3B Scientific Rotation Apparatus User Manual

Rotary Motion Apparatus 1010084
11/12 ALF
1 Base 2 Frame 3 Weight discs 50 g 4 Weight discs 200 g 5 Weight discs 100 g 6 Rotating axle
1. Safety instructions
To avoid injuries:
Maintain a safe distance from the device while it is in operation. Be especially careful to keep your eyes and face away from mov­ing parts.
Do not use your hand to spin the apparatus to a high angular velocity! The screws are not designed to stay in position at high ve­locities and the weights will fly off.
7 Multiple pulley 8 Crossbar 9 String 10 Hanger for slotted weights 11 Deflection pulley
2. Description
The rotary motion apparatus is used for investi­gating the effect of a constant torque on a rotat­ing body with variable moment of inertia.
A vertical, rotating axle on ball bearings in a stable frame.supports a crossbar with equidis­tant grooves for holding the weights. For safety, the weights are fixed in place with screws. The torque is generated by a rotating plate with hooks and up to three slotted weights, acting via a string threaded over a multiple pulley with four different pulley diameters.
3. Technical data
Crossbar: 600 mm x 8 mm diam. Groove separation: 40 mm
Weights: 2x 50 g, 2x 100 g,
Diameters of multiple
pulley: 30 mm, 45 mm,
60 mm, 75 mm
Overall weight: 7 kg
4. Additionally required
1 Ruler, 1 m 1000742 2 Mechanical stopwatches, 15 min 1003369
5. Sample experiments
5.1 Calculating angular acceleration
Place masses on crossbar and secure with screws, insert thread and wind around mul­tiple pulley, run thread over pulley and wind up, connect to mass hanger keep threat per­pendicular to spindle. Hold mass hanger.
Have two students standing ready with stop­watches.
Release the mass hanger.
One student will record the time between
the release of the mass hanger and when it touches the ground.
As soon as the mass touches the ground, the second student will record the time it ta­kes the crossbar to rotate twice. Be sure to take this measurement before the apparatus has slowed due to friction.
Calculate angular velocity, ω, of the cross- bar in radians/second, remembering that one rotation is 2 π radians.
Angular acceleration is given by the equation
Δω is the value calculated for final angular
velocity (initial was zero) and Δt is the time it
took the mass to fall to the ground.
Repeat your measurement a few times and average the results.
Change hanger mass, mass on the rod and position of the mass on rod and casually compare effects on angular velocity.
5.2 Calculating torque M
The torque can be calculated theoretically and experimentally and these two values can be com-
pared. Use the same experimental setup as in 5.1. The theoretical torque is given by the equation:
because the thread is perpendicular to
the radius of the apparatus. r is the radius of the
multiple pulley
the slotted masses and hanger and
where m is the sum of
g =
the gravitational acceleration constant. Thus, the theoretical torque is given by:
To find experimental torque, first calculate the angular acceleration using the methods outlined in section 5.1.
Calculate the moment of inertia J by meas-
uring the distances to the masses on the crossbar and using the following equation
= weight of crossbar
L = length of crossbar M
= weight of masses on crossbar
R = distance mass on crossbar - axle
Multiply angular acceleration by the moment of inertia to find torque
Measure the change in torque from chang­ing spindle radius and from varying the amount of mass on the hangers.
5.3 Calculating moment of inertia J
Measure the distance from the mass to the pivot axle.
Calculate the angular acceleration as in 5.1
Calculate the theoretical torque as in 5.2
The moment of inertia is given by the equa-
Repeat the experiment, keeping the mass
on the crossbar fixed and varying the dis­tance.
Plot moment of inertia versus distance.
Repeat the experiment, but this time keep
the distance fixed and vary the mass on the rod and plot moment of inertia versus mass.
You should find that the moment of inertia varies accoring to the equation
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