ZyXEL Communications DSL, IAD User Manual

DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
DSL, IAD, and VoIP (ZyNOS) ZyXEL Devices

CLI Reference Guide

Version 3.70 11/2008 Edition 3

About This CLI Reference Guide

About This CLI Reference Guide
Intended Audience
This manual is intended for people who want to configure the ZyXEL Device via the Command Line Interface (CLI). You should have at least a basic knowledge of TCP/IP networking concepts and topology.
This guide covers the following product lines:
• DSL modems and routers
• IAD (Integrated Access Devices) - the P-2600 series
• VoIP: ATA (Analog Terminal Adapters and Station Gateways) - the P-2300 series
The version number on the cover page refers to the latest firmware version supported by the products mentioned above. This guide applies to version 3.40 and 3.70 at the time of writing.
" This guide is intended as a command reference for a series of products.
Therefore many commands in this guide may not be available in your product. See your User’s Guide for a list of supported features and details about feature implementation.
Please refer to www.zyxel.com or your product’s CD for product specific User Guides and product certifications.
How To Use This Guide
•Read Chapter 1 on page 13 for an overview of various ways you can get to the CLI on your ZyXEL Device.
•Read Chapter 2 on page 17 for an introduction to some of the more commonly used commands.
" It is highly recommended that you read at least these two chapters.
• The other chapters in this guide are arranged according to the CLI structure. Each chapter describes commands related to a feature.
" See your ZyXEL Device’s User Guide for feature background information.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
About This CLI Reference Guide
• To find specific information in this guide, use the Contents Overview, the Index of Commands, or search the PDF file.
Documentation Feedback
Help us help you. Send all documentation-related comments, questions or suggestions for improvement to the following address, or use e-mail instead. Thank you!
The Technical Writing Team, ZyXEL Communications Corp., 6 Innovation Road II, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan.
E-mail: techwriters@zyxel.com.tw
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide

Document Conventions

Document Conventions
Warnings and Notes
Warnings and notes are indicated as follows in this guide.
1 Warnings tell you about things that could harm you or your device. See your
User’s Guide for product specific warnings.
" Notes tell you other important information (for example, other things you may
need to configure or helpful tips) or recommendations.
Syntax Conventions
This manual follows these general conventions:
• ZyXEL Devices may also be referred to as the “device”, the “system” or the “product” in this guide.
• Units of measurement may denote the “metric” value or the “scientific” value. For example, “k” for kilo may denote “1000” or “1024”, “M” for mega may denote “1000000” or “1048576” and so on.
Command descriptions follow these conventions:
• Commands are in
• Required input values are in angle brackets <>; for example, means that you must specify an IP address for this command.
• Optional fields are in square brackets []; for instance show logins [name], the name field is optional.
The following is an example of a required field within an optional field: snmp-server [contact <system contact>], the contact field is optional. However, if you use contact, then you must provide the system contact information.
•The | (bar) symbol means “or”.
italic terms represent user-defined input values; for example, in sys datetime date [year month date], year month date can be replaced by the actual year month and date that you want to set, for example, 2007 08 15.
• A key stroke is denoted by square brackets and uppercase text, for example, [ENTER] means the “Enter” or “Return” key on your keyboard.
<cr> means press the [ENTER] key.
• An arrow (-->) indicates that this line is a continuation of the previous line.
courier new font.
ping <ip-address>
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Document Conventions
Command summary tables are organized as follows:
Table 1 Table Title
ip arp status [interface] Displays an interface’s ARP table. ip dhcp <interface> client
release ip dhcp <interface> client
The Table Title identifies commands or the specific feature that the commands configure. The COMMAND column shows the syntax of the command. The DESCRIPTION column explains what the command does. It may also identify legal
input values. A long list of pre-defined values may be replaced by a command input value ‘variable’ so as to
avoid a very long command in the description table. Refer to the command input values table if you are unsure of what to enter.
Table 2 Common Command Input Values
description Used when a command has a description field in order to add more detail. ip-address An IP address in dotted decimal notation. For example, mask The subnet mask in dotted decimal notation, for example, mask-bits The number of bits in an address’s subnet mask. For example type /24 for a
port A protocol’s port number. interface An interface on the ZyXEL Device. enif refers to an Ethernet interface.
hostname Hostname can be an IP address or domain name. name Used for the name of a rule, policy, set, group and so on. number Used for a number, for example 10, that you have to input.
Releases the specified interface’s DHCP IP address. The interface must be a DHCP client to use this command.
Renews the specified interface’s DHCP IP address. The interface must be a DHCP client to use this command.
subnet mask of
enif0: LAN enif1: WLAN enif2: DMZ or WAN (Ethernet) (varies depending on your model) wanif0: WAN (PPPoE or PPPoA)
For some commands you can also add a colon and a 0 or 1 to specify an IP alias. This is only for the LAN and DMZ interfaces. For example, enif0:0 specifies LAN IP alias 1 and enif0:1 specifies LAN IP alias 2.
" Commands are case sensitive! Enter commands exactly as seen in the
command interface. Remember to also include underscores if required.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Document Conventions
Copy and Paste Commands
You can copy and paste commands directly from this document into your terminal emulation console window (such as HyperTerminal). Use right-click (not CTRL-V) to paste your command into the console window as shown next.
Icons Used in Figures
Figures in this guide may use the following generic icons. The ZyXEL Device icon is not an exact representation of your device.
ZyXEL Device Computer Notebook computer
Server DSLAM Firewall
Telephone Switch Router
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Document Conventions
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide

Contents Overview

Contents Overview
Introduction ............................................................................................................................11
How to Access and Use the CLI ................................................................................................ 13
Common Commands ................ ... .... ... ................................................ ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... 17
Reference ................................................................................................................................31
IEEE 802.1Q/1P Commands ..................................................................................................... 33
IEEE 802.1x Commands ...........................................................................................................35
Dial Backup Commands ............................................................................................................ 37
Bandwidth Management .............................. .... ... ................................................ .... ... ... ... ... .... ... 41
Bridge Commands ................................. ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ................................................ ... ....... 45
Certificate Commands ............................................................................................................... 49
CNM Agent Commands .............................................................................................................57
VoIP DECT Commands .............................................................................................................61
Ethernet Commands ..................................................................................................................63
Firewall Commands ................................................................................................................... 67
IP Commands .................................. ... ... ... ... ................................................. ... ... .... ... ... ... .......... 71
IPSec Commands .................. ... ... ................................................. ... ... ... .... ... ............................. 89
LAN Interface Commands .........................................................................................................95
MyZyXEL.com Commands ........................................................................................................ 99
Quality of Service (QoS) .............................. .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ........................................... 109
RADIUS Commands .................................................................................................................115
System Commands .................................. ... .... ... ... ... ................................................. ... ... ... ......117
VoIP Commands ...................................................................................................................... 131
WAN Commands ............................. ... ... ... ... .... ... ................................................ .... ... ... ... ... ..... 153
Wireless LAN Commands .................................................. ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ..................... 175
Appendices and Index of Commands ................................................................................191
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Contents Overview
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide


How to Access and Use the CLI (13) Common Commands (17)

How to Access and Use the CLI

This chapter introduces the command line interface (CLI).

1.1 Accessing the CLI

Use any of the following methods to access the CLI.

1.1.1 Console Port

You may use this method if your ZyXEL Device has a console port.
1 Connect your computer to the console port on the ZyXEL Device using the appropriate
2 Use terminal emulation software with the following settings:
Table 3 Default Settings for the Console Port
Terminal Emulation VT100 Baud Rate 9600 bps Parity None Number of Data Bits 8 Number of Stop Bits 1 Flow Control None
3 Press [ENTER] to open the login screen.

1.1.2 Telnet

4 Open a Telnet session to the ZyXEL Device’s IP address. If this is your first login, use
the default values.
Table 4 Default Management IP Address
IP Address Subnet Mask
Make sure your computer IP address is in the same subnet, unless you are accessing the ZyXEL Device through one or more routers. In the latter case, make sure remote management of the ZyXEL Device is allowed via Telnet.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI

1.2 Logging in

Use the administrator password to log into the ZyXEL Device. The default value is ‘admin’ or ‘1234’ - see your ZyXEL Device User’s Guide to see which one to use. Some ZyXEL Devices may require you to also enter a user name. The default user name is ‘admin’.
The ZyXEL Device automatically logs you out of the management interface after five minutes of inactivity. If this happ ens to y ou, sim ply lo g ba ck i n again . Use t he sys st dio command to extend the idle timeout. For example, the ZyXEL Device automatically logs you out of the management interface after 60 minutes of inactivity after you use the sys stdio 60 command.

1.3 Using Shortcuts and Getting Help

This table identifies some shortcuts in the CLI, as well as how to get help.
Table 5 CLI Shortcuts and Help
yz (up/down arrow keys) Scrolls through the list of recently-used commands. You can edit
[CTRL]+U Clears the current command. ? Displays the keywords and/or input values that are allowed in
help Displays the (full) commands that are allowed in place of help.
any command or press [ENTER] to run it again.
place of the ?.
Use the help command to view the available commands on the ZyXEL Device. Follow these steps to create a list of supported commands:
1 Log into the CLI. 2 Type help and press [ENTER]. A list comes up which shows all the commands
available for this device.
ras> help Valid commands are: sys exit ether wan wlan ip ipsec bridge certificates bm lan radius 8021x voice ras>
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Commands can be abbreviated to the smallest unique string that differentiates the command. For example sys version could be abbreviated to s v.
ras> sys version
ZyNOS version: V3.40(ADV.3)b4 | 05/09/2007 romRasSize: 3127550 system up time: 24:23:59 (86087c ticks) bootbase version: V1.01 | 06/28/2005 ras> s v
ZyNOS version: V3.40(ADV.3)b4 | 05/09/2007 romRasSize: 3127550 system up time: 24:24:15 (860eae ticks) bootbase version: V1.01 | 06/28/2005 ras>

1.4 Saving Your Configuration

Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI
In the ZyXEL Device some commands are saved as you run them and others require you to run a save command. For example, after configuring a static route rule, type ip route addrom save to save the static route rule in non-volatile memory. See the related section of this guide to see if a save command is required.
" Unsaved configuration changes to commands that require you to run a save
command are lost once you restart the ZyXEL Device

1.5 Logging Out

Enter exit to log out of the CLI.
Table 6 Exit Command
exit Logs you out of the CLI.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 1 How to Access and Use the CLI
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide

Common Commands

This chapter introduces some of the more commomly-used commands in the ZyXEL Device. For more detailed usage, see the corresponding feature chapter in this guide.
In the following examples, ras is the prompt as that is the default. If you configure a system name, then that prompt will display as the system name you configured. For example, change the system name to zyxel using the sys hostname zyxel command; the command prompt will then display as zyxel>.

2.1 Change the Idle Timeout

By default, the ZyXEL Device automatically logs you out of the management interface after five minutes of inactivity . Use the sys stdio comman d to ext en d th e idle timeout. The following example extends the idle timeout to 120 minutes.
ras> sys stdio 120 Stdio Timeout = 120 minutes ras>

2.2 Interface Information

ZyXEL Device interfaces are defined as shown in Table 2 on page 6.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
The first command in this example shows information about a LAN port, for example, its IP address. The second command is used to change this IP address to
ras> ip ifconfig enif0 enif0: mtu 1500 inet, netmask 0xffff0000, broadcast RIP RX:None, TX:None, [InOctets 2742079] [InUnicast 624] [InMulticast 29689] [InDiscards 764] [InErrors 0] [InUnknownProtos 764] [OutOctets 414311] [OutUnicast 7 82] [OutMulticast 2225] [OutDiscards 2225] [OutErrors 0] ras> ip ifconfig enif0 ras> ip ifconfig enif0 enif0: mtu 1500 inet, netmask 0xffffff00, broadcast RIP RX:None, TX:None, [InOctets 3278515] [InUnicast 633] [InMulticast 34632] [InDiscards 926] [InErrors 0] [InUnknownProtos 926] [OutOctets 419351] [OutUnicast 7 82] [OutMulticast 2405] [OutDiscards 2405] [OutErrors 0]
" Afterwards, you have to use this new IP address to access the ZyXEL Device
via the LAN port.
To view information on all interfaces, enter ip ifconfig. To view DHCP information on the LAN port, enter ip dhcp enif0 status.
ras> ip dhcp enif0 status DHCP on iface enif0 is none Status: Packet InCount: 477, OutCount: 0, DiscardCount: 477 ras>
Use these commands to release and renew DHCP-assigned information on the specified interface.
ras> ip dhcp enif0 client release ras> ip dhcp enif0 client renew ras>ras> ip ifconfig enif0 enif0: mtu 1500 inet, netmask 0xffff0000, broadcast RIP RX:None, TX:None, [InOctets 3327150] [InUnicast 658] [InMulticast 34937] [InDiscards 943] [InErrors 0] [InUnknownProtos 943] [OutOctets 420007] [OutUnicast 782] [OutMulticast 2407] [OutDiscards 2405] [OutErrors 0] ras>
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
To view the ARP table for the LAN port, enter ip arp status enif0.
ras> ip arp status enif0 received 23763 badtype 0 bogus addr 0 reqst in 3 replies 4 reqst out 34 cache hit 10529 (25%), cache miss 31410 (74%) IP-addr Type Time Addr stat iface 10 Mb Ethernet 260 00:00:e8:7c:14:80 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 210 00:10:b5:ae:56:9b 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 150 00:c0:9f:cd:d4:bf 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 130 00:02:e3:30:43:34 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 220 00:60:b3:45:2b:c5 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 80 00:c0:a8:fa:e9:27 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 200 00:0e:7f:a6:a7:c1 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 60 00:15:00:07:de:e1 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 30 00:16:36:10:26:2d 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 30 00:02:e3:57:ea:1c 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 260 00:18:f8:04:f5:67 41 enif0 10 Mb Ethernet 230 00:19:cb:39:cb:ad 41 enif0 num of arp entries= 12 ras>
Each ZyXEL Device can support a specific number of NAT sessions in total. Y ou can limit the number of NAT sessions allowed per host by using the ip nat session command. In the following example, each host may have up to 4000 NAT sessions open at one time. The total number of NAT sessions must not exceed the number for your ZyXEL Device.
ras> ip nat session 4000 ip nat session NAT session number per host: 4000 ras>
To see the IP routing table, enter the following command.
ras> ip route status Dest FF Len Device Gateway Metric stat Timer Use 00 32 enet0 1 001f 0 0 00 32 enet0 1 001f 0 0 00 32 enet0 1 001f 0 0 00 32 enet0 1 001f 0 0 00 24 enet0 1 041b 0 0 00 16 enet0 1 041b 0 23 default 00 0 Idle MyISP 2 002b 0 0 ras>
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands

2.3 Basic System Information

Use the sys atsh command to view information about your ZyXEL Device.
ras> sys atsh RAS version : V3.40(ADV.3)b4 | 05/09/2007 RamSize : 32768 Kbytes Flash Type and Size : Intel 32Mbits*1 romRasSize : 3127550 bootbase version : V1.01 | 06/28/2005 Product Model : Prestige 2602HWNLI-D7A MAC Address : 001349214124 Default Country Code : FF Boot Module Debug Flag : 00 RomFile Version : 14 RomFile Checksum : b600 RAS F/W Checksum : 4825 SNMP MIB level & OID : 060102030405060708091011121314151617181920 Main Feature Bits : C0 Other Feature Bits : 9D 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 41 13 00 00 00 ras>
Use the following command to view CPU utilization.
ras> sys cpu display CPU usage status: baseline 882924 ticks sec ticks util sec ticks util sec ticks util sec ticks util 0 813191 7.89 1 807214 8.57 2 811101 8.13 3 811148 8.12 4 813577 7.85 5 811697 8.06 6 812425 7.98 7 811474 8.09 8 811686 8.06 9 809925 8.26 10 810349 8.21 11 811672 8.07 12 812057 8.02 13 811810 8.05 14 813531 7 .85 15 813221 7.89 16 811394 8.10 17 812418 7.98 18 807217 8 .57 19 808079 8.47 20 804720 8.85 21 808472 8.43 22 810576 8 .19 23 810342 8.22 24 813690 7.84 25 810798 8.16 26 793435 10.13 27 781556 11.48 28 800014 9.39 29 810944 8.15 30 811563 8 .08 31 814575 7.74 32 813225 7.89 33 812385 7.98 34 810931 8 .15 35 811374 8.10 36 812374 7.99 37 812445 7.98 38 782635 11.35 39 812026 8.02 40 809550 8.31 41 809632 8.30 42 808723 8 .40 43 811388 8.10 44 812818 7.94 45 810337 8.22 46 811520 8 .08 47 813600 7.85 48 811545 8.08 49 812811 7.94 50 812414 7 .98 51 812997 7.91 52 813775 7.83 53 811116 8.13 54 812586 7 .96 55 811772 8.05 56 811885 8.04 57 810952 8.15 58 808698 8 .40 59 811388 8.10 60 813476 7.86 61 809569 8.30 62 809041 8.36 ras>
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
Use the following command to get the date and time from a time server on the Internet (or your network). You have to first configure a time server using the web configurator (or SMT menu if your ZyXEL Device has one).
ras> sys adjtime
Connecting to time server....
Current date is Sat 2007/09/01 Current time is 02:46:53 ras>
Use the following command to restart your ZyXEL Device right away.
ras> sys reboot Bootbase Version: V1.01 | 06/28/2005 19:47:11 RAM: Size = 32768 Kbytes FLASH: Intel 32M *1
ZyNOS Version: V3.40(ADV.3)b4 | 05/09/2007 14:00:00
Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds. Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds. .
Use the following command to reset the ZyXEL Device to the factory defaults. Make sure you back up your current configuration first (using the web configurator or SMT). The ZyXEL Device will restart and the console port speed will also reset to 9,600 bps.
ras> sys romreset
Do you want to restore default ROM file(y/n)?y Default Romfile reset...
OKstore default Romfile. System Restart(Console speed will be changed to 9600 bps)
.............. done
VDSP921 init............ done
ISDN init.. done Press ENTER to continue...
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
Use the following command to change the console port speed. A higher console port speed is recommended when uploading firmware via the console port. A console port speed of 1 1 5,200 bps is necessary to view CNM debug messages and packet traces on the ZyXEL Device.
ras> sys baud ? Usage: baud <1..5>(1:38400, 2:19200, 3:9600, 4:57600, 5:115200) ras> sys baud 5
Saving to ROM. Please wait... Change Console Speed to 115200. Then hit any key to continue ras>
" After you change the console port speed, you need to change it also on your
terminal emulation software (such as HyperTerminal) in order to reconnect to the ZyXEL Device.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
Logs are very useful for troubleshooting. If you are having problems with your ZyXEL Device, then customer support may request that you send them the logs. Use the following command to display all ZyXEL Device error logs
ras> sys logs errlog disp 32 Sat Jan 01 00:00:06 2000 PP01 INFO vc opened,vc=0,vpi=0,vci=0,qos=0 33 Sat Jan 01 00:00:08 2000 PP0a -WARN SNMP TRAP 3: link up 34 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP15 -WARN Last errorlog repeat 1 Times 35 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <0> 36 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <1> 37 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <0> 38 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <1> 39 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP01 -WARN SNMP TRAP 1: warm start 40 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP01 INFO main: init completed 41 Sat Jan 01 00:00:10 2000 PP01 INFO Starting Connectivity Monitor 42 Sat Jan 01 00:00:11 2000 PP26 INFO adjtime task pause 1 day 43 Sat Jan 01 00:00:11 2000 PP28 INFO monitoring WAN connectivity 44 Sat Jan 01 00:00:44 2000 PP15 WARN netMakeChannDial: err=-3001 rn_p=950cc 4d8 45 Sat Jan 01 00:05:15 2000 PP01 WARN Last errorlog repeat 20 Times 46 Sat Jan 01 00:05:15 2000 PP01 INFO SMT Session Begin 47 Sat Jan 01 00:05:47 2000 PP15 WARN netMakeChannDial: err=-3001 rn_p=950cc 4d8 48 Sat Jan 01 00:10:42 2000 PP01 WARN Last errorlog repeat 20 Times 49 Sat Jan 01 00:10:42 2000 PP01 -WARN SNMP TRAP 6: System reboot by user! 50 Sat Jan 01 00:10:48 2000 PP01 INFO vc opened,vc=0,vpi=0,vci=0,qos=0 51 Sat Jan 01 00:10:50 2000 PP0a -WARN SNMP TRAP 3: link up 52 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP15 -WARN Last errorlog repeat 1 Times 53 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <0> 54 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <1> 55 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <0> 56 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP15 INFO LAN promiscuous mode <1> 57 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP01 -WARN SNMP TRAP 1: warm start 58 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP01 INFO main: init completed 59 Sat Jan 01 00:10:52 2000 PP01 INFO Starting Connectivity Monitor 60 Sat Jan 01 00:10:53 2000 PP26 INFO adjtime task pause 1 day 61 Sat Jan 01 00:10:53 2000 PP28 INFO monitoring WAN connectivity 62 Sat Jan 01 00:11:30 2000 PP01 INFO SMT Session Begin 63 Sat Jan 01 00:12:01 2000 PP15 WARN netMakeChannDial: err=-3001 rn_p=950cc 4d8 Clear Error Log (y/n):
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
Use the following commands for system debugging. A console po rt speed of 115,200 bps is necessary to view packet traces on the ZyXEL Device.
ras> sys trcpacket sw on ras> sys trcdisp brief 0 02:13:43.650 ENET1-R[0092] UDP> 1 02:13:43.650 ENET1-R[0092] UDP> 2 02:13:44.010 ENET1-T[0060] ARP Request> 3 02:13:44.390 ENET1-R[0092] UDP> 4 02:13:44.390 ENET1-R[0092] UDP> 5 02:13:45.140 ENET1-R[0092] UDP> 6 02:13:45.140 ENET1-R[0092] UDP> ras> ras> sys trcdisp enif0 bothway
TIME:02:17:08.780 enet1-XMIT len:1192 call=0 0000: ff ff ff ff ff ff 00 18 f8 04 f5 67 88 a2 10 00 0010: ff ff ff 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0040: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0050: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ras>
Use the ping command to have the ZyXEL Device ping an IP address as shown in the following example.
ras> ip ping Resolving sent rcvd rate rtt avg mdev max min 1 1 100 10 10 0 10 10 2 2 100 0 9 3 10 0 3 3 100 0 8 5 10 0 ras>

2.4 UTM and myZyXEL.com

Use these commands to create an account at myZyXEL.com and view what services you have activated.
" Ensure your ZyXEL Device is connected to the Internet before you use the
following commands.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
You need to create an account at my ZyXEL.com in order to activate content filtering, anti­spam and anti-virus UTM (Unified Threat Management) services. See the myZyXEL.com chapter for information on the country code you should use.
ras> sys myZyxelCom register <username> <password> <email> <countryCode>
This command displays your ZyXEL Device’s registration information.
ras> sys myZyxelCom display
register server address : www.myzyxel.com register server path : /register/registration?
username : aseawfasf password : aaaaaa
email : aa@aa.aa.aa
sku : CFRT=1&CFST=319&ZASS=469&ISUS=469&ZAVS=469
country code : 204
register state 1
register MAC : 0000AA220765 CF expired day : 2008-05-26 14:58:19 Last update day : 2007-07-12 14:58:19
This command displays ZyXEL Device service registration details.
ras> sys myZyxelCom serviceDisplay Content Filter Service : Actived, Licenced, Trial, Expired : 2007-07-08 16:36:15 ras>
Use the following commands to enable anti-virus on the ZyXEL Device You first need to use the load command.
ras> av load ras> av config enable on ras> av save ras> av disp AV Enable : On AV Forward Over ZIP Session : Off AV Forward Over ZIP Session : Off
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
Use the following commands to enable content filtering on the ZyXEL Device, then on the external database (DB) and then display the default policy.
ras> ip cf common enable on ras> ip cf externalDB enable on ras> ip cf policy displayAll index Name Active IP Group Start Addr End Addr ==========================================================================
1 Default Policy Y
The default policy does not actually block anything. Use the following commands to edit the default policy, turn the external database service content filtering (category-based content filtering), see what the categories are, block a category 92 in the following example) and then save the policy.
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
ras> ip cf policy edit 1 ras> ip cf policy config webControl enable on ras> ip cf policy config webControl display The Categories: type 1 :Adult/Mature Content type 2 :Pornography type 3 :Sex Education type 4 :Intimate Apparel/Swimsuit type 5 :Nudity type 6 :Alcohol/Tobacco type 7 :Illegal/Questionable type 8 :Gambling type 9 :Violence/Hate/Racism type10 :Weapons type11 :Abortion type12 :Hacking type13 :Phishing type14 :Arts/Entertainment type15 :Business/Economy type16 :Alternative Spirituality/Occult type17 :Illegal Drugs type18 :Education type19 :Cultural/Charitable Organization type20 :Financial Services type21 :Brokerage/Trading type22 :Online Games type23 :Government/Legal type24 :Military type25 :Political/Activist Groups type26 :Health type27 :Computers/Internet type28 :Search Engines/Portals type29 :Spyware/Malware Sources type30 :Spyware Effects/Privacy Concerns type31 :Job Search/Careers type32 :News/Media type33 :Personals/Dating type34 :Reference type35 :Open Image/Media Search type36 :Chat/Instant Messaging type37 :Email type38 :Blogs/Newsgroups type39 :Religion type40 :Social Networking type41 :Online Storage type42 :Remote Access Tools type43 :Shopping type44 :Auctions type45 :Real Estate type46 :Society/Lifestyle type47 :Sexuality/Alternative Lifestyles type48 :Restaurants/Dining/Food type49 :Sports/Recreation/Hobbies type50 :Travel type51 :Vehicles type52 :Humor/Jokes type53 :Software Downloads type54 :Pay to Surf type55 :Peer-to-Peer type56 :Streaming Media/MP3s type57 :Proxy Avoidance type58 :For Kids type59 :Web Advertisements type60 :Web Hosting type61 :Unrated ras> ip cf policy config webControl category block 2 The Categories: type 1 :Adult/Mature Content type 2 (block):Pornography
------­ras> ip cf policy save ras>
Chapter 2 Common Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
You may also configure and schedule new policies using commands as well as configure what to block using the external database.

2.5 Firewall

Use the following command to enable the firewall on the ZyXEL Device.
ras> sys firewall active yes ras>

2.6 VPN

Use the following command to show what IPsec VPN tunnels are active on your ZyXEL Device.
ras> ipsec show_runtime sa Runtime SA status:
No phase 1 IKE SA exist No phase 2 IPSec SA exist Active SA pair = 0
Use the following command to manually bring up a previously configured VPN tunnel.
ras> ipsec dial 1 Start dialing for tunnel <rule# 1>...

2.7 Dialing PPPoE and PPTP Connections

This example shows dialing up remote node “WAN 1” using PPPoE..
ras> poe dial "WAN 1" Start dialing for node <WAN 1>... ### Hit any key to continue.###
$$$ DIALING dev=6 ch=0..........
$$$ OUTGOING-CALL phone() $$$ CALL CONNECT speed<100000000> type<6> chan<0> $$$ LCP opened $$$ PAP sending user/pswd $$$ IPCP negotiation started $$$ IPCP neg' Primary DNS $$$ IPCP neg' Primary DNS $$$ IPCP opened
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
This example shows dialing up remote node “WAN 1” using PPTP.
ras> pptp dial "WAN 1" Start dialing for node <WAN 1>... ### Hit any key to continue.###
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
Chapter 2 Common Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
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