YAMAHA XG Editor User Manual

The Yamaha XG Editor
XGedit95 User Manual Page 1


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 4
2. GETTING STARTED.............................................................................................................................6
2.1 System Requirements.................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Installation......................................................................................................................................6
3. THE MAIN SCREEN .............................................................................................................................7
3.1 Controls.......................................................................................................................................... 7
4. MASTER MODULE.............................................................................................................................10
4.1 Midi File Edit Parameter Contents LEDs.......................................................................................10
4.2 Midi File Format LEDs..................................................................................................................10
4.4 Thru LED......................................................................................................................................11
4.5 Transport Buttons .........................................................................................................................11
4.6 PPQ Dial.......................................................................................................................................11
4.7 Knob Controls...............................................................................................................................12
5. EQUALISER MODULE.......................................................................................................................13
5.1 Equalisation Program List-box......................................................................................................13
6. DISPLAY PANEL ................................................................................................................................14
6.1 Volume Panel Mode..................................................................................................................... 14
6.2 Pan Panel Mode...........................................................................................................................14
6.3 Amplitude Envelope Generator (AMP EG) Panel Mode................................................................14
6.4 Pitch Envelope Generator (PITCH EG) Panel Mode.....................................................................14
6.5 Reverb Panel Mode ......................................................................................................................14
6.6 Chorus Panel Mode ......................................................................................................................14
6.7 Variation Panel Mode ...................................................................................................................14
7. A TO D CONVERTERS.......................................................................................................................15
7.1 AD Controls..................................................................................................................................15
7.2 AD Message Enables...................................................................................................................15
7.3 General ........................................................................................................................................15
8. EFFECTS & CONTROLLERS MODULE.............................................................................................16
8.1 Understanding The Effects Unit.................................................................................................... 16
8.2 Effects Unit...................................................................................................................................17
8.3 Effect Parameters Module............................................................................................................19
8.4 Controllers....................................................................................................................................24
9. PART & DRUM MODULE ...................................................................................................................26
9.1 Part Edit Mode..............................................................................................................................26
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9.2 Drum Edit Mode............................................................................................................................28
10. ENABLES MODULE........................................................................................................................... 29
10.1 Message Enables.........................................................................................................................29
11. KEYBOARD........................................................................................................................................30
11.1 Selecting Key Ranges...................................................................................................................30
11.2 Auditioning Sounds.......................................................................................................................30
11.3 Velocity Limit................................................................................................................................30
12. VOICE BOX........................................................................................................................................ 31
12.2 Midi Channel Selection................................................................................................................. 31
12.3 Element Reserves........................................................................................................................31
13. MENUS...............................................................................................................................................34
13.1 File Menu......................................................................................................................................34
13.2 Setup Menu..................................................................................................................................35
13.3 Utils Menu....................................................................................................................................37
13.4 Help Menu....................................................................................................................................37
14. SW MIXER..........................................................................................................................................38
15. WORKING WITH MIDI FILES.............................................................................................................40
15.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................40
15.2 Setting Up Your Midi System........................................................................................................40
15.3 The Authoring Process.................................................................................................................45
15.4 Merging Midi Data ........................................................................................................................49
15.6 Using Native Save Formats..........................................................................................................53
16. CREATE YOUR OWN SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGES................................................................54
16.1 Hexadecimal Notation and MIDI ...................................................................................................54
16.2 Check This Out First.....................................................................................................................55
16.3 XG Sysex.....................................................................................................................................57
16.4 Constructing XG Parameter Change Sysex..................................................................................58
16.5 Other Useful Sysex Information....................................................................................................60
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1. Introduction

Legal Stuff - License/ War r ant y/ Di scl aimer
XGedit is distributed as Shareware. You may make as many backups of the program as you need, however you may not run the registered version on m or e t han one PC at a time.
You may not distribute XGedit for pr ofit except by arrangement with the aut hor . You may not disclose registration keys to non-registered users. The contents of this user manual are the copyr ight of G ar y Gregson. Copying, reproduction or distribution of
this manual (by electronic means or otherwise) are f or bidden without the written consent of the author . XGEDIT IS PROVIDED ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE USER ACCEPTS ALL RESPONSIBI LITY
XGedit is off i cially endorsed by Yamaha UK and supporte d by Yam aha Japan
With the exception of the above the mention of any Trademarks, product names etc. are for identificat ion purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of any kind.
If you find this program useful and wish to cont inue using it beyond the 21 day evaluation period, you are obliged to register your copy with the author (See the help f ile section
for details).
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What Is XGedit?
XGedit is a Windows based editor/librarian for the Yamaha XG series of synt hesiser modules. The editor may also be used in GM mode to edit the paramet er s of other synth modules and sound cards.
The main features of the program ar e as follows:-
Access to all XG parameters in real-time using simple mouse actions. A single dialog window designed to represent a conventional rack based synth front panel. Parameters separated into logical groups:-
Master Module Part/Drum Module Effects and Controller Module Effects Parameters M odule Enables Module Keyboard Voice Selection Analogue To Digital Converters
LCD panels providing overviews across parts for the main system parameters and Mini Mixer functionality
All edits may be performed as System Exclusive messages, with a limited subset being provided as controller messages (GM Mode).
Soft midi thru wit h r e- c hannellisat ion to current edit part
Support for the SW60XG On boar d m ixer and SW1000XG Audio part s On Screen control wheel for continuous controllers Instant auditioning of parts fr om on- scr een keyboar d. Full Save/Load facilities (
sets. Saving of parameters to type 0/1 Midi files for impor t into sequencer software (with choice of
message content Sysex/Controllers). Merging of Editor Setup data to impor t ed m idi files
Midi file playback for simultaneous editing XG level 1 Edit mode for m axim um file compatibility across XG synths Full program description and on-line help
in registered version
) for complete module, individual parts and drum
(XGedit provides only limited midi file sequencer functionality - this is only provided for auditioning of editor setups with imported midi files……true sequencer funct ionality is best left to dedicat ed software. To this end XGedit may be used in parallel with your favourite sequencer to perf or m r eal t ime edits ) .
If you have any modifications you would like to see incorporated (or bugs you would like removed) please contact the author. However suppor t will only be provided to registered users.
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2. Getting Started

2.1 System Requirements
The program is designed to operate on machines with the following specification
A 486 PC (or faster) running Microsoft Windows 95 or NT4.0
8M Byt es RAM
1. 5M byt es Disk space
M ult imedia Drivers f or use with at t ached XG Synthesiser
It is recommended that t he program be used at a minimum Windows display resolution of 800 x 600 with 256 colours. However to allow use on display resolutions below this, the dialog window boundary is sizeable and may be scrolled.
2.2 Installation
Unpack t he XG EDIT. ZI P ar chive t o a t em por ar y direct or y.
Fr om Windows, RUN the install program SETUP.EXE
Fr om t he inst allation dialog, follow prompt s unt il the installation is complete.
You m ay now delete t he t em por ar y dir ect or y
Ret ur n t o Pr ogr am M anager / Deskt op and click on the XG edit icon t o st ar t the program.
2.3 Configuration
From the required input/output dr ivers for your attached XG synth (these will nor mally be listed as SB16 In/ Out for Daughter boards or SW60 for internal cards. External modules may be attached to any valid midi por t with external connections).
Setup Menu
select the
Setup Midi
option to bring up the Midi Port Setup dialog. Select the
It is strongly recommended that a dr iver capable of accept ing m ultiple connections for M idi Out is used. This will enable the editor to be used in parallel with your favourite sequencer (such a driver is the SW60XG Driver, the Twelve Tone MPU driver, Herman Seibs Multimid driver, the MidiOx Midi Yoke drivers or t he Hubis Loopback drivers).
Contrary to popular belief Multimid is compatible with most Win95 midi drivers (if you are using SB16 drivers ensure you have version 4.13 or above).
Multi Client drivers may be obtained by following the links from the Utils page of the aut hor s web site http://www.cybertheque.fr /galerie/GGregson
To test if the XG synth module is in communication with t he program, right click on the display keyboard. If you hear the notes being played then everything is OK. If not : -
Conf irm t he cor r ect dr iver s ar e installed by using an alternat e pr ogr am t o dr ive t he synt h f r om
Check all midi leads are correctly connected.
Once you can hear notes being played from the keyboard, try moving the volume knob within the Part module. If the sound level from the synth changes accordingly then everything is OK. If not: -
Select t he XG Reset but t on t o ensur e the attached synth is in XG mode.
Check t he UNIT Number displayed in the Mast er M odule mat c hes t hat of the Attached synth (if in
doubt Press the GM button and try the Part volume knob again. If the knob now works, then you have probably changed the default setting ( 16) f or the XG UNIT number. Click on the GM button again to return to Sysex mode and adjust the UNIT num ber dial until the volume knob works.
You’re now ready to start editing…I hope you enjoy the program and support future versions by
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3. The Main Screen

The main screen consists of a single dialog window from which all XG parameters may be accessed.
3.1 Controls
You can use the Standard Windows keys to move around the main screen cont r ols: -
TAB - m oves bet ween gr oups of cont r ols
Curs or Ar r ow Keys - m ove bet ween cont r ols within a group.
The currently selected control is always highlighted.
3.1.1 Knobs
Activated by pressing and holding down the left mouse button over t he knob face (t he dial above the knob illuminates to provide a digital readout). Moving the mouse with the button down will cause the knob to rotate
Up / Left anti-clockwise Down / Right Clockwise
Releasing the mouse deactivates the knob. The knob will turn Yellow when the control is in its non-def ault position.
Controls can be reset to their default posit ion by clicking with the right mouse but ton. Holding down both the left and right mouse buttons allows fine adjustments t o be m ade. Note that the mouse does NOT have to rem ain over the knob face. So long as t he left mouse
button is down, the mouse may be moved lar ge distance and still operate the control The PC Keyboard +/- keys will increment/decrement the highlighted knobs value (useful for
adjusting values while simultaneously auditioning the sound from the on screen keyboard) The Setup Menu "Reverse Dial Action" option may be used to reverse the direction of the knobs
with respect to vertical mouse movement (such t hat behave m or e like sliders i.e. Up for increase)
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3.1.2 Dials
are digital readout controls with no associated knob. To adjust the value press and hold the left mouse button do wn o v e r the dial. M o v in g the mouse wit h the button d o wn will in c rement t he d ia l.
Up / Left decrease Down / Right Increase
Releasing the mouse deactivates the dial PC keyboard +/- keys may also be used to adjust dial readouts when highlighted.
The Setup Menu "Reverse Dial Action" option will cause the vertical mouse movement response to be reversed.
3.1.3 LED’s
LEDs are toggle controls, activated by single clicking with the left mouse button or pressing the space bar whilst highlighted.
Green Enabled
Dark Green Enabled but cannot be modified in current mode
Red Disabled
Dark Red Disabled and cannot be modified in current mode
3.1.4 Wheel
The wheel represents a synth controller wheel. Pressing and holding the left m ouse button over the wheel allows the controller value to be altered. The LED below the wheel determines if wheel messages are automatically sent after contr oller param eter edits.
The PC keyboard +/- keys may also be used to adjust the wheel value when highlighted.
3.1.5 List/Combo Boxes
Used to select values from a pre-defined list. Operate as st andar d Windows Combo boxes.
3.1.6 Buttons
Buttons are activated by clicking with the left mouse butt on or by pr essing t he space bar when highlighted.
Silence Button
A standard push-button - Resets all notes and controllers. Press to silence hung notes. Caution
- this will also reset the cont r o ller wheel posit ions.
XG Button
A standard push-button - Resets t he attached synth module to XG mode. Caution - all current
edits will be lost.
AD Button
A standard push-button – Opens the AD/Audio panel for editing of Analogue To digital Converter and Aux part parameter s.
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GM Button
A two state push button. If the but ton is up the program will use System Exclusive messages t o communicate with the synth m odule. If the button is down the program will use only General Midi controller messages.
Note that only a small subset of the XG parameters may be altered by controller messages (Controls update to show which are available).
Most GM synths respond to the cont r ols available in GM m ode. However, some Non Registered (NRPN) Midi Control Messages may be mapped to different f unctions.
If XGedit is to be recorded by a sequencer, the user should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages associated with each mode:-
Sysex Messages Controller Messages
Allow individual parts to be edited even if they share a common midi channel.
Can cause unpredictable or undesirable effects if two parts share the sam e m idi
channel Difficult to selective ly filter Easily select iv ely filtered Encompasses all available edit
May only be used for those parameters
which have equivalent controller, RPN
or NRPN message.. More compact for large dumps and
therefore faster to transmit. Better for global setups at the start of a
More compact for smaller edits and
hence best suited for use within the
body of a song. song
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4. Master Module

The Master module controls the global settings for both the XGedit program and the attached XG synth module.
4.1 Midi File Edit Parameter Contents LEDs
These LEDs determine the cont ent of saved midi fi les as follows:-
messages are only used where no equivalent controller based message is available).
- The midi file is structured in accordance with Yamaha’s XG authoring gui delines. The content is similar
to Compact but also contains import ant par am et er s which may be at their default setting.
- The midi file contains a GM/XG reset plus those parameters which have been edit ed (Sysex
- The midi fi le contains is sim ilar to Compact but all parameters are expressed as System Exclusive
XGedit guarantees correct m idi timing for saved event s as stated in the XG specification. If the editor setup contains mult i part layers (i.e. several synth parts assigned to the same midi
channel), then the user must utilise the Sysex midi save format to ensur e correct interpretation within a sequencer. I.e. Sysex messages are midi channel independent.
The status o f the Content option will be sa ve d in XGEDIT.INI for use in future session s
4.2 Midi File Format LEDs
The Type LED determines the f or m at of saved midi files. Type 0 files (LED red) contain a single track incorporating all midi channels. All sequencers should be
capable of reading this format Type 1 files (LED green) contain multiple tracks and are more com m only used by modern sequencers. Saved Type 1 midi files contain multiple tracks as follows:-
Syst em - A shor t track providing the GM/XGReset m essages for module initialisation plus the global
synth parameters (master s/ ef f ect s/ equalisation)
O ne Tr ack per par t. - tracks contain midi controller and Sysex messages f or t he par ts parameter edits.
Each track will be named with its corr esponding inst r u m ent assignm ent. (e.g. P1 - Harpsichor d …..indicating the track is used by synth part 1 and is set to t he Harpsichord voice).
A To D t r ack - cont ains Sysex messages for A to D parameter edits.
Tracks assigned to drum parts will also include any associated drum edits Merging a Midi file will automat ically updat e t he Midi Setup dialog with the midi files parameters. Merged Type 1 files may be converted to Type 0 files by using the Format checkboxes. However
Type 0 files cannot be converted to Type 1 files. The SW60XG mixer unit parameters ar e saved within the editor setup files but are never saved to
midi files.
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4.3 Number of Parts LED
This LED determines the number of synth part s saved t o t he m idi file. Normally the saved file will only include tracks f or System data, A to Ds and 16 synth parts . On mult i port
synths the user may choose to save all 32 synth parts. However, since there is no way to represent port number within a midi file, the user will have to perform this assignm ent later within a sequencer.
The status o f the Parts o ption will be saved in XGEDIT.INI for use in future sessions ..
4.4 Thru LED
This LED selects whether midi thru is enabled. If enabled; midi messages (with the exception of system exclusive) appearing at the input device will automatically be transfer red to the output. If the current part is set to a specific midi channel 1 - 16 then all m essages will be re-channellised to this channel. If the current part is set to ‘NO’ (i. e. the part is disabled), then no re- c hannellisat ion occur s .
For multi-port use, r e- c hannellisat ion occur s t oget her with automatic port selection.
The LED’s stat e will b e s a v ed in XGEDIT.INI for use in fu ture sessions .
4.5 Transport Buttons
These buttons control Midi Fi le Playback When a midi file is loaded the transport butt ons ar e enabled and allow the file to be auditioned. The current midi file play capabilities of XGedit are limi ted i.e. the editor only allows playback from the start
to end of a file. As such, the playback functionality is only designed t o allow auditioning of a m er ged midi f i le and for experimenti ng with edi t s. In general the program is better used i n par allel with a sequencer.
Performing any file operations will automatically stop file playback. Note that the merge operation also strips non XG data from t he setup bars of a m idi fi le. Consequently non
XG data files may not play properly after merging.
4.6 PPQ Dial
This determines the resolution of t he saved m idi file e.g. a v alue of 120 implies that there ar e 120 midi ti cks per quarter note.
The higher the resolution, the greater the accuracy of playback timing. However slower PCs may have problems playing back files at very high resolution.
In general a value of 384 is recommended for 486 based machines and a values of 480 for Pentiums
The Time base setting will be saved in XG EDIT.INI f o r u s e in future ses s ion s ..
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4.7 Knob Controls
These controls adjust the synths global parameters: -
VOL Master volume level 0 - 127 ATT Master volume attenuation level 0 - 127 TUNE Master tuning control -102.4 - +102.3 cent KSHIFT Master Key Shift control -24 - +24 semitones UNIT Module Unit Number (see below) 1 - 16
4.7.1 Unit Number Knob
This knob selects the address of the XG module (in most cases the default value will be correct). If you have multiple external modules attached to your PC, then you may wish to alter this value to select the desired module.
modules are factory configured to r eceive dat a on all device numbers The knobs state will be saved in XGEDIT.I NI for use in future sessions.
4.7.2 Tempo Knob
This Knob controls the default tempo saved to m idi files. The knob may also be used in real-time to adjust midi file playback tempo.
The XG Authoring guidelines recommend Tempo values between 32 - 250 bpm The dials stat e will b e s av e d in XGEDIT.INI f o r use in futu r e s es s io ns .
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5. Equaliser Module

The Equaliser module provides editing of the built in sound output equalisation unit.
This function is only available on the higher range devices. For other XG synths use the equalisation parameters built into the Variation eff ect s
5.1 Equalisation Program List-box
The list-box provides convenient access to the built in Equalisation macros. Selecting a macro will automatically update all equalisation controls to the appropriate values.
5.2 Equaliser Controls
BAND Selects the band currently being edited 1 - 5 GAIN Adjusts the gain applied to the current band filter -12dB - +12dB FREQ Selects the frequency of the current band filter 32Hz - 16kHz as appropriate to band Q Adjusts the current filter Q value 0.1 - 12.0 SHAPE Adjusts the filter shape SHELF/PEAK
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6. Display Panel

The display panel provides a graphical representation of the system parameters. The panel has seven modes, which are selected by left clicking on the appropriate button above the display. Note that the standard Windows keyboard navigation keys may be used to select different modes, however the envelope parameters may only be edited using the mouse.
6.1 Volume Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the Volume settings for each part. Each bar corresponds to a given part as indicated on the X axis. The bar labelled volume of a giv e n p art will provide a v is ua l represent a tion of the r e la tive volume lev e l.
The Y axis indicates the range of values. To adjust a parts volume left click on the cor responding bar and drag up or down like a conventional slider. Right clicking on a bar will r eset its value to the default sett ing.
6.2 Pan Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the Pan sett ings for each part. Operation is identical to that of the Volume mode. ( The Y axis indicates the r ight/left position).
6.3 Amplitude Envelope Generator (AMP EG) Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the ADSR envelope of the current part. The highlight markers are used to change the envelope shape.
To change a marker left click and hold the mouse button down over the marker. Moving the mouse left and right will decrease/increase the envelope parameter correspondingly. A digital readout adjacent to the marker provides the value for the cur r ent position ( all marker s m ay be set over the range -63 - 0 - +63).
represents the master set ting. Adjusting the
Right clicking o n a marker will r e s et its value t o the default setting.
If the Part module is in Drum Edit mode, then the AMP envelope corr esponds to the cur rent dr um key amplitude envelope
6.4 Pitch Envelope Generator (PITCH EG) Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the Pitch envelope of the current part. The highlight markers are used to change the envelope shape.
To change a marker left click and hold the mouse button down over the marker. Moving the mouse left and right will decrease/increase the envelope time param eter correspondingly. M oving the mouse up and down will increase/decrease the envelope pitch off set parameter correspondingly. A digital readout adjacent to the marker provides the value for t he cur r ent posit ion (all mark er s m ay be set over t he r ange - 63 - 0 - + 63).
6.5 Reverb Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the Reverb sett ings for each par t. O peration is identical to that of the Volume mode.
6.6 Chorus Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the Chorus sett ings for each par t. O peration is identical to that of the Volume mode.
6.7 Variation Panel Mode
This mode provides a graphical representation of the Variation settings for each part . Operation is identical to that of the Volume mode.
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7. A To D Converters

This module provides control over the A to D convert ers of the MU10/MU80/MU100/SW1000 and SW60 synths.
7.1 AD Controls
Stereo Select AD converter stereo mode of
operation (Ads are grouped in pairs and controlled from a single set of parameter s)
GAIN Selects input gain level for external module
AD inputs
OP Selects Output routing for SW1000XG Aux
PAN AD Pan position 63L - C - 63R REV AD send level to Reverb unit 0 - 127 CHOR AD send level to Chorus unit 0 - 127 VAR AD send level to Variation effect unit . 0 - 127 DRY AD dry level 0 - 127 MIDI AD midi channel number (allows control
CC1/CC2 AD Continuous controller assignments 0 - 95
AD volume level 0 - 127
using Midi controllers in place of System Exclusive)
Note : The MU10s ADs are always linked as a stereo
pair MIC/LINE (not available on the SW60XG)
Only Available on the SW1000XG
1 - 16
7.2 AD Message Enables
When the AD channel is assigned to a midi channel using the MIDI dial, the following messages may be enabled/disabled:-
PRO Program change messages CC General controller change messages not
include above
VOL Volume controller messages PAN Pan controller messages EXP Expression pedal messages BS Bank Select
7.3 General
The following general AD properties should be noted:-
XGedit does not provide a specific capability to select the AD programs available in some XG synths. Incorporation of this feature would greatly increase the complexity of the application and confusion of the user (as such program changes have global affects on the synths setup i.e. cause changes to multiple AD parameters and the system wide effects unit). If the user really
must have this function .....then assign the AD to a midi channel and use the program changes
within the voice box for the corresponding channel! The SW60XG AD operation is affected by the mixer panel set tings. In particular the use of the
KARAOKE LOCK feature will disable AD edits (and Variation effect edits). The Mixer STEREO button also enables AD1 to be used as a stereo AD.
The Master channel of the AD panel provides a convenient repeat display of the global Volume, Reverb, Chorus and Variation controls
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8. Effects & Controllers Module

The Effects module consists of controls relating to both the global effects settings and the part based continuous controller settings.
8.1 Understanding The Effects Unit
8.1.1 Three Effects Units
Basically there are three effects modules within t he XG synt h, nam ely REVERB, CHO RUS and VARIATIO N (the MU80/MU100/SW1000 have additional effect unit s that only operate by Insertion). The t hree modules are System Global, i.e. changing the setup of a module affects ALL parts using that module. Consequently you may only have three different eff ect s active at one time (four on the MU80, five on the MU100/SW1000, six on the MU100R or SW1000 if the Virtual Harmony plugin card is fitted). Furthermore each effect unit provides its own output level control LEVEL ( Effect Return), and panning contr ol PAN. Consequently you may independently control the amount and panning position of each effect as applied to the final sound output.
8.1.2 Individual Part Send Controls
The signals from each synth part are routed to the three effects units in proportion to their effect send controls (labelled REV,CHOR and VAR within the XGedit Part Module). Hence you may simultaneously apply full Reverb to part 1 by setting its REV knob t o maximum whilst disabling Reverb on part 2 by set tings its REV knob to zero. In this way you can contr ol the amount of effect applied to each part as best suits your songs mix. It should be noted that t he signal routed to the effects modules are monophonic, since the effects modules provide their own panning controls
8.1.3 Variation Connections
The Variation unit is special in that it has two modes of operation, namely System (SYS) and Insertion (INS). The desired mode is controlled using the CON knob within the XG edit Effects module (note t hat this control is system global and that the EFFECT listbox must first be set to Variation before t he CON knob can be adjusted). If we study the rout ing schematic above, then we can see how these two modes alter the behaviour of the effects unit.
In System mode each synth part signal is routed via its Var iation send control (VAR) , wh ich ac ts in a simila r
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manner to the Reverb and Chorus send controls. Hence, in this mode the Variation module is system global. It should be noted that in this mode each synth part signal is also routed via a DRY knob. This controls the amount of dry (pure signal) that bypasses the eff ects units and is routed directly to the out put. This is useful if you do not wish to fully effect a sound.
e.g. you want a fully dry signal from the left speaker and a f ully eff ected signal from the r ight speaker. In t his case you would set the part pan to left with the dry knob to maximum and the effect m odule pan to right with the effect send level to maximum.
If we look at the Insertion mode rout ing (CO N set to INS) then things become somewhat more complex.. In this mode each parts signal is fed via the system global PART control. This control is used to select one part for Variation processing; all others ar e fed directly to the output as dry signals ( hence the Part DRY knob is disabled, but Reverb and Chorus effects may be applied in the normal m anner). The part signal selected for processing is routed via the Effect Param eters Dry/Wet contr ol (D/W) to determine the am ount of effect applied (i.e. similar to the combination of the part VAR and DRY control in SYS mode). The proportion selected for processing is then fed via the Var iation module and then to the output (note in this mode the Variation module Level and Pan controls are bypassed as these are controlled by the part settings).
Interestingly, inspecting the range of t he PART control, reveals t hat up to 64 synth parts (P1 - P64) and 63 analogue parts (AD1 - AD63) are catered f or within the XG f ormat . Current ly, the SW1000 pr ovide 32 synth
parts and 14 Analogue parts......hence we can only assume that Yamaha have been very generous with the
XG specs future expansion capability! So what’s the point of Insertion if it still only provides a single simultaneous effect?………. Well t he benefit of
this mode is that certain paramet ers of t he effect s unit may be cont rolled by an external midi contr oller ( foot pedals, wheels, breath etc.). e.g. The Rotary Speaker effect provides for external control of the rotation speed (please refer to the XG effect tables for which parameters are controllable in this manner). Using XGedit, the assigned external controller and amount of control can be setup using a combination of the
CTRL knob and CONTROLLER listbox.
8.2 Effects Unit
The synths effects unit is edited using the eff ect s cont r ols and Ef f ect Par am eters Module
8.2.1 Effect List Box
The Effect list box selects the effect type; Reverb, Chorus, Variation, Inser tion 1 & 2 and Plug Harmony
Insertion is only available on higher range XG devices. Plug Harmony is only available on the MU100R and SW1000XG when the VH Plugin board is
fitted and VH is enabled via the Setup Plugins menu
8.2.2 Effect Controls
LEVEL Overall effect return level 0 - 127
(-∝dB-0-+6dB) PAN Overall effect pan position L63 - 0 - R63 ToREV Amount of effect sent to Reverb unit 0 - 127 ToCHR Amount of effect sent to Chorus unit 0 - 127 CON Connection setting for Variation and Insertion, either Insertion to a single part
or global to System
PART Selects the Par t num ber when CON is set t o INS P1 - P63,
CTRL Effect sensitivity to midi controller messages. Note the sensitivity setting
applies to the currently selected controller in the CONTROLLER listbox.
AD1 - AD63
0 - 127
XGedit95 User Manual Page 17
HCH Selects Plug Harmony ef fect – Harmony MIDI control channel 1 – 16,OFF MCH Selects Plug Harmony effect – Melody MIDI control channel 1 – 16,OFF
XGedit95 User Manual Page 18
8.3 Effect Parameters Module
This module provides editing of the currently selected effect s par am eters.
8.3.1 Effect Name List- box
Effect types may be quickly selected using the Effect Name Listbox. Each name corresponds to one of t he built in effect macros
NO EFFECT Effect turned off. HALL1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall. HALL2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall. ROOM1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a r oom . ROOM2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a r oom . ROOM3 Reverb simulating the resonance of a r oom . STAGE1 Reverb appropriat e for a solo instrument. STAGE2 Reverb appropriat e for a solo instrument. PLATE Rever b simulating a metal plate reverb unit. WHITE RO O M A unique short rever b with a bi t of initia l delay. TUNNEL Simulation of a tunnel space expanding to left and right. BASEMENT A bit of init ial delay followed by reverb with a unique resonance CANYON Long cavernous r everb (MU80/MU100/SW1000 Only)
NO EFFECT Effect turned off. CHORUS1 Convent ional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness CHORUS2 Convent ional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness CHORUS3 Convent ional chorus program that adds natural spaciousness CHORUS4 Chorus with stereo input . The pan setting specified f or the Part will also apply to the
effect sound. (Not avai lable on MU80) CELESTE1 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound CELESTE2 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound CELESTE3 A 3-phase LFO adds modulation and spaciousness to the sound CELESTE4 Celeste with stereo input. The pan setti ng specified for the Part will also apply to the
effect sound. (Not avai lable on MU80) FLANGER1 Adds a jet-aer oplane effect t o the sound. FLANGER2 Adds a jet-aer oplane effect t o the sound. FLANGER3 Adds a jet-aer oplane effect t o the sound. (Not available on MU80) SYMPHONIC Exceptionally rich & deep chorusing ENSEMBLE
DETUNE PHASER Pronounce metallic modulation with periodic phase change (MU80 Only)
Chorus effect without modulation, created by adding a slightly pitch shifted sound
(MU100/SW1000 Only)
NO EFFECT Effect turned off. HALL1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall. HALL2 Reverb simulating the resonance of a hall. ROOM1 Reverb simulating the resonance of a r oom .
XGedit95 User Manual Page 19
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