Y S I Environmental
pH100 pH or mV/Temp Instrument
Accurate, economical handheld measurement
YSI’s new line of compact, handheld instruments provides the most
accurate data in the most affordable format. e instruments feature
an easy-to-use interface, one-hand operation, water resistant case,
and low cost of ownership over the life of the product. e pH100
measures pH or mV and temperature with the following features:
• Watertight housing
• Internal buffer recognition
• Auto/Manual temperature compensation
• Sensors are available as single parameter or combinations
for pH or mV and temperature
The pH100 with one of the
possible configurations using
a combination 2-in-1 pH
sensor and temperature sensor. Another option allows
for a mV or pH sensor with a
separate temperature sensor
or flat tipped and piercing
tipped probes.
for a
• Low battery indicator
• Electrode offset recognition
• Autolock mode holds stable readings on display
• Displays electrode efficiency
e pH100 is designed for quick, accurate results in an economi
cal platform. e ability to measure pH, mV, and temperature in a
simple, compact instrument allows the instrument to be used in mul
tiple applications. With a one-year instrument warranty, six-month
electrode warranty, calibration backup, and a variety of cable/elec
trode options, the pH100 will fit your needs.
Compact design and
affordable price
Y S I Environmental
To order, or for more
information, contact
YSI Environmental.
+1 937 767 7241
800 897 4151 (US)
YSI Environmental
+1 937 767 7241
Fax +1 937 767 9353
+1 508 748 0366
Fax +1 508 748 2543
+1 858 546 8327
Fax +1 858 546 8150
YSI Environmental Gulf Coast
+1 225 753 2650
Fax +1 225 753 8669
YSI Hydrodata (UK)
+44 1462 673 581
Fax +44 1462 673 582
YSI Middle East (Bahrain)
+973 1753 6222
Fax +973 1753 6333
YSI (Hong Kong) Limited
+852 2891 8154
Fax +852 2834 0034
YSI (Qingdao) Limited
+86 532 575 3636
Fax +86 532 571 0101
YSI Nanotech (Japan)
+81 44 222 0009
Fax +81 44 221 1102
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
Who’s Minding the Planet?, EcoSense,
and Pure Data for a Healthy Planet are
trademarks of YSI Incorporated.
©2007 YSI Incorporated
Printed in USA 0107 W56-04
pH100 Instrument Specifications
Temperature Range -10 to +120°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.3°C ±2 digit
pH Range -2 to 16 units
Resolution 0.01 unit
Accuracy ±0.1% ±2 digit
mV Range -1999 to +1250 mV
Resolution 1 mV
Accuracy ±0.1% ±1 digit
Additional Technical Specifications
Operating range:
Temperature: 0° to 50° C
Relative Humidity: up to 95%
Water resistance IP-65 water resistant, splash resistant
Size 70 mm width x 186 mm length (2.8 in. x 7.3 in.)
Weight with battery 430 grams (1 lb.)
ATC Probe ermistor, 10kΩ / 25° C
Battery One 9 volt included with purchase
pH temp compensation Auto/Manual -10.0° C to 120.0° C
pH buffer recognition (4.01, 7.00, & 10.01) or (4.00, 6.86, & 9.18)
pH calibration temp 0° C to 60° C
pH offset recognition +90 mV at pH 7.00 or 6.86
pH slope recognition +30% at pH 4.00, 4.01, 9.18, or 10.01
Calibration back-up Yes
Audio feedback Yes, all keys
Autolock feature Yes
pH100 Ordering Information
pH100 pH100 instrument
100-1 1-meter waterproof Y-cable with combo pH electrode and temperature
100-4 4-meter waterproof Y-cable with combo pH electrode and temperature
111-1 1-meter piercing tipped double-junction electrode
112-1 1-meter flat tipped double-junction electrode
110-1 1-meter cable with pH electrode
115-1 1-meter cable with mV electrode
130-1 1-meter cable with temperature (ATC) probe
pH100CC-01 Kit (pH100 instrument, 100-1 probe and cable, 180 hard-sided carrying case)
pH100CC-04 Kit (pH100 instrument, 100-4 probe and cable, 180 hard-sided carrying case)
160 pH 4, 7, 10 electrode simulator (ensures instrument performance)
180 pH100 carrying case, hard sided, form fitted foam insert
480 So, black carrying case with shoulder strap, vinyl
Y S I i n c o r p o r a t e d
Whoʼs Minding
the Planet?
For more information about this product, please call YSI at 800-897-4151. You may also send e-mail inquiries to
ecosense@ysi.com or visit www.ysiecosense.com.