ZyXEL Communications IES-5000, IES-6000, IES-5005 User Manual

Integrated Ethernet Switch
Support Notes
July 2008
Edition 3
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Application Notes............................................................................................................................ 2
Triple play Application (with VLC Line Card) .............................................................. 2
Triple play Application (with ALC/SLC Line Card) .................................................... 29
VDSL2 to ADSL2+ Fallback..................................................................................... 36
Impulse Noise Protection (INP)................................................................................ 49
Upstream Power Back-Off (UPBO).......................................................................... 50
802.1ag CFM ........................................................................................................... 53
Setting up different DSL port speeds to different subscribers .................................. 62
Configuring 802.1Q VLAN ....................................................................................... 66
802.1x Application.................................................................................................... 68
Syslog Server Application ........................................................................................ 73
Ring Topology Application ........................................................................................ 76
IGMP Snooping/IGMP Filtering Application.............................................................. 82
Limiting Internet access to users on specific DSL ports........................................... 84
DHCP Relay Option 82 Application.......................................................................... 85
Packet Filtering ........................................................................................................ 96
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Application Notes

Triple play Application (with VLC Line Card)

The triple play service is a marketing term for the provisioning of two broadband services,
high-speed Internet access and television, and one narrowband service, telephone, over a
single broadband connection. Triple Play focuses on a combined business model rather than
solving technical issues or a common standard.
Triple Play
ZyXEL provides Triple Play solutions to implement triple play service in VDSL-based scenario.
VDSL is a DSL technology providing faster data transmission over a single twisted pair of
copper wires. These fast speeds mean that VDSL is capable of supporting new high bandwidth
applications such as HDTV, as well as telephone services (Voice over IP) and general Internet
access, over a single connection. VDSL is deployed over existing wiring used for POTS (Plain
Old Telephone System) and lower-speed DSL connections.
The Triple Play solution is equipped with ZyXEL IES-5000 Chassis with VLC1348G-51 card,
which is accompanied with P-870H-51 broadband VDSL technology CPE; the total rate can be
up to 52Mbps.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Triple Play scenario topology
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Hardware connections:
1. DSL: Connect the DSL jack to the VLC1348G-51 card on IES-5000.
2. Ethernet: Connect the clients to the Ethernet jacks: (1).IP Phone to the Ethernet 1 (2).IP STB to the Ethernet 2 (3).PC to the Ethernet 3
IES-5000M (Main Chassis)
1. Install the MSC1000G in SLOT1.
2. Install the VLC1348G-51 in SLOT3.
Connect the UP1 port of the MSC1000G to the Port12 of the ES-2024A.
1. Use a Telco-50 cable to connect to the 1-24 Telco-50 connector of the VLC1348G-51.
2. Use the Port1 of the Telco-50 Cable to connect to the DSL jack of P-870H-51.
1. Connect the PPPoE server (or BRAS) to the Port1 of the ES-2024A.
2. Connect the VoIP (or SIP server) to the Port5 of the ES-2024A.
3. Connect IPTV (or Multicast Server) to the Port7 of the ES-2024A.
4. Connect Port12 of ES-2024A to the UP1 of the MSC1000G on IES-5000 Chassis.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Firmware versions:
MSC1000G: V3.90(LU.1)C0
VLC1348G-51: V3.90(BHB.0)b1
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Configure the P-870H-51:
In this scenario, we will use the CPE P-870H-51 with factory-default setting.
How to set the P-870H-51 to factory-default?
Press the RESET button on the back-end plane of the housing (you can see it in the following picture). Keep it pressed down for several seconds, until you see that the POWER LED is
blinking, which means the factory default setting is being applied to the device.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Configure the IES-5000
1. System login.
a. Connect to the IES-5000 via Internet browser. is the default in-band
management IP address and is the default out-of-band (management port) IP
address. Enter the default username (“admin”) and the password (“1234”) to access the
b. The main screen appears after clicking OK.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
2. Configure the VLC1348G-51.
a. Click Port > VDSL. b. Choose slot 3 and port 1, and click Load to open the page shown below:
c. Select the Enable check-box to enable the VDSL port1, click Apply to save the settings.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
d. Click the Setup button in sub-step (1) of the VLAN to open the page relevant for sub-step
(2) & (3):
Sub-step (1): Open VLAN setup page.
Sub-step (2): Join VLAN 100 to VDSL port 1.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Sub-step (3): Join VLAN 500 to VDSL port 1.
Sub-step (4): Check the final VLAN setup status, you should see two entries as below.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Sub-step (5): Set the default PVID/Priority for the VDSL Port1, click Apply to save the
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
3. Configure the MSC1000G.
a. Click VLAN > VLAN b. Select VLAN 100 and click Modify, then set the port UP1 as Fix and Tag, then click Apply
to save the changes:
c. Select VLAN 500 and click Modify, then set the port UP1 as Fix and Tag, then click Apply
to save the changes:
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
d. Check the final VLAN setup status of the MSC1000G
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
4. Use ACL rule to replace the VID / Priority for the PPPoE packets.
So far ACL-rule feature does not support WEB-GUI, we use the CLI method to configure it.
a. Login:
Connect your PC to the out-of-band MGMT port of MSC1000G, and call the Windows MS-DOS, then use Telnet method to login (use the default management IP:
After issuing the default ‘admin’ / ’1234’ to login, you can see the page shown below:
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
b. ACL-rule profile CLI syntax:
(1). <rule> is for picking out the traffic by specific parameters, e.g. the vid (802.1q), mac,
etype (Ethernet Type), priority (802.1p) etc.
(2). <action> can apply actions to the traffics picked out by the <rule>, e.g. rate (limit the
rate), rvlan (replace vlan), rpri (replace priority)
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
c. Set ACL-rules to pick out PPPoE traffic and replace its VID / Priority.
(1) Create ACL profiles
// ‘pppoe1’ & ‘pppoe2’ are the Profile names, and ‘34915’ is the decimal value for
hexadecimal value 0x8863, and ‘34916’ is for 0x8864.//
(2) Apply the ACL profile to the VDSL port 3-1
// “3-1” represents the slot 3 and port 1, which is exactly the VDSL port we are using.//
Based on the above settings, all the PPPoE traffics including the Ethernet Type: 0x8863 and
0x8864, upcoming from VDSL port 3-1 will be picked out by ACL rules ‘pppoe1’ and ‘pppoe2’,
and then replaced with new VLAN ID/Priority ‘100/0’.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
5. Use MVR to configure the IPTV setting on MSC1000G.
a. Login:
As in the step 4, use Telnet to login.
b. Set VDSL port 3-1 to join the MVR VLAN 700.
c. Set multicast group range for MVR VLAN 700
//Since we are using as the multicast group IP in this case, we set the group
range starting from to
d. Enable MVR VLAN 700
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
6. Configure the IGMP-Proxy and St atic Query VLAN
a. Login:
We are using the WEB to configure again.
b. Click Multicast, then Enable IGMP Proxy V2 mode, and click Apply to save the changes.
c. Add Static Query VLAN 500, and click Apply to save the changes.
[Note:] As we don’t have any IGMP-router in this scenario, Static Query VLAN should be
assigned to specify the multicast service subscriber VLANs.
// And because all the traffics sending out from the VDSL port 3-1 are untag, we can
specify any VLAN joined this port, here we choose the VLAN 500. //
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
d. Check the Query VLAN status.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
7. Save configuration for the IPDSLAM.
(1). Open Config Save, then click the Save button to save all your settings to NVRAM.
(2). If setting is successful, result is as below.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
Configure the ES-2024A:
1. System login.
a. Connect to the ES-2024A via Internet browser. is the default in-band
management IP address. Enter the default username (“admin”) and the password (“1234”)
to access the device:
b. The main screen appears after clicking OK.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
2. Configure VLANs.
a. Click Advanced Application > VLAN, after enter the VLAN setting page, and then
choose the Static VLAN link.
b. Create VLAN 100 / 500 / 700 for PPPoE / VoIP / IPTV respectively.
[Note:] Don’t forget to click the Add button at the bottom of the page.
(1). VLAN 100 for PPPoE.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
(2). VLAN 500 for VoIP.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
(3). VLAN 700 for IPTV.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
(4). Check final status of the VLAN settings.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
c. Set the default PVID for the relative ports in this scenario.
(1). Click Advance Application > VLAN, then choose the VLAN Port Setting
(2).Set port 1 / 5 / 7’s PVID as 100 / 500 / 700 as below: Don’t forget to click Apply to save the settings.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
d. Set the default 802.1p Priority value for the respective ports in this scenario.
(1). Click Basic Setting > Port Setup to call the page below. (2). Click Apply at bottom to save the settings.
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IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes
e. Save all the settings for the ES-2024A.
(1). Click Management > Maintenance, then choose the Config 1 in Save Configuration.
(2). Or you can choose the Save button on the top of the page.
If saving was successful, you would see result shown below.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
IES-5000/5005/6000 Support Notes

Triple play Application (with ALC/SLC Line Card)

On the IES-5000, you can use different channels (also known as Permanent Virtual Circuits or PVCs) for different services. Define channels on each DSL port for different services and assign each channel a priority, VLAN and ATM Quality of Service (QoS). The ATM QoS allows you to regulate the average rate and fluctuations in data rates. This helps eliminate congestion and to allow smooth transmission of real time data (such as audio and video). In this application, we will show you how to set up multiple PVCs using the IES-5000. The following figure shows a network example where the computers want to get different services (data service for Internet access and video service) from two networks. Since a smooth video streaming quality is desired, we want to give the video service a higher priority. To do this on the IES-5000, create a different VLAN for each service and configure the PVCs with a different VID, priority and ATM QoS. This allows the video service to have a higher priority over the data service. You can easily adapt this application for a triple-play service network.
IES-5000 SLC-1248G or ALC-1248G
PVID =10
Priority =7
0/33 1/34
Ethernet Port
DSL Port 1
PVID =20 Priority =0 ATM QoS=UBR
802.1Q VLAN Switch
Port 2 PVID=20
Port 1 PVID=10
Internet Access
Video Server

Setting up Multiple PVCs

This section shows you how to configure settings on the devices for this application.
All contents copyright (c) 2008 ZyXEL Communications Corporation.
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