York Residential Communicating Control Sell Sheet

Now it’s easy to take
total control of home comfort.
It takes just a touch to make your entire home more comfortable.
Finally, true home comfort is no sweat thanks to the revolutionary York® Affinity™ Residential
Communicating Control. Unlike traditional thermostats, the control reaches out and “talks” to
efficiency. From your air conditioner, to your furnace, to other system accessories, you’ll find the
Affinity™ Residential Communicating Control sets a new standard in sophistication and
ease-of-use to create the best comfort level for your lifestyle.
device in your comfort system to ensure each is working together at maximum
Get outstanding comfort with
advanced features that raise your comfort level.
With the York® Affinity™ Residential Communicating Control, you get
the simplicity and elegance of touch screen control. Meanwhile, your system gets the intelligent
instructions it needs to make sure each part is contributing to whole home comfort.
An inspired design.
Inspir ed by the ea se-of-use an d reada bility of today’s
cutti ng-edge touch s creen device s, the st ylish
Commun icating Control gives yo u a user-fri endly,
high-definition, multilingual* touch screen tool to keep
your home environment comfortable year-round.
Say goodbye to programming hassles.
The Communicating Control makes programming
and controllin g your hom e comfort syste m quick a nd
simple , thanks to i ntuitive, easy-to -follow to uch scr eens.
Relax while you’re away.
With the C ommuni cating Control, you can easily
program multiple custom and vacation schedules
for conve nienc e and ene rgy savi ngs.
It’s easy to remember.
Keepin g your system in tip-top shape has never b een
easie r, thanks to co nvenien t remind ers tha t keep you
in the loo p on system status a nd routine main tenanc e.
Enjoy your indoor climate.
The Communicating Control provides
enhanced control capabilities to satisfy your
unique c omfor t need s and mai ntain yo ur
indoor climate consistently and efficiently.
* Available with English, French
or Spanish text options.
Get comfortable. Faster.
The exclu sive “Quick Heat a nd Cool ” featur e
allows you to “spee d up” eithe r the hea ting or
coolin g mode by temporarily put ting your system
at the highest capacity.
The York brand of Johnson Controls, Inc. ©2012 Johnson Controls, Inc.
5005 York Dri ve, Norma n, OK 73069 w ww.york.com Su bject to ch ange with out notic e.
PUBL-6562-B-0812 Supersedes : PUBL-6562-A-0710. All rights reserved.
Stay in your comfort zone.
The Communicating Control provides enhanced
zoning c ontrol c apabil ities to m eet the in dividual
comfor t requirements in each a rea of you r
home more consistently and efficiently.