Zebra EZ320 User Manual

P1027984-001 January, 2011
Mobile Printer
Table of Contents
Proprietary Statements ............................................................................................4
Document Conventions ...........................................................................................6
Introduction to the EZ320 .......................................................................................7
Unpacking and Inspection ............................................................... 7
Reporting Damage ...........................................................................7
Getting Ready to Print ........................................................................................... 10
Battery .............................................................................................10
Installing and Removing the Battery ..........................................................10
EZ320 Single Bay Charger ..................................................................................... 14
Charger Safety .............................................................................................15
Loading the Media (80 mm) ........................................................... 16
60 mm Roll of Media ......................................................................18
Media Black Bar Sensor ................................................................ 18
Operator Controls .......................................................................... 19
Verify the Printer Is Working ......................................................... 21
Printing a Configuration Label ....................................................................21
Connecting the Printer ................................................................... 21
Wireless Communications with Bluetooth™ ..............................................23
Bluetooth Networking Overview ................................................................23
About Bluetooth Security ...........................................................................23
Carrying the Printer ................................................................................................25
Belt Strap .....................................................................................................25
Nylon Soft Case ...........................................................................................26
Preventive Maintenance ....................................................................................... 27
Extending Battery Life ...................................................................27
General Cleaning Instructions ....................................................... 28
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................30
Interpreting Indicators ...................................................................30
Troubleshooting Topics .................................................................30
Resetting an EZ320 Printer ............................................................ 32
Determining Your Printer Version ...............................................................32
Troubleshooting Tests ...................................................................33
Printing a Configuration Label ....................................................................33
Communications Diagnostics .....................................................................33
Calling Technical Support ...........................................................................34
Specications ............................................................................................................ 38
Printing Specifications ...............................................................................38
Memory and Communications Specifications, EZ320 ..............................38
Media Specifications ...................................................................................39
Font and Bar Code Specifications for EZ320 .............................................40
USB Communications Port .........................................................................43
Physical, Environmental and Electrical Specifications ..............................43
EZ320 Accessories .....................................................................................45
Appendix A ................................................................................................................45
Interface Cables ...........................................................................................45
USB Cable ....................................................................................................45
More Interface Cables ................................................................................45
Appendix B................................................................................................................. 45
EZ320 User Guide
Maintenance Supplies .................................................................................45
Appendix C ................................................................................................................46
Media Supplies ............................................................................................46
EZ320 Media ................................................................................................46
Appendix D ................................................................................................................ 47
Product Support ..........................................................................................47
Product Support Contacts ..........................................................................48
Appendix E ................................................................................................................. 49
Product Documentation ..............................................................................49
Index .............................................................................................................................50
Patent Numbers ....................................................................................................... 51
EZ320 User Guide
Proprietary Statements
This manual contains proprietar y information of Zebra Technologies Corporation. It is intended solely for the information and use of par ties operating and maintaining the equip­ment described herein. Such proprietar y information may not be used, reproduced, or dis­closed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of Zebra Technologies Corporation.
Product Improvements
Since continuous product improvement is a policy of Zebra Technologies Corporation, all specifications and signs are subject to change without notice.
NCC Warning
According to “Administrative Regulations on Low Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices” Without permission granted by the NCC, any company, enterprise, or user is not allowed to change frequency, enhance transmit ting power or alter original characteris tic as well as performance to an approved low power radio-frequency devices. The low power radio­frequency devices shall not influence aircraft security and interfere legal communications; If found, the user shall cease operating immediately until no inter ference is achieved. The said legal communications means radio communications is operated in compliance with the Telecommunications Act. The low power radio-frequency devices must be susceptible with the interference from le­gal communications or ISM radio wave radiated devices.
“經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計 之特性及功能。低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改 善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信
工業、科學 醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾”
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by Zebra Technologies Corpo­ration could void the user’s authorit y to operate this equipment.
Agency Approvals and Regulatory Information
• Design certified by TUV • China SRRC
• EN60950: 2006 Safety St andard
• Taiwan NCC
• China CCC
Liability Disclaimer
Inasmuch as every effort has been made to supply accurate information in this manual, Zebra Technologies Corporation is not liable for any erroneous information or omissions. Zebra Technologies Corporation reserves the right to correct any such errors and disclaims
liability resulting therefrom.
No Liability for Consequential Damage
In no event shall Zebra Technologies Corporation or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the accompanying product (including hardware and software) be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or the results of use of or inability to use such product, even if Zebra Technologies Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the exclusion of liabilit y for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
EZ320 User Guide
The copyrights in this manual and the label print engine described therein are owned by Zebra Technologies Corporation. Unauthorized reproduction of this manual or the software in the label print engine may result in imprisonment of up to one year and f ines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyright violators may be subject to civil liability. This product may contain ZPL®, ZPL II®, and ZebraLinktm programs; Element Energy Equal­izer® Circuit; E3®; and AGFA fonts. Software © ZIH Corp. All right s reserved worldwide. ZebraLink and all product names and numbers are trademarks, and Zebra, the Zebra logo, ZPL, ZPL II, Element Energy Equalizer Circuit, and E3 Circuit are registered trademarks of ZIH Corp. All rights reserved worldwide.
Monot ype®, Intellifont® and UFST® are trademarks of Monot ype Imaging, Inc. regis tered in the United St ates Patent and Trademark O ff ice and may be registered in cer tain jurisdic­tions. AndyTM , CG PalacioTM, CG Century SchoolbookTM, CG TriumvirateTM, CG TimesTM, Monot ype KaiTM, Monot ype MinchoTM and Monotype SungTM are trademarks of Monot ype Imaging, Inc. and may be registered in some jurisdictions. HY Gothic HangulTM is a trademark of Hanyang Systems, Inc. AngsanaTM is a trademark of Unity Progress Company (UPC) Limited. Andale®, Arial®, Book Antiqua®, Corsiva®, Gill Sans®, Sorts® and Times New Roman® are trademarks of The Monot ype Corporation registered in the United States Patent and Trade­mark Office and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Century Gothic™, Bookman Old StyleTM and Century SchoolbookTM are trademarks of The Monot ype Corporation and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. HGPGothicB is a trademark of the Ricoh company, Ltd. and may be registered in some ju­risdictions. UniversTM is a trademark of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, which may be registered in certain jurisdictions, exclusively licensed through Linotype Librar y GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiar y of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG. Futura® is a trademark of Bauer Types SA registered in the United States Patent and Trade­mark Office and may be registered in some jurisdictions. TrueType® is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Of fice and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All other product names are the proper ty of their respective owners.
All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
2010 ZIH Corp.
EZ320 User Guide
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this docu-
ment to convey certain information:
If you are viewing this guide online, click the underlined text to jump to a related Web site. Click on italic text (not under­lined) to jump to that location in this manual.
Cautions, Important, and Note
Caution • Warns you of the potential for electrostatic discharge.
Caution • Warns you of a potential electric shock situation.
Caution • Warns you of a situation where excessive heat could cause
a burn
Caution • Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specic action
could result in physical harm to you.
Caution • Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specic action
could result in physical harm to the hardware.
Important • Advises you of information that is essential to complete a
Note • Indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or
supplements important points of the main text.
EZ320 User Guide
Introduction to the EZ320
Thank you for choosing our Zebra® EZ320™ Mobile Printer. This rug­ged printer is sure to become a productive and efficient addition to your workplace thanks to its innovative design. Because it is made by Zebra Technologies, you’re assured of world-class support for all of your bar code printers, software, and supplies.
• This user’s guide gives you the information you will need to operate the EZ320 printer.
• The EZ320 printer uses the CPCL programming language. To create and print labels using the CPCL language, refer to the Mobile Printing Systems CPCL Programming Guide and our ZebraDesigner™ Pro and Zebra Set-up Utilities programs which are all available at www.zebra.com.
Unpacking and Inspection
Inspect the printer for possible shipping damage:
• Check all exterior surfaces for damage.
• Open the media cover (refer to “Loading the Media” in the Getting Ready to Print section) and inspect the media compartment for damage.
In case shipping is required, save the carton and all packing
Reporting Damage
If you discover shipping damage:
• Immediately notify and file a damage report with the ship­ping company. Zebra Technologies Corporation is not re­sponsible for any damage incurred during shipment of the printer and will not cover the repair of this damage under its warranty policy.
• Keep the carton and all packing material for inspection.
• Notify your authorized Zebra re-seller.
EZ320 User Guide
Figure 1: EZ320 Overview
1. Paper Feed But ton
2. Error Status Indicator
3. Bluetooth Indicator
4. Charge Indicator
5. Battery Status Indicator
6. Power But ton
7. Platen
8. Printhead
9. Media/Black Bar Sensor
10. Tear Bar
11. Media Cover
12. USB Port
13. Battery Charging Receptacle
13 12
EZ320 User Guide
EZ320 Overview (cont.)
14. Media Cover Tab
15. Belt Strap Opening
16. Battery Pack
EZ320 User Guide
Getting Ready to Print
Installing and Removing the Battery
Important • Batteries are shipped partially charged. Remove any
protective packaging from new battery packs prior to use.
1. Insert the battery into the printer as shown in Figure 2 using the outline of the battery to match the outline of the battery com­partment.
2. Rock the battery into the printer as shown until it locks in place.
When the battery is first installed, and the printer is turned on, the battery status indicators will light up to indicate if the battery is fully charged (see “Charging the Battery” below and “Operator Controls”).
You must charge the batteries fully before using them for the first time.
Figure 2: Installing the Battery
Insert the front edge of the battery in the batter y compartment and lock the clip in place.
EZ320 User Guide
Figure 3: Removing the Battery
Press in on the locking clip to disengage the battery.
Lift up on the battery in the direction shown and remove from the battery compartment.
EZ320 User Guide
When the battery is first installed, the printer power and charge indicators should indicate the battery is not fully charged (see “Charging the Battery” below and “Operator Controls”).
You must charge the battery fully before using the printer for the rst
Charging the Battery
Preparing the Power Supply
Before charging the battery for the first time, you must pre­pare the Power Supply. Refer to Figure 4 below:
Figure 4: Preparing the Power Supply
Shipping Ring
Remove and discard
Mains Adapter
3. The mains adapter will be pre-installed into the Power Supply by hooking the top edge into the mains recep­tacle cavit y, and rotating it until it snaps into place.
1. Remove the power sup­ply from its box. Remove and discard the shipping ring from the mains recep­tacle cavit y.
2. Verify that the mains adapter shipped with your Printer is the correct one for your region.
China/Taiwan-220 VAC
EZ320 User Guide
Figure 5: Charging the Battery
EZ320 Charger Power Supply p/n AT17947-1
100-240 VAC 50-60 Hz 0.6A Input; 12 VDC 1.25 A output Plug into AC receptacle
Charger Jack
12 VDC
Charging the battery
Refer to Figure 5.
1. Plug the Charger Power Supply into the appropriate A.C. wall receptacle. Then insert the charge cable into the printer’s charger jack.
2. The printer’s charger indicator will indicate the status of the charger as follows:
• An amber light indicates the battery is charging, and that the battery is less than 90% charged.
• A green light indicates the battery is fully charged. The battery is ready for use.
Approximate Charge Times :
Batteries are fully charged after 2.5 hours from the low-bat­tery shut-off state. Partially discharged batteries will take less time to charge.
NOTES: Use of the printer while charging will increase charge times.
Charge times are for completely discharged batteries.
As a safety feature the battery will stop charging after 4.5
hours regardless of the battery’s charge state.
EZ320 User Guide
EZ320 Single Bay Charger
The Single Bay Charger is a charging system for use with the lithium-ion battery used in the EZ320 printer. The charger uses a 2 blade AC connector on the back of the charger that plugs into the wall outlet and will fully charge the battery in an aver­age time of 2.5 hours.
Charging Status Indicators
The Single Bay Charger features two LED indicators, one green and one amber, which provide battery status to the user as described in the table below.
DC Power Input Battery Status Charging
n/a Battery Not Present OFF OFF
Present Fully Charged OFF Green
Present Charging Amber OFF
Full Indicator
The amber LED will have battery charge icon next to it to indicate that this is the charging status indicator. Likewise, the word “OK” will indicate that the green LED is the fully charged status indicator.
Figure 6: Docking Battery in Single Bay Charger
EZ320 Battery
EZ320 User Guide
Battery Safety
Caution • Avoid accidental short circuiting of any battery. Allowing
battery terminals to contact conductive material will create a short circuit which could cause burns and other injuries or could start a re.
Important • Always dispose of used batteries properly. Refer to
Appendix D for more battery recycling information.
Caution • Use of any charger not approved specically by Zebra for
use with its batteries could cause damage to the battery pack or the printer and will void the warranty.
Read carefully and always observe the safety guidelines for Li-Ion
batteries provided with each Battery Pack.
Charger Safety
Do not place the Single Bay Charger in locations where liquids or
metallic objects may be dropped into the charging bay.
EZ320 User Guide
Loading the Media (80 mm)
1. Open the Media Cover (see Figure 7)
• Firmly squeeze the Media Cover Tabs on either end of the Media Cover with your thumb and index finger. Pull up to open the Media Cover to reveal the media compartment.
2. Load the media (see Figure 8)
• Insert the roll of media into the media compartment. Ensure that the media pulls off the core in the direction shown in Figure 8.
3. Close the Media Cover (see Figure 9)
• Pull a short length of media out of the printer
• Close the Media Cover firmly and ensure it is securely latched on both sides..
• Press the Power button to turn on the printer and then press the Feed button. The printer will advance media until the Feed button is released. Verify the media is feed­ing properly and without binding or skewing sideways.
Figure 7: Opening the EZ320 Printer
Media Cover Tab
Media Cover Tab
Media Compar tment
EZ320 User Guide
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