Yamaha TROMBONES User Manual

Yamaha TROMBONES User Manual


Owner’s Manual




Mode d’emploi


Manual de instrucciones











You are now the owner of a high quality musical instrument. Thank you for choosing

Yamaha. For instructions on the proper assembly of the instrument, and how to keep the


instrument in optimum condition for as long as possible, we urge you to read this Owner’s


Manual thoroughly.

Wir beglückwünschen Sie!

Sie sind nun der stolze Besitzer eines hochwertigen Musikinstruments. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für


ein Instrument der Marke Yamaha entschiedenen haben. Um mit den Handgriffen zum Zusammen-


setzen und Zerlegen des Instruments vertraut zu werden und dieses über Jahre hinweg in optimalem


Zustand halten zu können, raten wir Ihnen, diese Anleitung aufmerksam durchzulesen.


Vous êtes dès à présent le propriétaire d’un instrument de musique de haute qualité. Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi Yamaha. En ce qui concerne les instructions relatives à un assemblage adéquat de l’instrument et sur la façon de garder l’instrument dans des conditions optimales aussi longtemps que possible, nous vous conseillons vivement de lire entièrement le présent Mode d’emploi.


Usted es ahora propietario de un instrumento musical de alta calidad. Le agradecemos su elección de un instrumento Yamaha. Le aconsejamos que lea todo este manual de instrucciones para ver las instrucciones para el montaje correcto del instrumento y para aprender a conservar el instrumento en óptimas condiciones durante tanto tiempo como sea posible.




! , ,







Вы стали обладателем высококачественного музыкального инструмента. Благодарим Вас


за выбор продукции Yamaha. Для получения инструкций по правильной сборке данного


инструмента и его длительном хранении в оптимальных условиях мы настоятельно


рекомендуем Вам внимательно прочитать настоящее руководство.






Owner’s Manual

Precautions Please read before using

The precautions given below concern the proper and safe use of the instrument, and are to protect you and others from any damage or injuries. Please follow and obey these precautions.

If children are using the instrument, a guardian should clearly explain these precautions to the child and make sure they are fully understood and obeyed. After reading this manual, please keep it in a safe place for future reference.

About the Icons

: This icon indicates points which should be paid attention to.

: This icon indicates actions that are prohibited.


Caution lead to damage or injury.



Disobeying the points indicated with this mark may



Do not throw or swing the instrument when others


Never use benzene or thinner for maintenance on


are close by.


instruments with a lacquer finish.

The mouthpiece or other parts may fall off hitting other


Doing so may result in damage to the finish’s top coat.

people. Always treat the instrument gently.


Take care not to disfigure the instrument.

Keep the oil, polish, etc., out of children’s mouths.



Placing the instrument where it is unstable may cause

Keep the oil, polish, etc., out of children’s reach and do


the instrument to fall or drop resulting in disfigurement.

maintenance when children are not present.


Take care as to where and how you place the instru-

Be aware of climatic conditions such as tempera-




Do not modify the instrument.

ture, humidity, etc.


Keep the instrument away from heat sources such as


Besides voiding the warranty, modification of the instru-

heaters, etc. Also, do not use or store the instrument in


ment may make repairs impossible.

any extreme conditions of temperature or humidity. Do-



ing so may result in damage to key balance, linkage, or



pads, resulting in problems during performance.






In regards to brass instruments with a plate finish, the color of the finish may change over time however, it should be of no concern in regards to the instrument’s performance. Discoloration in its early stage can easily be removed with maintenance. (As discoloration progresses, it may be difficult to remove.)

*Please use the accessories that are specified for use with the particular type of finish found on the instrument. Also, metal polishes remove a thin layer of the finish’s top coat which will make the finish thinner. Please be aware of this before using polish.



Tenor Trombone



Tuning Slide

Water Key

Slide Brace




Slide Receiver Slide Stopper Slide Lock Ring

Tenor Bass Trombone





Tuning Slide










Water Key



Slide Brace


F Attachment




Tuning Slide





Slide Stopper

Rotary Valve




Rotary Valve Lever

Slide Receiver

Slide Lock Ring




Bass Trombone






F Attachment





Tuning Slide








Water Key







Slide Brace



Tuning Slide





Rotary Valves










G Attachment





Slide Lock Ring


Tuning Slide





Rotary Valve Lever

Slide Receiver





Outer Slide

Inner Slide

* Due to improvements, specifications and appearance may change without notice.


Before Playing

Handling the Instrument

The instrument is made with very thin metal so please handle it with care. Do not apply any excessive force, or bump it in a manner that will dent or damage the instrument.

Removing the Instrument From Its Case

1.Holding the instrument with both hands, gently remove the instrument from its case.

*Holding only the main section of the instrument can result in damage to the bell, so please hold on to both the bell and the main part of the instrument when removing it from the case.

2.When removing the slide from the case, hold the slide with both hands hooking a finger on the slide brace to keep the slide from moving, and gently lift the slide out of the case.

*Always hold the slide with both hands. Holding it with only one hand may result in damage to the slide.

*When carrying only the slide, make sure that both of the slide braces are held together to prevent either section of the slide from dropping.

Slide Braces

Preparing the Slide

1.Remove dirt from inside of the inner slide then apply a bit of slide cream on the slightly thicker end sections of the slide.

Inner slide

Apply slide cream to these parts

*Do not use slide grease on these parts.

2.After applying slide cream, use a water spray bottle to moisten the slide sufficiently.


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