3M™ Front Sole Grounder -FSG1M
Front Sole Grounder
this grounder provides improved floor contact by covering ball of the foot with conductive rubber. two d-ring's
and a clasp provide a comfortable and secure fit. this quality grounder is tested for electrical performance
and is lot numbered for QC traceability. 3M uses time-tested construction techniques including computer
controlled stitching, riveting, die cutting, and heat cutting to ensure consistent performance.
Meets the requirements of AnsI/esd s-20.20, eIA 625, MIl-std-1686, and MIl-HdBK-263.
resistor: 1 or 2 megohm
Color: Black
ribbon: Multi-strand, carbon suffused nylon on polyester,
sewn in sinusoidal pattern to provide side to side
Hook and Loop: 3/4” Black
d-ring: 2
elastic strap 3/4” Black with clasp
sole exterior: <105 ohms
24” conductive
1 megohm
Front View
Adjustable Clasp
d-rings for complete
elastic Hook and Loop
3-layer sole
for durability
side View
Part Numbers
Fsg1M-s small Front sole grounder, 1 meg resistor
Fsg1M-M Medium Front sole grounder, 1 meg resistor
Fsg1M-l large Front sole grounder, 1meg resistor
Fsg2M-s small Front sole grounder, 2 meg resistor
Fsg2M-M Medium Front grounder, 2 meg resistor
Fsg2M-l large Front sole grounder, 2meg resistor
p r o d u c t
Front Sole Grounder
p r o d u c t
Front sole grounder
i t e m n u m b e r
s e e a b o v e
See 3M Data Sheets for these
related items:
3M™ Foot grounder tester
3M™ Floor Mats
d a t a
d a t a s h e e t
s h e e t
3M Electronic Solutions Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
us and Canada: 866-722-3736
Fax: 866-722-3735
Intl: 919-718-0000; Fax: 919-774-8174
email: 3Mstaticinfo@mmm.com; www.3M.com/static © 2008
How Foot Grounders Work
Foot grounders discharge static from a person to ground by connecting the person to a grounded walking surface. A conductive ribbon
placed inside the wearer’s shoe or sock makes electrical contact with
the skin through perspiration. the ribbon is joined to a resistor which
limits current should accidental exposure to electricity occur. the other
end of the resistor is joined to a conductive sole. this sole contacts a
grounded esd floor mat or esd flooring system. Foot grounders must
be worn on both feet to maintain ground contact while walking.
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