… g o i n g o n e s t e p f u r t h e r

1 Os hyoideum
1a Os hyoideum, corpus
1b Os hyoideum, cornu minus
1c Os hyoideum, cornu majus
2 Lig. thyrohyoideum laterale
3 Cartilago triticea
4 Cartilago thyroidea
4a Cartilago thyroidea, lamina dextra
4b Cartilago thyroidea, lamina sinistra
4c Incisura thyroidea superior
4d Tuberculum thyroideum superius
4e Tuberculum thyroideum inferius
4f Cartilago thyroidea, cornu superius
4g Cartilago thyroidea, cornu inferius
5 Cartilago cricoidea
5a Cartilago cricoidea, arcus
5b Cartilago cricoidea, lamina
5c Facies articularis thyroidea
6 Cartilago arytenoidea
6a Cartilago arytenoidea, processus vocalis
6b Cartilago arytenoidea, processus muscularis
7 Cartilago corniculata
8 Cartilago epiglottica
9 Lig. thyroepiglotticum
10 Lig. vocale
11 Trachea, paries membranaceus
12 Cartilagines tracheales

Functional Larynx
1 Hyoid bone
1a Body of hyoid bone
1b Lesser horn of hyoid bone
1c Greater horn of hyoid bone
2 Lateral thyrohyoid ligament
3 Triticeal cartilage
4 Thyroid cartilage
4a Right lamina of thyroid cartilage
4b Left lamina of thyroid cartilage
4c Superior thyroid notch
4d Superior thyroid tubercle
4e Inferior thyroid tubercle
4f Superior horn of thyroid
4g Inferior horn of thyroid
5 Cricoid cartilage
5a Arch of cricoid cartilage
5b Cartilaginous lamina of cricoid
5c Articular surface of thyroid
6 Arytenoid cartilage
6a Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
6b Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage
7 Corniculate cartilage
8 Epiglottic cartilage
9 Ligamentum thyroepiglotticum
10 Vocal ligament
11 Membranaceous paries of trachea
12 Tracheal cartilages

1 Zungenbein
1a Zungenbeinkörper
1b Kleines Zungenbeinhorn
1c Großes Zungenbeinhorn
2 Seitliches Schildknorpel-Zungenbeinband
3 Weizenkornknorpel
4 Schildknorpel
4a Schildknorpel, rechte Platte
4b Schildknorpel, linke Platte
4c Obere Schilddrüseninzisur
4d Schildknorpel, oberer Höcker
4e Schildknorpel, unterer Höcker
4f Schildknorpel, oberes Horn
4g Schildknorpel, unteres Horn
5 Ringknorpel
5a Ringknorpel, Bogen
5b Ringknorpel, Platte
5c Schildknorpel-Gelenkfläche
6 Stellknorpel
6a Stellknorpel, Stimmbandfortsatz
6b Stellknorpel, Muskelfortsatz
7 Spitzenknorpel
8 Kehldeckelknorpel
9 Kehldeckel-Schildknorpelband
10 Stimmband
11 Luftröhre, häutige Rückwand
12 Luftröhrenknorpel