Aastra Telecom VentureIP User Manual

Telephone System
Table of Contents
About this Guide .........................1
Phone Parts ................................1
Overview ....................................2
Direct Network Connection ............. 3
Connect to the Network and to a
Power Source .............................3
Connecting When Inline Power is
Provided .........................................3
Connecting When Inline Power is Not Provided
Connecting the Handset .............4
Table of Contents
Shared Network Connection ...........5
Installing on a Desk ........................5
Inserting the Number Card .............6
Getting to Know Your VentureIP
480i Telephone .............................7
Key Description........................7-8
Set Overview ................................9
Display Screen .......................... 9
Softkeys .......................................... 9
Editing text .................................... 10
Entering Letters and
Characters ................................10
Display Icons ............................11
Status Lights ............................11
Handset, Headset, and
Handsfree Operation.................12
User Options ............................12
Services ................................... 13
Administrating Services .................14
Stored Number Lists ..................... 14
Changing Your Personal
Information ................................ 15
Changing Your Last Name........15
Passwords ............................... 15
Changing Your Password............. 15
Enabling and Disabling Your
Password ...................................... 15
Customizing Your Phone ...........16
Language Selection ..................16
Adjusting the Volume ................16
Select Audio Path .....................16
Self Test and Diagnostics .........17
Making and Receiving Calls..... 18
Handsfree Calling..................... 18
Make Calls Using a Stored
Number List.............................. 18
Redialing a Recently Called
Number .........................................18
Making a Call Using an Incoming Call, Directory, or
Speed Dial List ........................ 19
Receive Calls ........................... 19
Receiving A Call....................... 19
Receiving Multiple Calls.................19
Call Duration ............................ 20
End a Call................................. 20
Call Handling ............................. 21
Hold.......................................... 21
Conference Calls...................... 21
Adding Parties to a
Conference Call ............................21
Putting Conference Callers On
Hold and Off Hold ......................... 22
Dropping Parties from a
Conference Call............................ 22
Mute ......................................... 22
Transfer.................................... 23
Transferring a Call ........................ 23
Call Forwarding........................ 24
Options for Forwarding Calls.... 24
Using Voicemail ....................... 25
View, Play, and Monitor Incoming
Voicemail Messages ............... 25
Logging In and Viewing
Messages ..................................... 26
Playing a Message ....................... 26
Monitoring Incoming Voicemail
Message ....................................... 26
Manage Voicemail Messages .. 26
Copying the Caller Information to your
Directory or Speed Dial List ............ 27
Zero Redirect .......................... 27
Language Selection ................ 27
Change Voicemail Options ...... 28
Recording Your Name and
Greeting ........................................28
Retrieving Voicemail..................... 28
Message Review Options............. 28
Callers ...................................... 29
Table of Contents
Using Directories ...................... 30
About Directory Lists ................30
Access and View a
Directory List ............................ 30
Accessing a Directory List and
Viewing the Entries ....................... 30
Change Directory Displays .......30
Add, Delete, and Edit Entries ...31
Adding an Entry From the Caller
List or a Voicemail Message........ 31
Using a Call List........................ 32
About Call Lists ........................ 32
Access and View a Call List..... 32
Edit Entries............................... 32
Temporarily Editing a Call List...... 32
Add a Call List Entry to a Personal
Directory or Speed Dial List ..... 33
Copying an Entry from a Call List ..33
Delete Call List Entries .............33
Using Speed Dial........................34
About Speed Dial ......................34
Access and View the Speed
Dial List .................................... 34
Table of Contents
Special Features ....................... 36
Do Not Disturb.......................... 36
Enabling and Disabling the Do Not
Disturb Feature............................. 36
Intercom ................................... 36
Computer Access to Telephone
Features................................... 36
Limited Warranty....................... 40


About this Guide

This user guide provides basic installation instructions and describes all user-enabled features for the VentureIP 480i telephone. The
VentureIP 480i System Guide
instructions regarding network installation, configuration, downloads and set management. The
VentureIP Gateway Installation Guide
specifically addresses the installation and technical specifications of the VentureIP Gateway.


You require the following to install your VentureIP 480i Telephone:
• 802.3 Ethernet/Fast Ethernet LAN (please note that this document does not provide any instructions regarding the installation of a LAN or router).
• Category 5/5e straight through cabling
• A PoE (Power over Ethernet) inline power supply, necessary only if your network does not provide 802.3af compliant in-line power (optional accessory)

Phone Parts

When you unpack your phone, ensure that you have all of the following items. If any part is missing, contact your supplier.
offers more detailed technical
1 Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
number card and lens
Xfer Icom
Conf Services
handset cord
Ethernet Cable
Optional Accessories (Not Included)


PoE (Power over
Ethernet) Inline
Power Supply
Additional Ethernet
Cable (category 5/5e
straight through cable)
A PoE (Power over Ethernet) inline power adapter supplies 48v power to the 480i through the Ethernet Cable on pins 1 & 2 and 3 & 6. Do not use this power supply to power other devices.
Safety and emissions:
110/120 V AC in; 48 V DC out
Canada: ICES-003 Class A; Japan: VCCI Class A;
U.S.: FCC Class A, CSA, C-Tick, NOM


The VentureIP 480i Telephone can be set up to share a network connection with another network device. Power can be provided by an 802.3af compliant network power source, or a PoE inline power supply (optional accessory).
The phone can be set up either:
• with a direct network connection to the Ethernet wall jack, or
• as a shared network connection with pass-through if connecting the phone to a computer or other network device.
4 8
4 8 0
4 8
4 8
Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
Direct Network Connection
Located at the back of the phone are two fully switched 10/100 Mbps Ethernet cable ports. Use the port marked with l to connect the phone to the network, and to provide power to your phone. See “
and to a Power Source”
for more information.
Connect to the Network

Connect to the Network and to a Power Source

If your network provides 802.3af compliant in-line power, the phone will be provided with power through the network.
If your network does not provide 802.3af compliant in-line power, you will need to install the PoE inline power supply (optional accessory).
Connecting When Inline Power is Provided
On the back of your phone, connect the Ethernet cable (provided with your phone) into the network port marked with l.
Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the network jack on the wall.
3 Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
Connecting When Inline Power is Not Provided
. On the back of your phone, connect the Ethernet cable (provided with your
phone) into the network port marked with l.
. On the PoE power supply, plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into
the network jack marked as shown in the following diagram.
. On the PoE power supply, connect an additional Ethernet cable into the
network port as shown in the following diagram.
. Plug the other end of the Ethernet cable into the network jack on the wall.
. Plug the PoE power supply into a power outlet. You should connect
the power supply to a surge protector or power bar.
All Ethernet cables must be category 5/5e straight-through cables, such as the cable provided with your phone.

Connecting the Handset

Turn the phone over and locate the handset jack marked j.
Insert one end of handset cord into the jack until it clicks into place.
Route the handset cord through the upper groove as shown in the diagram below.
Attach the handset to the other end of the handset cord.
To Handset
Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
Shared Network Connection
To connect a network device (such as a computer) to the phone, connect an Ethernet Cable into the network port on the back of the phone marked with `. Plug the other end of the Ethernet Cable into the network jack on the network device that you are sharing the network connection with.
The ` jack on the 480IP does not supply inline power onto other network devices.
All Ethernet cables must be category 5/5e straight-through cables, such as the cable provided with your phone.
Installing on a Desk
Route the cables through the opening in the stand.
Attach the stand by inserting the tabs on the stand (marked with o) into the slots on the bottom of the phone. For a higher viewing angle, use the slots marked n. For a lower viewing angle, use the slots marked m.
Push the stand towards the phone until it snaps into place.
Press the cords into the grooves provided on the bottom of the stand. This will allow the stand to sit flat on a desk surface.
5 Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
Inserting the Number Card
1. Write your phone number on the number card, and place it into the card slot on the phone, located under the mouthpiece in the handset cradle.
2. Gently bend the clear plastic lens into the slot, over the number card.
Model VentureIP 480i User Guide

Getting to Know Your VentureIP 480i Telephone

Key Description

Large Backlit Display Navigational Keys Status Light Line or Call Appearance
Buttons and Lights Handset
Key Description
Speaker Status Light Headset/Handsfree Button Mute button Volume Bar Dial Pad Softkeys
Display Screen
Extension Number
— SpeedDial — CallFwd
7 Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
Ann Jenson
CallList — Voicemail — Directory —

Key Description

Keys Key Description
Places an active call on hold. For more information, see “Hold”.
Redials previously dialed numbers. For more information, see “Redialing a Recently Called Number”.
Ends an active call, or exits an open list (for example, a directory list), without saving changes.
Accesses options for administering services and customizing your phone. For more information, see “Change Voicemail Options”, “Changing Your Personal Information”, or “Customizing Your Phone”.
Adjusts the volume for the handset, ringer, or handsfree speaker. For more information, see “Customizing Your Phone”.
Activates handsfree phone operation.
Prevents a caller from hearing you through the handset
= > < ?
or handsfree microphone. For more information, see “Call Handling”.
Transfers the active call to another number. For more information, “Call Handling”.
Begins a conference call with an active call. For more information, see “Call Handling”.
Navigates between display screens, onscreen text, and menu selections. For more information, see “Display Screen”.
Accesses the Intercom feature. For more information, see “Special Features”.
Accesses the available features on your phone. For more information, see “Services”.
Connects you to a line or an incoming call. For more information, see “Making Calls” and “Receiving Calls”.
Key Description
Model VentureIP 480i User Guide 8

Set Overview

Display Screen

The display screen provides an interactive interface that shows information about calls and features.
The upper portion of the screen displays information, and the lower portion displays options that correspond to six “softkeys” on either side of the screen.
The contents of the display screen change, depending on the status of the phone (such as any active calls in progress, or any features in use).
There are six softkeys on either side of the lower portion of the display screen. The functions of the softkeys change, depending on the current status
Set Overview
of the phone. For example, if you are customizing your phone, the softkeys will reflect the customization options available to you. If you are listening to a voicemail message, the softkeys will reflect the options available to you for processing that voicemail message. The softkey label is displayed directly beside the softkey, and indicates the current function of that softkey.
You use the display screen to perform many functions on the phone.
Use the softkeys to navigate into and out of a display screen, as follows:
Softkey Key Description
leave the currently displayed feature or list.
move back one level in a menu hierarchy.
cancel the current process. No changes are saved.
select the current list item.
end the current process and save any changes.
go to the next step in a multi-step process.
Use the navigation keys (located beneath the display screen) to navigate, as follows:
Navigation Key Key Description
s move to the next screen or list item. r move to the previous screen or list item.
3 move back one level in a menu hierarchy. 4 select the current list item.
9 Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
Editing text
When you need to edit onscreen display text, (for example, to enter a directory list name), use the following guidelines:
To Do this
enter text at the current cursor position.
move the cursor to the left without deleting.
move the cursor to the right without deleting.
add a space at the end of a line.
Press the dialpad key with the corresponding letter on it. Press once for the first letter, twice for the second, and three times for the third. For example, to type “ key three times.
Press the 3 key.
Press the 4 key.
Press the 4 key.
R”, press the dialpad
Set Overview
move the cursor to the left and delete.
change the case of a character.
Press the
Press the
Note: The first character in a line, and the first
backspace softkey.
ChangeCase softkey.
character after a space are automatically capitalized.

Entering Letters and Characters

You can enter characters using the telephone’s dial pad. To enter a letter, press the key with that letter on it. If the letter is the second one on that key, press the key twice. For example, to enter ‘R’, press 7 three times. The cursor will advance to the next space after a delay of 2 seconds or if you press a different key.
To change the case of a letter, press the ChangeCase softkey, and then enter the letter. By default the first letter of a word or name will be capitalized, and the letters following will be lower case.
Special characters are entered by pressing the 1 and the # keys. Characters will appear in this order:
1: & , ( ) ` . _ - 1. #: # / \ @.
Model VentureIP 480i User Guide 10

Display Icons

Icon Description
s r Use the up and down navigation keys to view
more information. When shown beside the first or last item in a list, indicates that there are additional list items not shown on the screen. Use the navigation keys to scroll through all list items.
3 4 Use the left and right navigation keys to view
more information.
Set Overview
The call associated with this Incoming Call List entry was not answered.
The call associated with this Incoming Call List entry was answered.
You have returned the missed call associated with this Incoming Call List entry.

Status Lights

There are three sets of status lights:
• Status Light – located above the 2 key
• speaker light – located beside the
• call appearance lights – located beside each 6 key
d/f key
Light Status Indicates
Status Light
Speaker Light solid
Call Appearance
11 Model VentureIP 480i User Guide
fast blink incoming call
slow blink message waiting
blink microphone is muted in
solid an active call is on the line
slow blink
fast blink
solidphone is in handsfree operation
Handsfree mode
a held call is on the line
incoming call is on the line

Handset, Headset, and Handsfree Operation

You can use your phone in handset, headset, or handsfree operation. Handset is the default operation. To switch to headset operation, plug in the headset. To switch to handsfree operation, use the
d/f key.

User Options

Set Overview
Main Menu
Call Forward
Call List
Language Selection
Last Name
Set Audio
Secondary Menus
Change Password
Turn Password On/Off
All Calls
After X Rings
Reset Counter
Clear Incoming
Clear Dialed
Clear All
Record Greeting
Record Name
Default Dir
Order: Corp
Order: Personal
User Options Menu
— SysOptions
— Logout
User Options Menu
1. Password
2. Call ForwardŁ
3. Voicemail
4. Directory
Select —
Model VentureIP 480i User Guide 12
+ 33 hidden pages