ABB Turbocharging service station.
and t
normally apply only when running at overload (110%) during tri-
als on the engine test bed. These limits can also be permitted during operation for special applications. Operation above n
Non-observance of the recommended replacement intervals can increase the risk of unpredictable component failures.
, t
can considerably shorten the
and t
is not permitted.
Positions of the rating plates
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One rating plate (01) each is attached on the left and the right side of the turbocharger bearing casing.
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Preliminary remarks 1
Contact information 1.8 Page 15
Contact information
Contact information
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Contact information for the official service stations of ABB Turbo Systems is available online.
τ Scan the QR code to access our website.
ABB Turbo Systems Ltd Bruggerstrasse 71a CH-5401 Baden Switzerland
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
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Safety 2
Introduction 2.1 Page 17
August 2017HZTL2412_ENRevision F
Turbochargers manufactured by ABB Turbo Systems are state of the art and comply with the pertinent safety and health-protection requirements that applied when the turbocharger was manufactured. Consequently, the turbocharger is safe to operate. Nevertheless, during turbocharger opera­tion and when working on the turbocharger, residual risks can exist which:
originate from the turbocharger itself and its accessories
originate from the operating and auxiliary materials used
are the consequence of insufficient observance of the safety instruc-
are the consequence of unsatisfactory and improper execution of
maintenance and inspection work
The operator is responsible for access to the turbocharger as well as the organisational measures which regulate the safe handling of the turbo­charger by his personnel.
All instructions in this chapter must be observed to ensure safe and trou­ble-free turbocharger operation and during work on the turbocharger.
In the same vein, all other specially marked safety instructions in every chapter of this manual must be observed (see the section entitled Defini­tion of safety instructions).
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
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Safety 2
CE conformity 2.2 Page 18
CE conformity
ABB turbochargers fulfil Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery and are con­sidered partly completed machinery in the sense of Article 2 g.
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Safety 2
Definition of mandatory signs 2.3 Page 19
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Definition of mandatory signs
To be worn at all times
Protective clothing Safety footwear to protect
To be worn according to the specific work
Safety glasses Safety goggles
Safety gloves to protect against
- Mechanical hazard
- Chemical hazard
- Thermal hazard
Safety helmet Ear protection
against mechanical hazard and risk of falling
Respiratory mask to protect against
- Dusts
- Gases
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Safety 2
Definition of Safety instructions 2.4 Page 20
Definition of Safety instructions
The following symbols and terms used in this manual concern safety or refer to possible hazards:
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Definition of warning
Serious personal injuries and even accidents with fatal consequences may occur if work and operating instructions marked with this symbol and the word WARNING are either not followed or not followed precisely.
τ Warning signs must be observed at all times.
Definition of caution
Serious machine or property damage may occur if work and operating instructions marked with this symbol and the word CAUTION are either not followed or not followed precisely.
τ Caution signs must be observed at all times.
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Safety 2
Warning plates on the turbocharger 2.5 Page 21
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Warning plates on the turbocharger
Warning plates are attached to the turbocharger at the following places:
If warning plates are not present at the intended places or are not legible, then proceed as follows:
τ Order new warning plates from ABB Turbocharging Service Stations.
τ Remove unreadable warning plates.
τ Clean and degrease surfaces provided for warning plates.
τ Attach new warning plates.
Uninsulated turbochargers
When uninsulated turbochargers are delivered to the engine builder, the warning plates must be subsequently attached to the insulation. This is the responsibility of the engine builder.
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Safety 2
Safe operation and maintenance 2.6 Page 22
Safe operation and maintenance
The instructions specified in this section are for the safety of personnel. Together with the instructions in the Hazards during operation and maintenance section, they allow the user to safely use the turbocharger.
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Work safety and work area safety
Risk of falling
There is the risk that someone can fall when working on the turbo­charger.
τ Do not climb on the turbocharger or on parts attached to it or use
these as climbing aids.
τ When working at levels above the head, use climbing aids and work
platforms suitable for this purpose.
τ Observe all general regulations for the prevention of accidents.
τ Do not work on the turbocharger if you are under physical or mental
τ Work only with suitable tools as well as equipment and working mate-
rials that are in perfect condition.
τ Electric tools must be solidly earthed, and connecting cables may not
be damaged.
τ Keep the workplace clean, clear away loose objects and remove ob-
stacles on the floor.
τ Keep the floor, equipment and the turbocharger clean.
τ Have oil binding materials ready at hand and keep oil catch pans
ready or in position
τ Eliminate leaks.
τ Keep fire-protection materials and fire-extinguishing equipment ready.
Welding work in the vicinity of the turbocharger
τ When performing welding work in the vicinity of the turbocharger, al-
ways cover the filter silencer to prevent the filter mat from being dam­aged.
τ Keep flammable objects and substances out of the range of flying
τ Cover all connections on the turbocharger so that no foreign objects
can enter the turbocharger.
τ Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) for welding operations.
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Safety 2
Safe operation and maintenance 2.6 Page 23
Safety during start-up / commissioning and operation
The turbine casing insulation of the TPS44-F supplied by ABB Turbo
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Systems is also burst protection.
Serious personal injuries or fatal accidents can occur, if the turbine cas­ing insulation of the TPS44-F supplied by ABB Turbo Systems is re­moved. The burst protection is integrated into the turbine casing insula­tion of the TPS44-F supplied by ABB Turbo Systems.
Separate burst protection is fitted to TPS44-F turbochargers without in­sulation that have been ordered from ABB Turbo Systems.
τ Never operate TPS44-F turbochargers that have been supplied by
ABB Turbo Systems with insulation if this insulation from ABB Turbo Systems is not in place.
τ Never operate turbochargers without burst protection. If the insula-
tion from ABB Turbo Systems is not in place, the separate burst pro­tection (57200) must be fitted before operation. (See View of tur­bocharger showing part numbers [ 126].)
τ Before starting work, carry out visual inspection of working area.
τ Remove any obstacles and objects lying around.
τ Before start-up / commissioning, check all pipes from and to turbo-
charger for damage and leaks.
τ Don't work in any way that could impair safety when working on turbo-
τ After about every 12 hours of operation or at least once a day, inspect
turbocharger for visible damage and defects.
τ Immediately report any damage or changes in operational perfor-
mance to person responsible.
τ If damage is discovered, immediately shut down turbocharger and se-
cure it against inadvertent or unauthorized use.
τ When switching on auxiliary power sources (hydraulics, pneumatics,
electricity, water), keep an eye open for any hazards resulting from supplying these power sources.
Safety during cleaning
If cleaning agents or solvents are used for cleaning, the corresponding material safety data sheet and the safety instructions in section "Hazards due to operating and auxiliary materials" must be observed.
τ Observe the material safety data sheet for the cleaning agent or solvent.
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Safety 2
Safe operation and maintenance 2.6 Page 24
τ Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) according to the material
safety data sheet.
τ Inspect the electric cables for abrasion and damage before and after
your cleaning work.
Safety during disassembly, assembly, maintenance and troubleshooting
τ Always perform the specified adjustments, servicing as well as inspec-
tion work and observe inspection intervals.
τ Inform operating personnel about all service and repair work before
τ Before opening a cover or removing a protective device on a turbo-
charger, the engine must be switched off and the turbocharger must have come to a standstill.
τ Ensure that the supply of oil is interrupted, especially with an external
oil supply.
τ Put the engine into operation only after all parts have been refitted
Mechanical work on the turbocharger
Possible damage to or destruction of components on the turbocharger.
τ Perform only those tasks that are described in this manual. τ Perform work only for which training has been carried out.
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Safety when taking out of operation or preparing for mothballing
τ Secure the rotor so it cannot turn. The rotor can turn on its own from
the force of the stack draught.
τ Clean the turbocharger before mothballing it.
τ Observe the material safety data sheet for the cleaning and mothball-
ing agents.
τ Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) according to the material
safety data sheet.
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Safety 2
Hazards during operation and
2.7 Page 25
Hazards during operation and maintenance
Mechanical hazards during operation
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During normal operation, no mechanical hazards emanate from the turbo­charger if it has been installed properly.
Risk of injury
Contact with rotating parts can lead to serious injuries. The turbo-
charger must never be operated without a filter silencer or an air suction branch. When the engine is at a standstill, the rotor can turn on its own because of stack draught.
τ Operate the turbocharger in accordance with instructions. τ During maintenance work, secure the rotor against unintentional ro-
Mechanical hazards when working on the turbocharger
During maintenance work, various risks can occur through the improper handling of components, through the non-observance of work instructions, due to inadequate care or as a consequence of insufficient training.
Mechanical hazards
Severe injuries to personnel or fatal accidents can be caused by me­chanical influences as a consequence of hazardous and inadequate operational procedures.
τ Observe the general rules for occupational safety and prevention of
τ Ensure workplace safety. τ Only perform operations that are described in this document. τ Only perform operations for which you have previously received in-
struction or training.
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Safety 2
Hazards during operation and
2.7 Page 26
Hazards due to noise
The development of noise during operation is influenced by the installation and operating conditions. Noise with a sound pressure level exceeding 85 dB(A) is harmful.
Hazards due to noise
Noise can cause impaired hearing, damage to health, mental disturb­ances, diminished attention and irritation.
τ Always wear ear protection when the engine is running. τ When the sound pressure level is above 85 dB(A), always wear ear
Wear ear protection.
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Hazards due to hot surfaces and substances
During operation, turbocharger surfaces and attached parts as well as op­erating materials (lubricating oil) become hot. The surface temperature is dependent on the effectiveness of the insulation being used. The tem­perature can become high enough so that it falls into ranges where burns are possible.
Risk of burning
Touching hot surfaces or contact with hot operating materials can lead to serious burns.
τ Do not touch hot surfaces and heed the warning plate on the turbo-
τ Wear heat-resistant safety gloves and protective clothing. τ Allow the turbocharger to cool down before carrying out any work.
Wear safety gloves to protect against thermal hazards.
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Safety 2
Hazards during operation and
2.7 Page 27
Hot surfaces on the non-insulated turbocharger
Non-insulated turbochargers can cause serious injuries to personnel
(burns). The turbocharger is supplied by ABB Turbo Systems without insulation
depending on the order from the enginebuilder. If supply is without insu-
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lation, the enginebuilder is responsible for providing the turbocharger with proper insulation and for providing protection against contact with hot surfaces.
τ Compliance with the instructions and specifications given by the en-
ginebuilder to protect against hot turbocharger surfaces is compulsory.
Wear safety gloves to protect against thermal hazards.
Hazards due to operating and auxiliary materials
Operating and auxiliary materials are substances used for operation or the execution of maintenance work. Oils, greases, coolants, cleaning agents and solvents, acids, etc. can be regarded as hazardous materials. Operat­ing and auxiliary materials can be combustible and easily ignited.
Handling operating and auxiliary materials
Ingestion or inhalation of vapours of operating and auxiliary materials or contact with such can cause damage to health.
τ Avoid inhalation and contact with the skin. τ Ensure good ventilation. τ Observe details in the safety data sheets of the operating and auxil-
iary materials.
τ Observe local laws.
Wear safety goggles.
Wear safety gloves to protect against chemical hazards.
Wear a respiratory mask to protect against gases.
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Safety 2
Hazards during operation and
2.7 Page 28
Risk of fire, explosion
Flammable and combustible operating materials and supplies can catch fire or resulting vapours can lead to an explosion.
τ Observe the details in the material safety data sheets of the operat-
ing and auxiliary materials.
τ Comply with local legislation. τ Do not allow any exposed flame or ignition source during cleaning
τ Carry out cleaning in the open or provide sufficient aeration and ven-
Risk of environmental damage
The escape of operating and auxiliary materials into the atmosphere or contamination of the ground and water due to improper disposal can lead to environmental damage.
τ Handle operating and auxiliary materials carefully.
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τ Heed the instructions for use, safety data sheets and hazard notices
on the containers of the operating and auxiliary materials.
τ Wear appropriate protective clothing.
τ Avoid inhalation and contact with the skin.
τ Ensure that the work space is adequately ventilated.
τ Seal containers tightly immediately after use and put them away.
τ Collect used working and auxiliary materials safely, store them sepa-
rately in suitable containers and dispose of them properly and in an environmentally compatible manner in accordance with statutory regu­lations.
τ In the event of leaks or after spilling, immediately spread a suitable
binding agent and dispose of it properly and in an environmentally compatible manner in accordance with statutory regulations.
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