YSI pH100 Data sheet

Y S I Environmental
pH100 pH or mV/Temp Instrument
Accurate, economical handheld measurement
YSI’s new line of compact, handheld instruments provides the most accurate data in the most affordable format. e instruments feature an easy-to-use interface, one-hand operation, water resistant case, and low cost of ownership over the life of the product. e pH100 measures pH or mV and temperature with the following features:
• Internal buffer recognition
• Auto/Manual temperature compensation
• Sensors are available as single parameter or combinations
for pH or mV and temperature
The pH100 with one of the possible configurations using a combination 2-in-1 pH sensor and temperature sen­sor. Another option allows for a mV or pH sensor with a separate temperature sensor or flat tipped and piercing tipped probes.
for a
• Low battery indicator
• Electrode offset recognition
• Autolock mode holds stable readings on display
• Displays electrode efficiency
e pH100 is designed for quick, accurate results in an economi cal platform. e ability to measure pH, mV, and temperature in a simple, compact instrument allows the instrument to be used in mul tiple applications. With a one-year instrument warranty, six-month electrode warranty, calibration backup, and a variety of cable/elec trode options, the pH100 will fit your needs.
Compact design and affordable price
Y S I Environmental
To order, or for more information, contact YSI Environmental.
+1 937 767 7241 800 897 4151 (US)
YSI Environmental +1 937 767 7241 Fax +1 937 767 9353 environmental@ysi.com
Endeco/YSI +1 508 748 0366 Fax +1 508 748 2543 systems@ysi.com
SonTek/YSI +1 858 546 8327 Fax +1 858 546 8150 inquiry@sontek.com
YSI Environmental Gulf Coast +1 225 753 2650 Fax +1 225 753 8669 environmental@ysi.com
YSI Hydrodata (UK) +44 1462 673 581 Fax +44 1462 673 582 europe@ysi.com
YSI Middle East (Bahrain) +973 1753 6222 Fax +973 1753 6333 halsalem@ysi.com
YSI (Hong Kong) Limited +852 2891 8154 Fax +852 2834 0034 hongkong@ysi.com
YSI (Qingdao) Limited +86 532 575 3636 Fax +86 532 571 0101 ysiqd@ysiqd.com.cn
YSI Nanotech (Japan) +81 44 222 0009 Fax +81 44 221 1102
ISO 9001 ISO 14001
Who’s Minding the Planet?, EcoSense, and Pure Data for a Healthy Planet are trademarks of YSI Incorporated.
©2007 YSI Incorporated Printed in USA 0107 W56-04
pH100 Instrument Specifications
Temperature Range -10 to +120°C
Resolution 0.1°C Accuracy ±0.3°C ±2 digit
pH Range -2 to 16 units
Resolution 0.01 unit Accuracy ±0.1% ±2 digit
mV Range -1999 to +1250 mV
Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ±0.1% ±1 digit
Additional Technical Specifications
Operating range:
Temperature: 0° to 50° C
Relative Humidity: up to 95%
Water resistance IP-65 water resistant, splash resistant
Size 70 mm width x 186 mm length (2.8 in. x 7.3 in.)
Weight with battery 430 grams (1 lb.)
ATC Probe ermistor, 10kΩ / 25° C
Battery One 9 volt included with purchase
pH temp compensation Auto/Manual -10.0° C to 120.0° C
pH buffer recognition (4.01, 7.00, & 10.01) or (4.00, 6.86, & 9.18)
pH calibration temp 0° C to 60° C
pH offset recognition +90 mV at pH 7.00 or 6.86
pH slope recognition +30% at pH 4.00, 4.01, 9.18, or 10.01
Calibration back-up Yes
Audio feedback Yes, all keys
Autolock feature Yes
pH100 Ordering Information
pH100 pH100 instrument
100-1 1-meter waterproof Y-cable with combo pH electrode and temperature
100-4 4-meter waterproof Y-cable with combo pH electrode and temperature
111-1 1-meter piercing tipped double-junction electrode
112-1 1-meter flat tipped double-junction electrode
110-1 1-meter cable with pH electrode
115-1 1-meter cable with mV electrode
130-1 1-meter cable with temperature (ATC) probe
pH100CC-01 Kit (pH100 instrument, 100-1 probe and cable, 180 hard-sided carrying case)
pH100CC-04 Kit (pH100 instrument, 100-4 probe and cable, 180 hard-sided carrying case)
160 pH 4, 7, 10 electrode simulator (ensures instrument performance)
180 pH100 carrying case, hard sided, form fitted foam insert
480 So, black carrying case with shoulder strap, vinyl
Y S I i n c o r p o r a t e d
Whoʼs Minding
the Planet?
For more information about this product, please call YSI at 800-897-4151. You may also send e-mail inquiries to ecosense@ysi.com or visit www.ysiecosense.com.