Geiger-Müller Counter Tube U8533430
Instruction sheet
07/07 SP/ALF
1 Handling rod
2 BNC socket
3 Supporting clip
4 Housing
5 Protective cap
1. Safety instructions
If too high a voltage is applied, the life of the counter
tube will be reduced and its characteristic curve will
be altered (the gradient of the plateau will increase).
• Do not apply a voltage higher than 600 V.
The mica window is only 0.03 mm thick and is subjected to the external atmospheric pressure.
• Caution! Do not touch the mica window.
• Replace the protective cap after each use.
The glass seal of the counter tube is not resistant to
impacts and pressure.
• Do not subject the tube to knocks.
• Handle the counter tube especially carefully
when it is taken out of its supporting clip.
2. Description
The Geiger-Müller counter tube is a halogen selfquenching trigger counter tube for the detection of
α-, β-, γ- and X-radiation.
The counter tube consists of a chromium steel cylin-
der that is filled with an argon-neon mixture together
with a halogen gas as a quenching agent. It is closed
at one end by a very thin mica window and at the
other end by a glass seal, both of which are gas-tight.
A thin wire (the counter wire) is arranged axially in
the cylinder, which it enters through the insulating
glass seal. The counter tube is contained within a
metal housing that is fitted with a shielded connecting lead and a BNC socket. A handling rod is attached
to the housing by a detachable clamp. The mica
window is protected by a removable plastic cap.

3. Technical data
Filling gas: Neon-argon mixture,
with halogen as
quenching agent
Cathode dimensions: 39x14 mm²
Window: Mica, 9 mm Ø
Surface density: 1.5 – 2.0 mg/cm²
Operating voltage: 400 – 600 V (recom-
mended voltage: 500
Rel. gradient of plateau: 0.04%/V
Dead-time: 90 µs
Limiting resistance: 10 MΩ, built into the
Overall dimensions: Approx. 85 mm x 25
mm Ø
Handling rod dimensions: 100 mm x 10 mm Ø
Mass: Approx. 160 g
4. Operation
The protective cap does not allow α-radiation to pass
through, and transmits β-radiation only partially.
Remove the protective cap when appropriate before
starting measurement. Replace the cap after each
use, taking care not to touch the mica window.
For carrying out experiments the following additional
equipment is recommended:
HF cable, 1 m U11255
Digital counter (230 V, 50/60 Hz) U8533341-230
Digital counter (115 V, 50/60 Hz) U8533341-115
Geiger-Müller box U11391
• Connect the Geiger-Müller counter tube to a
digital counter through an HF cable.
• Set up the counter tube so that the radiation falls
squarely on the mica window.
• If appropriate, remove the plastic protective cap.
• Set the required measurement time on the
• Switch the audible counting signal on or off as
• Start the measurement.
• After the measurement, replace the protective
10 M
1 M
220 pF
400 V... 600 V
Fig. 1. Schematic arrangement of the counter tube.
Elwe Didactic GmbH • Steinfelsstr. 6 • 08248 Klingenthal • Germany • www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments
© Copyright 2007 3B Scientific GmbH