ZyXEL Deutschland GmbH.
Adenauerstr. 20/A4 D-52146
Wuerselen, Germany
Customer Support vii
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Table of Contents
Copyright.................................................................................................................................................... ii
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Interference Statement...................................................... iii
Information for Canadian Users.................................................................................................................iv
ZyXEL Limited Warranty.......................................................................................................................... vi
Customer Support ..................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures..........................................................................................................................................xiii
List of Diagrams .....................................................................................................................................xvii
List of Tables .........................................................................................................................................xviii
Preface .................................................................................................................................................. xxi
Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your Prestige 314 PLUS.............................................................................1-1
1.1The Prestige Broadband Sharing Gateway With 4-Port Switch ................................................... 1-1
1.2Features of the Prestige 314 PLUS ..............................................................................................1-1
1.3Broadband Internet Access via Cable or DSL Modem.................................................................1-4
15.1Problems Starting Up the Prestige .............................................................................................15-1
15.2Problems with the LAN Interface .............................................................................................. 15-1
15.3Problems with the WAN Interface .............................................................................................15-2
15.4Problems with Internet Access...................................................................................................15-3
Appendix A PPPoE .................................................................................................................................... A
Appendix B PPTP..................................................................................................................................... D
Appendix C Universal Plug and Play ........................................................................................................ G
Appendix D Boot Commands.................................................................................................................... H
Table of Contents xi
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Appendix E NetBIOS Filter Commands .....................................................................................................J
Appendix F Power Adapter Specifications................................................................................................M
Appendix F Hardware Specifications........................................................................................................ N
Index ....................................................................................................................................................O
xii Table of Contents
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
List of Figures
Figure 1-1 Internet Access Application ......................................................................................................... 1-4
Figure 2-1 Front Panel ................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-5 Prestige Main Menu ..................................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-6 Menu 23 — System Security........................................................................................................ 2-8
Figure 2-7 Menu 1 — General Setup........................................................................................................... 2-11
Figure 2-8 Configure Dynamic DNS ........................................................................................................... 2-12
Figure 2-9 Menu 2 — WAN Setup .............................................................................................................. 2-13
Figure 2-10 Menu 3 — LAN Setup ............................................................................................................. 2-15
Figure 2-11 Menu 3.1 — LAN Port Filter Setup ......................................................................................... 2-15
Figure 7-8 Menu 21.1.1 — TCP/IP Filter Rule ..............................................................................................7-8
Figure 7-9 Executing an IP Filter..................................................................................................................7-11
xiv List of Figures
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Figure 7-10 Menu 21.4.1 — Generic Filter Rule......................................................................................... 7-12
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
List of Tables
Table 1-1 Internet Access Configuration Checklist........................................................................................1-5
Table 2-1 LED Descriptions...........................................................................................................................2-1
Table 12-2 Call History Fields..................................................................................................................... 12-4
Table 12-3 Time and Date Setting Fields..................................................................................................... 12-6
Table 13-1 Menu 24.11 – Remote Management Control............................................................................. 13-3
Table 14-1 Schedule Set Setup Fields.......................................................................................................... 14-3
Table 15-1 Troubleshooting the Start-Up of your Prestige.......................................................................... 15-1
Table 15-2 Troubleshooting the LAN Interface........................................................................................... 15-1
Table 15-3 Troubleshooting the WAN interface.......................................................................................... 15-2
Table 15-4 Internet Access........................................................................................................................... 15-3
List of Tables xix
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Congratulations on your purchase of the Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway.
Don’t forget to register your Prestige (fast, easy online registration at
www.zyxel.com) for free future product updates and information.
The Prestige is a dual Ethernet broadband gateway integrated with network management features that allows
access to the Internet via Cable/xDSL modem. It is designed for:
Home offices and small businesses with Cable and xDSL modem via Ethernet port as Internet access
Multiple office/department connections via access devices.
Your Prestige is easy to install and to configure. The embedded web configurator is a convenient platformindependent GUI (Graphical User Interface) that allows you to access the Prestige’s management settings.
All functions of the Prestige are also software configurable via the SMT (System Management Terminal)
interface. The SMT is a menu-driven interface that you can access from a terminal emulator through the
console port or over a telnet connection.
About This User's Manual
This manual is designed to guide you through the SMT configuration of your Prestige for its various
applications. There is also HTML help for the embedded web configurator.
Related Documentation
Supporting Disk
More detailed information and examples can be found in the included disk (as well as on the
zyxel.com web site).
Read Me First
Our Read Me First is designed to help you get up and running right away. It contains a detailed
easy-to-follow connection diagram, default settings, handy checklists and information on setting up
your network and configuring for Internet access.
Packing List Card
The Packing List Card lists all items that should have come in the package.
ZyXEL Glossary and Web Site
Preface xxi
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Please refer to www.zyxel.com for an online glossary of networking terms and additional support
Syntax Conventions
• “Enter” means for you to type one or more characters and press the carriage return. “Select” or
“Choose” means for you to select one from the predefined choices.
• The SMT menu titles and labels are in Bold Times New Roman font. The choices of a menu item are in
Bold Arial font. A single keystroke is in Arial font and enclosed in square brackets, for instance,
[ENTER] means the Enter, or carriage return, key; [ESC] means the escape key and [SPACE BAR]
means the space bar. [UP] and [DOWN] are the up and down arrow keys.
• For brevity’s sake, we will use “e.g.” as shorthand for “for instance” and “i.e.” for “that is” or “in other
words” throughout this manual.
• The Prestige 314 PLUS may be referred to as the Prestige or the P314 PLUS in this manual.
Occasionally, SMT screens may refer to the Prestige as a router.
xxii Preface
Getting Started
PPaarrtt II::
Getting Started
This section helps you connect, install and setup your Prestige to operate on your network and
access the Internet.
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Chapter 1
Getting to Know Your Prestige 314 PLUS
This chapter introduces the main features and applications of the Prestige as well as a checklist for
fast Internet access.
1.1 The Prestige Broadband Sharing Gateway With 4-Port
The Prestige is a dual Ethernet Broadband Sharing Gateway with an integrated 4-port switch and robust
network management features for Internet access via external Cable/xDSL modem. Equipped with
10/100Mbps Ethernet port for WAN, an auto-negotiating 10/100Mbps Ethernet port for LAN and the
Network Address Translation (NAT) feature, the Prestige is uniquely suited as a broadband Internet access
sharing gateway for small offices and home offices.
The Prestige web configurator is a breeze to operate and totally independent of the operating system platform
you use.
1.2 Features of the Prestige 314 PLUS
The following are the main features of the Prestige.
Broadband WAN Connection with Integrated 4-Port Switch
A combination of switch and router makes your Prestige a cost-effective and viable network solution. A 4port bandwidth-sensitive 10/100Mbps switch provides greater network efficiency than traditional hubs
because the bandwidth is dedicated and not shared. An unlimited number of computers may be connected to
your Prestige by adding other hubs if your LAN consists of more than 4 computers.
This auto-negotiation feature allows the Prestige to detect the speed of incoming transmissions and adjust
appropriately without manual intervention. It allows data transfer of either 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps in either
half-duplex or full-duplex mode depending on your Ethernet network.
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
Using the standard TCP/IP protocol, the Prestige and other UPnP enabled devices can dynamically join a
network, obtain an IP address and convey its capabilities to other devices on the network.
Getting to Know Your Prestige 1-1
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Auto-Sensing Ethernet Ports
The LAN ports on the Prestige automatically adjust for straight-through or crossover cabling. This automatic
polarity correction helps find and fix common cabling problems and it simplifies the installation process as
the can be either a straight-through or crossover cable. The Prestige automatically switches its transmit and
receive circuitry to accommodate the link partner’s polarity.
Traffic Redirect
Traffic Redirect is used to sustain the Internet connection. The Prestige detects if the connectivity has been
lost and will forward the outgoing traffic to another specified gateway.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol used for exchanging management information
between network devices. SNMP is a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Your Prestige supports SNMP
agent functionality, which allows a manager station to manage and monitor the Prestige through the network.
The Prestige supports SNMP version one (SNMPv1).
NAT (Network Address Translation)
NAT (Network Address Translation - NAT, RFC 1631) allows the translation of an Internet Protocol address
used within one network to a different IP address known within another network. The Prestige can now map
multiple global IP addresses to local IP addresses of clients or servers.
DHCP Support
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows the individual clients (workstations) to obtain the
TCP/IP configuration at start-up from a centralized DHCP server. The Prestige has built-in DHCP server
capability, enabled by default, which means it can assign IP addresses, an IP default gateway and DNS
servers to Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and other systems that support the DHCP client. The
Prestige can now also act as a surrogate DHCP server (DHCP Relay) where it relays IP address assignment
from the actual real DHCP server to the clients.
Dynamic DNS Support
With Dynamic DNS support, you can have a static hostname alias for a dynamic IP address, allowing the
host to be more easily accessible from various locations on the Internet. You must register for this service
with a Dynamic DNS service provider.
IP Multicast
Traditionally, IP packets are transmitted in two ways - unicast or broadcast. Multicast is a third way to
deliver IP packets to a group of hosts. IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is the protocol used to
support multicast groups. The latest version is version 2 (see RFC 2236). The Prestige supports versions 1
and 2.
1-2 Getting to Know Your Prestige
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
PPPoE Support
PPPoE facilitates the interaction of a host with a broadband modem to achieve access to high-speed data
networks via a familiar "dial-up networking" user interface.
PPTP Support
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a network protocol that enables secure transfer of data from a
remote client to a private server, creating a Virtual Private Network (VPN) using a TCP/IP-based network.
PPTP supports on-demand, multi-protocol and virtual private networking over public networks, such as the
IP Alias
IP alias allows you to partition a physical network into logical networks over the same Ethernet interface.
Call Scheduling
Configure call time periods to restrict and allow access for users on remote nodes.
Call Control
The Prestige provides budget management for outgoing calls and chronicles incoming and outgoing calls.
Full Network Management
Your Prestige offers you a variety of options for network management. It supports password protected local
and remote network management via the console port or a telnet connection using SMT (System
Management Interface). It also supports FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server for remote management, TFTP
(Trivial FTP), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and CI (Command Interpreter) mode.
RoadRunner Support
In addition to standard cable modem services, the Prestige supports Time Warner’s RoadRunner Service.
Time and Date Setting
This new feature (menu 24.10) allows you to get the current time and date from an external server when you
power up your Prestige. The real time is then displayed in the Prestige Menu 24.1- System Status and error
logs. If you do not choose a time service protocol that your timeserver will send when the Prestige powers up
you can enter the time manually but each time the system is booted, the time & date will be reset to 1/1/2000
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Embedded FTP and TFTP Services
The Prestige’s embedded FTP and TFTP services enable the fast upgrade of firmware via standard file
transfer protocols.
Port Forwarding
Use this feature to forward incoming service requests to a server on your local network. You may enter a
single port number or a range of port numbers to be forwarded, and the local IP address of the desired server.
Packet Filtering
The Packet Filtering mechanism blocks unwanted traffic from entering/leaving your network.
1.3 Broadband Internet Access via Cable or DSL Modem
A cable modem or DSL modem can be connected to the Prestige 10M WAN Ethernet port and up to four
computers can be connected to the four Prestige 10/100M LAN Ethernet ports for super-fast broadband
Internet access. The Prestige provides not only the high speed Internet access but also a complete solution to
efficiently manage data traffic on your network.
Figure 1-1 Internet Access Application
1.4 Internet Access Configuration Checklist
The following table shows the minimum SMT menu configurations you’ll need to make (without changing
the default Prestige values) in order to access the Internet.
1-4 Getting to Know Your Prestige
Prestige 314 PLUS Broadband Sharing Gateway with 4-Port Switch
Table 1-1 Internet Access Configuration Checklist
1 System Name This field is for identification purposes but because some ISPs check this name
you should enter your computer’s “Computer Name”.
• In Windows 95/98 click Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Network. Click
the Identification tab, note the entry for the ComputerName field and enter it as
the System Name.
• In Windows 2000, click Start -> Settings-> Control Panel -> Network
Identification. Click the Identification tab, note the entry for the Computer
Name field and enter it as the System Name.
• In Windows XP, click Start -> Control Panel -> System. Click the
Computer Name tab. Note the entry for the Computer Description field or enter
a suitable name is this field in blank, e.g. Mary’s Computer.
2 MAC Address:
Assigned By
4 Encapsulation
PPTP You need to know your login name, password and connection ID/Name. The latter
PPPoE You need to know your login name, password and service name. The latter may
IP Address
Once these key fields have been configured, you should be able to enjoy super-fast Internet access with your
The default is Factory Default, which is the factory assigned default MAC
Address. We recommend you choose IP Address attached on LAN and enter
the IP address of the workstation on the LAN whose MAC you are cloning.
Choose PPPoE if you have a dial-up connection to the Internet (or PPTP if you
reside in France or Austria); otherwise choose Ethernet. Choose from RR-Manager, RR-Telstra or RR- Toshiba if your ISP is Time Warner's RoadRunner;
otherwise choose Standard.
may not be obligatory for some ISPs, but if it is you must follow the “c:id” and
“n:name” format.
not be obligatory for some ISPs.
If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address, select Dynamic, otherwise
select Static and enter the IP address & subnet mask in the IP address and IP
Subnet Mask fields.
Getting to Know Your Prestige 1-5
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