Zte Vivi User Manual

Vivi Mobile Phone
User Manual
Copyright © 2010 by ZTE CORPORATION
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be excerpted, reproduced, translat ed or util i zed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the prior writt en permission of ZTE Corporation.
The manual is published by ZTE Corporation. We reserve the right to make modifications on print errors or update specific ations without pri or notic e.
Version No. : R1.0 Edition Tim e :
Manual No.
:Table of Contents
FUNDAMENTALS ........................ 4
Security ................................. 4
Safety Precautions ................. 4
FCC Compliance ..................10
Limitation of Liability .............15
GETTING STARTED .................. 16
Your Phone...........................16
Keys .....................................17
Turn on / off or wake up your
phone ...................................18
Lock / unlock the keypad ......18
Interface icons ......................19
Battery ..................................20
Inserting the SIM card ...........23
COMMUNICATING ..................... 25
Address Book .......................25
Making and receiving calls ....28
Call center ............................29
Input Text .............................31
Messages .............................32
Mobile E-mail ........................35
ENTERTAINMENT ..................... 37
Games ................................. 37
MEdia Net ............................ 37
Multimedia ............................ 39
APPLICATIONS ......................... 40
User profiles ......................... 40
Settings ................................ 41
File manager ........................ 44
Organizer ............................. 45
Java ..................................... 46
APPENDIX ................................. 46
To protect your mobile phone from illegal usage, take the following security
Set the PIN code of the SIM card. Set the phone lock code. Set call restrictions.
Safety Precautio ns
This section includes some important inform ation on safe and efficient operat i on. Please read this information before using the phone.
Operational Preca utions
Ple ase use your phone properly. Whe n m aking or receiving a call, pl ease
hold your phone as when holding a s tandard wireline telephone. Make
sur e t h at the phone is at least one inch (about tw o point five centimeter s) from your body when transmitting.
Do not touch the antenna when the phone is in use. Touching the antenna
area affects call quality and may cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed.
Som e p eo pl e m ay b e s usc ep t i ble t o e pi le pt i c s ei z ures or blackouts
when exposed to flashing lights, such as when watching television or playing video games. If you have experienced seizures or blackouts, or if you have a family history of such occurrences, please consult your doctor before playing video games on your phone or enabling a flashing-light feature on your phone. (The flashing-light f eature is not available on all products.)
Keep the phone out of reach of small children. The phone may cause injury
if used as a toy.
Precautions While Driving
Please pay attention to traffic safety. Check the laws and regulations on the
use of your phone in the area where you drive. Al ways obey them.
Use the hands-free function of the phone, if available.  Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if required.
Precautions for Medical Devices and Faciliti es
When using your phone near p acemakers, plea se always keep th e phone
more than eight inches (about twenty centimeters) from the pacemaker when the phone is switched on. Do not carry the phone in the breast pocket. Use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference. Switch off the phone immediately if nec essary.
Some phones may interfere wit h som e h ear i n g a i ds. I n t he e v ent of such
int erf erenc e, y ou may co ns ult you r hea rin g-aid manuf ac t ur er t o d is cus s alternatives.
If you use any other personal medical device, please consult the
manufacturer of your device to determine if it is adequately shielded from RF energy.
In areas with special requirements, such as hospitals or health care
facilities, please pay attention to the restrictions on the use of your mobile phone. Switch off your phone if required.
Mobile Phone
Pleas e use o rigi nal accessori es or accesso ries ap proved by th e
phone manufacturer. Using any unauthorized accessories may affect your mobile phone’s perfor man ce, damage your p hone or even cause injury and may violate related local regulations for telecom terminals.
Turn off your phone before you clean it. Use a damp or anti -stat ic c loth
to clean the phone. Do not use a d ry cloth or electrostatically charged cloth. Do not use chemical or abrasive cleaners as these could damage the
As your mobile phone c an produce an electrom a g n et ic f i el d, d o not pl ac e
it near magnetic items su ch as computer disks.
Using the phone near electrical appliances such as TVs, telephones, radios
and personal computers can cause interference.
Do not expose your mobile phone to direct sunlight or store in hot places.
High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices.
Keep your phone dry. Any liquid may damage your phone.  Do not drop, knock or harshly treat the phone. Rough handling can damage
internal circuit boards.
Do not connect the phone with any incompatible accessory or
Do not attempt to disassemble the mobile phone or battery.  Do not store the phone with flammable or explosive articles.  Do not charge the mobile phone without the battery.
Precautions for P otentially Explosive Atmospheres
Switch off your phone prior to entering any area with potentially
explosive environments, such as fueling areas, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities.
Do not remove, install, or charge batteries in such areas. Sparks in
potentially explosive environments can cause explosions or fire , resulting in bodily injury or even death.
To avoid possible interference with blasting operati ons, switch off your
phone when you are near electrical blasting caps , in a blasting area , or in areas posted “Turn off electronic devices.” Obey all signs and instructions.
Precautions for Electronic Devices
Some electronic devices are susceptible to electrom agnetic interference
sent by the mobile phone if inadequately shiel ded, such as the electronic systems of vehicles. Please consult the manufacturer of the device before using the phone if necessary.
Safety and General Use in Vehicles
Safety airbags, brakes, speed control systems and oil eject systems should
not be affected by wireless transmissions. If you do meet any of the above problems, please contact your automobile provider. Do not place your phone in the area over an airbag or in the airbag deployment area. Airbags inflate with great force. If a phone is placed in the airbag deployment area and the airbag inflates, the phone may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehi cle.
Please turn off your mobile phone at a refueling point, and in the locations
where the use of two-way radio is also prohibited.
Aircraft Safety
Please turn off you r m obile pho n e befor e take off. I n order to p rot ect the
aeroplane’s communication s yst em from interf erence, it i s f orbidde n to use mobi le phones i n flight . S afet y regulat io ns requ ire you to h ave permission from a crew member to use your phone while the plane is on the ground.
If the mobile phone has the automatic timing power-on feature, please
check you r al a rm s et ti n g t o m ak e s u r e t ha t you r ph on e wi l l not b e automatically turned on during the flight.
Battery Use
Do not short-circuit the battery, as this can cause the unit to overheat or
Do not store the battery in hot areas or throw it into a fire. Otherwise, it may
cause an explosion.
Do not disassemble or refit the battery. Otherwise, it may cause liquid
leakage, overheati ng, explosions and igniti on of the battery.
Please store the battery in a cool dry place if you do not use it for a long
The battery can be recharged many times, but it will ev entually wear out.
When the operating time (talk time and standby time) is noticeably shorter than normal, it is time to replace it with a new one.
Please stop using the charger and battery when they are damaged or show
evidence of ageing.
Return the worn-out battery to the provider or dispose of it in accordance
with local environmental regulations. Do not dispose of it in household rubbish.
Please use original batteries or batteries approved by the phone
manufacturer. Using unauthorized batteries may affect your handset performance or may cause danger of explosion, etc.
Use of an unqualified battery or charger may present a risk of fire, explosion,
leakage, or other hazard.
Replace the battery only with another battery that has been qualified with the
system per this standard, IEEE-Std-1725-2006.
Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion or other hazard. Warning: If the battery is damaged, do not discharge it. If leakage does come
into contact with eyes or skin, wash the affected areas thoroughly in clean water and consult a doctor.
FCC Compliance
This dev ic e c om p li es wi th pa rt 15 of t he FC C Rules . Ope rat io n is su bjec t to the f ol l o wi ng t wo c o ndi t i ons : (1 ) T h is de vic e ma y not caus e h armf ul int erf erenc e, a nd (2 ) this devic e mus t acc ept any int erf er enc e rece iv ed,
inc lu di ng i nt er fe r enc e t hat m a y ca us e u n des i r ed o p e rat i on. This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a resi d en ti al i ns t al lat i on . T his equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the inst r uct i ons , m a y ca us e ha rm f ul i nt e rf er enc e t o r adi o communic at i ons . However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a pa rt ic ul a r installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or tel evis io n rece pti on, wh ic h can be dete rmi ned b y tur nin g the eq uipm en t off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or mor e of t h e f ol lowing measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Co n nec t t h e e qui pment int o a n o ut l et o n a c i rcu it di f f er ent f r om tha t t o wh ich the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Changes or mod i ficat ion s not expressly approved by the party responsible for
com plia nce c oul d voi d the us er‘ s aut hor it y to oper ate t he e qui pmen t. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-locat ed or o perating
in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
Health and safet y inform a ti on Radio Frequenc y (RF) Energy
This model phone meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.
This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emissio n limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Comm unic ati ons Comm iss ion of the U. S. G over nme nt:
The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of meas ur em e nt k n o wn as th e S p eci fi c A bsorptio n Rat e, or S AR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg. *Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operat ing positions accepted by the FCC with the phone tra nsm itti ng at its hi ghes t cert if ied power lev el in al l tes te d freq uenc y ban ds. Although the SAR is determined at t he hi g hes t certifi ed po we r l e vel , t he actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power l evels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network. In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.
The highest SAR value for the model phone as reported to the FCC when test ed f or use at the ea r is 0.805W/kg and when worn on the body, as desc r i bed in t his use r gui de, is 1.420 W/kg (Body-worn me as ur em e nts di f fe r among phone models, depending upon available enhancements and FCC
requirements.) While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones
and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with
all r epo rt e d SA R l e v els e va lu at ed as i n c om pl i anc e wi t h t he F CC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid after searching on
FCC I D: Q78-GR225 For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF
exposure gui delines for use with an accessory t hat contains no met al and the posi t io ns th e han ds et a m i nim um of 1. 5 c m f rom the bod y. Use of ot her enh ancements may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines. If you do not use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, p os it i on t h e han ds et a m in im um of 1. 5 c m f r om you r bo d y wh en t he phone is switched on.
Hearing Aid Compatibi lity with Mobi le Pho nes
When some mobile phones are used near some hearing devices (hearing aids and
coch lea r impl ant s), use rs ma y det ect a buz zi ng, hum m ing, o r whin ing n oise. Some hearing devices are more immune than others to this interference noise, and phones also vary in the amount of interference they generate.
The wi rel es s te l ep h one i nd ust r y has devel op ed rat i ngs for som e of t h ei r mobile phones, to assist hearing device users in finding phones that may be com pati ble wi t h thei r hea rin g devic es. Not all ph ones hav e been ra ted. Phones that are rated have the rating on their box or a label on the box.
The ratings are not guarantees. Results will vary depending on the user’s hearing device and hearing loss. If your hearing device happens to be vulnerable to i nterference, you may not be able to use a rated phone successfully. Tryin g out the phone with your hearing devi ce is the best way to evaluate it for your personal needs.
M-Ratings: Phones rated M3 or M4 meet FCC requirements and are likely to gen erat e less int erf erenc e to hear in g devic es t han ph ones that ar e not labeled. M4 is the better/higher of the two ratings.
T-Ratings: Pho nes rat ed T3 o r T4 m eet FC C requ ir eme nts a n d ar e l ik el y t o be more usable with a hearing device’s telecoil (“T Switch” or “Telephone Switch”) than unrated phones. T4 is the better/higher of the two ratings. (Note that not all hearing devices have telecoils in them.)
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