Zebra EPCL Guide

This man ual con tains Pro gram ming in for ma tion for Ze bra Se ries Card Print ers man u fac tured by Ze bra Tech nol o gies Cor po ra tion, Camarillo, Cal i for nia.
Pro pri etary State ment
This man ual con tains pro pri etary in for ma tion of the man u fac turer. It is in tended solely for the in ­for ma tion and use of par ties op er at ing and main tain ing the equip ment de scribed herein. Such pro ­pri etary in for ma tion may not be used, re pro duced, or dis closed to any other par ties for any other pur pose with out the ex pressed writ ten per mis sion of the man u fac turer.
Con tin u ous im prove ment of prod ucts is a pol icy of the man u fac turer. All spec i fi ca tions and signs are sub ject to change with out no tice.
Li a bil ity Dis claimer
The man u fac turer takes steps to as sure that its pub lished En gi neer ing spec i fi ca tions and Man u als are cor rect; how ever, er rors do oc cur. The man u fac turer re serves the right to cor rect any such er ­rors and dis claims li a bil ity re sult ing there from.
No Li a bil ity for Con se quen tial Dam age
In no event shall the man u fac turer or any one else in volved in the cre ation, pro duc tion, or de liv ery of the ac com pa ny ing prod uct (in clud ing hard ware and soft ware) be li a ble for any dam ages what ­so ever (in clud ing, with out lim i ta tion, dam ages for loss of busi ness prof its, busi ness in ter rup tion, loss of busi ness in for ma tion, or other pe cu ni ary loss) aris ing out of the use of or the re sults of use of or in abil ity to use such prod uct, even if the man u fac turer has been ad vised of the pos si bil ity of such dam ages. Be cause some states do not al low the ex clu sion or lim i ta tion of li a bil ity for con se quen tial or in ci den tal dam ages, the above lim i ta tion may not ap ply to you.
Trade marks and Copy rights
The Ze bra logo and the ze bra head de sign are both reg is tered trade marks of ZIH Corp. Win dows and MS-DOS are reg is tered trade marks of Microsoft Corp.
Soft ware® Ze bra Tech nol o gies Cor po ra tion; all rights re served world wide.
All other marks are trade marks or reg is tered trade marks of their re spec tive hold ers.
This copy righted man ual and the software de scribed herein are owned by the man u fac turer. All rights are re served. Copy right vi o la tors may be sub ject to civil li a bil ity.
©2006 ZIH Corp. All rights re served.
Ta ble of Con tents
IN TRO DUC TION .........................1-1
Com mon Fea tures ............................1-2
Pro gram ming Ob jec tives .........................1-2
Ba sic Com mand Syn tax .........................1-7
Com mand Ed i tor.............................1-8
Im age Mem ory Ar range ments ......................1-8
Bit-Map Com pres sion Al go rithm .....................1-9
Data-to-Card Map ping .........................1-13
Con trol Com mands ...........................1-19
Card Han dling Pro cess .........................1-20
Com mand Link ing ...........................1-20
Sam ple Card ..............................1-21
Par al lel Port Sig nals...........................1-22
Er ror Line Cod ing............................1-22
COM MAND REF ER ENCE .....................2-1
A - Print Test Card............................2-6
!AO - Check Patch Sen sors .......................2-7
!AT - Check Heat Off set .........................2-8
ATM - Set Card Feed ing Mode .....................2-9
&B - Load Mag netic En coder Track Write Buffer ............2-10
+B - Se rial In ter face Rate .......................2-12
+BS - Set Black Syn chro........................2-13
B/vB - Write Bar Code .........................2-14
&C - Set Coercivity ..........................2-16
+C - Ad justs Mono chrome In ten sity ..................2-17
+$C - Ad just Color Con trast ......................2-18
!CC - Get Num ber of Cards Printed ..................2-19
!CCLN - Check Clean ing Pa ram e ters .................2-20
+CCLN - Set Clean ing Pa ram e ters ..................2-21
%CDER - Get Mag netic En coder Read Set tings ............2-22
&CDER - Set Mag netic En coder Track Read En code Pa ram e ters ...2-23 &CDEW - Set Mag netic En coder Track Write En code Pa ram e ters ...2-25
+CDOTS - Im age Print Qual ity Com pen sa tion Fac tor .........2-27
+CH - Ad just Ho lo gram In ten sity ...................2-28
CHECK - Re turn Checksum ......................2-29
CLEAN - Set Clean ing Card Se quence.................2-30
!CLEAN - Clean the Laminator ....................C-31
%CLN - Check Due-for-Clean ing Pa ram e ters .............2-32
CLNCARD - Set Clean ing Pa ram e ters .................2-33
CRB - Set Re ject Box Card Count Warn ing Thresh old .........2-34
!CT - Check Cool ing Time .......................2-35
+CT - Set Cool ing Time ........................2-36
+CV - Ad just Clear Var nish In ten sity..................2-37
C/vC - Write Box (Mono chrome)....................2-38
!D - Move Print Head Down ......................2-39
&D - Change Track Den sity ......................2-40
+DLAMI - Set Lam i na tion Con fig u ra tion ...............2-41
+DLAMI - Set Lam i na tion Con fig u ra tion (Con tin ued) ........2-42
+DLAMI - Set Lam i na tion Con fig u ra tion (Con tin ued) ........2-43
+DLAMI - Set Lam i na tion Con fig u ra tion (Con tin ued) ........2-44
D/vD - Draw Di ag o nal Line (Mono chrome/Over lay)..........2-45
E - Re trans mit Last Re sponse .....................2-46
&E - Write Sin gle Track .......................2-47
&E* - Write Track Buff ers ......................2-48
+EC - End of Print ..........................2-49
$F - Clear Color Im age Buff ers ....................2-50
!FF - Set Rib bon Color Se quence ..................2-51
$FP - Clear Spec i fied Bit-Maps ....................2-52
FS - Con trol Use of Card Feed Sen sor ................2-53
F/vF - Clear Mono chrome Im age Buff ers ...............2-54
GS - Down load Color Graphic ....................2-55
G/vG - Ini tial ize Mono chrome Graphic (B/W).............2-56
%HEAD - Get Print Head Se rial Num ber ...............2-57
I - Print Mono chrome Panel .....................2-58
IH - Print Ho lo gram Over lay .....................2-59
IM - Print Color Test Card ......................2-60
IMB - Print Gray Test Card ......................2-61
IS - Print Card Panel .........................2-62
IV - Print Clear Var nish ........................2-63
+ISC - Set Smart Card Se rial Port Data Rate.............2-64
+ISC2 - Set Smart Card Se rial Port Data Rate (Ad vanced)......2-65
ISERIES - i-Se ries Printer Test ....................2-66
J - Print Mul ti ple Mono chrome Cards .................2-67
!L - Check Sta tus: P720 Laminator Sen sor Lev els ..........2-68
!L - Check Sta tus of Printer Sen sors .................2-69
$L - Draw a Hor i zon tal Line/Rect an gle in a Color Buffer .......2-71
&L - Read Sin gle Track .......................2-72
+$L - Ad just Spec i fied Color In ten sity ................2-74
!LC - Check Lam i na tion Coun ter ..................2-75
$LD - Ini tial ize a Color Buffer to a Spec i fied In ten sity Level .....2-76
!LT - Check Lam i na tion Tem per a ture ................2-77
+LT - Set Lam i na tion Tem per a ture .................2-78
!LTI - Check Lam i na tion Time ....................2-79
+LTI - Set Lam i na tion Time .....................2-80
L/vL - Draw Hor i zon tal Line (Mono chrome/Over lay) .........2-81
!M - Move Print Head Up .......................2-82
MB - Re turn Card To Card Feeder ..................2-83
MC - Clear Me dia Path ........................2-84
MCL - Move Contactless .......................2-85
ME - Exit Card To Out put Hop per ..................2-86
MF - Flip Card ............................2-87
MI - Move Card Into Print Ready Po si tion ..............2-88
MIB - Move Card Back To Print Ready Po si tion ...........2-89
MM - Move Card Through Printer ..................2-90
M/m - Mul ti ple Com mand .......................2-91
MO - Move Card To Out put Hop per .................2-92
MR - Check for Card Pres ence ....................2-93
MRB - Move Card to Re ject Box ....................2-94
MS - Move Card To Smart Card Pro gram mer .............2-95
MS - Move Card To Smart Card Pro gram mer .............2-96
&– Se lect Mag netic En cod ing Stan dard ................2-97
!NL - Get Printer Im pres sion and Er ror Coun ters ............2-98
!O - Check Card Off set .........................2-99
+O - Print Off set X-Axis .......................2-100
+OCL - Off set Contactless ......................2-101
!OFP - Check X-Axis Patch Off set ..................2-102
+OFP - Ad just X-Axis Laminator Patch Off set ............2-103
+OLP - Off set Overlaminate Patch ..................2-104
!OP - Check Patch Off sets ......................2-105
+OP - Ad just Laminator Patch X and Y Off set ............2-106
+OS - Smart Card X-axis Off set ...................2-107
O/vO - Load Sin gle Line Bit-map (Mono chrome) ...........2-108
+OY - Print Off set Y-axis .......................2-110
!P - Move Card For ward 8 cm ....................2-111
&P - Check Card Pres ent - En coder .................2-112
+PRF - Pre-Feed a Card Close to the Print Area ...........2-113
PS - Down load Color Im age Buffer ..................2-114
P/vP - Draw Sin gle Dot (Mono chrome/Over lay) ............2-115
R - Re set ...............................2-116
!R - Print Head Re sis tance ......................2-117
&R - Re set Mag netic En coder ....................2-118
>R - Read Data From Smart Card Se rial In ter face ..........2-119
+RB - Set Re ject Box Us age .....................2-120
>RB - Read Data From Smart Card Se rial In ter face in ASCII hex Form
RCBC - Re set Re jected Card Box Coun ter ..............2-122
>RG - Con tact In ter nal Gemplus Smart Card Read Com mand....2-123
+RIB - Set Rib bon Type .......................2-124
!RIB BON - Check Rib bon Type ...................2-125
!RIB BON - Get rib bon type in stalled..................2-126
+RIB BON - Set Rib bon Type ....................2-127
!RIBPN- Get rib bon part num ber ...................2-128
!RIBLEN- Get num ber of re main ing pan els on rib bon . 2-129
+RO - X-Axis Off set, Rel a tive.....................2-130
+ROY - Y-Axis Offet, Rel a tive ....................2-131
!SA - Self Ad just ...........................2-132
!SAN - Per form pre-cal i bra tion base line test ing ............2-134
!SB - Check Stand-By Mode Set tings .................2-135
+SB - Con fig ure Laminator Stand-By Mode .............2-136
SDATA - Force im me di ate save of pa ram e ters ............2-137
!SERIE - Get Laminator Se rial Num ber ................2-138
%SERIE - Get Printer Se rial Num ber .................2-139
SF - Syn chro nize Film (Overlaminate) ................2-140
!SIDE - Check Lam i na tion Mode ...................2-141
+SIDE - Set Lam i na tion Mode ....................2-142
&SVM - Dis able/En able Mag netic En cod ing Ver i fi ca tions .......2-143
&T - Mag netic En coder Card Eject ..................2-144
+TC - Set Laminator Head Tem per a ture ...............2-145
TF - Film Type ...........................2-146
T/vT - Draw Text (Mono chrome/Over lay) ..............2-147
T/vT - ASCII Text (Con tin ued) ....................2-148
V - Check Printer Type/Ver sion ...................2-149
!V - Re turn Op er a tional Pa ram e ter .................2-150
+V - Black Print Speed .......................2-151
+VL - Set Lam i na tion Speed ....................2-152
!W - Move Card Back ward 8 cm ..................2-153
&W - Change En cod ing Di rec tion .................2-154
>W - Write Data To Smart Card Se rial Port.............2-155
>WB - Write Data For mat ted in ASCII HEX To Smart Card Se rial Port
>WG - Con tact In ter nal Gemplus Smart Card Write Com mand ..2-157
!X - Check Com mand Ini ti a tor....................2-158
+X - Change Com mand Ini ti a tion Char ac ter ............2-159
!Z - Re-Syn chro nize Card ......................2-160
Z/vZ - Load Bit-map (Mono chrome) .................2-161
. - Clear Er ror Sta tus Lines .....................2-163
Ap pen dix A ............................A-1
Res i dent Fonts ..............................A-2
Code 39
(Code 3 of 9) ..............................A-2
Stan dard 2 of 5
(Code 2/5) ................................A-4
In ter leaved 2 of 5
(Code I 2/5) ...............................A-5
UPC-A ..................................A-6
EAN-8 ..................................A-7
EAN-13 .................................A-8
Code 128
Sub sets B & C ..............................A-9
EAN In ter na tional Reg u la tion Agen cies .................A-11
Ap pen dix B ............................B-1
Par al lel Port Printer Data Hand shake Sig nal Lines.............B-1
Par al lel Port Printer Er ror Re sponse ....................B-1
Se rial Port Printer Data Hand shake ....................B-1
Se rial Port Printer
Er ror Re sponse .............................B-2
Ap pen dix C ............................C-1
Mag netic Encoders............................C-1
En coder Op er a tion ...........................C-1
Data Er rors ...............................C-3
En coder De fault Con fig u ra tion......................C-3
Ba sic Com mands ............................C-4
Ad vanced En coder Com mands .....................C-4
Re set ting The En coder To ANSI/ISO Track De faults ............C-5
Change Track Den sity ..........................C-5
Chang ing Read Con fig u ra tion ......................C-5
Chang ing Write Con fig u ra tions .....................C-5
Cus tom ISO Data ............................C-6
Unique Cus tom Data For mats ......................C-7
This man ual de scribes pro gram ming com mands that con trol op er a tions and de liver data for the fol low ing card printer mod els:
Mod els
P110i • P120i • P205 P210 • P310F P310C • P310i
P330i • P420 • P420i • P430i • P520 •* P520i •* • P720 •†
* Model that laminates duplex using same lamination patch type for both card sides † Model ca pa ble of ap ply ing different upper and lower lamination patch types onto cards
Print ing
Fea tures
Du plex
Print ing
Du plex
Lam i na tion
Se cu rity
All mod els em ploy a Com mon Com mand Set plus ad di tional Com mand Sets for any model-specific fea tures. All mod els ship with Win dows driv ers. As so ci ated pro gram ming for use in the Win dows en vi ron ment is not nec es sary.
Common Features All cov ered mod els can print bar-codes in sev eral for mats
and have res i dent scal able font de scrip tions. Also, all mod els can in clude a Smart-Card Docking Sta tion. P310 and P420 vari ants can have a Prox im ity Card dock ing Sta tion. All mod els are of fered with or with out a Mag netic Stripe En coder. A Se rial Host In ter face is op tional on the P205, P210, P310, and P420 vari ants, where an as so ci ated RS-232C Setup Com mand ex ists. All mod els can have USB Ports, ei ther stan dard or as an option.
The pro gram ming com mands con trol the print ing pro cess by color and by rib bon ma te rial, al low ing over print ing and sep a rate con trol of var i ous pro tec tive cov er ings.
Pro gramming
The Es cape Com mands al low printer set ups, many of which de ter mine how a Printer Mod ule El e ment re acts upon re ceiv ing an in com ing card. For ex am ple, a data down load must oc cur be fore the Printer Mod ule can print a card or en code a mag netic stripe.
Ex cept for the Card Feeder, each mod ule has an In put Sen sor that trig gers the re sponses de ter mined pre vi ously by setup com mands.
Card Sen sors also al low the Firm ware to keep track of the po si tion of the card in the Card Path. There fore, the need for card po si tion ing oc curs as an au to matic re sponse to re lated com mands. For ex am ple, with no card in the Card Path, a Print Com mand pro duces a Card Feed. Sim i larly, if a Print Com mand oc curs af ter a card has passed be yond the Print Head, the card first re turns to the Print Head.
Rib bons come in dif fer ent panel con fig u ra tions, and how the printer re sponds to a Print Com mand var ies ac cord ing to the Rib bon Type Com mand Pa ram e ters spec i fied. For each rib bon type, a re lated print se quence ex ists. How ever, all mod els equipped with the RFID fea ture sense the rib bon type, and firm ware takes care of this pa ram e ter.
While some com mands af fect just one printer mod ule, oth ers can pro duce re sponses from more than one. Also, some com mands serve as set ups for a par tic u lar printer and, there fore, need not be re es tab lished for each print job. No ta bly, all com mand pa ram e ters end up in Flash mem ory.
Rib bons Rib bon types ex ist in the fol low ing con fig u ra tions:
Con tin u ously Coated Mono chrome Rib bons are
Ther mal Trans fer Rib bons hav ing a resin coat ing and no panel sep a ra tions. Ze bra of fers these in sev eral rib bon col ors along with a Scratch-Off Gray, us able in all mod ­els but an ob vi ous choice for use in Mono chrome Printers.
Black Sublimination Dye al ter nated with Var - nish Panels that im age black and white gray-scale el e ­ments. An ex cel lent choice for im ag ing black-and-white photo im ages, fol lowed by an ap pli ca tion of a UV pro ­tec tive coat ing.
Black Resin al ter nated with Var nish Panels that im age fully sat u rated black and ap ply a pro tec tive coat ­ing. Ideal for im ag ing solid graphic el e ments such as Text and Bar Codes.
Yel low, Ma genta, and Cyan Panels for im ag ing only Dye Sublimination Color. Typically used in print ers with no re quire ment for Resin or Var nish. No ta bly, Yel ­low, Ma genta, and Cyan Panels can com bine to pro ­duce Black, and a Laminator re moves a need for Var nish.
Yel low, Ma genta, and Cyan Panels for im ag ing
Dye Sublimination Color fol lowed by Black Resin and Var nish Panels. Dye Sublimination Im -
ages should have a pro tec tive coat ing, and Black Resin serves as an ex cel lent choice for Text and Bar Codes. Thus, Color Printers with out Laminators typ i cally use these rib bons.
Yel low, Ma genta, and Cyan Panels for im ag ing
Dye Sublimination Color fol lowed by a sin gle Black Resin Panel. While a Laminator pre cludes the
need for var nish, a solid resin black pro duces the best Bar Codes and of fers an other, some times better, way to im age Black Text and other black graphic el e ments.
Yel low, Ma genta, and Cyan Panels for im ag ing
Dye Sublimination Color fol lowed by a two Black Resin Panels. This rib bon of fers im ag ing for
color plus resin on one card side and only resin on the other side while us ing sin gle set of rib bon pan els.
Printer Rib bons
(all monochrome colors) 1
Scratch-off Gray 1 • K
O 2
O 2
YMC 3 • YMCK 4 • YMCK YMCK YMCK * P310 monochrome and P205 printers only use 1-panel ribbons.
O 5
P205 P210
5 • 6
Mod els
P420 P520 P720
Mod u lar El e ments:
Print En gine—Be ing the pri mary con trol ling el e ment in
all printer mod els, the Print En gine CPU re ceives Host Com mands. Re ceived com mands can en com pass op er ­a tions that di rectly con trol the Print En gine and op er a ­tions that draw on other Printer El e ments for ex e cu tion. Whereas some el e ments have their own CPUs, the Print En gine CPU ex er cises com plete con trol over other el e ­ments. Only in P520s and P720s can a com mand be di ­rected to an other el e ment (the Laminator CPU). An as so ci ated El e ment-Spe cific Com mand Pre fix ex ists for this pur pose. Be sides its print func tion, Print Engines have Op tions that in clude a Mag netic Stripe En coder and/or a Smart Card Docking Sta tion. Some Models also of fer Prox im ity (Contactless) Card Docking as an al ter na ­tive to Smart Card Docking.
Card Feeder—This el e ment de livers cards placed in the
Card In put Hop per to the Card Path in side the Printer un ­der con trol of the Print En gine CPU.
Card Flip—Printers with this el e ment can flip cards in
prep a ra tion for du plex print ing or, in the case of a P520, Sec ond Side Lam i na tion. Card Flip Sta tions can also de ­liver cards with sensed flaws to the Re jected Card Box. This el e ment has its own CPU that car ries out the de tails of in struc tions re ceived.
Sin gle Side Laminator—P520 Printers can place a
pro tec tive trans par ent patch on one card sur face at a time. This el e ment also has its own CPU that car ries out the de tails of in struc tions re ceived.
Du plex Laminator—Printers with this el e ment lam i -
nate both card sur faces in a sin gle lam i na tion pass. This el e ment also has its own CPU that car ries out the de tails of in struc tions re ceived.
Op er a tor LCD Con trol Panel—Printers with this el e -
ment con vey mes sages to op er a tors via a 1- or 2-line by
16- char ac ter LCD screen and al low op er a tor re sponses and Printer Con trol. Power and Alert LEDs also ap pear. This el e ment also has its own CPU that car ries out the de tails of in struc tions re ceived.
Sig nif i cant model/con fig u ra tion dif fer ences re lated to pro gram ming in clude the fol low ing:
P310 Mono chrome card print ers have a smaller com - mand set along with an im age buffer suf fi cient for a one-bit im age map ping depth. Im aging us ing Ther mal Trans fer Meth od ol ogy oc curs, sup ported by Ther mal Trans fer Printer Rib bons. (Only fully-saturated dots im ­age in a sin gle print pass.) Any gray-scale im ag ing re ­quires host data mapped into mul ti ple-dot ma trixes, sized for the de sired gray-scale range (e.g., a four-by-four dot pixel ma trix can pro duce 16 lev els of gray plus white, [(4 x 4)2/16 + white]). Gray Levels de ­rive from the num ber of dots im aged in side the ma trix.
P310 Color card print ers em ploy dye sub li ma tion meth od ol ogy for color im ag ing and ther mal trans fer meth od ol ogy for im ag ing from Resin Mono chrome Rib ­bons or Rib bon Panels. A yel low, ma genta, and cyan im ag ing se quence oc curs. Each rib bon panel pro duces im ages from five-bit-per-dot data.
The black pan els on Ze bra-sup plied rib bons with color pan els have a resin coat ing that par tic u larly suits bar-code and other solid im age print ing (i.e., no gray scale). How ever, resin re sponds poorly as a dye sub li ­ma tion print me dium. There fore, the black used for gray-scale im ag ing co mes from for mu la tions of yel low, ma genta, and cyan (YMC), which means dye-sublimation black also has a five-bit-per-dot range (32 lev els of gray). If the need for a resin-panel-generated gray scale should ever be come nec es sary, as so ci ated host data must be mapped into mul ti ple-dot pixel ma trixes as noted in the P310 Mono ­chrome de scrip tion.
P310 Color Card Print ers have five im age buff -
ers—three for color and an other for two for mono ­chrome. The color buffer re ceives down loads of Cyan, Ma genta, and Yel low im age data, each five bits deep. The Mono chrome Buffer re ceives black and/or var nish data one bit deep. Sep a rate data for Resin Black and Over lay Var nish can of ten be avoided. Be cause of its du ­ra bil ity, card ar eas with resin im ages may not re quire var ­nish for the as so ci ated ul tra vi o let pro tec tion. There fore, by us ing a re verse im ag ing for var nish, the same bit-map used for resin pro duces a var nish over lay that omits the ar eas with resin. Also, through re verse im ag ing, a Clear Com mand can pre pare Mono chrome Mem ory for a full-cov er age var nish.
P420s em ploy the same Print Engines as the P310 Color
de scribed above. Be cause P420s also have a Card-Flip as sem bly and a Re jected Card Box, these mod els have some ad di tional re lated com mands. P420s also have an in ter face that sup ports the pro gram ming of Prox im ity Cards (also called Contactless Cards). Mem ory size is dou bled to sup port two-sided print ing.
P520s have all the same im ple men ta tions as a P420, in -
clud ing Smart Card sta tions, and Mag netic Encoders as op tions. How ever, P520s also have a Card Laminator Sta tion. Laminators serve as heat-transfer de vices for ma te rial or pan els con tained on Lam i na tion Rib bons. A va ri ety of these kinds of rib bons ex ist, as fol lows:
• Rib bons with trans par ent die-cut patches that of fer near edge-to-edge card cov er age
• Die cuts with cut outs for Smart Card Con tacts, and smaller die cuts that serve to avoid Mag netic Stripes
• Preprinted Patches that con tain se cu rity de vices such as graph ics, ho lo grams, or other op ti cally-encoded safe guards
P520 Laminators can also serve a heat-transfer func ­tion for rib bons con tain ing a coat ing in stead of die-cut pan els. How ever, only a to tal card ap pli ca tion can oc cur. Be cause the Print Sta tion can have a Dye Sub li ma tion Rib bon with Var nish Panels, many choices ex ist for se lec tion of pro tec tive coat ings. Ad ­di tional com mands ex ist to im ple ment Laminator use.
• In stead of just an <Esc>, a P520 Com mand meant for the Laminator needs a pre ced ing:
P720s have P420 el e ments plus a Laminator mod ule
<Esc>T p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 data<Rtn>
Command Name
ASCII Programming Code
Hexadecimal Programming Code
Escape (Command Initiator)
Carriage Return (Command Terminator)
<Esc>T 100 100 0 1 20 30 1 Text<Rtn>
Space (Delimiters)
that fully im ple ments si mul ta neous near edge-to-edge patch ap pli ca tions from above and be low the Card Path. In te gral sen sors as sure ac cu rate patch place ments and sig nal the Rib bon Types in use and the amount re ­main ing on their cores.
Basic Command
Each com mand be gins with a Com mand Ini ti a tor (the Es cape Char ac ter). For P520s, di rect ing char ac ters can fol low the Es cape Char ac ter.
The Com mand Ini ti a tor serves to mark the char ac ter(s) im me di ately fol low ing as com mand char ac ters. Com mand char ac ters vary be tween one and seven char ac ters (or up to seven bytes of hex a dec i mal data).
Some Com mands then have one or more Pa ram e ters to sup ply the printer with in for ma tion nec es sary to com plete the com mand. A Space Char ac ter de lin eates in di vid ual Com mand Con trol Pa ram e ters. The fol low ing Text Com mand shows a typ i cal ex am ple.
Each Com mand Line re quires a Car riage Re turn Char ac ter (13 dec. or 0D hex.). The Printer ig nores a sin gle Line Feed (LF) char ac ter (Dec. 10 or 0A Hex.) when it im me di ately fol lows the com mand ter mi nat ing Car riage Re turn. Most PC Based Sys tems send a CR/LF when the En ter Key is pressed.
Command Editor Any ASCII based Text Ed i tor can serve to cre ate sim ple
com mand files. In the DOS en vi ron ment, MS-DOS EDIT of fers a good choice. To ex e cute the file, use the Print Com mand from the ed i tor, or from DOS, the COPY Com mand, to send the file to the printer. Ex am ples us ing the COPY Com mand are:
COPY file name.ext LPT1
For more in for ma tion on the use of the COPY com mand, re fer to a DOS Soft ware Man ual.
Some text ed it ing pro grams can cause printer er rors by add ­ing ex tra char ac ters or by chang ing ex ist ing char ac ters when gen er at ing a near ASCII for mat ted file.
Ex am ple: A com mon ASCII ed i tor, BRIEF, changes all NUL char ac ters to the SPACE or TAB char ac ters with a File Save. The graphic data for print in ten sity level “0" is the NUL char ac ter. This causes the re sult ing file to print with hor i zon tal lines in all graph ics with solid white (i.e., no-print) ar eas. Other ed i tors may add a SUB char ac ter (Dec. 26 or 1A Hex.), which causes the printer to er ror.
Image Mem ory
Ar range ments
Fig ure 1-1 shows el e ments in volved in im age data flow. Note that two Im age Mem ory Con fig u ra tions ex ist and that Im age Mem ory al ways con tains com pressed data. Ideally, hosts should send com pressed data, which re quires a com pat i ble com pres sion al go rithm. This can sub stan tially re duce the data trans fer times of most im age files.
Mono chrome Print ers need no Color Buff ers and of fer less mem ory ca pac ity. Color Print ers may need as many as five buff ers and, there fore, have a greater mem ory ca pac ity. In most cases, com pressed data for an en tire card im age fits into avail able mem ory in a sin gle down load se quence.
Color-sep a rated data en ters re lated buff ers due to a buffer-spec i fy ing pa ram e ter in the Color Data Com mand.
Host Computer
Image Data
Image Data
Print Head
when Host
Color Printer
Printer Memory
Figure 1-1
Image Memory
Bit- Map
Com pres sion
Al go rithm
Char ac ter is tically, a Bit-Map Com pres sion Al go rithm flags data seg ments as ei ther re peat ing or non-repeating, spec i fies the bytes re peated, and the num ber of re peats. For these card print ers, com pres sion ap plies to byte-wide bit-map seg ments, which the host sends with the PS, GS, Z, and vZ com mands. The PS and GS com mands in clude pa ram e ters spec i fy ing a buffer (YMCK). Mono chrome com mands Z and vZ send as so ci ated bit-map data to the Black (K) and Var nish Buffers, re spec tively. All of these com mands in clude pa ram e ters that spec ify whether or not the com mand ap plies to com pressed data. For rec og ni tion by the card printer, com pressed data must con form to the fol low ing rules:
Rule 1. When high, the most sig nif i cant bit (the Flag Bit) of a two-byte se quence in di cates that the sec ond byte re peats. The re main ing seven bits of the first byte spec ify the num ber of re peats, al low ing a field-specification range of from zero to 127 re peats.
Rule 2. When low, the Flag Bit of a data se quence in di cates that the re main ing seven bits of the byte spec ify the num ber of fol low ing bytes that rep re sent non-re peat ing im age data. Here, how ever, the range al lows a spec i fi ca tion of from zero to 31 bytes of data.
Rule 3. The first byte in the Data Field of any com mand spec i fy ing a Com pressed Bit-Map must have the Com pres sion Flag high, even if a one must be en tered as the num ber of bytes re peated.
Rule 4. No other al go rithm can be used to com press im age data for this card printer.
Fig ure 1-2 in cludes ex am ples of data strings em ploy ing com pres sion.
Data Compression Flag Set
No. of Repeats (1~127)
Data Byte Repeated
Dye Sub. Panel 1-Dot Data Field
Data Compression Flag Set
No. of Repeats (1~127)
Data Byte Repeated
Mono. Panel 8-Dot Data Field
Data Compression Flag Off
No. of Non-Compressed Bytes
Non-Compressed Data
---Bytes (0~31)---
0001 1111 0001 1111 0001 1111 0001 1111 0001 1111 0000 0011 0000 0011 0000 0011
1F Hex (5 repeats) 03 Hex (3 repeats)
85 1F 83 03
Compressed Data
1000 0101 0001 1111 1000 0011 0000 0011
Compression Example 1
0001 1111 0001 1111 0001 1111 0001 1111 0001 1111 0000 0100 0000 1011 0000 0011
1F Hex (5 repeats) 04 0B 03 Hex (0 repeats)
85 1F 03 04 0B 03
Compressed Data
1000 0101 0001 1111 0000 0011 0000 0100 0000 1011 0000 0011
Compression Example 2
Figure 1-2
Fig ure 1-3 shows how a bit-map re lates to as so ci ated
1B 5A
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 03 F0 00 00 00
00 0F FC 00 00 00
00 1F FE 00 00 00
00 3F FF 00 00 00
00 3F FF 00 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 FC 0F C0 00 00
00 F0 03 C0 00 00
00 E0 01 C0 00 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 03 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 C0 00 00 03 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
1 Byte
x axis
non-compressed data. Fig ure 1-4 shows the same bit-map in as so ci a tion with com pressed data.
Figure 1-3
1B 5A
99 00 02
03 F0 84 00 02
0F FC 84 00 02
1F FE 84 00 02
3F FF 84 00 02
3F FF 84 00 3C
7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 FC 0F C0 00 00
00 F0 03 C0 00 00
00 E0 01 C0 00 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 03 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 18 00
00 C0 00 00 03 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 87
1 Byte
Figure 1-4
Data- to-Card
Map ping
Fig ure 1-5 shows a card con sis tent with the ori en ta tion of a card trav el ing right to left in the Card Path of a printer. From this per spec tive, the data field of the PS, GS, Z, and vZ com mands first be comes a mem ory-res i dent im age in a des ig nated im age buffer. The Im age Buffer, as shown, fills from top to bot tom and from right to left. Be cause the Im age Buffer has a last-in-first-out (LIFO) ar range ment, card im ages build from bot tom to top and from left to right. This suits the front-to-back load ing of Print Head Reg is ters and the right-to-left card move ment dur ing print cy cles. As noted in the fig ure, an ob ject mir rored in both axis in the data sent to the buffer would print nor mally on the card.
PS p1 p2 data.............................data
Download Buffer Data Command Buffer Select (YMCK) Parameter Compressed vs. Uncompressed Parameter Data Downloaded (300dpi/11,8dpmm)
Last In
First Out
646 Line Bytes by 1030 Lines
Image Buffer
IS p1
Print Buffer Command Buffer Select (CMYK) Parameter
Print Direction
Card Size
3.375 x 2.125 in
85,7 x 53,9 mm
Partial­Image Origin
L* C* D*
IV vZ vP
vL* vC* vD*
vT vB
* Objects drawn with these commands have an upper-left origin.
Figure 1-5
Data Sent verses
Card Mapping
Laminator Data Considerations
As so ci ated print ers have no need to print var nish. How ever, the Var nish Buffer stores mono chrome data. There fore, all data com mands for mono chrome data re quire the “v” pref ace. A sub se quent “I” com mand prints data stored in the Var nish Buffer. Note that the IV Com mand serves to in di cate the pres ence of a rib bon with var nish pan els that then get by passed.
Color Printer Data Con sid era tions
When con vert ing from another color sys tem to CMY, the best pos si ble re sults oc cur when a ta ble maps each source color to a vi su ally equiv a lent CMY printer color. Such a ta ble must convert all pos si ble printer col ors. Also, the con ver sions must be fine-tuned to produce optimum re sults. How ever, for RGB data, a sim ple con ver sion can oc cur via the fol low ing:
Y = 255 - B
M = 255 - G
C = 255 - R.
Color data al ways en ters a color im age buffer, ei ther as Yel low, Ma genta, or Cyan. This is also true for K rib bon, which im ages with black dye. The com mand des ig nates the buffer dif fer ently ac cord ing to the Buffer Spec i fi ca tion Pa ram e ter in the com mand. Note that the spec i fi ca tion for Dye Sub li ma tion only ap plies to im ages pro duced us ing a Dye Sub li ma tion Black Rib bon. All data as so ci ated with these com mands rep re sent im ag ing con sist ing of five-bits-per-dot.
Whether down loading data for a par tial im age (GS com mand) or for a com plete card im age (PS com mand) the data must match the as so ci ated card area. For par tial im ages (some times called lo gos be cause of a typ i cal ap pli ca tion) the GS Com mand Pa ram e ters spec ify the area im aged. This as sures proper line breaks. Any ei ther over- or un der-flow pro duces an er ror. For proper ap pear ance, color im ages should not over print other card print ing.
Mono chrome Data Considerations
P-Series Printers al ways down load mono chrome data into a Mono chrome Im age Buffer. In print ers with out Laminators, mono chrome data com mands pref aced with a “v” des ig nate the Var nish Buffer. Com mands with out the “v” pref ace des ig nate the buffer used for resin print ing. If only one Mono chrome Im age Buffer ex ists, the com mand des ig nates the buffer dif fer ently de pend ing on the as so ci ated data.
How ever, most color im ag ing does not need a pre-established Var nish Buffer to ap ply the var nish coat ing. If no Var nish Buffer is down loaded, the printer de faults to the Resin Buffer for the ap pli ca tion of var nish. This works for three rea sons. First, color rib bons have resin black fol lowed by var nish pan els, both lim ited to mono chrome data. Sec ond, the pri mary use of var nish is to pro tect the dye sub li ma tion im ag ing from ul tra vi o let ra di a tion. Third, be cause resin may need no var nish pro tec tion, an in verted-resin bit-map can ap ply var nish. The IV com mand has a pa ram e ter set ting to pro duce an in verted data print. There fore, when suit able, leave the Resin Buffer un changed af ter print ing resin. Then, is sue an IV com mand to print the var nish.
Note that full-coverage var nish, as re quired for ul tra vi o let pro tec tion us ing dye-sublimation black rib bons, re quires only a buffer clear com mand (F) fol lowed by the in verted print com mand (IV).
A wa ter mark sim u la tion can re sult by, in ef fect, punch ing holes in the var nish im age. Sim i larly, suit able holes in the var nish ap pli ca tion are nec es sary to pre vent cov er age over Mag netic Stripes or Smart Card Con tacts. How ever, this con cern can be avoided by lim it ing im ages re quir ing var nish to the card sides with out con tacts or stripes.
A ho lo gram trans fer from an as so ci ated rib bon oc curs by print ing a Var nish Buffer that im ages the area of the rib bon con tain ing the ho lo gram. Both of these im ages re quire data pre vi ously down loaded into the Var nish Buffer.
Mono chrome graphic ob jects can down load into ei ther a Resin or Var nish Buffer. As with the pre ced ing, a “v” pref ace des ig nates a buffer that prints with the “IV” Com mand, and com mands with out the “v” pref ace des ig nate a buffer that prints with the “I” Com mand. Com mands ex ist for down loads of the fol low ing graphic ob jects:
P/vP Write Dot
L/vL Write Line
C/vC Write Box
D/vD Write Di ag o nal Line
T/vT Write Text
B/vB Write Bar-Code
The fol low ing Graphic Com mands have Ro ta tional Pa ram e ters (clock wise):
D/vD (Di ag o nal Line) 0, 90, or 180° Cen ter of Ro ta tion lower-left
T/vT (Text) 90° In cre ments (0~270) Cen ter of Ro ta tion lower-left or ob ject cen ter
B/vB (Bar Code) 90° In cre ments (0~270) Cen ter of Ro ta tion lower-left or ob ject cen ter
Mono chrome bit-maps re quire en try of two com mands—first an initializing com mand (G) and then an as so ci ated data com mand. The “G” Com mand spec i fies im age place ments as so ci ated with the fol low ing com mands:
O/vO Down load Sin gle Line
Z/vZ Down load Mul ti ple Lines
Fig ure 1-5 shows the re la tion ship be tween data sent by “O” or “Z” com mands and an area pre vi ously es tab lished by a “G” com mand. The “G” com mand can also de fine data as sin gle bits (i.e., im age dots).
With dots se lected as the Data Mode in the G Com mand, data sent to the printer must, nev er the less, fin ish on an even byte bound ary. When nec es sary, fill in zero bits to bytes that do not reach the bound ary spec i fied in the G Com mand.
Data is han dled in bytes dec i mal (0~255) or hex a dec i mal (00~FF) by the printer.
Bar Codes Bar Codes vary in ca pac ity, size, char ac ter sets, and
den sity. Sev eral in dus tries have adopted spe cific cod ing and bar code for mats. A se lected Bar Code must match a code sup ported by the scan ning equip ment.
All the Bar Codes of fered by the card print ers have the data char ac ters, 2 quiet zones, and Start and Stop Char ac ters. The Bar Codes can in clude Text as part of the Printed Bar Code. Some of the Bar Codes in clude a printer-generated Check Digit (or Data Check Sum) Char ac ter au to mat i cally or as an op tion.
A com mand er ror con di tion oc curs when Im age Data ex tends be yond the ad dress able range of the Im age Buffer. The Bar Code and Text Fields must re main within the ad ­dress able area of the Im age Buffer. Each of the Bar Codes, in the Com mand B and Ap pen dix-A De scrip tions have a for mula to de ter mine a Bar Code Length.
Se lecting a larger Bar Code Width Mul ti plier and a higher ra tio of the nar row to wide bars (and spaces, where ap pli ca ­ble) im proves the gen eral read abil ity of a Bar Code. Also, wider bars and spaces in crease the depth of field for im ­proved per for mance with Moving-Beam La sers and other non-contact scan ning de vices.
The card print ers can per form a va ri ety of print, card, rib bon, head move ment, and other con trol com mand op er a tions.
Print Controls
Card Movement
In ten sity—Ad justs the amount of heat used to trans fer Max i mum In ten sity Color or Mono chrome Dots.
Con trast (Color Only)—Ad justs the min i mum amount of heat used to print dots at the low est color set ting.
Im age Po si tioning—Lo cates the print able im age on the card.
Head—Raises the Print Head for card moves and low ers the head to print. These com mands are nested within Print Com mands and typ i cally only sup port test ing.
Print Test Cards—Ini ti ates a print se quence us ing printer-resident data.
Print Ready Po si tion—The card moves to a po si tion just prior to the Card Edge Sen sor.
Exit Card—The printer sends the card to the Out put Hop per. For print ers with mul ti ple sta tions, cards exit to the next sta tion.
Du plex—Flips cards us ing the Card-Flip Sta tion, ini ti ated by the MF com mand.
Ready Smart Card—Po si tions a Smart Card un der the Smart Card Docking Sta tion, where Smart Card Chip Con tacts make con tact and be come avail able at a rear-mounted printer con nec tor.
En code Ready po si tion—The card moves to a po si tion just prior to the Read Write Head of the Mag netic En coding Sta tion.
Re ject Card—Sends a card to the Re jected Card Box
Re set Rib bon—Ad vances rib bon to pre pare for the first im ag ing pass (for color, Yel low) or cy cles a con tin u ous color Mono chrome Rib bon.
Se lect Panel—Re sets, then ad vances rib bon to a com mand-specified panel.
Card Handling
The fol low ing out lines a rec om mended card han dling se quence:
1. Smart Card Pro gram ming - Op tion
2. Mag net i cally En code Card - Op tion
3. Print Card For color, print:
Yel low
Ma genta
Clear Var nish
4. Du plex - Flip Card - Op tion
5. Print Card Back side - Op tion For color, print:
Yel low
Ma genta
Clear Var nish
Ho lo gram Lam i na tion
6. Eject Card
Never im age or lam i nate over mag netic stripes or Smart Card Con tacts. En coding and/or Smart Card Pro gramming Er rors can result. Those with lamination capabilities can order patches that leave these ar eas un cov ered.
Command Linking The “M” and “m” Com mands serve as Com mand
Linking Op er a tors. A string of linked com mands may ex e cute one or mul ti ple times. The “[” char ac ter serves as the de lim iter for Linked Com mands in the as so ci ated syn tax.
For the com plete “M” Com mand Syn tax, and an ex am ple, see M/m in the Com mand Ref er ence.
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