Zebra Technologies FX7400 User Manual

FX Series RFID Readers
Integrator Guide
FX Series RFID Readers
Integrator Guide
Revision .2
August 2009
ii FX Series RFID readers Integrator Guide
No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any electrical or mechanical means, without permission in writing from Motorola. This includes electronic or mechanical means, such as photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems. The material in this manual is subject to change without notice.
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Motorola, Inc. One Motorola Plaza Holtsville, New York 11742-1300


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Revision History

Changes to the original manual are listed below:
Change Date Description
-01 Rev .1 06/2009 Beta release
-01 Rev .2 08/2009 Reviewer updates
iv FX Series RFID readers Integrator Guide

Table of Contents

About This Guide
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... ix
Configurations................................................................................................................................. ix
Chapter Descriptions ............................................................................................................................ x
Notational Conventions......................................................................................................................... x
Related Documents and Software........................................................................................................ xi
Service Information............................................................................................................................... xi
Chapter 1: Quick Start
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Quick Start Demonstration ................................................................................................................... 1-1
Step 1, Setup ................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Step 2, Host Name Connect .......................................................................................................... 1-2
Step 3, First Time / Start-Up Login ................................................................................................ 1-3
Step 4, Set Region ......................................................................................................................... 1-4
Step 5, Read Tags ......................................................................................................................... 1-7
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
RFID Technology Overview ................................................................................................................. 2-1
RFID Components ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
FX Series RFID Readers ..................................................................................................................... 2-3
Versions and Kits ........................................................................................................................... 2-4
FX Series RFID Reader ....................................................................................................................... 2-4
FX Series RFID Readers Rear Panel .................................................................................................. 2-5
FX Series RFID Readers LEDs ..................................................................................................... 2-6
FX Series RFID Readers Features ...................................................................................................... 2-7
Configuration and Upgrading ......................................................................................................... 2-7
Tag Management ........................................................................................................................... 2-7
Device Management ...................................................................................................................... 2-7
Security .......................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Logging .......................................................................................................................................... 2-7
vi FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
Dense Reader Mode ...................................................................................................................... 2-7
Connection Options ....................................................................................................................... 2-8
Chapter 3: Installation and Communication
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Unpack the Reader .............................................................................................................................. 3-1
Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Mounting and Removing the Reader ............................................................................................. 3-2
Connecting Antennas ..................................................................................................................... 3-4
Powering the Reader ..................................................................................................................... 3-5
Verifying Hardware Functionality ................................................................................................... 3-5
Communications Connections ............................................................................................................. 3-6
Ethernet Connection ...................................................................................................................... 3-6
USB Connection ............................................................................................................................ 3-7
Reading Tags ...................................................................................................................................... 3-7
Chapter 4: Administrator Console
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Managing the FX Series RFID Readers .............................................................................................. 4-2
Profiles ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2
Reset Reader ................................................................................................................................. 4-2
Connect to the Reader ......................................................................................................................... 4-3
Host Name Connect ....................................................................................................................... 4-3
IP Address Connect ....................................................................................................................... 4-4
APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) ..................................................................................... 4-4
IP Address ..................................................................................................................................... 4-7
Administrator Console Login ................................................................................................................ 4-8
First Time / Start-Up Login ............................................................................................................. 4-8
Normal Login .................................................................................................................................. 4-11
Reader Administrator Console ............................................................................................................. 4-12
Administrator Console Option Selections ...................................................................................... 4-12
Status ................................................................................................................................................... 4-13
Configure Reader ................................................................................................................................ 4-14
Reader Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 4-14
Configure Read Point ..................................................................................................................... 4-15
Configure RF Region ..................................................................................................................... 4-16
Reader Statistics .................................................................................................................................. 4-17
Read Tags ........................................................................................................................................... 4-18
Communication Settings ...................................................................................................................... 4-19
Configure Network Settings ........................................................................................................... 4-19
LLRP Communications Protocol .................................................................................................... 4-21
SNMP Settings ............................................................................................................................... 4-23
System Time Management .................................................................................................................. 4-24
Access Control ..................................................................................................................................... 4-25
Manage Users ................................................................................................................................ 4-25
Reader Profiles .................................................................................................................................... 4-26
Create a Custom Profile ................................................................................................................. 4-27
Firmware Version/Update .................................................................................................................... 4-28
Table of Contents vii
FTP / FTPS Server ........................................................................................................................ 4-28
File Upload ..................................................................................................................................... 4-30
Commit/Revert ..................................................................................................................................... 4-31
System Log .......................................................................................................................................... 4-32
Shutdown ............................................................................................................................................. 4-33
Chapter 5: Setup Examples
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Set-Up Examples ........................................................................................................................... 5-1
Point of Sale ........................................................................................................................................ 5-2
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-2
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-2
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-2
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-2
Back Room Inventory Fill ..................................................................................................................... 5-3
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-3
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-3
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-3
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-3
Exit/Entry ............................................................................................................................................. 5-4
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-4
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-4
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-4
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-4
Shelf/Tool Crib Cage ........................................................................................................................... 5-5
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-5
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-5
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-5
Transition/Impact Door ........................................................................................................................ 5-6
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-6
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-6
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-6
Back Room Receiving ......................................................................................................................... 5-7
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-7
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-7
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-7
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-7
Shelf/Tool Crib/Cage Inventory (stretched target) ............................................................................... 5-8
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-8
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-8
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-8
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-8
Associating Tags (writing tags) with BC, Re-Commission ................................................................... 5-9
Installation ...................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Configuration and Optimization ...................................................................................................... 5-9
Optimizing Reader Functions ......................................................................................................... 5-9
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 5-9
viii FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Appendix A: Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................................... A-1
Cable Pinouts ...................................................................................................................................... A-3
10/100bT Ethernet / POE Connector ............................................................................................. A-3
USB Client Connector .................................................................................................................... A-4
GPIO Port Connections ................................................................................................................. A-5
Third Party Software ............................................................................................................................ A-6
Appendix B: Firmware Upgrade Procedures
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... B-1
Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................. B-1
Auto Recovery ............................................................................................................................... B-2
Update Phases .............................................................................................................................. B-2
Update Method 1, Use a LAN .............................................................................................................. B-3
Update Method 2, Direct Connect Over the Ethernet Port .................................................................. B-5
Appendix C: Java Upgrade Procedures
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... C-1
Appendix D: Static IP Configuration
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... D-1
DHCP Network is Available - Set the Static IP Using the Web Console ............................................. D-1
DHCP Network Not Available - Set the Static IP Using the Web Console .......................................... D-3
DHCP Network Not Available - Edit Configuration Files to Set the Static IP ....................................... D-6

About This Guide


This Integrator Guide provides information about installing, configuring, and using the FX Series RFID readers and
is intended for use by professional installers and system integrators. The FX Series readers provide real time,
seamless tag processing for EPC Class1 Gen2 compliant tags.
NOTE Screens and windows pictured in this guide are samples and may differ from actual screens.


This guide includes the following FX Series RFID reader configurations:
FX7400-2 RFID Reader
FX7400-4 RFID Reader
x FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide

Chapter Descriptions

Topics covered in this guide are as follows:
Chapter 1, Quick Start provides a Quick Start tag reading demonstration.
Chapter 2, Getting Started provides an overview of RFID technology/components and a description of the FX
Series reader and the features.
Chapter 3, Installation and Communication provides information on installing and setting up the FX Series
Chapter 4, Administrator Console describes how to connect to the reader and how to use the web-based
Administrator Console to configure and manage FX Series readers.
Chapter 5, Setup Examples provides sample setups and describes how to apply these to a user installation.
Chapter 6, Troubleshooting describes FX Series readers troubleshooting procedures.
Appendix A, Technical Specifications includes the technical specifications for the reader.
Appendix B, Firmware Upgrade Procedures describes how to upgrade the reader with new firmware.
Appendix C, Java Upgrade Procedures describes how to upgrade the host computer with a new Java
Appendix D, Static IP Configuration describes three methods of setting the static IP address on an FX7400
RFID Reader.

Notational Conventions

The following conventions are used in this document:
“RFID reader” or “reader” refers to the Motorola FX Series RFID readers.
Italics are used to highlight the following:
Chapters and sections in this and related documents
Dialog box, window, links, software names, and screen names
Drop-down list, columns and list box names
Check box and radio button names
Icons on a screen
Bold text is used to highlight the following:
Dialog box, window and screen names
Drop-down list and list box names
Check box and radio button names
Icons on a screen
Key names on a keypad
Button names on a screen
Bullets (•) indicate:
Action items
Lists of alternatives
Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential.
Sequential lists (e.g., those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.

Related Documents and Software

The following documents provide more information about the reader.
FX Series RFID Reader Regulatory Guide, p/n 72-125267-xx
Application Guide for Motorola Enterprise Mobility Devices, p/n 72E-68902-xx
About This Guide xi
For the latest version of this guide and all guides, go to: http://www.motorola.com/enterprisemobility

Service Information

If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Motorola Enterprise Mobility support for your region. Contact
information is available at: http://www.motorola.com/enterprisemobility/contactsupport.
When contacting Enterprise Mobility support, please have the following information available:
Serial number of the unit
Model number or product name
Software type and version number
Motorola responds to calls by e-mail, telephone or fax within the time limits set forth in service agreements.
If your problem cannot be solved by Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support, you may need to return your equipment
for servicing and will be given specific directions. Motorola is not responsible for any damages incurred during
shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the
If you purchased your Enterprise Mobility business product from a Motorola business partner, please contact that
business partner for support.
xii FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
Chapter 1 Quick Start


This chapter provides a Quick Start setup demonstration.

Quick Start Demonstration

The Quick Start demonstration offers a simple, temporary way to quickly set up the reader and read tags. The
demonstration includes:
Step 1, Setup on page 1-1
Step 2, Host Name Connect on page 1-2
Step 3, First Time / Start-Up Login on page 1-3
Step 4, Set Region on page 1-4
Step 5, Read Tags on page 1-7

Step 1, Setup

1. Unpack the reader. See Unpack the Reader on page 3-1.
2. Set up the reader and tags on a desktop.
3. Connect the antenna to antenna Port 1. See Figure 1-1.
4. Connect the AC power supply to a power outlet and connect to the power port. See Figure 1-1.
5. Wait for the green power LED to stay lit. See System Start-up/Boot LED Sequence on page 3-5 for boot-up
6. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port. See Figure 1-1.
Connecting the reader to a subnet that supports DHCP is recommended. This Quick Start procedure is not guaranteed to work if DHCP is disabled in the reader and if the reader is connected directly to a PC.
1 - 2 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 GPIO 24 VD
Antenna Ports (Four Ports, Reverse TNC)
10/100BaseT Ethernet
(with POE)
Figure 1-1
FX Series RFID Reader Rear Panel Connections

Step 2, Host Name Connect

The product CD provides the Host Name. Connect the reader to the local network and boot it up. See System
Start-up/Boot LED Sequence on page 3-5. The green power LED indicates that the reader is ready.
1. Open a browser. Recommended browsers are IE 6 or Mozilla 3.
2. Enter the host name provided on the CD in the browser (e.g., http://fx7400cd3b0d) and press Enter.
3. The Console Login window appears and the reader is ready.
4. Proceed to Step 3, First Time / Start-Up Login on page 1-3 to log in to the reader.
NOTE Connect the reader to a network that supports host name registration and lookup to ensure the network
can access the reader using the host name. For instance, some networks can register hostnames through DHCP. When first connecting to the reader, it is recommended to keep DHCP enabled, although it is not guaranteed that hostname will work in this case. Use the host name provided on the CD label, or construct it using the reader MAC address on the reader back label. The host name is a string with prefix FX7400, followed by the last three MAC address octets. For example, for a MAC address of 00:15:70:CD:3B:0D, use the prefix FX7400, followed by the last three MAC address octets (CD, 3B, and 0D), so the host name is FX7400CD3B0D. Type http://FX7400CD3B0D in the browser address bar to access the reader.
Getting Started 1 - 3

Step 3, First Time / Start-Up Login

When starting the reader for the first time, set a unique user ID and password and set the region where the reader
operates. Setting the unit to a different region is illegal.
Set the Unique User ID and Password
1. Connect to the reader using a web browser. See Step 2, Host Name Connect on page 1-2. The Default
Settings, Console Login Window
Figure 1-2
2. Enter admin1 in the User Name: field and enter change in the Password: field. Click Login.
Figure 1-3
Default Settings, Console Login Window
Enter Default Settings, Console Login Window
NOTE Entering the unique user ID and password disables the factory default settings. Contact Motorola
Enterprise Mobility support if you forget the user ID and password.
Service Information on page
1 - 4 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
3. From the Administrator Console, select Configure Reader and Region.
Figure 1-4
Reader Administrator Console Main Menu

Step 4, Set Region

Set the region of operation. Setting the unit to a different region is illegal.
NOTE Region configuration is not available for readers configured to operate in the United States region (under
FCC rules). In this case, skip this step.
Figure 1-5
Configure Region Settings Window
1. In the Region Configuration window, select the region from the drop-down menu.
Getting Started 1 - 5
Figure 1-6
2. Select the Communication Standard, if applicable.
3. Select Frequency Hopping, if applicable.
4. Select the appropriate channel(s), if applicable.
5. Click the I understand check box.
6. Click Set Properties to complete the region selection. The Operation Successful window appears.
Selecting the Region
Figure 1-7
Region Control, Operation Successful Window
1 - 6 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
7. From the Reader Administrator Console (see Figure 1-4 on page 1-4) select Commit/Revert.
Figure 1-8
8. Click Discard to discard the region configuration changes made during this session, or click Commit to save the
Commit/Revert Window
new region configuration and apply these changes to the reader configuration file.
9. When the commit completes, the Commit Successful window appears.
Getting Started 1 - 7

Step 5, Read Tags

Click Start Inventory on the Reader Operation window to initiate an on-demand scan and/or to enable or disable
polled read points.
NOTE Enable JVM support on the browser for this page to function properly. See Appendix C, Java Upgrade
The polling state displays the current polling setting -
Console, this displays Polling State: Enabled from Web. If enabled from byte stream, this displays Polling State:
Enabled from byte stream
Figure 1-9
Read Tags Window
Enabled or Disabled. If enabled from the Administrator
Click Start Inventory to start inventory operation on the connected antennas.
Click Stop Inventory to stop the ongoing inventory operation.
Select the Clear Tag List check box to clear the current tag list.
The list of tags appears in a table with the following attributes for each tag:
EPC Id: Unique tag EPC ID.
TagSeen Count: Number of times the tag is identified on the specific antenna.
RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indication.
Antenna Id: Antenna ID on which the tag is seen.
FirstSeen time stamp: UTC time (in microseconds) when the tag was first seen.
LastSeen time stamp: UTC time (in microseconds) when the tag was last seen.
1 - 8 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
Chapter 2 Getting Started
Reader and Antenna
Host Computer
RF Wave and
Ta gs


This chapter provides an overview of RFID technology and components, and describes the FX Series reader and
its features.

RFID Technology Overview

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is an advanced automatic identification (Auto ID) technology that uses radio
frequency signals to identify tagged items. An RFID tag contains a circuit that can store data. This data may be
pre-encoded or can be encoded in the field. The tags come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
A typical RFID system consists of transponders (called tags), readers, and antennas. To read a tag the reader
sends out radio frequency waves (using attached antennas). This RF field powers and charges the tags, which are
tuned to receive radio waves. The tags use this power to modulate the carrier signal. The reader interprets the
modulated signal and converts the data to a format for computer storage. The computer application translates the
data into an understandable format.
Figure 2-1
RFID System Elements
2 - 2 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide

RFID Components

Motorola RFID solutions offer low cost, long read range, and a high read rate. These features provide real time,
end-to-end visibility of products and assets in the factory, distribution center, retail outlet, or other facility. A typical
Motorola RFID system consists of the following components:
Silicon based RFID tags that attach to retail products, vehicles, trailers, containers, pallets, boxes, etc.
Different antenna types to support applications such as dock door (area antennas), conveyor.
Readers power and communicate with the tags for data capture and provide host connectivity for data migration.
Tags contain embedded chips that store unique information. Available in various shapes and sizes, tags, often
transponders, receive and respond to data requests. Tags require power to send data, and are available with
two power options:
Active Tags: typically powered by light-weight batteries and have limited life.
Passive Tags: the RFID reader generates an RF field that powers the tag. Passive tags are much lighter, less expensive, and have a much longer life than active tags.
Antennas transmit and receive radio frequency signals. A read point is the RF range of an antenna.
Readers communicate with the tags and transfer the data to a host computer. Readers also provide features such
as filtering, CRC check, and tag writing. The FX Series readers read Gen2 (dense reader mode) RFID tags.

FX Series RFID Readers

The Motorola FX Series RFID readers are intelligent, C1G2 UHF RFID readers with RFID read performance that
provides real-time, seamless EPC-compliant tags processing. The FX Series RFID readers are designed for indoor
inventory management and asset tracking applications in large scale deployments. The readers can host
third-party, customer-driven embedded applications.
The FX Series RFID readers are based on Motorola's strategic FX Series reader platform and are easy to use,
deploy, and manage. The readers offer a variety of options for connecting to corporate networks using Ethernet or
USB connections. Features include:
ISO 18000-6C standard (EPC Class 1 Gen 2)
Dense reader mode capable
Enterprise-class performance
Application-specific set-up for ease of installation
Power over Ethernet (POE) to eliminate the need for a power drop
Getting Started 2 - 3
SSL/SSH based security for secure data transmission
Attractive small package
Low total cost of ownership (TCO)
Windows® CE
Support for custom or third-party applications
Feature set for event and tag management
Figure 2-2
FX RFID Reader
2 - 4 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide
Antenna Ports (Reverse TNC)
Rear Panel
The reader provides a wide range of features that enable implementation of complete, high-performance,
intelligent RFID solutions.
The FX Series RFID reader configurations include either two or four
ports are used only with monostatic antennas.

Versions and Kits

The FX Series RFID readers are available in either a 2-port or a 4-port version, individually (reader and mounting
bracket) or in a kit that includes the reader, the mounting bracket, an antenna and a power supply:
2-Port reader, mounting bracket
2-Port kit (reader, mounting bracket, antenna, cable, PSU)
4-Port reader, mounting bracket
4-Port kit (reader, mounting bracket, antenna, cable, PSU)

FX Series RFID Reader

antenna ports. The monostatic
Figure 2-3
FX Series RFID Reader
Getting Started 2 - 5
Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 GPIO 24 VD
Antenna Ports (Four Ports, Reverse TNC)
10/100BaseT Ethernet
(with POE)
Figure 2-4
FX Series RFID Reader Rear Panel Connections
CAUTION Use only parts provided with the FX Series RFID readers, or Motorola approved/recommended parts.
Substituting other cables or parts can degrade system performance, damage the reader, and/or void the warranty.

FX Series RFID Readers Rear Panel

Table 2-1
Antenna Ports (Reverse TNC)
Reset To reset the reader insert a paper clip into the reset hole, press and hold the reset button for not
GPIO Insert a DE15 serial cable to connect to external devices. USB ActiveSync is enabled by default on the USB client port. Use Visual Studio to use the USB port
10/100BaseT Ethernet
Power DC connector connects to a Motorola approved power supply AC adapter (varies depending on
FX Series RFID Readers Rear Panel Description
Port Description
Two port version: Connect up to two antennas. Four port version: Connect up to four antennas. See
Table A-1 on page A-1
US/Canada and EU.
more than 2 seconds. This resets the reader, but retains the user ID and password.
for development. Use a remote display tool to access the Windows CE graphical interface. Advanced users can disable and enable ActiveSync via a registry change in Windows CE,
and can create a custom communication protocol on the USB port. Insert a standard RJ45 Ethernet cable to connect to an Ethernet network with or without POE
capability. Insert a cross-connect Ethernet cable to connect to a local computer.
the country). Maximum power 24 VDC, 1.2 A.
for the maximum antenna gains and RF output powers for both
2 - 6 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide

FX Series RFID Readers LEDs

The reader LEDs indicate reader status as described in Table 2-2. For the LED boot up sequence see System
Start-up/Boot LED Sequence on page 3-5.
Figure 2-5
Table 2-2
LED Function Color/Status Description
PWR Power Off
ACTV Activity Off
STAT Status Off
APP Application Green/Red/Amber Controlled through LLRP
FX Series RFID Readers LEDs
LED Indications
Red Solid Red Flashing Amber Solid Green Solid
Amber Flashing Green Flashing
Red Solid Red Flashing Green Flashing
Reader is powered off Booting Firmware upgrade Application initialization after booting Reader is powered on and operational
No RF operations On for 500mSec indicates another tag operation On for 500mSec indicates a tag is inventoried or read
No errors or GPIO events Firmware update failure On for 500 mSec indicates an error in RF operation On for 500 mSec indicates a GPI event

FX Series RFID Readers Features

Configuration and Upgrading

Use the Administrator Console to reconfigure the reader. See Chapter 4, Administrator Console. The reader can
also accept new firmware and configuration updates.

Tag Management

The Administrator Console provides the Read tags feature. See Read Tags on page 4-18. Use client applications
based on Showcase II, Motorola EMDK (Enterprise Mobility Development Kit), or LLRP (EPCGlobal Low Level
Reader Protocol) for additional tag management operations such as

Device Management

Quick Backup and Recovery
Use a web browser to back up and restore reader configuration by downloading the configuration XML file. Use the
Administrator Console to download the file to the reader.
Getting Started 2 - 7
Write, Lock, Filtering, Event Management and
SNMP Integration
The reader can send real time notification of specific events and failures to the SNMP server.


User Level Security
Use this feature to assign different access levels to users, allowing them to perform necessary tasks without
compromising security. The reader recognizes three user access levels:
View - view reader configuration settings.
Admin - view and edit configuration settings and perform administrative tasks such as updating reader


The reader keeps a log of all system-related activities for security and troubleshooting. The log includes
time-stamped system activities such as login attempts and hardware failures. Use the log to pinpoint problems, to
facilitate quick resolution, and to identify administrators who may require additional training to prevent future
problems. See System Log on page 4-32.

Dense Reader Mode

The Gen 2 (or Class 1 G2) Dense Reader Mode allows the reader operate in a range of environments where
multiple readers operate simultaneously, where few readers operate, or just one reader operates.
2 - 8 FX Series RFID Readers Integrator Guide

Connection Options

The reader provides flexibility for connecting to networks with an Ethernet connection. Access each reader from
anywhere on the network with the unique host name or IP address. See Connect to the Reader on page 4-3.
Physical Interfaces
At the physical layer, the FX Series readers use an Ethernet interface (as the default) for command and data
communication with the reader.
The USB port enables ActiveSync on the USB client port by default. Use the USB port for development using
Visual Studio, and use a remote display tool to access the Windows CE graphical interface.
Advanced users can disable and enable ActiveSync via a registry change in Windows CE, and can create a
custom communication protocol on the USB port.
+ 86 hidden pages