Complies with latest Wireless N
stanadard, backward compatible
with 802.11b/g
MBMv2 QoS engine provides
lightning fast response for online
gaming, smooth video streaming
and quality Internet telephony
Delivers wireless performance up
to 300 Mbps. MIMO technology
eliminates all dead spots
Supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup
(WPS) to simplify secure network
setup add "with push button to set
up wireless encryption"
Full WPS security with push button
to set up
Supports Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)
so you can enjoy audio, video, and
voice applications wirelessly
Broadband Wireless N Gigabit Router
- Fastest Internet Connections with Extended Range for Ultimate Online Experience
Based on ZyXEL’s legendary X550 wireless G router, the X550N is the perfect solution
for home and SOHO users who need the latest wireless technology as well as the
versatility to handle all of their networking needs. Using advanced MIMO (Multiple In,
Multiple Out) Smart Antenna technology, the X550N can locate, pinpoint, and deploy the
most efficient method of transmitting and receiving radio signals. Coupled with another
MIMO client device, the X550N can truly maximize range and coverage to new limits.
Speeds and range up to 8 times that of other standard networking devices can be
reached with the X550N.
Our state-of-the-art Multimedia Bandwidth Management (MBM) stream engine is latest
industry-leading technology for intelligent traffic prioritization. The on-board MBM serves
as a virtual traffic cop, automatically identifying, filtering, and managing which application
should receive priority over others. This powerful feature significantly improves your
broadband connection by eliminating data bottlenecks that could otherwise impede your
enjoyment of the Internet meaning faster gaming, VoIP and downloading? Need to stress
the real identifiable benefits.
Wireless N Gigabit Router
Security, WiFi Protected Setup (WPS), is a simple, one-step operation, requiring only the
push of a button on the X550N to set up complete WPS encryption.

- 802.11n draft version 2.0
- 802.11b/g WLAN standard
- Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
- Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)
- 64/128 bit WEP
- SPI Firewall
- Two IPSEC VPN tunnels
- Mac Address Filtering
- DHCP Server/Client
- UPnP
- Dynamic DNS
- Connection Type:
- Logs
- LAN: Four 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet RJ-45
connector with auto MDI/MDIX support
- WAN: One 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet RJ-45
connector with auto MDI/MDIX support
- Three 2 dBi external detachable dipole antennas
- WPS Push Button
- Reset Button
- Power: DC 18V, 1A
- 7.48” W x 5.9” D x 1.3” H
- Weight: 12.6 oz
Operating Environment:
- Temperature: 32°F - 104°F
- Humidity: 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Storage Environment:
- Temperature: 14°F - 140°F
- Humidity: 0% ~ 95% (non-condensing)
- Safety: CSA
- Others: Wi-Fi, Vista Baseline
Wireless N Gigabit Router
X550N (rear view)
This product is designed for the 2.4 GHz WLAN network throughout the EC region
For more product information, visit us on the web www.ZyXEL.com
ZyXEL North America
Tel: +1-714-632-0882 •
Copyright © 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corp. All rights reserved. ZyXEL, ZyXEL logo is a registered trademark of ZyXEL Communications Corp. All other brands,
product names, or trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
Fax: +1-714-632-0858 • Email: sales@zyxel.com • http://www.zyxel.com
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