This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a
commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment
in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which
case you must correct the interference at your own expense.
Canadian Emissions Requirements
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the
Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences
du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
VDE Class B Compliance
Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass der 510M-FBP in Üebereinstimmung
mit den Bestimmungen der Vfg 243/1991 funkentstöert ist.
Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses
Geraetes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Üeberprüefung der
Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräeumt.
Einhaltung mit betreffenden Bestimmugen kommt darauf an, dass
geschirmte Ausfuehrungen gebraucht werden. Fuer die
Beschaffung richtiger Ausfuehrungen ist der Betreiber
This is to certify that the 510M-FBP is shielded against radio
interference in accordance with the provisions of Vfg 243/1991.
The German Postal Services have been advised that this equipment
is being placed on the market and that they have been given the
right to inspect the series for compliance with regulations.
Compliance with applicable regulations depends on the use of
shielded cables. The user is responsible for procuring the
appropriate cables.
EN55022/CISPR22 Compliance
This equipment conforms to the Class A emissions limits for a
digital device as defined by EN55022 (CISPR22).
VCCI Class 1 Compliance
This equipment is in the 1st Class category (information equipment
to be used in commercial or industrial areas) and conforms to the
standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by
Information Technology Equipment aimed at preventing radio
interference in commercial or industrial areas.
Consequently, when the equipment is used in a residential area or
in an adjacent area, radio interference may be caused to radio and
TV receivers, and so on.
Read the instructions for correc t handling .
Fiber Cable Classificat ion Notice
Use this equipment only with fiber cable classified by Underwriters
Laboratories as to fire and smoke characteristics in accordance
with Sectio n 770-2(b) and Section 725-2(b) of the National
Electrical Code.
UK General Approval Statement
The ONcore Switching Hub, ONline System Concentrator, and
ONsemble StackSystem Hub are manufactured to the International
Safety Standard EN 60950 and are approved in the UK under the
General Approval Number NS/G/12345/J/100003 for indirect
connection to the public telecomm unication network.
The information in this document is subject to change without
notice and should not be construed as a commitment by 3Com
Corporation. 3Com Corporation assumes no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in this document.
1996 by 3Com Corporation. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is the exclusive and confidential
property of 3Com Corporation. No part of this manual may be
disclosed or reproduced in whole or in part without permission
from 3Com Corporation.
Tradema rks and Paten ts
Because of the nature of this material, numerous hardware and
software products are mentioned by name. In most, if not all
cases, these product names are cla imed as trademarks by the
companies that manufacture the products. It is not the intent of
3Com Corporation to claim these names or trademar ks as its own.
3Com, Artel, Boundary Routing, CardBoard, CardFacts, Galactica,
EtherDisk, EtherLink, EtherLink II, EtherLink Plus, LANplex,
LANsentry, LinkBuilder, NETBuilder, NETBuilder II, NetFacts,
ONcore, ONsemble, ORnet, Parallel Tasking, SmartAgent,
StarBridge, TokenLink, TokenLink Plus, TriChannel, and ViewBuilder
are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation.
3Com Laser Library, 3Com OpenHub, 3TECH, FDDILink, FMS,
G-Man, MultiProbe, NetProbe, OnDeck, ONdemand, ONline,
PowerRing, StackJack, StackSystem, StackWay, Star-Tek,
SwitchCentral, and Transcend are trademarks of 3Com
3ComFacts and Ask3Com are service marks of 3Com Corporation.
ii ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide
The 3Com Multichannel Architecture Communications System is
registered under U.S. Patent Number 5,301,303.
AT&T is a registered trademark of American Telephone and
Telegraph Company.
Banyan and VINES are registered trademarks of Banyan
Systems Inc.
CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe, Inc.
ProComm is a registered trademark of DATASTORM
DEC, DECnet, DELNI, POLYCENTER, VAX, VT100, VT220, and the
Digital logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products.
OpenView is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
AIX, IBM, and NetView are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademar ks of Microsoft
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
OSF and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software
Foundation, Inc.
V30 is a trademark of NEC Corporation.
NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell,
IPX is a trademark of Novell, Incorporated.
Retix is a registered trademark of Retix.
ROUTERXchange is a trademark of Retix.
Solaris, SPARCengine, Sun, Sun Microsystems, and SunSoft are
registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
ONC, OpenWindows, SunNet Manager, and SunOS are trademarks
of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
SPARCstation and SPARCompiler are licensed exclusively to Sun
Microsystems, Inc.
OPEN LOOK is a registered trademark of Unix System Laboratories,
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other
countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd.
3Com registered trademarks are registered in the United States,
and may or may not be registered in other countries. Other brand
and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of
their respective holders.
Restricted Rights
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1) (ii) of the Rights in
Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
DFARS 252.227-7013.
Printed on recycled paper.
ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide iii
iv ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide
Table 4-1. Troubleshooting Using the Port Activity LEDs. . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
Table 4-2. Troubleshooting Using the Port Status LEDs. . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide xi
This guide is designed to help you understand the features, indicators, and
installation procedures for the:
This guide also contains information on troubleshooting and diagnostics for
operation verification. In addition, a configuration section provides you
with network configuration information.
How to Use This Guide
❑3Com ONline™ Ethernet Port-Switching 10 BASE-FB Mod ules (Model
Numbers 5102M-FBP a nd 5104M-FBP)
❑3Com ONline™ Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module (Model Number
This guide contain s instructions for installing the modules and maintaining
normal operation. It is intended for the following people at your site:
❑Hardware installer
❑System/Network manager
ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide xiii
Structure of This Guide
This guide contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction – Introduces the principal features of the ONline
Ethernet Port-Switching 10BASE-FB Modules and the ONline Ethernet
10BASE-FB Module.
Chapter 2, Designing and Expanding the Network – Contains
configuration information to help you integrate the 10BASE-FB Modules
into your Ethernet network.
Chapt er 3, I n stall ing and Operating the Mod u le – Provides illustrated
procedures for installing the 10BASE-FB Modules into the ONline System
Concentrator and confi guring them for operation. This chapter also
provides a front panel view of the 10BASE-FB Modules showing ports, LEDs,
and dip switches.
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting – Provides help in isolating and correcting
problems that could arise during the installation process and during normal
Appendi x A, Spec ificat ions – Describes product dimensions, power
requirements, and ot her specifications for the modules.
Appendix B, Technical Support – Lists the various methods fo r
contacting the 3Com technical support organization and for accessing
other product support servi ces.
Index – Contains an alphabetical list of important terms and features
referenced throug hout this guide.
xiv ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide
Document Conve ntions
The following document convention s are used in thi s manuall:
Courier textUser inputIn the Agent Information Form,
enter MIS in the New Contact
System outputAfter pressing the A pply
button, the sy stem displays
the message
Transmi tt in g da ta .
Bold command
Text in angled
Capitalized text in
plain brackets
ItalicsText emphasis,
Path namesBefore you begin, read the
Keyboard entry
by the user
docu me nt title s
readme.txt file located in
In the command above,
substitute <rem_name> with
the name of the remote
Type your password and press
Ensure that you press the Apply
button after you add the new
search parameters.
ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide xv
Note:A Note. The
Caution:A Caution. A
Warning: A Warning. A
Related Docu me nts
This section provides information on supporting documentation, including:
❑3Com Documents
information is
condition may
software or
condition may
personal safety
Note: Use STP lobe
cables for yo ur s yste m.
Caution: Do not put
your installation
diskettes on a
magnetic surface.
This may damage the
Warning: Wear eye
protec tion when
performing these
❑Reference Documents
3Com Documents
The following docum ents provide additional information on 3Com
17-Slot ONline System Concentrator Installation and Operation
Guide – Explains how to install, operate, and manage the 3Com ONline
17-Slot Syste m Concentrator (Models 5017C-LS and 5017C with load
xvi ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide
6-Slot ONline System Concentrator Installation and Operation
Guide – Explains how to install, operate, and manage the 3Com ONline
6-Slot System Concentrator.
ONline Ethernet Management Module Installation and Operation Guide –
Describes h ow to install the ONline Ethernet Management Mo dule in the
ONline System Concentrator and explains the LEDs on the module
faceplate. This guide also provides instructions for connecting a terminal to
the module and describes the management commands necessary to
perform man ag ement tasks on the concentrator and on remote devices.
ONline Management Commands Guide – Provides an a lphabetized
reference resource describing all ONline management commands.
For a complete list of 3Com documents, contact your 3Com representative.
Reference Documents
The following documents supply related background information:
Case, J., Fedor, M., Scoffstall, M., and J. D avin, The Simple Network
Management Protocol, RFC 1157, University of Tennessee at Knoxville,
Performan ce Systems International and the MIT Laboratory for Computer
Science, May 1990.
Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Structure and Identification of
Management Informat ion for TCP/IP-based Internets, RFC 1155,
Performance Systems International an d Hughes LAN Systems, May 19 90.
ONline Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module Installation and Operation Guide xvii
This chapter introduces you to the:
The modules are referred throughout this guide as the 10BASE-FB Modules.
Information in this guide refers to all three 10BASE-FB Modules listed above.
Differences between the m odules are noted where a pplicable.
This chapter contains the following sections:
❑3Com ONline™ Ethernet Port-Switching 10 BASE-FB Mod ules
❑10BASE-FB Module Des criptions
❑10BASE-FB Compliance
❑10BASE-FB Theory of Operation
❑Compatibility With Other Ethernet Fiber Products
Introduction 1 - 1
10BASE-FB Module Descriptions
The ONline Ethernet Port-Switching 10BASE-FB Module is a 2- or 4-port,
Ethernet fiber module designed for 3Com ONline System Concentrators.
The ONline Ethernet 10BAS E-FB Module is a 4-port, Ethernet fiber module
also designed for 3Com ONli ne System Concentrato rs.
The ONline Ethernet Port-Switching 10BASE-FB Module (Model Number
5104M-FBP) is functionally identical to the ONline Ethernet 10BA SE-FB
Modul e ( Model Numb er 5104M-F B1 ) except for the Port-Switching
Module's ability to set each port to an independent backplane n etwork in
the concentrator.
The 5104M-FB1 is module-switching only. You can update the 10BASE-FB
Module to a port-switching module by installing the ONline Ethernet
10BASE-FB Upgrade Kit.
The 10BA SE-FB Modules provide:
❑Fiber backbone connectivity for Ethernet local area networks
❑Direct fiber to-the-desk connectivity
You can directly connect the 10BASE-FB Modules to any other ONline fiber
module as well as all of the products in the 3Com 10BASE-FB family,
including the:
❑Provide up to 4.0 kilometers distance between any two concentrators
❑Support network diameters up to 4.2 kilometers
❑Contain built-in link redundancy for fault tolerance
❑Include diagnostics for troubleshooting
❑Provide 1 0 Mbps performance wi th 100 percent collision detectio n
using CSMA/CD
❑Support 50, 62.5, 85, and 100 µm fiber cable
❑Are shipped with either ST, SMA, or FC-type connectors
Other benefits of the 10BASE-FB Modules i nclude:
❑3Com TriChannel Architecture - The 10BASE-FB Modules operate in
an ONline System Concentrator with all ONline modules, including
Token Ri ng and FDDI.
❑Slot Independence - You can install modules into any available slot
in the ONline Concentrator. This flexibility eliminates the need to shut
down the network and rearrange the existing configuration of the
concentrator when you install new modules into the concentrator.
❑“Hot Sw ap” Capability - You can install or remove modules from
the ONline System Concentrator when it is powered up without
affecting the operation of any other modules in the concentrator.
❑Independent Networks - You can assign each module to any of
three indep endent Ethernet networks.
❑Management Support - You can manage the module through the
3Com ONdemand™ Network Control System. You may also manage
the 10BASE-FB modules using terminal management through an
ONline network management modul e.
❑Compliance - The 10BASE-FB Modules comply with the IEEE
10BASE-FB fiber standard to provide interoperability with other
standards-based products.
Introduction 1 - 3
10BASE-FB Compliance
The ONline Ethernet Port-Swi tching 10BAS E-FB Modules an d the ONline
Ethernet 10BASE-FB Module a re fully compliant with the IEEE 10BASE-FB
fiber standard. The IEEE ratification of the 10BASE-FB standard validates
synchronous fiber Ethernet as the choice for backbon e links. Synchronous
technology provides robust transmission for fiber Ethernet backbones.
Compliance with the 10BASE-FB standard allows 3C om fiber modules to be
compatible with:
❑Industry 10BASE-FB -compliant products
❑Existing 3 Com 10BASE-FB techno lo gy
3Com 10BASE-FB Modules implement Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 physical l ayer
function ality on a fiber optic med ium. Full in terconnection of all dev ices
that comply with Ethernet V2.0 o r IEEE 802.3 spec ifications are p rov ided,
The 10BA SE-FB Modules serve mainly as network backbone links. Network
backbone links connect concentrators together. You may also use the
10BASE- FB Modules to connect directly to devices usin g the:
❑3Com 5101T-FB Transceiver
❑3Com 5102T-FBFT Faul t-Tolerant Tra nsceiver
This chapter contains configuration information to help you design your
network . It describes how to configure networks using the ONline S ystem
Concentrator and the ONline 10BASE-FB Modules. I t also provides
examples of network cabling structures and Ethernet network cabling
This chapter contains the following sections:
❑Understanding the General Rules
❑Determining Maximum Fiber Link Dis tances
❑Choosing a Network Backbone Cabling Structure
❑10BASE-FB Module Configurations
❑Fault-To lerant Configurations
Note: To ensure proper operation of yo ur network, install all
equipment using only approved cables. Refer to Appendix
A for information on cable requirements.
Designing and Expanding the Network 2 - 1
Understanding the General Rule s
This section describes general rules for configuring an Ethernet network
using fiber as the backbone medium. It also provides rules to ensure that
your network configuration conforms to distance limitations imposed by
Ethernet and networking equipment. Use these guidelines for building
your network.
Refer to the sections that follow for specific rules for:
❑Determining maxi mum 10BASE-FB fiber link distances
❑Connecting various horizontal media types (10BASE-FB, twisted pair)
to a 10BASE-FB backbone
❑Examples of recommended fault-tolerant configurations
Rules for Configuring a Network
This section outlines the netw ork rules and reco mmendations for building
an Ethernet n etwork. For more hardware-specific information on the
10BASE-FB, refer to Appendix A.
Use 62.5 micron cable to
conform with the IEEE 10BASE-F
and ANSI FDDI standards.
Use ST-type connectors.
Lay extra fiber cables. The extra
cost is small and you will need
them as your network grows.
Table 2-1. Basic Network Rules (Continued)
RuleDefinitionRecommendations/N otes
3Do not exceed the
4Certain LAN products
Wire the bac kbone in a
star topology to isolate
maximum Fiber Ethernet
network diameter of
4200 meters of fiber
on the netwo rk shrink
the maximum Fiber
Ethernet network
diameter to less than
4200 meters.
The star topology confo rms to
FDDI wiring . Run at least two
fiber stran ds to each backbone
The 4200 meters is the
maximum distan ce between
any two transceivers on the
The 4200 meters does not include the transceiver cable
that connects a device with an
external transceiver.
Transceiver cable can extend up
to 50 meters. Thus, total
network diameter can be as
much as 4300 meters (4200 m +
2 * 50 m) between any two
Each microsecond delay
through a device on the
network shrinks the network
diameter by approximately 200
meters of fiber cable. This
reduction is known as
equivalent distance. Table 2-2
lists the equivalent fiber
distances for 3Com ONline LAN
Designing and Expanding the Network 2 - 3
Table 2-1. Basic Network Rules (Continued)
RuleDefinitionRecommendations/N otes
5Assume that one meter
of coaxi al or twisted
pair cable is equal to
one meter of fiber
6Verify that the
10BASE-FB link
distances do not
exceed the limits
imposed by the optical
power budge t .
7When in doubt, use a
This is a conservative
equivalence. One meter of fiber
is actually equal to 1.1 meters of
coaxial. For simplicity, assume
one meter.
In general, on 62.5 cable, use
up to 4000 meters
point-to-point using the
10BASE-FB Modules. If you
have poor quality cable or
numberous patch panels, you
may have to sacrifice some
Some older Ethernet fiber optic
products are less powerful than
ONline 10BASE-FB Module
optics. When connecting to
these pro ducts, remember that
they determine the maximum
point-to-point distance.
If you are not certain you have
exceeded acceptable netw ork
distances, use a bridge to
extend the n etwork.
Equivalent fiber distance is the sum of both t he incoming and outgoing
module port signals. Different products, however, have different
equivalent distances. Table 2-2 lists the equivalent fiber distance of 3Com
ONline LAN products.
Table 2-2. Equivalent Fiber Distances of LAN Products
Incoming signal to fiber port140
Outgoing sign al from fibe r por t50
ONline Ethern et 10BASE-FL Module (5104M-FL1)560
Incoming signal to fiber port330
Outgoing signal from fibe r por t230
ONline Ethernet 10BASE-T Module (5108M-TP)585
Incoming si gnal to TP port420
Outgoing signal from TP p ort165
ONline Ethernet 50-Pin Module
(5112M-TPL, 5112M-TPPL)
Incoming si gnal to TP port420
Equivalent Fib er
Distance (meters)
Outgoing signal from TP p ort165
ONline Ethernet 24-Port Module (5124M-TPCL,) 585
Incoming si gnal to TP port 420
Outgoing signal from TP port 165
Designing and Expanding the Network 2 - 5
Table 2-2. Equivalent Fiber Distances of LAN Products (Continued)
LAN Produc t
ONline Ethernet Repeater Module (5102M-AUIF)800
Incoming si gnal to AUI port600
Outgoing signal from AUI port200
ONline Ethernet BNC Module (5106M-BNC)900
Incoming signal to BNC port450
Outgoing signal from BNC port450
ONline Ethernet Transceiver Module (5103M-AUIM)0
3Com 10BASE-FB Star Cou pler (9308S-FB)180
10BASE-FB S tar Coupler (9314S)180
IEEE Repeater800
Equivalent Fib er
Distance (meters)
Determining Maxim um F iber Link Dis tanc e s
This section describes how to calculate the maximum allowable link
distances between two fiber ports. To do this, you must kn ow the
following information:
❑10BASE-FB optical power budg et
❑Fiber cable diameter (for example, 50 micron, 62.5 micron)
❑Fiber cable light loss/km (for example, 3 dB loss/km)
❑Number of patch panel connections and link splices