YOKOGAWA AQ1215A, AQ1210A, AQ1216F, AQ1210E, AQ1215E User Manual

User ’s Manual
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F OTDR Multi Field Tester
IM AQ1210-01EN
2nd Edition
Thank you for purchasing the AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer). This user’s manual explains the features, operating procedures, and handling precautions of the instrument. To ensure correct use, please read this manual thoroughly before operation. Keep this manual in a safe place for quick reference. The instrument comes with the following manuals. Please read all manuals.
Manual Title Manual No. Description
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F OTDR Multi Field Tester User’s Manual
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F OTDR Multi Field Tester Getting Started Guide
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F OTDR Multi Field Tester Communication Interface User’s Manual
Model 739884 Battery Pack Handling Precautions AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F OTDR Multi Field Tester User’s Manual
IM AQ1210-01EN This document. A PDF file of the manual is
contained in the internal memory of the instrument. The manual explains all the features and how to use them. For viewing instructions, see page 15 in the Getting Started Guide, IM AQ1210-02EN.
IM AQ1210-02EN This guide explains the handling precautions, basic
operations, and specifications of this instrument.
IM AQ1210-17EN A PDF file of the manual is contained in the internal
memory of the instrument. The manual explains the communication interface features and instructions on how to use them. For viewing instructions, see page 15 in the Getting Started Guide, IM AQ1210­02EN.
IM 739884-01EN This document explains the handling precautions of
the battery pack.
IM AQ1210-92EN Document for China.
The “-EN” in the manual number is the language code.
Contact information of Yokogawa offices worldwide is provided on the following sheet.
Document No. Description
PIM 113-01Z2 List of worldwide contacts
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuing improvements to the instrument’s performance and functions. The figures given in this manual may differ from those that actually appear on your screen.
• Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, should you have any questions or find any errors, please contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
• Copying or reproducing all or any part of the contents of this manual without the permission of YOKOGAWA is strictly prohibited.
• Microsoft, Windows, and MS-DOS 10 are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe, Acrobat, and PostScript are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
• Bluetooth is a registered trademark or trademark of Bluetooth SIG inc.
• In this manual, the ® and TM symbols do not accompany their respective registered trademark or trademark names.
• Other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
2nd Edition: April 2019 (YMI) All Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2019, Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation
1st Edition: April 2019 2nd Edition: April 2019

Conventions Used in This Manual

The notes and cautions in this manual are categorized using the following symbols.
Improper handling or use can lead to injury to the user or damage to the
instrument. This symbol appears on the instrument to indicate that the user must refer to the user's manual for special instructions. The same symbol appears in the corresponding place in the user’s manual to identify those instructions. In the manual, the symbol is used in conjunction with the word “WARNING” or “CAUTION.”
Calls attention to actions or conditions that could cause serious or fatal injury to
the user, and precautions that can be taken to prevent such occurrences.
Calls attention to actions or conditions that could cause light injury to the user or
damage to the instrument or user’s data, and precautions that can be taken to prevent such occurrences.
Calls attention to information that is important for the proper operation of the
Attire l’attention sur des gestes ou des conditions susceptibles de
Attire l’attention sur des gestes ou des conditions susceptibles
de provoquer des blessures graves (voire mortelles), et sur les précautions de sécurité pouvant prévenir de tels accidents.
provoquer des blessures légères ou d’endommager l’instrument ou les données de l’utilisateur, et sur les précautions de sécurité susceptibles de prévenir de tels accidents.
Symbols and Conventions Used in Procedural Explanations
The contents of the procedural explanations are indicated using the following symbols.
Carry out the procedure according to the step numbers. All procedures are
written under the assumption that you are starting operation at the beginning of the procedure, so you may not need to carry out all the steps in a procedure when you are changing the settings.
This section describes the setup items and the limitations regarding the
procedures. It may not give a detailed explanation of the feature. For a detailed explanation of the feature, see chapter 1.
Character Notations
Panel Key Names and Button Names in Bold Characters
Indicate panel keys that are used in the procedure and buttons that appear on the screen.
k Denotes 1000. Example: 400 km K Denotes 1024. Example: 400 KB (file size)


Conventions Used in This Manual ................................................................................................... iii
Chapter 1 Features
1.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR) ................................................................................ 1-6
1.3 Displaying Measured Data (OTDR) .................................................................................. 1-7
1.4 Analyzing Measured Data (OTDR) ................................................................................. 1-10
1.5 Pass/Fail Judgment (OTDR) .......................................................................................... 1-16
1.6 Utilities ............................................................................................................................ 1-17
1.7 Application ...................................................................................................................... 1-19
1.8 File Features .................................................................................................................. 1-28
1.9 System Features ............................................................................................................ 1-30
Chapter 2 Setting Up the OTDR Feature
2.1 Measurement (Measure) Conditions ................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Analysis (ANALYSIS) Conditions ..................................................................................... 2-7
2.3 Display (OTDR) Conditions ............................................................................................ 2-13
2.4 File Conditions ................................................................................................................ 2-23
Chapter 3 Performing Real-time Measurement
3.1 Performing Real-time Measurement ................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Measuring with Cursors .................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3 Cable Installation Completion Notification ........................................................................ 3-7
3.4 Rerouting Work............................................................................................................... 3-10
Chapter 4 Performing Averaged Measurements
4.1 Measuring in TRACE Mode .............................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Measuring in MAP Mode .................................................................................................. 4-5
4.3 Performing Pass/Fail Judgments on Measured Results .................................................. 4-8
4.4 Saving Measured Data ................................................................................................... 4-10
Chapter 5 Analyzing Events
5.1 Analyzing in TRACE Mode ............................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Analyzing in MAP Mode ................................................................................................. 5-13
Chapter 6 Analyzing Waveforms
6.1 Operating Cursors and Markers ....................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Zooming In on or Out of Waveforms .............................................................................. 6-14
6.3 Displaying a Reference Trace ........................................................................................ 6-17
6.4 Analyzing Sections ......................................................................................................... 6-20
Chapter 7 Using the Utility Feature
7.1 Using the Light Source ..................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Using the Visible Light Source (/VLS option).................................................................... 7-6
7.3 Using the Optical Power Meter ....................................................................................... 7-10
7.4 Using the PON Power Meter (/PPM option) ................................................................... 7-23
7.5 Using the Power Checker (/PC option) .......................................................................... 7-29
7.6 Using the Fiber Inspection Probe (/FST option) ............................................................. 7-34
Chapter 8 Using the Application Feature
8.1 Displaying a Map of the Line Configuration and Events (OTDR Smart Mapper) ............. 8-1
8.2 Measuring a Multi-Core Optical Fiber Cable (Multi-Fiber Project) .................................... 8-8
8.3 Performing an Auto Loss Test (Auto Loss Test) .............................................................. 8-28
8.4 Performing a Multicore Loss Test (Multicore Loss Test) ................................................. 8-38
8.5 Performing Advanced Analysis (Advanced Analysis) ..................................................... 8-46
Chapter 9 Managing Data
9.2 Using the Instrument as a Mass Storage Device ............................................................. 9-2
9.3 Displaying the Data Management Buttons ....................................................................... 9-3
9.4 Saving and Loading Data ................................................................................................. 9-5
9.5 Creating Report Files ..................................................................................................... 9-10
9.6 Performing File Operations ............................................................................................ 9-14
Connecting USB Storage Device to the USB Ports ........................................................... 9-1
Chapter 10 System Setup
10.1 Displaying the System Setup Screen ............................................................................. 10-1
10.2 Using the Power Save Mode .......................................................................................... 10-3
10.3 Using the Network (LAN) ................................................................................................ 10-4
10.4 Using the WLAN Application .......................................................................................... 10-7
10.5 Specifying the Expiration Date ..................................................................................... 10-16
Chapter 11 Troubleshooting, Updating, and Storage
11.2 Error Message Display ....................................................................................................11-2
11.3 Viewing the Product Information......................................................................................11-5
11.4 Updating the Firmware ....................................................................................................11-7
11.5 Factory Default Settings ..................................................................................................11-9
11.6 Adding Options ..............................................................................................................11 -11
11.7 Mechanical Inspection and Operation Check ................................................................11-12
11.8 Routine Maintenance ....................................................................................................11-13
11.9 Storage Precautions ......................................................................................................11-15
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................11-1
Appendix 1 Using Open Source Software ............................................................................. App-1

Chapter 1 Features

1.1 Overview

This instrument is an OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) with the features listed below. It is used in the optical fiber and line installation and maintenance servicing of access networks, which link telephone exchanges and service providers with subscribers, and user networks, which enable communication within a corporation or building.
Optical fiber cable
Measurement in cable installations
Telephone exchanges
Corporate user
OTDR Features
OTDR stands for optical time domain reflectometer. The instrument displays waveforms (TRACE mode) or icons (MAP mode) that you can use to detect fault locations in optical fiber cables and monitor fault conditions (transmission loss, splice loss, etc.). It is mainly used in the following optical fiber cable installation and maintenance situations.
• Access network connecting telecom carriers and subscribers, including service providers (SM optical fiber cable)
• Network between telecom carriers
1 SM: Single mode
Optical Pulse Measurement
• Averaged Measurement (TRACE mode)
A measurement in which measurements are taken several times and the measured values are
averaged to display the waveform.
• Averaged Measurement (MAP mode)
After averaged measurement is performed, the OTDR waveform is automatically analyzed, and
the results are displayed using icons for each event type.
• Real-Time Measurement (TRACE mode)
While optical pulse measurement is in progress, measured values are updated and displayed as
a waveform in real time.
Analysis results are displayed on
Analysis results are displayed as icons.
1.1 Overview
Optical Pulse Waveform Display (TRACE mode)
The results of optical pulse measurement is displayed as a waveform. The displayed waveform can
be zoomed and moved.
the waveform as events.
Zoom the waveform at the cursor position
Event Icon Display (MAP mode)
The instrument can perform an averaged measurement and then automatically display the
measured result events as icons on the screen. In addition, if pass/fail judgment conditions are specified, judgment results are displayed with icon colors. For details on the pass/fail judgment function, see section 1.5.
Optical Pulse Analysis
• Waveform Analysis
The following events can be analyzed using cursors and markers.
• Distance
• Splice loss
• Return loss Return loss between markers can be analyzed.
1.1 Overview
• Event Analysis
Events are automatically detected. In addition, you can edit events. Adjustments can be made
when certain events cannot be detected or when noise is detected as events.
USB Feature
Connecting USB Storage Devices, Communication Dongles, and Fiber Inspection Probes (Type A)
USB storage devices complying with USB1.0/1.1/2.0 can be used. Up to two devices can be
connected. You can save waveform data and measurement conditions to USB memory devices. By using a communication dongle (LAN, WLAN), you can remotely control the instrument over a network and transfer measured waveform data to an external server. You can connect a probe that is used in Fiber Inspec Probe, which is an application of this instrument. For the recommended communication dongles that can be used with this instrument, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
Connecting to a PC (Type C)
The instrument can be accessed as a mass storage device from a PC, and the files and folders
in the internal memory can be displayed and manipulated. You can also connect a PC to the instrument and control it using communication commands. For details, see the communication interface user’s manual, IM AQ1210-17EN.
Utility Features (simultaneous use of multiple functions)
On the OTDR screen, you can call up optical power meter, visible light source, and other features and measure optical power and the like simultaneously with the OTDR measurement. In a measurement that takes a certain time to complete such as in an OTDR averaged measurement, measurement of other fibers can be executed simultaneously to effectively use the measurement wait time and improve work efficiency.
Light Source Feature (utility)
Stabilized Light Source
This is used as a light source for measuring optical loss or as a light source for optical fiber
identification. The measurement light (CW, CHOP) is emitted from the OTDR port. The wavelength of the measurement light is the same as that of the optical pulse of the OTDR.
Visible Light Source (/VLS option)
This is used to view the fault locations or check the cores of multi-core optical fiber cables. The VLS
port transmits a visible light (CW, CHOP (2Hz)) with an emission wavelength of 650 nm.
Fiber in Use Alarm (utility)
Power Checker (/PC option)
The OTDR port enables you to check the presence of communication light (fiber in use) within the
optical fiber cable under measurement and view its power value.
Optical Power Meter Feature (utility)
Standard Optical Power Meter (/SPM option)
This feature is used to measure through the OPM port the optical power for loss measurement or
the optical power of a communication device. This is also used as an optical power meter for the Auto Loss Test, which is an application of this instrument.
High Power Optical Power Meter (/HPM option)
This feature measures through the OPM port the high power (+27 dBm max.) optical power for
loss measurement. This is also used as an optical power meter for the Auto Loss Test, which is an application of this instrument.
1.1 Overview
PON Optical Power Meter (/PPM option)
This feature measures through the OPM port the optical power of a passive optical network (PON)
for three wavelengths (1310 nm/1490 nm/1550 nm) simultaneously.
Smart Mapper Feature (application)
This feature performs multiple measurements automatically with a single operation, combines the measured results, and maps the events that occurred on the optical fiber cable as icons. Because a map display is used in place of a waveform display, complex line configurations can be easily understood even by inexperienced workers. You can also automatically judge measured results by setting thresholds. Furthermore, you can view the multiple measured waveforms which are the bases of the map display. Events can also be displayed as icons on the map display of the OTDR feature, but the map display of the OTDR feature converts the analysis results of averaged measurements. If multiple measured waveforms, which form the bases, are required, the smart mapper feature is convenient.
Multi-Fiber Measurement Feature (application)
Multi-core fiber measurement takes time and effort. This feature makes it possible to efficiently measure multi-core optical fiber cables through a dedicated menu.
Items required to make multi-fiber measurements such as measurement conditions, analysis
conditions, and core information are managed as projects. By creating a project before a measurement, you can measure cores under the same conditions. You can save projects to files. You can load a previously saved project and make measurements under the same conditions. In addition, the AQ7933 Emulation Software can be used to create projects, and the project files can be loaded into this instrument.
Cores are listed on the screen. You can identify cores that have been measured, cores that have
not been measured, and cores that are not to be measured. For each core in the list, you can perform average measurement, real-time measurement, optical power management, and fiber inspection probe operations. This prevents unintended omission in core measurements and allows measurements to be performed efficiently.
Saving Measured Results
Measurement results of each core are automatically saved to a folder that is automatically created
in the folder that the project file is saved in. The folder will have the same name as the project file.
Fiber Inspec Probe (application)
A YOKOGAWA-specified fiber inspection probe can be used to view stains on the optical fiber cable end face on the instrument screen. The fiber inspection probe is not included with the instrument. Please purchase your own fiber inspection probe. For information about compatible fiber inspection probes, contact your nearest YOKOGAWA dealer.
Loss Test/Multi-Core Loss Test (Application)
By using two instruments, one as a light source and another as an optical power meter, the optical fiber loss can be measured. In a multi-core loss test, the loss of a multi-core optical fiber can be measured. As a light source, the instrument automatically switches between two wavelengths (1310 nm and 1550 nm) and outputs them. As an optical power meter, the instrument automatically detects the wavelength of the input light, switches its wavelength setting, and measures the optical power.
AQ1215F, AQ1216F
1.1 Overview
System Configuration
• Mass storage device (section 9.2)
• Charging the instrument
See the Getting Started Guide, IM AQ1210-02EN.
Three-prong outlet
• Remote control (section 10.4)
USB cable
USB cable (standard accessory)
USB Type A (2 ports)
Fiber inspection probe (section 7.6)
USB memory (section 9.1)
OTDR port 2
• OTDR measurement
• Light source output
OTDR port 1
• OTDR measurement
• Light source output, power checker
OPM port
Communication dongle (section 10.3) (WLAN, LAN)
(wavelength 1625 nm, 1650 nm)
(wavelength 1310 nm, 1550 nm)
Optical power meter input (/SPM, /HPM, /PPM option)
USB-AC adapter
VLS Port
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E,
VLS output (wavelength 650 nm) (/VLS option)
See the top panel in “Component
Names and Functions” in the Getting Started Guide, IM AQ1210-02EN.

1.2 Optical Pulse Measurement (OTDR)

Optical fiber cable being measured
Optical pulse output
The instrument applies an incident optical pulse to the connected optical fiber cable and measures the power level of the reflected light from the different sections of the optical fiber cable such as its connections, bent sections, and the open end of the fiber. The instrument uses the measured power level to determine the distance to the different points (splices, breaks, etc.) of the optical fiber cable and the loss and other phenomena that occur at those points. For details on how to view optical pulse waveforms, see section 1.3.
Reflection point
OTDR/light source port
Reflected light
Do not bend the optical fiber cable.
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F
Real-time Measurement
Real-time measurement is a feature that measures optical pulses while updating and displaying the measured values. You can monitor in real time events, such as splice loss and return loss, while installing optical fiber cables. You can also view the changes in the waveform as you change the measurement conditions, such as the wavelength, distance range, and pulse width. Real-time measurement is not possible in MAP mode (the mode is automatically switched to TRACE mode before making a measurement).
Averaged Measurement
Averaged measurement is effective when you want to detect reflections, splice loss, and other faint events that are generated from connections or splice points but are buried in noise. The instrument derives the measured data by averaging the specified number of optical pulse measurements or by averaging optical pulse measurements over the specified duration. During averaged measurement, you cannot change the measurement conditions. You can stop an averaged measurement before it completes.
• Multi Wavelength Measurement
Two wavelengths, 1310 nm and 1550 nm, can be measured with one measurement operation.
When a measurement is started, an averaged measurement is performed at 1310 nm. Then, the wavelength is automatically switched to 1550 nm, and another measurement is made.
Auto Check before Measurement
• Fiber-In-Use Alarm
The instrument uses the same wavelength that is used in real communication to measure optical
pulses. If communication light is present in the optical fiber cable that you want to measure, the communication will be affected. When this communication light is present, we say that the fiber is in use. The fiber-in-use alarm is a feature that checks if communication light is being transmitted along the optical fiber cable that you are trying to measure. If the fiber is in use, a warning message is displayed asking whether you want to continue the measurement.
• Connection Check
The connection check is a feature that checks the state of the connection between the
instrument and an optical fiber cable. When this feature is set to on, you can prevent light from being transmitted from the instrument OTDR port if an optical fiber cable is not connected to the instrument or if the cable is not connected correctly.

1.3 Displaying Measured Data (OTDR)

Incident ray Backscatter Splice
Connector Bend
Icons of each event
Incident ray Backscatter Splice
Connector Bend
Open end
How to View Optical Pulse Waveforms (TRACE mode)
The optical pulse applied to the optical fiber cable is reflected at different points of the optical fiber such as its connections, bent sections, and the open end of the fiber. These sections generate loss. The measured result is displayed as a waveform that has distance represented in the horizontal direction and loss level represented in the vertical direction. On the waveform, detected losses or reflections are known as events.
Optical fiber cable
Near-end reflection
Splice loss
Approximation line
Reflection caused by a connector
Loss caused by bending
Reflection at the open end (Fresnel reflection)
Dynamic range (SNR = 1)
Open end
How to View the Icon Display (MAP mode)
Losses and reflections that occur at connections, bent sections, and open ends are displayed using icons. Events in the section from the measurement start point to the open end are displayed in order from the start point.
Optical fiber cable
Start point (Near-end reflection)
Splice loss Return loss Bending loss Splitter End point
(Fresnel reflection)
Incident ray
Optical fiber cable
1.3 Displaying Measured Data (OTDR)
Near-end Reflection
This is the reflection that occurs at the point where the instrument and the optical fiber cable are connected. This also includes the instrument’s internal reflection. In the section where this near-end reflection is detected, even if there are other connections, the loss and reflections that occur at these points cannot be detected. This section is the near-end dead zone. When you are measuring a short distance, connect a launch fiber cable to reduce the effect of the near-end reflection.
When light travels through an optical fiber cable, Rayleigh scattering caused by changes in the density of materials that are smaller than the light’s wavelength and inconsistencies in the fiber's composition generates loss in the optical fiber itself. The portion of the scattered light that travels in the direction opposite to the direction of propagation is known as backscatter.
Small material
Splice Loss
Because spliced sections of optical fiber cables have a great number of changes in the material’s density and inconsistencies in the cable’s composition, loss due to Rayleigh scattering becomes large, and splice loss occurs in these sections.
Reflection at the Connection Point of Connectors
Using a connector to connect two optical fibers is different from splicing them together in that a small gap remains between the two fibers. Because this gap has a different index of refraction, reflection occurs.
Optical fiber cable Optical fiber cable
Fresnel Reflection at the Open End of the Fiber
This is the reflection that occurs at locations where the index of refraction changes (glass to air) such as where there are tears in the optical fiber cable or at the end of it. When the optical fiber cable end face is vertical, approximately 3% of the incident optical power (14.7 dB) is reflected.
Glass Air
Incident ray (100%)
Light (97%)
Reflected light (3%)
RMS level of noise
Optical fiber cable
Small reflection that was hidden
AQ1215F, AQ1216F
1.3 Displaying Measured Data (OTDR)
Dynamic Range
Dynamic range refers to the range of optical power levels that can be measured. The larger the
dynamic range, the greater the distance that optical pulses can be measured over.
Measured waveform
Dynamic range (SNR=1)
Noise peak
2.6 dB
Dead Zone
An area where the influence of a large event such as a connector’s connection point makes it impossible to recognize other events that exist in that area is a dead zone. There are the following types of dead zones.
Event Dead Zone
An area where adjacent reflections cannot be separated. This is the area represented by the pulse
width between the two points on the waveform at the level that is 1.5 dB below the peak value.
Attenuation Dead Zone
An area where, because there is a large reflection, the surrounding splice losses cannot be
• Near-end Dead Zone Prevention
In sections where near-end reflection is detected, loss and reflections that occur at connections
cannot be detected. If you are measuring a short distance, connect a launch fiber cable to move events that are hidden in the near-end reflection the distance of the launch fiber cable.
1.5 dB
Event dead zone
Attenuation dead zone
Launch fiber
Event generation point
Do not bend the optical fiber cable.
being measured
within a large reflection
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E,

1.4 Analyzing Measured Data (OTDR)

Measurement start position (marker )
Splice loss
Marker Analysis (TRACE mode)
You can manually use cursors and markers to measure values such as the distance, splice loss, and return loss between two points.
Distance between Two Points
The distance from the start point to the cursor position is displayed.
Start point
Distance from the start point to the cursor
Splice Loss
When you place four markers as shown in the following figure, the splice loss from the measurement
start position to the measurement end position is calculated, and the value is displayed.
Position where splice loss starts (marker )
Position where splice loss ends (Y2 marker)
Measurement end position (marker )
Splice loss measurement point
In addition to the above method, the splice loss can be measured by using six markers or by using line markers. For details, see section 6.1.
Return loss
Event’s rising start position (marker )
start point to each
(between and )
1.4 Analyzing Measured Data
Return Loss
When you place two markers as shown in the following figure, the return loss is calculated, and the
value is displayed.
Splice Loss at Two Locations (4 Point Monitor)
Splice losses at two locations can be measured simultaneously using four markers.
Event’s falling end position (marker )
Loss from the start point to each marker
Loss measurement at splice point 1
Loss at splice point 1
Loss measurement at splice point 2
Loss at splice point 2
(between and )
Distance from the
TRACE mode
1.4 Analyzing Measured Data
Event Analysis
All events are automatically detected from the waveform of optical pulse measurement, and the types of each event and analysis results (splice loss, return loss, etc.) are displayed on the screen.
Event Display
In TRACE mode, detected events are displayed on the measured waveform. In MAP mode, the
types of events are displayed using icons along with the distances of each from the measurement start position.
Event number
MAP mode
Relative position of the event
Distance between events
Displays the event type with an icon
Distance from start point S
Event number
Cumulate loss from the measurement
Displays the previous event number
1.4 Analyzing Measured Data
Event Information Display
The distance, splice loss, return loss, and the like of each event are displayed. This is a feature
common to TRACE mode and MAP mode.
• List Display
All detected events are listed.
Event type
: Positive splice loss
: Negative splice loss
Loss per kilometer between events
Return loss
Splice loss
Distance from the measurement start point (S)
Event number
: Reflection
: Superimposed reflections
: Bending loss (macro bending)
: Splitter insertion loss
• Individual Event Information
The measured data of the selected event number is displayed.
start point (S)
Displays the next event number
point (S) to the measurement end point (E)
Loss per kilometer between events
1.4 Analyzing Measured Data
• Measurement Total of Events
The total values of detected events are displayed.
Total loss (cumulate loss)
Distance from the measurement start
Total return loss
Event Analysis Conditions
You can set event search conditions.
• Splice Loss (Splice/Connection)
The instrument recognizes that an event has occurred when it detects a measured result that is
greater than the specified value.
• Return Loss
The instrument recognizes that an event has occurred when it detects a measured result that is
less than the specified value.
• End of Optical Fiber
The instrument recognizes that an end-of-fiber (E) event has occurred when it detects a
measured result that is greater than the specified value.
• Bending Loss
You can select whether to detect bending losses. If you select to detect bending loss, the
instrument recognizes that an event has occurred when it detects a measured result that is greater than the specified threshold.
• Near-end Dead Zone Prevention (Launch Fiber Setting)
To prevent near-end reflections, if a launch fiber is connected to the measurement start point, the
length of the launch fiber is automatically corrected in the calculations.
For details on near-end dead zone prevention, see “Dead Zone” in section 1.3.
• Splitter Loss
If splitters are inserted, you can select whether to detect the losses caused by them. If you select
to detect splitter loss, the instrument recognizes that an event has occurred when it detects a measured result that is greater than the specified threshold.
Reference trace (white: when Screen Color is set to Color1)
1.4 Analyzing Measured Data
Setting a Reference Trace
You can perform averaged measurements or real-time measurements while retaining the previous waveform on the screen (reference trace). You can display the waveform being measured and the reference waveform at the same time to compare them. Waveform data loaded from a file can also be used as a reference trace.
Superimposed on the waveform currently being measured
TRACE mode

1.5 Pass/Fail Judgment (OTDR)

In pass/fail judgment, the instrument automatically determines whether preset conditions are met based on the event analysis data and displays the results on the screen.
Judgment Conditions
Set a pass/fail judgment threshold on each measurement item (splice loss, return loss, dB/km, total loss). When the measurement value does not exceed the threshold, the corresponding event is indicated as pass. When the measurement value is greater than the threshold, the corresponding event is indicated as fail.
Pass judgment
MAP mode
When all events are judged as Pass, the bar turns green.
The pass judgment result and value of each event are displayed.

1.6 Utilities

Light Source
The light source is used to make loss measurements. The following measurement light wavelengths can be generated.
Model Measurement Light Wavelength
AQ1210A 1310 nm, 1550 nm AQ1215A 1310 nm, 1550 nm AQ1210E 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm AQ1215E 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1625 nm AQ1215F 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1650 nm AQ1216F 1310 nm, 1550 nm, 1650 nm
You can produce continuous light or light that has been modulated at the selected frequency (modulation mode).
Visible Light Source
The features listed for the visible light source are available on models with the /VLS option. A visible light source can be used for the following purposes.
• Determine visually breaks in the optical fiber cable under test
• Check the cores of multi-core optical fiber cables
Model Measurement Light Wavelength
AQ1210A AQ1215A AQ1210E AQ1215E AQ1215F AQ1216F
650 nm
Optical Power Meter
The optical power meter feature can be applied to models with the /SPM (standard), /HPM (high power), or /PPM (PON) option. An optical power meter can be used for the following purposes.
• Measure the loss in an optical line that uses optical fibers
• Measure the optical signal power of an optical communication device
The following measurement lights can be measured.
Model Measurement Wavelength
/SPM option /HPM option /PPM option
AQ1210A AQ1215A AQ1210E AQ1215E AQ1215F AQ1216F
You can measure short-term optical power stability. The optical power value during logging can be
displayed on a graph, and you can calculate the maximum, minimum, and average. In addition, you can use cursors to calculate the optical signal power at a specified location or the maximum, minimum, and average within a specified area. The logging results can be saved to a file in CSV format.
800 nm to 1700 nm 800 nm to 1700 nm 1310 nm, 1490 nm, 1550
Example of an end face image of an optical fiber cable
Cladding area
1.6 Utilities
Power Checker (/PC option)
The power checker feature is used to check the power of the loss-measurement light source in a simplified manner. The following measurement lights can be measured.
Model Measurement Wavelength
AQ1210A AQ1215A AQ1210E AQ1215E AQ1215F AQ1216F
1310nm, 1490nm, 1550nm, 1625nm, 1650nm
Fiber End Face Inspection (/FST option)
You can use a fiber inspection probe recommended by YOKOGAWA to take a photograph that shows the state of a fiber end face. You can display this photograph on the instrument screen and save it. You can also perform a pass/fail judgment on the state of the cable end face shown on the photograph.
Contact section
Pass/fail judgments can be performed separately on each of the contact areas, cladding areas, and core areas.
Core area

1.7 Application

The icon display method is the same as the display
See “Event Analysis” in section 1.4.
Smart Mapper
The Smart Mapper feature repeats the averaged measurements of the OTDR feature on the same wavelength using different pulse widths, and then when measurements are completed, automatically executes the event analysis of the OTDR feature. Like the OTDR feature, when measurements are completed, you can select between MAP mode and TRACE mode.
Event Analysis Using MAP Mode
When you select MAP mode, various events on the optical fiber cable path can be detected and
displayed as icons on the screen.
Relative position of the event
in MAP mode of event analysis in section 1.4.
Distance between events
Distance from start point S
Displays the event type with an icon
Event number
Event information display
Increased waveform resolution
Measurement waveform using an intermediate pulse width (Trace2, Trace3)
1.7 Application
Adapt Trace Using TRACE Mode (waveform editing)
When you select TRACE mode, waveforms measured at different pulse widths can be displayed. In an optical fiber cable measurement, reducing the pulse width of optical pulse measurement
increases the measurement resolution of the waveform in the near-end section but causes the optical pulse to attenuate in the far-end section, preventing correct measurement. Conversely, increasing the pulse width of optical pulse measurement allows correct measurement in the far-end section but decreases the measurement resolution of the waveform in the near-end section.
The Adapt Trace feature compensates for these measurement accuracy degradations by performing
optical pulse measurement using multiple different pulse widths for the same wavelength and combining the multiple waveforms on the screen. The instrument automatically determines the pulse widths depending on the specified distance range and wavelength.
Measurement waveform using a narrow pulse width (Trace1)
Measurement waveform using a wide pulse width (Trace4)
Adapt Trace
When the distance is long, measurement is not possible.
Decreased waveform resolution
Events in mid-range can be measured.
Trace2 Trace3 Trace4
Pulse width (narrow)
Pulse width (intermediate)
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
You can change the effective range of Trace1 to Trace4 by moving the lines marking the sections.
Pulse width (intermediate)
Events far away can be measured.
Pulse width (wide)
The newly created project file
Measurement result files (.SOR extension)
Example of when the project file name is “ABCDE”
Folder for saving measurement result files (core numbers 1 to 10)
Folder for saving measurement result files (core numbers 101 to 200)
The newly created project file (core numbers 101 to 200)
Normal core cable (example with eight cores)
Tape (example: 1a to 1d)
Ribbon slotted core cable (example of 300 fiber type 4-fiber ribbon)
This is an example of a 300 fiber type with 15 slots (20 fibers) containing five 4-fiber tapes. The following settings need to be entered to set the information of this core cable in a project of this instrument.
• Num of Fibers (per slot): 20
• Tape No.: a-d(4)
1.7 Application
Optical Pulse Measurement of Multi-core Optical Fiber Cables
Projects are group of items for measuring multi-core fibers. The default project name is “NewProject.”
In the instrument internal memory, core information, measurement conditions, analysis conditions, measured results, and the like are linked with the project name and saved. You can set up to 15 characters for the project name. For the types of strings and characters that you can use, see the explanation in section 2.4.
• Project File Structure
When you create a new project name, a new project file (.MPJ extension) and a new folder
If the number of fibers exceeds 100, the folder for saving the project file and that for saving
for saving measurement result files (.SOR extension) are created. At this point, you can select whether to inherit the fiber information, measurement conditions, and analysis conditions from an existing project file or reset them to default values.
Internal Memory
Folder for saving measurement result files
1310nm_0001.SOR 1310nm_0002.SOR
are automatically named and saved.
measurement result files will be divided. The folder is automatically divided every 100 fibers. The divided folder names will be the project name followed by the start core number and end number set in the project.
Internal Memory
Number of Fibers, Number of Fibers in Each Division, Tape Number
The core number indications and settings vary depending on the type of multi-core fiber cable.
Eight cores are bundled into one.
ABCDE_1_100 ABCDE_101_200 ABCDE_1_100.MPJ
1310nm_0001.SOR 1310nm_0002.SOR
1310nm_0101.SOR 1310nm_0102.SOR
The newly created project file (core numbers 1 to 100)
Measurement result files (.SOR extension) are automatically named and saved.
Measurement result files (.SOR extension) are automatically named and saved.
Example of measuring core number 44
1.7 Application
Multi-Fiber Measurement
The following four measurements can be performed in multi-fiber measurement.
• OTDR measurement (Realtime)
• OTDR measurement (Average)
• Optical power measurement
• Fiber Inspec Probe
The four measurement features use the same features as the OTDR feature for measuring a single
fiber explained in section 1.1, the optical power meter (excluding the logging feature) explained in section 1.6, and the fiber end face inspection explained in section 1.6. You can run and use these four measuring features from the main view screen of multi-fiber measurement.
OTDR feature (realtime)
Fiber inspection probe
Saving Measurement Result Data
You can save the results of multi-fiber measurement for each fiber. The data is saved in the folder
explained in “Project File Structure” on the previous page. For details on the data format, see section 9.4.
• OTDR Feature (Realtime, Average)
For each fiber, waveform data is saved in SOR format in a single file.
• Fiber Inspec Probe
For each fiber, screen capture data is saved in BMP format in a single file.
• Optical Power Meter
For each project, data is saved in tab-separated CSV format in a single file.
Optical power meter
OTDR feature (average)
AQ1210A, AQ1215A,
(this instrument)
(this instrument)
Optical fiber cable under loss test
OTDR port (PORT1)
Light source
Optical fiber cable under loss test
OTDR port (PORT1)
1.7 Application
Auto Loss Test (combination of light source and optical power meter)
Using the instrument as a light source and optical power meter, you can easily measure optical fiber cable and line degradation. You can also use the AQ1100/AQ1200A/AQ1200B/AQ1200C/AQ1200E/ AQ1205A/AQ1205E/AQ1205F in the multi-field tester series instead of this instrument as the light source or optical power meter.
Light Source Feature
You can set up to two measurement light wavelengths and produce them in order. You can produce
a constant level of light if you use the optical power adjustment feature.
Optical Power Meter Feature
The instrument automatically identifies the measurement light from the opposing instrument
or AQ1100/AQ1200A/AQ1200B/AQ1200C/AQ1200E/AQ1205A/AQ1205E/AQ1205F that it is connected to and measures the optical power.
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F
OPM port
AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F
Loopback Feature
You can use the light source and optical power meter features on a single instrument to perform a
loop-back loss test on an optical fiber cable or line. To perform loss testing, connect one end of the optical fiber cable that you want to perform loss testing on to the the instrument’s OTDR port (PORT1) and the other end to the OPM port on the same instrument.
Light source
Optical power meter
OPM port
Optical power meter
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F
AQ1210A, AQ1215A,
Create a project
OTDR port (PORT1)
Transfer the project data
1.7 Application
Multicore Loss Test
You can efficiently measure multicore optical fiber cable and optical line degradation.
Projects are group of items for measuring multi-core fibers. This feature is the same as that explained in “Optical Pulse Measurement of Multi-core Optical Fiber
Cables” on page 1-21.
• Number of Fibers, Number of Fibers in Each Division, Tape Number
The core number indications and settings vary depending on the type of multi-core fiber cable. These features are the same as those explained in “Optical Pulse Measurement of Multi-core
Optical Fiber Cables” on page 1-21.
Master and Slave
Connect two instruments and specify the optical power meter as the master and the light source
as the slave. You can also use the AQ1100/AQ1200A/AQ1200B/AQ1200C/AQ1200E/AQ1205A/ AQ1205E/AQ1205F in the multi-field tester series instead of this instrument as the master or slave. The preparation involves the following steps.
• Connecting an Optical Fiber Cable for Signal Transmission (step 1)
To transmit, between the master and slave, project setup information and information about the
fiber under loss test, you must specify a fiber cable from the multi-core optical fiber cable to use for the signal transmission. Connect one end of the optical fiber cable for signal transmission to the OTDR port (PORT1) of the instrument specified as the master (optical power meter side) and the other end to the OPM port of the instrument specified as the slave (light source side).
• Transferring Object Information from the Master to the Slave (step 2)
On the master instrument, create a project. Transfer the project information to the slave
• Connecting the Optical Fiber Cable to Perform Multi-Core Loss Test On (step 3)
Multi-core loss test is performed on all optical fiber cables other than the optical fiber cable for
instrument through the optical fiber cable for signal transmission.
Optical fiber cable for signal transmission
AQ1210A, AQ1215A, AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F
Master (this instrument)
Slave (this instrument)
OPM port
AQ1210E, AQ1215E, AQ1215F, AQ1216F
signal transmission. Connect one end of the optical fiber cable to be tested to the OPM port of the master instrument and the other end to the OTDR port (PORT1) of the slave instrument.
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