Zte ZXG10 BS21 Maintenance Manual

ZXG10 BS21
Compact Out door BTS for GSM
Maintenance Manual
V ersion 2.2
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Document Name
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
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Content s
About this Maintenance Manual ...............................................................xi
Purpose of this Maintenance Manual........................................................................ xi
Typographical Conventions.....................................................................................xii
Mouse Operation Conventions................................................................................xiii
How to Get in Touch .............................................................................................xiii
Customer Support .................................................................................................................xiii
Documentation Support ......................................................................................................... xiii
Chapter 1........................................................................................ 1
Maintenance Security.................................................................................1
Overview ...............................................................................................................2
Symbol Description................................................................................................. 2
Toxic Substances.................................................................................................... 4
Beryllia ...................................................................................................................................4
Electrical Safety...................................................................................................... 5
Tools ......................................................................................................................................5
High Voltage ...........................................................................................................................5
Power Cord .............................................................................................................................5
Drilling ....................................................................................................................................5
Thunder ..................................................................................................................................6
Antistatic ............................................................................................................... 6
Storage Battery ...................................................................................................... 7
Short Circuit ............................................................................................................................ 8
Hazardous Gases .................................................................................................................... 8
High Temperature ...................................................................................................................8
Acid Liquid ..............................................................................................................................8
Storage Battery Replacement ..................................................................................................9
Electromagnetic Radiation ....................................................................................... 9
Working at Heights ............................................................................................... 10
Hoisting Heavy Objects..........................................................................................................10
Using Ladders .......................................................................................................................10
Fans .................................................................................................................... 11
High Temperature ................................................................................................ 11
Board Plugging/Unplugging ................................................................................... 11
Do-Nots ............................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 2...................................................................................... 13
Maintenance Overview............................................................................ 13
Categories of Daily Maintenance............................................................................. 14
Common Maintenance Methods ............................................................................. 14
Precautions on Daily Maintenance .......................................................................... 16
Chapter 3...................................................................................... 19
Routine Maintenance .............................................................................. 19
Daily Routine Maintenance .................................................................................... 20
Viewing Current Alarms .........................................................................................................20
Viewing Alarms in Each Module .............................................................................................. 22
Viewing Current Notification Information ................................................................................ 25
Viewing Real-time Attributes of a Carrier ................................................................................ 29
Creating Daily Performance Report......................................................................................... 30
Creating a Daily Traffic Report................................................................................................ 35
Weekly Routine Maintenance ................................................................................. 39
Viewing History Alarms ..........................................................................................................39
Collecting Alarm Frequency Statistics ..................................................................................... 44
Analyzing Performance Report ............................................................................................... 48
Monthly Routine Maintenance ................................................................................ 48
Creating Monthly Performance Report ....................................................................................48
Collecting Statistics of Bad Cells ............................................................................................. 53
Analyzing and Processing Reports ..........................................................................................57
Generating Monthly Operation Report..................................................................................... 58
Biannual Routine Maintenance ............................................................................... 58
Checking BS21 AC Power ...................................................................................................... 59
Checking Running Status of Heat Exchanger........................................................................... 60
Checking Dust-Proof Status ................................................................................................... 60
Checking Running Status of CMM Module ...............................................................................61
Checking Running Status of ETRM Module .............................................................................. 64
Checking Running Status of ECDU Module .............................................................................. 67
Measuring Amplifier Output Power ......................................................................................... 69
Measuring SWR of Antenna Feeder ........................................................................................ 69
Calibrating Clock ................................................................................................................... 71
Checking Fastness of Antennae and Towers ............................................................................ 72
Checking Obliquity of Directional Antennae ............................................................................. 72
Checking whether Antenna Feeder Connectors and Lightning Protection Grounding Kit are
Checking E1 Interfaces ..........................................................................................................75
Checking Antenna Feeder Interfaces ......................................................................................76
Checking Whether Lightning Protection Arrester is in Good Condition .......................................76
Checking whether Grounding Cable is Reliable ........................................................................78
Grounding Resistance Test..................................................................................................... 78
Checking Running Status of Transmission Equipment.............................................................. 79
Checking Running Status of UPS ............................................................................................79
Chapter 4...................................................................................... 81
Notification and Handling ....................................................................... 81
Summary of Notification Information ...................................................................... 82
No Traffic Notification in BS Cell ............................................................................. 82
Chapter 5...................................................................................... 85
Alarms and Handling............................................................................... 85
Summary of Alarms.............................................................................................. 86
CMM Alarms......................................................................................................... 90
CMM Power Failure ................................................................................................................ 90
LAPD Long-Time Link Disconnection .......................................................................................91
CMM's FLASH Programming Failure ........................................................................................ 92
HW Long Time Link Disconnection .......................................................................................... 92
Power Over/Under-Voltage Alarms ......................................................................................... 93
Clock Exceptions (13M, FCLK, SYNCLK).................................................................................. 93
Software Accumulative Frame Number Inconsistent with Hardware Accumulative Frame Number
Alarms of Communication Link to Main Rack...........................................................................95
Alarm with Communication Link between Master Rack and Left/Right Slave Rack ..................... 95
E1 Carrier Wave Receiving Alarm (A, D and E interfaces) ........................................................96
Out-of-Frame Alarm at Receiving End of E1 interfaces (A, D and E interfaces).......................... 97
Forward Slip Code Indication at Transmitting End of E1 Interfaces (A, D and E interfaces) ........97
Backward Slip Code Indication at Transmitting End of E1 Interfaces (A, D and E Interfaces) ..... 98
Forward Slip Code Indication at Receiving End of E1 Interfaces (A, D and E Interfaces) ............99
Backward Slip Code Indication at Receiving End of E1 Interfaces (A, D and E Interfaces) ........100
ETRM Alarm ....................................................................................................... 101
Dry Contact Alarm ............................................................................................................... 101
LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) Alarm.......................................................................................... 102
Power Alarm for Tower Mounted Amplifier ............................................................................102
AEM SWR Minor Alarm ........................................................................................................ 103
AEM SWR Major Alarm ........................................................................................................ 103
AEM Power Alarm ................................................................................................................ 104
AEM Type Alarm.................................................................................................................. 104
AEM Not-in-Position Alarm ................................................................................................... 105
TPU’s CHP DSP0 Initialization Failure ....................................................................................105
TPU’s CHP DSP1~3 Initialization Failure ................................................................................ 106
RFAD6620 Initialization Failure ............................................................................................. 107
RFAD6620 Resource Unavailable .......................................................................................... 107
CIP Resource Unavailable .................................................................................................... 108
TPU’s FLASH MEMORY Error ................................................................................................. 109
WATCHDOG Overflow in TPU’s CHP DSP0............................................................................. 109
WATCHDOG Overflow in TPU’s CHP DSP1~3 ........................................................................110
WATCHDOG Overflow in FUC ............................................................................................... 111
Parameter Configuration Error in TPU’s Channel 0~7 ............................................................ 111
Inconsistent Cell Parameter Configuration............................................................................. 112
Inconsistent FUC Software Versions ..................................................................................... 112
Inconsistent CHP Software Versions .....................................................................................113
Temporary No Response from FUC’s L3 Software.................................................................. 113
Disconnected LAPD Link between FUC and BSC ....................................................................114
Interrupted Communication between CMM and FUC ............................................................. 115
TPU’s CIP Initialization Failure .............................................................................................. 116
CIP Parameter Configuration Error ....................................................................................... 116
WATCHDOG Overflow in TPU’s CIP ....................................................................................... 117
Inconsistent CIP Software Versions ...................................................................................... 117
Alarm with Clock between TPU and CMM .............................................................................. 118
TPU Power Alarm ................................................................................................................ 119
TPU Frame Number Alarm ................................................................................................... 119
Receiving RF Local Oscillator PLL1~2 out of Lock .................................................................. 120
Transmitting RF Local Oscillator PLL1~2 out of Lock .............................................................. 121
52 M Reference Clock PLL Out of Lock .................................................................................. 121
Transmitting IF Local Oscillator PLL Out of Lock..................................................................... 122
PA Voltage SWR Alarm ........................................................................................................ 123
PA Overheat Minor Alarm..................................................................................................... 123
PA Overheat Major Alarm .................................................................................................... 124
PA Output Power Alarm ....................................................................................................... 124
PAS Power Amplifier Power Supply Over-voltage Alarm......................................................... 125
PAS Power Amplifier Power Supply Under-voltage Alarm ....................................................... 125
DLRC_AL Downward Link Check Error .................................................................................. 126
Chapter 6.................................................................................... 127
Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 127
Summary of Common Problems .......................................................................... 128
List of Major Faults.............................................................................................. 129
Troubleshooting Procedure of Components Failures ............................................... 129
Troubleshooting at BS Commissioning Stage......................................................... 130
BS Works Normally but Mobile Phone Has no Signals or Cannot Access Network .................... 130
Handling of SWR Major Alarms............................................................................................. 132
Poor Conversation Quality at BS........................................................................................... 134
Troubleshooting in BS Maintenance Stage............................................................. 137
Shrinkage of BS Coverage ................................................................................................... 137
Cell Carrier not Occupied ..................................................................................................... 140
LAPD Broken-Link of BS Carrier............................................................................................ 142
BS in Normal Status but BS Handover Is Abnormal............................................................... 147
Handling Lightning-Stricken BS Faults .................................................................................. 149
MS Signal is not Stable in Idle State .....................................................................................151
Unstable MS Signal in Conversation...................................................................................... 153
TCH Assigned with Low Success Ratio and Calls Are Difficult to Get through ........................... 154
MS Echo during Conversation............................................................................................... 156
Troubleshooting in BS Cutover and Expansion Stages............................................ 158
Unidirectional Mobile Phone Calls .......................................................................................... 158
SDCCH Occupied too Long ................................................................................................... 160
Call Drop Rate in Cell Rises Suddenly ................................................................................... 163
Chapter 7.................................................................................... 167
Collection of Maintenance Experience.................................................. 167
Reference for Wireless Parameters Adjustment during Commissioning .................... 168
Adjusting List of Adjacent Cells and List of Carrier-Sense Frequencies .................................... 168
Adjusting Wireless Parameters ............................................................................................. 170
Others ................................................................................................................................171
Analysis of Bird928 Mobile Phone’s Failure to Access Network................................. 172
Configuration Method for Intra-Cell Handover ....................................................... 174
Appendix A .................................................................................175
Replacement of Modules and Parts ...................................................... 175
Overview ........................................................................................................... 175
CMM Replacement .............................................................................................. 176
ETRM Replacement............................................................................................. 177
AEM Replacement............................................................................................... 178
PSM Replacement............................................................................................... 179
Power Lightning Protection Module Replacement ................................................... 180
Backplane Replacement ...................................................................................... 181
Heat Exchanger Replacement .............................................................................. 182
Trunk Cable Replacement.................................................................................... 183
RF Cable Replacement ........................................................................................ 184
Antenna Feeder Lightning Arrester replacement .................................................... 185
Cabinet-Bottom 1/2 Soft Jumper Replacement...................................................... 187
Tower Top 1/2” Soft Jumper Replacement ............................................................ 188
Feeder Connectors Replacement .......................................................................... 190
Tower Amplifier Replacement .............................................................................. 191
Antenna Replacement ......................................................................................... 192
Appendix B .................................................................................195
Common Maintenance Tables............................................................... 195
Daily Maintenance Record Table........................................................................... 195
Weekly Maintenance Record Table ....................................................................... 196
Monthly Maintenance Record Table ...................................................................... 197
Biannual Maintenance Record Table ..................................................................... 198
Emergency Failure Record Table .......................................................................... 199
Appendix C .................................................................................201
Use of Common Instruments and Meters ............................................ 201
SAGEM (OT35) Test Mobile Phone........................................................................ 201
Basic Functions ................................................................................................................... 201
Operation Description .......................................................................................................... 202
Engineering Test Mode of ZTE289 Mobile Phone .................................................... 211
Key Description ................................................................................................................... 211
How to Enter Engineering Mode ........................................................................................... 211
How to Close Engineering Mode ........................................................................................... 211
Instructions of Engineering Mode Menu ................................................................................ 211
BIRD Power Meter .............................................................................................. 214
BIRD Power Meter Components ...........................................................................................214
Usage .................................................................................................................................215
HP8954E Spectrum Analyzer ............................................................................... 217
Components ....................................................................................................................... 218
Usage .................................................................................................................................218
Antenna Feeder Tester (SITE MASTER S332B) ...................................................... 222
Procedure for Testing SWR .................................................................................................. 222
Test Procedure of DTF ......................................................................................................... 223
Appendix D.................................................................................225
Operation Maintenance Quality Indexes of Certain Telecom Network
(Wireless Part)...................................................................................... 225
Abbreviations .............................................................................227
Tables .........................................................................................235
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION xi
About this Maintenance Manual
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Base Station Transceiver Station Maintenance Manual
describes maintenance safety, routine maintenance items and methods, handling of alarm and notification information, handling of common faults and maintenance experience of the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2). The manual serves as a reference manual in the maintenance and fault handling of the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) equipment.
The complete set of manuals is listed below:
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Guide to Documentation
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Technical Manual ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Hardware Manual ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Installation Manual ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
Purpose of this Maintenance Manual
Chapter 1, Maintenance Security, presents the meanings of the signs used in this manual. It also covers some safety precautions related to the installation procedure, such as precautions against high voltage, thunderstorms and overhead operations.
Chapter 2, Maintenance Overview, introduces daily maintenance categories, common maintenance methods and some precautions on maintenance of ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) base station controllers.
Chapter 3, Routine Maintenance, explains routine maintenance items of the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) base station controller equipment and details instrument requirements, check methods and fault handling of individual maintenance items; among them, the version of the OMCR interface diagram is the software OMCRV2.52.02a for the time being.
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
xii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
Chapter 4, Notification and Handling, provides notification messages related to the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) base station controller in the ZXG10­BSS base station subsystem so that the system maintenance personnel can have a clear understanding of notification messages in the system, including meanings causes and handling of notification messages.
Chapter 5, Alarms and Handling, covers the alarm information in the ZXG10-BSS Base Station Subsystem related to ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2), in order for system maintenance personnel to have a clear idea about the alarm messages given by the system, including their meaning, cause and way of handling.
Chapter 6, Troubleshooting, gives an introduction to the universal methods for the common faults of the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2), including fault symptoms, source, analysis, location and troubleshooting.
Chapter 7, Collection of Maintenance Experience, provides some experience derived from project maintenance for your reference.
Appendix A, Replacement of Modules and Parts, describes the procedure for and precautions on the replacement of modules and backplanes.
Appendix B, Common Maintenance Tables, lists forms used in routine maintenance.
Appendix C, Use of common Instruments and Meters, introduces the instructions on common instruments and meters used for maintaining the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) transceiver station.
Appendix D, Operation Maintenance Quality Indexes of Certain Telecom Network (Wireless Part), describes the telecommunication network operation maintenance quality indexes (wireless part) as required by a certain carrier for your reference.
Typographical Conventions
ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.
Typeface Meaning
Italics References to other guides and documents; parameter values “Quotes” Links on screens Bold Menus, menu options, input fields, radio button names, check
boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names
Bold, with first
letter capitalized
Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and company name
Constant width
Text that you type, program code, files and directory names, and function names
About this Maintenance Manual
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION xiii
Typeface Meaning
[ ] Optional parameters
{ }
Mandatory parameters
| Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it
Note: Provides additional information about a certain topic
Checkpoint: Indicates that a particular step needs to be checked before proceeding further
Tip: Indicates a suggestion or hint to make things easier or more productive for the reader
Mouse Operation Conventions
Typeface Meaning
Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left
mouse button) once.
Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the
left mouse button) twice.
Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right
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How to Get in Touch
The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software.
Customer Support
If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at support@zte.com.cn. You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800­9830-9830.
Documentation Support
ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
xiv Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at doc@zte.com.cn; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also explore our website at http://support.zte.com.cn, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1
Chapter 1
Maintenance Security
In this chapter, you will learn about:
Safety regulations to be observed Instructions on the safety symbols
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
To avoid any accident, please carefully read safety instructions in this chapter before conducting any maintenance operation on the ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) device. If there are local safety specifications to be followed, the safety instructions here shall only serve as a supplement to the local safety specifications. If there is any conflict between them, the local safety specifications shall prevail.
Maintenance personnel of the ZTE BS21 (V2.2) device should have the basic safe operation knowledge, pass the relevant technical training, correctly grasp the device operation and maintenance methods as well as obtain the corresponding qualification.
During operation and maintenance on the ZTE BS21 (V2.2) device, please strictly observe the equipment precautions and special safety instructions provided by ZTE Corporation.
In addition, the safety instructions listed in this manual are only those calling for special attentions of users provided by ZTE. ZTE Corporation shall not be liable for any behavior against the general safe operation requirements or against the safety standards for the design, production and use of the equipment.
Symbol Description
Safety symbols quoted in this manual are shown in Table 3, prompting users to follow safety instructions during equipment maintenance.
Safety Signs Meaning
Danger: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation, which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This signal word should be limited to only extreme situations.
Warning: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Caution: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
Note: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not avoided, could result in injuries, equipment damage or interruption of services.
Erosion: Beware of erosion.
Chapter 1 - Maintenance Security
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3
Safety Signs Meaning
Electric shock: There is a risk of electric shock.
Electrostatic: The device may be sensitive to static electricity.
Microwave: Beware of strong electromagnetic field.
Laser: Beware of strong laser beam.
No flammables: No flammables can be stored.
No touching: Do not touch.
No smoking: Smoking is forbidden.
Among them, universal alarm symbol adopts four grades. Based on the descending order of the danger degree, they are: danger, warning, caution and notes. Their respective formats and meanings are described as below.
Danger: This sign means that personal death or major accidents such as
equipment damage or breakdown may occur if you ignore this safety warning.
Warning: This sign means that there may be a major or serious accident,
equipment damage or interruption of key services if you ignore this safety warning.
Caution: This sign means that serious injury or death, equipment damage or
interruption of some services may occur if you ignore this safety warning.
Notes: This sign means that an injury, equipment damage or interruption of local
services may occur if you ignore this safety warning.
To the right of a safety sign is a text indicating its safety level. Under the sign is the detailed safety description.
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
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Toxic Substances
Warning: Beryllia is a type of toxic chemical existing in the transistor and other
components. The power amplifier circuit and AEM circuit in the base station contain Beryllia, so it is advised not to touch these components directly under any circumstances.
Beryllium oxide dusts may be produced when a component containing beryllium oxide is broken, frictionized or bruised. They may seriously hurt human skin and membrane even life safety.
Beryllium oxide may hurt human bodies only when components containing beryllium oxide are damaged. Therefore, be sure to take care when replacing or handling such components and boards and avoid any mechanical damage.
Do not discard components containing beryllium oxide randomly. Please observe local regulations to make chemical treatment or special waste material treatment for components containing beryllium oxide.
If you suspect that beryllium oxide has entered your skin or been absorbed in your body, please thoroughly rinse the skin wound with water and then see the doctor immediately.
The personnel contacting or handing such components should understand the characteristics of such components and take the corresponding preventive measures.
Warning: Chemicals containing hydrochloride have to be used in some
components of the BS21 (V2.2) device. Burning these components will generate toxic gas.
Do not burn the components and take preventive measures to avoid inhaling toxic gas.
Do not discard components containing hydrochloride randomly. Please observe local regulations to make chemical treatment or special waste material treatment for components containing hydrochloride.
Chapter 1 - Maintenance Security
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5
Electrical Safety
Warning: Be sure to use special tools rather than common tools for high-voltage
and AC operations.
High Voltage
Danger: High voltage is hazardous. Direct or indirect contact with high voltage or
mains supply through a wet object could result in fatal danger.
Do follow the local safety regulations to install any AC power equipment.
Personnel who that installs AC devices must be qualified for high-voltage and AC operations.
During operation, it is strictly forbidden to wear any conductive articles such as watch, chain and ring.
Please prevent water from entering the equipment during operation and maintenance in damp environments.
Power Cord
Notes: Do not install or remove power cables with power on. Contact of the power
cable with any conductor will generate electric spark or electric arc, which may cause fire or eye injury.
Do turn off the power supply before connecting or disconnecting a power cable.
Before connection, make sure the connecting cable and its label suit the actual installation requirements.
Warning: It is not allowed to drill the cabinet without permission.
Unqualified drilling could damage the wiring and cables inside the cabinet. Additionally, metal pieces inside the cabinet created by the drilling could result in a shorted circuit board.
When it is necessary to drill holes in the cabinet in some special cases, please wear insulated protective gloves and move away the cables in the
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
cabinet before drilling. Take care to protect your eyes during drilling. Flying metal scraps may harm your eyes. In addition, please promptly clean and clear metal scraps after drilling.
Danger: Operations concerned with high-voltage, AC, iron tower or mast are
strictly forbidden in thunderstorms.
Thunderstorms would give rise to a strong electromagnetic field in the atmosphere. So, the equipment should be earthed and protected in time against lightning strike.
Notes: The static electricity produced by the human body could damage the static-
sensitive components on the circuit board, such as large-scale integrated circuits (IC).
Friction caused by human body’s activities is a source of accumulation of static charge. When it is dry, the static voltage a human body carries may be as high as 30kV, and may stay a long while. An operator with static may cause damage to a device when in touch with it due to the discharge from the device.
To avoid any damage to sensitive devices by human body static, an operator should wear an antistatic wrist strap before touching devices, plug-in boards, circuit boards and IC chips, and well ground the other end of the antistatic wrist strap.
The cable between the wrist and the ground must be connected in series with a more than 1M ohm resistance to protect operators from electric shock. The static discharge from a 1M ohm-plus resistance is sufficiently low.
Check the antistatic wrist strap regularly. Do not replace the cable of the wrist strap with any other cable.
Static-sensitive board should not be in touch with any objects carrying static electricity or easy to generate static electricity. For example, friction of the package, conveyor box and conveyor belt made of insulation materials will make the components statically electrified. These components will discharge static electricity when touching human body or the ground, thus being damaged.
Static-sensitive boards can only touch high quality discharging materials such as static-protective packages. Use static-protective packages on boards during storage and transportation.
Chapter 1 - Maintenance Security
Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7
Discharge the static electricity before connecting a measurement device with a board. The measurement device should first be grounded.
Keep boards at least 10cm away from strong DC magnetic fields such as the cathode-ray tube of a monitor.
Figure 1 shows how to properly put on antistatic wrist straps.
Storage Battery
If the BS21 is equipped with UPS, please pay due attention to the correct use and maintenance of storage batteries.
Danger: Before battery-related operations, make sure you have carefully read the
safety precautions on carrying the battery and learned the correct battery connection method.
Nonstandard operations on the battery will result in great danger. During operation, short circuit or electrolyte spill/ drain of the batteries must be prevented, As electrolyte spill will pose potential threat to the equipment and erode the metal objects and circuit boards, thus damaging the equipment and causing short circuits to the circuit board.
To ensure safety, please pay attentions to the following points before battery installation and maintenance:
ZXG10 BS21 (V2.2) Compact Outdoor BTS for GSM Maintenance Manual
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1. Handle the battery with care. Do not vibrate it violently.
2. Do not wear any object that contains metal, such as watch, chain,
bangle or ring.
3. Use special-purpose insulation tools.
4. Use eye-protecting devices and take preventive measures.
5. Use rubber gloves and aprons that protect against electrolyte overflow.
6. Always keep the front of the pole up during battery transportation. Do
not put it upside down or tilted.
Short Circuit
Danger: Battery short circuit may harm human bodies. Although battery voltage is
generally low, the transient current caused by short circuits will release high energy.
Prevent metal objects from causing short circuit to the battery, such as short circuits caused by improper use of operation tools. If allowed, please first stop battery power supply before making other operations.
Hazardous Gases
Danger: Do not use unsealed LA batteries. Gases released by batteries may burn
or corrode the equipment. Batteries should be fixed and horizontally placed.
Batteries may release inflammable gases during working. Keep sound ventilation and take fireproof measures where the batteries are placed. To prevent high temperature caused by exposure to sunlight, windows of the battery room should be installed with sun shields.
High Temperature
Danger: High temperature may distort and damage the battery or cause overflow
of acid liquid.
If the battery temperature is higher than 60oC, check whether there is any acid liquid overflow.
If the acid liquid overflows, handle it promptly and properly.
Acid Liquid
Danger: If the acid liquid overflows, promptly and properly absorb and neutralize
the liquid.
Chapter 1 - Maintenance Security
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When moving a leaking battery, pay attention to potential harms that may be caused by the acid liquid. Once acid liquid overflow is detected, the following materials may be used to absorb and neutralize the liquid: NaHCO
, Na2CO3 and Na2CO3-10H2O.
Use manufacturer-recommended materials to absorb and neutralize the acid liquid.
Storage Battery Replacement
After the storage battery group has run for a long time, its internal resistance of one or more monomers will increase due to drifting of its internal parameters. If serious, the monomer becomes an old battery. The common preventative method and solution to this problem is to recharge the batter group with high voltage so as to activate its interior. In some cases, one monomer still cannot be activated after times of recharges, so it cannot be used any longer and need be replaced.
Since the battery production conditions of different types, batches and by different manufacturers are different, the internal parameters must be different too. Therefore, it is required that the monomers of the battery group should be of the same type, batch and from the same manufacturer when it is replaced. In this way it is ensured that the parameters are consistent and the battery group can be used for a long time.
Danger: Operation and maintenance personnel should not replace the specified
batteries with ones of different types. Otherwise, explosions may occur.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Since the antenna of operating equipment generates electromagnetic radiation, if you are too close to the antenna, your safety may be endangered. The equipment can be installed and maintained only by professionals with adequate training and relevant qualifications. The radiation design of the equipment complies with the IEEE C95.1-1991 standard.
Warning: The high intensity microwave may affect your body health when you
operate on the high-intensity RF equipment.
When close installation and maintenance operations are conducted to a certain antenna in an iron tower or mast mounted with many transmitter antennas, collaboration must be prepared so that the transmitter of the antenna is shut down.
Warning: When conducting installation and servicing operations around the
operating antenna, keep adequate distance from the antenna.
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Do not unplug the connector of the transmitter output feeder or of the antenna feeder cable when the transmitter is operating.
Power off the corresponding transmitter when you need to unplug the connector of the feeder cable or to work beside the transmitter antenna.
Working at Heights
Warning: When working at heights, take care to prevent objects from falling.
Working at heights should conform to the related national service regulation requirements:
Operators working at heights must have been specially trained.
Take care of the operation machinery and tools to prevent them from falling.
Take safety precautions, and wear helmet and safety belt.
In cold areas, wear cold-protection clothes before working at heights.
Before working at heights, check all hoisting equipment.
Hoisting Heavy Objects
Warning: Do not walk about right under the boom and hoisted objected when
heavy objects are hoisted.
When disassembling heavy equipment, or moving and replacing equipment, make sure there are facilities of proper hoisting capability.
Personnel engaged in the hoisting work must have received relevant trainings. The tools used for hoisting must have been inspected to ensure they are tightly fixed on the weight-bearing object or the wall. Use brief hoisting commands to prevent misoperations.
Using Ladders
Before using ladders, make sure they are in good condition and can be used through inspection. Over-weight is forbidden during the use of ladders.
When a ladder tilts more than 5 meters, or a straight two-foot ladder tilts over 3 meters or when operations are conducted in a dangerous environment, it is required to have the ladder supported or take other security measures. A-shape ladders should be fully unfolded when used.
Chapter 1 - Maintenance Security
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The proper tilt angle for ladders is 75°; the broader foot should always be put downside or protective measures be taken at the bottom of the ladder to prevent sliding. Ladders should be put at steady places instead of on carton boxes, stones or other slippery objects.
Ladder-climbers should face the ladder; when working on tilted ladders, they should keep their body barycenter within the edges of the ladder. It is advisable to hold the ladder tightly with one hand and two feet stepping fast, that is to say, with 3 parts of the body in contact with the ladder to ensure security and reduce risks. It is suggested that the last 4 rails should be left un-mounted as the limit of the climbing height. If work need be carried out on the roof, the ladder should be at least 1 meter higher than the eaves against which the ladder leans.
Keep your fingers or body off any dangerous parts of the fan that is still
Make sure not to stick your fingers or any tool into the running fan in case any
damage or injury done to the device or the human body.
While replacing the related parts, be sure to put away the parts, screws and tools. Make sure they will not fall into the working fan and damage the fan or related devices.
When replacing the devices around the fan, do not put your finger or a board in the fan, to avoid damage to the equipment or your finger.
High Temperature
Warning: The surface temperature of some devices is quite high, so do not touch
them in case of being scalded.
Board Plugging/Unplugging
Never plug a board too hard, so as not to deform the pins on the backplane. Plug a board along the slot to avoid short circuit due to touch with the circuit of
the adjacent board.
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When holding a board, keep your hands off the board circuit, components,
connectors and cable trough.
Notes: Do not perform maintenance or debugging inside the equipment, unless a
qualified person is present for your help.
Replacing any parts or altering the equipment might result in unexpected danger. Therefore, be sure not to replace any parts or alter the equipment unless otherwise authorized.
To ensure your safety, if you have any question, please contact ZTE Corporation.
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Chapter 2
Maintenance Overview
In this chapter, you will learn about:
Categories of daily maintenance Common maintenance methods Precautions on daily maintenance
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Categories of Daily Maintenance
Daily maintenance of the BS21 (V2.2) device can be divided into routine maintenance, handling of notification information and alarm information as well as troubleshooting.
1. Routine maintenance
Routine maintenance refers to daily and periodic maintenance to check the running conditions of the equipment periodically and handle faults in time. The routine maintenance is intended to find hidden troubles, prevent accidents, locate faults in time and handle faults as early as possible.
2. Notification information handling
Notification information handling refers to a process ranging from the analysis of various notification messages arising from the running of the system, judgment on whether there is anything abnormal to appropriate handling.
3. Alarm information handling
Alarm information handling refers to the process ranging from the analysis of various alarm messages that occur during the running of the system, judgment on whether there is anything abnormal to appropriate handling.
4. Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting is a process of analyzing, handling and resolving any fault that is discovered.
Common Maintenance Methods
Some methods need to be adopted to locate faults during daily maintenance. The common maintenance methods are as follows:
1. Alarm and operation log view
Alarm and operation log view is the first method to be adopted when a fault is detected by maintenance personnel. It is implemented through the alarm management and operation log view interface of the BSS operation & maintenance subsystem OMCR.
Through the alarm management interface, we can observe and analyze alarm messages reported from each NE such as the current alarm, history alarm and general notification. In this way, we can detect any fault during network running in time and then locate, isolate and remove it.
By viewing operation logs in user management, we can investigate modifications on system parameters, locate the relevant responsible terminal and operator as well as detect faults caused by individual operations in time.
Chapter 2 - Maintenance Overview
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2. Indicator status analysis
Indicator status analysis is a frequently adopted method when a fault is detected by maintenance personnel. With this method, we can locate and remove faults by observing the indicator status on each board panel in the rack.
This method requires maintenance personnel to be familiar with the indicator status and meaning of each board.
3. Performance analysis
It is implemented through the performance management interface of the BSS operation & maintenance subsystem OMCR. Through this interface, maintenance personnel can implement performance management and signaling tracing on the BSS system.
Through the performance management interface, users can create all kinds of performance measurement tasks, product various performance reports and grasp the performance indexes of the BSS system, such as the traffic of each cell, congestion situation of SDCCH and TCH, successful and failed switchover. By analyzing such information, maintenance personnel can discover load allocation situation in the network in time so as to adjust network parameters to enhance network performances.
Through the signaling tracing interface, we can trace signaling involved in BSS (including Gb interface signaling), thus facilitating consulting of different signaling flows in the debugging and maintenance processes as well as detecting problems in the signaling cooperation process.
4. Analyzing with instruments and meters
This method allows maintenance personnel to locate, analyze and remove faults with the testing mobile, frequency spectrograph, signaling analyzer, power meter and site master during base station maintenance.
5. Plugging and pressing
When detecting a board fault, we can loosen the fixation screw in the front panel and plug or unplug the board and external interface connector. In this way, we can remove faults caused by poor contact or processor faults.
In addition, we can also remove faults caused by poor contact by pressing the cable connector after power-off.
6. Comparing and swapping
Comparing indicates to compare a possible faulty board with a board at the similar position in the system (for example: a board at the same slot in a multi-module system) from aspects such as the running status, jumper and connection cables. We can judge whether the board fails through comparison.
Swapping indicates to replace a possible faulty board with a standby part or another board of the same type running normally in the system. We can judge whether the board actually fails according to whether the fault disappears after board replacement. It should be noted that no matter the comparison or replacement method is adopted, the board
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16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION
unplugging/plugging operation should be performed in accordance with
the relevant description in Appendix
A of this manual.
7. Isolating
When a part of the system fails, it can be isolated from other relevant boards or racks to judge whether the fault is caused by mutual influence. For example, the often-used isolating method is to remove CMM module or transmission faults by self-looping the E1 interface of the CMM module.
8. Self-test method
It refers to fault judgment through self-test after the system or module is powered on again. Generally, by powering on common modules for self-test, we can find the indicators on the panel will flash regularly, from which we can judge whether there are any problems in the modules.
Generally, during actual operation, the above methods and accumulated experiences of maintenance personnel are combined to remove faults in the maintenance process.
Precautions on Daily Maintenance
Please pay attention to the following points during daily maintenance:
1. Normal temperature, humidity and a clean and tidy environment
should be kept for the equipment room, and the equipment room should be dampproof and free of dust, rodents and insects.
2. The primary power of the system should be stable and reliable.
Periodic check should be performed on the system ground and lightning-protection ground. Especially before thunderstorm seasons and after thunderstorms, the lightning-protection system should be checked to guarantee that the facilities are in sound conditions.
3. A perfect equipment room maintenance system should be formulated
to standardize daily work of the maintenance personnel. Detailed logs should be prepared to record the daily running, version, data change, upgrade and troubleshooting of the system for the convenience of fault analysis and handling. In addition, shift records should be made to differentiate individual responsibilities.
4. It is prohibited to play online games or surf on the Internet at the PC
terminal or install, operate or copy any software irrelevant to the system in the PC terminal. It is forbidden to use PC terminals for other purposes.
5. Right-based NMS (Network Management System) passwords should be
set, managed strictly and modified periodically. Such passwords are available to the maintenance personnel only.
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