U14321 Connected tubes
Operating instructions
1/03 ALF
This apparatus is used to observe water levels in tubes
which are linked together.
1. Safety instructions
• Handle the glass vessel carefully to avoid breakage
and resulting injury.
• Avoid an exertion of mechanical loads on the apparatus.
• Proceed carefully when interchanging the glass tubes.
• Be careful when using coloured water not to let it
splash on your clothes, for example
2. Description, technical data
The communicating tubes apparatus consists of a glass
cylinder in a plastic base plate. Two outlets each with a
GL screw connection are located at the bottom for the
purpose of mounting two differently shaped glass tubes
1 Upright vessel
2 Glass tubes
Height: Approximately 220 mm
Diameter: 25 mm
Tube diameter : 10 mm
Screw connection: GL-17
3. Procedure
• It is practical to use coloured water during the experiments.
• Loosen the screw connections on the upright cylinder.
• Mount the two glass tubes and screw them tightly
into place.
• Fill the upright cylinder to approximately 2/3 with
• Check the water level in all three vessels.
• As a demonstration, tilt the apparatus toward ei-
ther side and check the water level again in each
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com • Technical amendments are possible