Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 1.3Shadows
Examine how shadows develop and under what conditions shadows are large or small!
What do we need?
1Optical lamp
with power supply unit
1Base plate
1Shadow object
additionally required:
3Sheets of white paper, 17 cm x 13 cm
1Adhesive tape
Conducting the experiment
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
1.Attach the mask to the base plate!
2.Place the optical lamp on the left side of the base plate, so that the light emerges conically to the
3.Place the screen on the right side of the base plate!
4.Put the shadow object right in front of the screen as marked on the mask!
5.Measure the height and width of the shadow object and the height and width of the shadow! Enter
the values in table 1!
6.Slowly move the shadow object a few centimetres towards the lamp and observe how the shadow
changes! Discribe the result!
7.Put the shadow object back in front of the screen! Now hold the screen at different distances to the
shadow object and observe how the shadow changes! Discribe the result!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 1.3Shadows
1.Attach a piece of white paper to the screen!
2.Put the screen back to the end of the base plate and the cylinder as close to the screen as possible!
3.Sketch the shape of the shadow on the white paper!
4.First place the sharpener and then the eraser on the same spot and sketch each shape of the
shadow on a piece of white paper! Compare the shape of the shadows with the shape of the object!
Height of the
shadow object
Length of the
shadow object
Height of the shadowLength of the shadow
Observations when the shadow object is moved towards the optical light:
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 1.4Half-Shadow and Complete Shadow
Examine the shape of the shadow when the object is illuminated by two light sources!
What do we need?
1Base plate
2Tea lights
1Shadow object
additionally required:
1Sheet of white paper, 17 cm x 13 cm
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the base plate!
2.Put two tea lights and the shadow object onto the base plate as marked on the mask! Attach the
white paper to the screen and place the screen on the right side of the base plate!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
3.Carefully light the first tea light! Observe and draw the shadow behind the shadow object! Use the
given data for sketch 1!
4.Mark in sketch 1 where a shadow develops when just one tea light is lit!
5.Light the second tea light! Observe the shadow behind the shadow object!
6.Cross all shadows with different shades of grey on the paper attached to the screen!
7.Construct the beam development! Use the given data for sketch 2!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 1.4Half-Shadow and Complete Shadow
Sketch 1
Shadow when one tea light is lit:
Tea light
Sketch 2
Forming a shadow image with two tea lights:
Tea lightsCylinder
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
1.Features of the shadow when one tea light is lit:
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 2.1Reflection on a Plane Mirror
Examine the incident light on a plane reflecting surface!
What do we need?
1Optical lamp
with power supply unit
1Base plate
1Universal mirror
1Single-slot aperture
additionally required:
1Triangle with right angle
1Coloured pen
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the screen!
2.Place the optical lamp on the left side of the base plate, so that light emerges parallel to the right!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
3.Place the screen in front of the optical lamp!
4.Insert the single-slot aperture into the aperture holder!
5.Place the universal mirror on the screen as marked on the mask!
Adjust an angle of incidence α = 30° by changing the position of the lamp! Draw the incident and
the reflected beam on the mask!
7.Draw the axis of incidence! Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection! Enter the
values in the table!
8.Turn the lamp a little and adjust a different angle of incidence! Draw the incident and the reflected
beam. Draw the axis of incidence and measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection!
Use a coloured pen! Enter the measured values in the table!
9.Turn the lamp a little further! Again draw the beams and the axis of incidence and measure the angles of incidence and reflection!
10. Compare the angle of incidence to the angle of reflection and describe the result!
11. Name practical applications for the use of reflection! Give one example!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 2.2Collecting Light with a Concave Mirror
Examine the incident light on a bent reflecting surface (concave mirror)!
What do we need?
1Optical lamp
with power supply unit
1Base plate
1Universal mirror
1Three-slot aperture
additionally required:
1Coloured pen
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the screen!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
2.Place the optical lamp on the left side of the base plate, so that the light emerges parallel to the
3.Place the screen in front of the optical lamp!
4.Place the mirror on the screen and bend it as marked on the mask!
5.Insert the three-slot aperture into the aperture holder!
6.Observe the beam of light after hitting the concave mirror! Draw the beam of light on the mask!
7.Determine the distance between concave mirror and focal point and therefore the focal length!
8.Draw five incident beams of light and the respective reflected beams of light (sketch)!
9.Change the curvature of the concave mirror! Use a coloured pen to draw the concave mirror with
the changed curvature on the mask! Repeat exercises 6 and 7!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 2.2Collecting Light with a Concave Mirror
Radius of curvature of the concave mirror: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 2.3Reflection and Beam Paths on a Concave Mirror
Examine how selected beams of light are reflected on a concave mirror!
What do we need?
1Optical lamp with power supply unit
1Base plate
1Universal mirror
1Single-slot aperture
1Three-slot aperture
additionally required:
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the screen!
2.Place the optical lamp on the left side of the base plate, so that the light emerges parallel to the
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
3.Place the screen in front of the optical lamp!
4.Insert the three-slot aperture into the aperture holder!
5.Place the universal mirror on the screen and bend it as marked on the mask!
6.Determine the focal point with three parallel beams! Mark the focal point! Then draw the centre of
the concave mirror! Enter the values for the focal length and the radius of the concave mirror in the
7.Replace the three-slot aperture by a one-slot aperture!
8.Generate a parallel beam close to the axis! Change the position of the optical lamp! Observe the
parallel incident beam of light after it hit the concave mirror! Draw the incident and the reflected
beam of light!
9.Repeat the experiment with a focal beam!
10. Repeat the experiment with a centre point beam!
11. Name possible applications for concave mirrors! Explain one application!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 2.3Reflection and Beam Paths on a Concave Mirror
Focal lengthfof the
concave mirror in cm
Radiusrof the
concave mirror in cm
Construct the concave mirror with the aid of the measured values and with the compass!
Draw the test results into your constructed concave mirror!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 2.4Reflection and Beam Paths on a Convex Mirror
Examine how the light is reflected on the convex mirror!
What do we need?
1Optical lamp
with power supply unit
1Base plate
1Universal mirror
1Three-slot aperture
additionally required:
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the screen!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
2.Place the optical lamp on the left side of the base plate, so that the light emerges parallel to the
3.Place the screen in front of the optical lamp! Insert the three-slot aperture into the aperture holder!
4.Place the universal mirror on the screen and bend it as marked on the mask!
5.Mark the position of the focal point. Mark it “F”!
6.Record your observations on the three parallel incident beams of light after the reflection! Draw the
beams on the mask! Mark the point where the rear projections of the reflected beams cross the optical axis!
7.Bend the convex mirror as sketched! Transmit the beams onto the sketch!
8.Name practical applications for the use of convex mirrors!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 2.4Reflection and Beam Paths on a Convex Mirror
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 2.5Images on a Plane Mirror
Examine the features of images on a plane mirror!
What do we need?
1Base plate
1Plexiglass plate
2Tea lights
additionally required:
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the base plate!
2.Place the Plexiglas plate onto the centre of the base plate as marked on the mask!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
3.Put a tea light in front of the plate (mask)! Observe the mirror image of the tea light!
4.Light the tea light and observe the mirror image! Record the features of the mirror image of the
burning tea light!
5.Place the second non-burning tea light behind the Plexiglas plate where you see the mirror image!
Record your observations and draw the position of the tea light on the mask!
6.Now move the burning tea light in front of the Plexiglass plate approx. 3 cm to the right! Observe
the mirror image of the burning tea light!
7.Make a note of what you have to do to see the mirror image of the burning tea light at the same
place as the non-burning tea light behind the pane!
8.Determine the distance of the tea light in front of the Plexiglas plate and behind the Plexiglas plate!
Enter the measured values in the table! Mark the positions of the first and the second candle on
the mask!
9.Name features of the mirror image!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 2.5Images on a Plane Mirror
Measured values
Height of the two tea lights
Height of the mirror image of the non-burning tea light
Distance between Plexiglas plate and front tea light
Distance between Plexiglas plate and rear tea light
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
1 SEG - OP 3.1Refraction for the Transition from Air to Glass
Examine the way light reacts at the transition from air to glass!
What do we need?
1Optical lamp
with power supply unit
1Base plate
1Semicircular glass object
(flat design)
1Single-slot aperture
Conducting the experiment
1.Attach the mask to the screen!
2.Place the optical lamp on the left side of the base plate, so that the light emerges parallel to the
3.Place the screen in front of the optical lamp!
Reproduction is allowed only for use with ELWE-equipment.
4.Place the semicircular glass object onto the middle of the screen as marked on the mask!
5.Insert the single-slot aperture into the aperture holder on the optical lamp!
6.First, the light should hit the plane on the glass object along the optical axis! Observe the light
when it passes the glass object1! Record your observations in the table!
7.Change the position of the optical lamp, so that the light hits the centre of the glass plate at an angle! Observe and record your observation!
8.Change the position of the optical lamp twice, so that the light hits the semicircular glass object at
different angles! Observe and record your observations in the table!
9.If the path of light is reversible, it is possible to set up a statement on the way the light reacts at the
transition from glass to air! Formulate the statement!
Physical experiments for education in natural science and engineering
2SEG - OP 3.1Refraction for the Transition from Air to Glass