This technical information describes how to combine ADMAG AXF magnetic flowmeters with
existing remote type flowtubes or con verters. A magnetic flo wmeter is used by obtaining a meter
factor , which is a calibration coefficient unique to a flo wtube, according to flo w calibration and then
by setting the meter factor to a conv erter. Values of meter factors depend on the models of
converters to be combined. Therefore, in order to measure flow rates with high accuracy, flow
calibration must be re-performed at the factory. If this is not possible, refer to additional errors and
meter factor conversion coefficients described in this technical inf ormation.
There are various precautions for combinations with e xisting instruments. In some cases , such
instruments cannot be combined or require settings by Yokogaw a's service personnel. Read this
technical information carefully and take appropriate measures.
Possible Combinations between Existing Remote Type Flowtubes/Con verters and ADMAG AXF
Section 1.1
Section 1.2—
Not possible
Section 1.3Not possibleAXF Flowtube
Converters of Other
AM Flowtube
AE Flowtube
SE Flowtube
YM Flowtube
Flowtubes of Other
Section 2.1
See Note in
Section 2.2
Section 2.3
Section 2.4 Not possible
Note: Even if a flowtube is an e xplosion-proof type, the e xplosion-proof capability is not satisfied if the flo wtube is
combined with a different model. If the explosion-proof capability is required, the flowtube must be used in the
combination specified for the same model.
1.Combining AXF Flowtubes with Existing Con verters
Note 1: For combinations between an existing converter and an AXF flowtube, only AM11, AE14 and YMA11 can be
used. Other conv erters (SE14 and converters of other companies) cannot be combined with AXF flowtubes.
Note 2: Even if flow calibration is redone, functions and capabilities are equivalent to those of existing instruments. The
functions unique to AXF such as enhanced dual frequency excitation cannot be used.
1.1Combination between AM11 and AXF Flowtubes
1.1.1When newly pur chasing AXF flowtubes
• Issue a Tokuchu request for purchasing AXF flowtubes. In this case, the enhanced dual
frequency excitation function (option codes /HF1 and /HF2) cannot be selected. In the
Tokuchu request, be sure to enter a model name of an existing converter (a full model
and suffix code) and indicate clearly that an AXF flowtube will be combined with this
• In addition to the regular flow calibration with AXFA converters, flow calibration in
combination with AM11 is performed and then both meter factors are inscribed on the
data plate. Set the meter factor for AM11 to AM11 before operation. The accuracy in this
case will be the same as AM.
Note: Meter factors for combinations diff er , depending on whether an e xisting con v erter is AM11-AS/DH/DB
or AM11-DL. Theref ore, be sure to state a full model and suffix code clearly in a Tokuchu request.
1.1.2When using existing or stock AXF flo wtubes
Combination with AM11-AS, DH or DB
• It is recommended that flow calibration be redone for the AXF flowtubes at Yokogawa's
factory. The accuracy in this case will be the same as AM.
• If flow calibration cannot be redone at Yokogawa's factory, set the meter factors (both
the low MF value and the high MF value) inscribed on AXF flowtubes to AM11 as they
are. The accuracy for reference in this case will be approximately AM accuracy ⫾additional 0.5% for flowtubes for AXFA11 (model name: AXFxxxx-N) and approximately AM
accuracy ⫾additional 1.5% for flowtubes for AXFA14 (model name: AXFxxxx-P).
Combination with AM11-DL
• Flow calibration must be redone for the AXF flowtubes at Yokogawa's factory. The
accuracy in this case will be the same as AM.
• If flow calibration cannot be redone at Yokogawa's factory, contact Yokogawa. Since
meter factors differ substantially for combination with the DL-type, meter factors inscribed on the AXF flowtubes cannot be set for use as they are.
1.2Combination between AE14 and AXF Flowtubes
Note:Sizes of the flowtubes which can be combined with AE14 are 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) to 400 mm (16 in.) only.
1.2.1When newly pur chasing AXF flowtubes
• Issue a Tokuchu request for purchasing AXF flowtubes. In this case, the enhanced dual
frequency excitation function (option codes /HF1 and /HF2) cannot be selected. In the
Tokuchu request, be sure to indicate clearly that AXF flowtubes will be combined with
• In addition to the regular flow calibration with AXFA converters, flow calibration in
combination with AE14 is performed and then both meter factors are inscribed on the
data plate. Set the meter factor for AE14 to AE14 before operation. The accuracy in this
case will be the same as AE.
• It is recommended that flow calibration be redone for the AXF flowtubes at Yokogawa's
factory. The accuracy in this case will be the same as AE.
• If flow calibration cannot be redone at Yokogawa's factory, set the meter factors (both
the low MF value and the high MF value) inscribed on AXF flowtubes to AE14 as they
are. The accuracy for reference in this case will be approximately AE accuracy ⫾addi-
tional 0.5% for flowtubes for AXFA14 (model name: AXFxxxx-P) and approximately AE
accuracy ⫾additional 1.5% for flowtubes for AXFA11 (model name: AXFxxxx-N).
1.3Combination between YMA11 and AXF Flowtubes
1.3.1When newly pur chasing AXF flowtubes
• Issue a Tokuchu request for purchasing AXF flowtubes. In this case, the enhanced dual
frequency excitation function (option codes /HF1 and /HF2) cannot be selected. In the
Tokuchu request, be sure to indicate clearly that AXF flowtubes will be combined with
existing YMA11 converters.
• In addition to the regular flow calibration with AXFA converters, flow calibration in
combination with YMA11 is performed and then both meter factors are inscribed on the
data plate. Set the meter factor for YMA11 and an excitation current value to YMA11
before operation. Obtain a relevant excitation current value from Tables 1.3.1 to 1.3.3.
The accuracy in this case will be the same as YM.
1.3.2When using existing or stock AXF flo wtubes
• It is recommended that flow calibration be redone for the AXF flowtubes at Yokogawa's
factory. The accuracy in this case will be the same as YM.
• If flow calibration cannot be redone at Yokogawa's factory and if a flowtube for AXFA11
(AXFxxxx-N) is used, obtain a necessary excitation current value and an approximate
meter factor value from Tables 1.3.1 to 1.3.3, and combine the flowtube with YMA11.
The meter factor for YMA11 is obtained by multiplying the low meter factor (the meter
factor inscribed on the "METER FACTOR L" section of the data plate) of the AXF
flowtube with a coefficient in Tables 1.3.1 to 1.3.3. Although the accuracy in this case is
not guaranteed, it will be approximately YM accuracy ⫾additional 2% as a reference.
Also, the excitation current value needs to be set to YMA11.
• Flowtubes for AXFA14 (AXFxxxx-P) cannot be combined with YMA11 without redoing
flow calibration.
• AXF flowtubes with the size of 32 mm (1.25 in.), 65 mm (2.5 in.) or 125 mm (5 in.) cannot
be combined with YMA11.
2.Combining AXF A Con verters with Existing
Note:In some cases, these instruments cannot be combined. Ev en if they can be combined, it is strongly recommended
to redo flow calibration if existing flowtubes are Yokoga w a's products. The accuracy in this case will be the
standard accuracy of the existing flowtubes. If flow calibration cannot be redone or if AXFA conv erters need to be
combined with flowtubes of other manufacturers, meter f actors based on calculations or on-site actual flow tests
shall be incorporated. Note that the accuracy is not guaranteed in this case. It may also not be possible to provide
additional errors for reference.
Outline of procedures
• For details, see Sections 2.1 to 2.5.
(1) Continuity and insulation check of excitation coils
Flowtube performance check
(2) Continuity and insulation check of signal lines
(See Chapter 3 "How to Check the Performance of Existing Flowtubes.")
Obtain a meter factor:
(1) Obtain a meter factor by referring to Sections 2.1 to 2.5 and Chapter 4.
(2) For redoing flow calibration at the factory, request Yokogawa.
AXFA parameter setting
Automatic zero adjustment
(1) For signal cables, use dedicated signal cable AXFC. Note that AM011 cable
and YM011 cable can be used if insulation and continuity are not deteriorated.
(2) Connect flowtubes and converters.
(1) For parameter setting, see Sections 2.1 to 2.5 and the user's manual for AXFA.
Perform the automatic zero adjustment by referring to the user's manual for AXFA.
Based on Chapter 3 "How to Check the Performance of Existing Flowtubes," check
that an existing flowtube is not damaged.
2.1.2Obtaining the meter factors
Obtain the meter factors by either of the following two methods a) or b) depending on
the situation:
a) By obtaining the meter factors by redoing flow calibration at Yokogawa's
The accuracy in this case will be the same as AM.
b) By using the meter factors of AM
• For the sizes from 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) to 1000 mm (40 in.) and the sizes from 1100
mm (44 in.) to 2600 mm (104 in.) style A or style B (model code: AM5xxx.....*A
or *B), the meter factors inscribed on AM flowtubes can be set to AXFA11 as
they are. The accuracy for reference in this case will be approximately AM
accuracy ⫾additional 0.5%.
• If the existing flowtube is 1100 mm (44 in.) to 2600 mm (104 in.) style C (model
code: AM5xxx.....*C), the AM's meter factor cannot be set to AXFA11 as it is,
because the meter factor in combination with AXFA11 differs substantially.
Contact Yokogawa for how to deal with such situations.
Connect the AM flowtube with AXFA11.
The wiring is the same as in the case of connecting AXF flowtubes with AXFA11.
2.1.4Parameter setting
Set the following parameters to AXFA11:
• Select "ADMAG" in the parameter "C30: Select Flow Tube." Flowtubes with the
size of 400 mm (16 in.) or smaller are driven with dual frequency excitation,
while those with the size of 500 mm (20 in.) or larger are driven with pulsed DC
calculation. The enhanced dual frequency excitation function cannot be used.
• Set both "C21: Low MF" and "C22: High MF" as meter factors for flowtubes with
the sizes from 2.5 mm (0.1 in.) to 400 mm (16 in.). Set "C21: Low MF" as the
meter factor for flowtubes with the sizes from 500 mm (20 in.) to 2600 (104 in.)
mm, and set 1.0000 to "C22: High MF."
• For the sizes from 1100 mm (44 in.) to 2600 mm (104 in.), select "No" in the
parameter "J30: Power Synch" and set "49.00" to "J31: Power Frequency."
• For details on setting parameters other than the above, follow the user's
manual for AXFA11.
2.1.5Zero adjustment
Perform the automatic zero adjustment according to the user's manual for AXFA11.
Note: Combinations between AM flo wtubes and AXFA14 can also be operated using the same
procedure. How ev er, in "b) By using the meter factors of AM" of Section 2.1.2 "Obtaining the
meter factors," the accuracy f or ref erence will be appro ximately AM accuracy ⫾additional 1.5%.
Moreover , in the case of the siz es from 250 mm (10 in.) to 400 mm (16 in.), output fluctuations
may become larger than in the case of operations using AXFA11 due to EMF differences.
Note that combinations between AM flowtubes and AXFA14 are only possible for the sizes from
2.5 mm (0.1 in.) to 400 mm (16 in.).
There is no need to set the parameter "C30: Select Flo w Tube" (there is no parameter "C30" in
Based on Chapter 3 "How to Check the Performance of Existing Flowtubes," check
that an existing flowtube is not damaged.
2.2.2Obtaining the meter factors
Obtain the meter factors by either of the following two methods a) or b) depending on
the situation:
a) By obtaining the meter factors by redoing flow calibration at Yokogawa's
The accuracy in this case will be the same as AE.
b) By using the meter factors of AE
The meter factors inscribed on AE flowtubes can be set to AXFA14 as they are.
The accuracy for reference in this case will be approximately AE accuracy
⫾additional 0.5%.
Connect the AE flowtube with AXFA14.
The wiring is the same as in the case of connecting AXF flowtubes with AXFA14.
2.2.4Parameter setting
Set the following parameters to AXFA14:
• Set both "C21: Low MF" and "C22: High MF" as meter factors.
• For details on setting parameters other than the above, follow the user's
manual for AXFA14.
Note: AE flowtubes are driv en with dual frequency e xcitation. The enhanced dual frequency e xcitation
function cannot be used.
2.2.5Zero adjustment
Perform the automatic zero adjustment according to the user's manual for AXFA14.
Note: Combinations between AE flo wtubes and AXFA11 can also be operated using the same
procedure. Ho we v er , in "b) By using the meter factors of AE" of Section 2.2.2 "Obtaining the
meter factors," the accuracy f or ref erence will be approximately AE accur acy ⫾additional 1.5%.
Select "ADMAG AE" in the parameter "C30: Select Flo w Tube" for AXF A11.
Based on Chapter 3 "How to Check the Performance of Existing Flowtubes," check
that an existing flowtube is not damaged.
2.4.2Obtaining the meter factor
Obtain the meter factor by either one of the following three methods a), b) and c),
depending on the situation:
a) By obtaining the meter factor by redoing flow calibration at Yokogawa's
The accuracy in this case will be the same as YM.
b) By calculating from the meter factor of YM
The accuracy for reference will be approximately YM accuracy
(1) Read the meter factor in 1/8 mode (standard mode) and 50 Hz from the data
plate of a YEWMAG flowtube.
(2) The meter factor is obtained by multiplying the YM meter factor in 1/8 mode
and 50 Hz by a coefficient determined for each size shown in Table 2.4
"Meter Factor Calculation Coefficient Table".
c) By obtaining meter factor using the customer's flow line according to
Chapter 4
Follow Section 2.4.3 "Wiring" and Section 2.4.4 "Parameter setting" before
obtaining meter factor according to the actual flow test.
YM102 1/8 mode, 50 Hz Meter factor: 0.2800
50 Hz area:
Meter factor: 0.2800 ⫻ 1.0825 = 0.3031
60 Hz area:
Meter factor: 0.2800 ⫻ 1.0820 = 0.3030
⫾additional 1%.
Connect the YM flowtube with AXFA11.
The wiring is the same as in the case of connecting AXF flowtubes with AXFA11.
Note that, if BARD is used for a YM explosion-proof type flowtube, remove the BARD
and use the flowtube as a non-explosion-proof type product. This combination
cannot satisfy the requirements of explosion-proof capabilities.
2.4.4Parameter setting
Set the following parameters to AXFA11:
• Select "YEWMAG" in the parameter "C30: Select Flow Tube."
• Check the software revision number of AXFA11 which is indicated in the
parameter "J50: Software Rev No."
If the revision number is "R1.05" or "R1.08":
Select "Low" in the service parameter (not disclosed) "U15: 4-20mA Sel."
Be sure to contact Yokogawa for the service parameter setting. Pulsed DC
calculations apply to all sizes.
If the revision number is other than "R1.05" or "R1.08":
There is no need to set "U15: 4-20mA Sel." Pulsed DC calculations automatically apply to all sizes by selecting "YEWMAG" in the parameter "C30:
Select Flow Tube" as above.
• Set the obtained meter factor to "C21: Low MF." Set 1.0000 to "C22: High MF."
• For the sizes from 1100 mm (44 in.) to 2600 mm (104 in.), select "No" in the
parameter "J30: Power Synch" and set "49.00" to "J31: Power Frequency."
• For details on setting parameters other than the above, follow the user's
manual for AXFA11.
2.5Combination between Flowtubes of Other Manufacturer s and
Note:It may not be possible to operate some flowtubes of other manuf acturers due to the diff erence in magnetic circuits .
Although the coil resistance of a flowtube must be 240 ⍀ or less, it ma y not be possib le to operate the flowtube
even if the resistance is 240 ⍀ or less. Especially, if the excitation current of an existing model is designed to be
0.26 mA or less, it is more likely that the flowtube cannot be driven by AXFA11.
2.5.1Flowtube performance chec k
Based on Chapter 3 "How to Check the Performance of Existing Flowtubes," check
that an existing flowtube is not damaged.
2.5.2Obtaining the meter factor
Obtain the meter factor by one of the following three methods a), b) and c), depending on the situation:
a) By obtaining meter factor using the customer's flow line according to
Chapter 4
Follow Section 2.5.3 "wiring" and Section 2.5.4 "Parameter setting" before
obtaining meter factor according to the actual flow test.
b) By obtaining meter factor through calculation
The calculated meter factor is an approximation. Calculations must be performed
when it is difficult to obtain a meter factor according to the actual flow test.
Accuracy for reference cannot be provided.
Driving methods of existing flowtubes
(Known) Model Name
FOXBORO 1800 and 2800 series
Reference voltage method
Flowtube inscribed with C/F/P
Flowtube inscribed with
generated EMF
* FOXBORO 1800 and 2800 series have two types: C/F/P is inscribed on one
type, while the generated EMF is inscribed on the other. Check the types
shown in the data plate. Both C/F/P and the generated EMF may be inscribed
on some models. In this case, use C/F/P for calculation.
b.1)Reference voltage method
Reference voltage ("Reference.v") is inscribed on the data plate or CP unit
(open the terminal box cover). Calculate the meter factor using the reference