U14320 Upright vessel with three glass tubes
Operating instructions
1/03 ALF
The upright vessel with three glass tubes is used to observe water levels in connected tubes, and also serves
as an overflow vessel for measurements of the volume
and density of solid bodies.
1. Safety instructions
• Handle the glass vessel carefully to avoid breakage
and resulting injury.
• Avoid exerting mechanical loads on the apparatus.
• Proceed carefully when interchanging the glass
• Be careful when using coloured water not to let it
splash on your clothes, for example.
2. Description, technical data
The upright vessel consists of a glass cylinder in a plastic base plate. Two outlets each with a GL screw connection are located at the bottom for the purpose of
mounting either two differently shaped glass tubes, or
a dummy joint and an overflow tube.
Height: Approximately 300 mm
Diameter: 90 mm
Tube diameter: 10 mm
Screw connection: GL-17
2.1 Scope of delivery
1 upright vessel with a plastic base plate
2 differently shaped glass tubes
Upright vessel
2 Glass tubes
3 Overflow tube
1 overflow tube with a drop outlet
1 dummy screw joint
3. Procedure
• It is practical to use coloured water during the experiments.
• For experiments to observe liquid levels in connected tubes, undo both the screw connections on
the upright cylinder.
• Mount the two differently shaped glass tubes and
screw them tightly into place.
• Fill the upright cylinder to approximately 2/3 with
• Check the water level in all three vessels.
• As a demonstration, tilt the apparatus toward ei-
ther side and check the water level again in each
• For experiments to determine the volume of solid
bodies, mount the dummy connection and the overflow tube with the drop outlet, and screw them
tightly into place.
• Position the measuring cylinder under the drop outlet.
• Fill the upright cylinder with water until it starts to
flow out of the overflow tube.
• Empty the measuring cylinder of water.
• Immerse the sample body into the water vessel.
• To determine the volume of the body, read the level
of the displaced water which has overflowed into
the measuring cylinder.
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible