Yamaha CL5, CL3, CL1 V2.0 Supplementary Manual

V2.0 Supplementary Manual
This supplementary manual explains mainly the functions that have been added or changed in CL5/CL3/CL1 firmware V2.0.
Use it in conjunction with the CL5/CL3/CL1 Owner’s Manual, Reference Manual, and V1.7 Supplementary Manual.


SELECTED CHANNEL section ...................................................... 3
Added fader function............................................................................................... 3
Added insert function .............................................................................................. 3
Input channels .......................................................................... 4
Added gain function ................................................................................................ 4
Grouping and linking ............................................................... 5
DCA Roll-out function.............................................................................................. 5
Added DCA output channels ................................................................................... 6
Added mute group function .................................................................................... 7
Added channel link function .................................................................................... 7
Added channel job function..................................................................................... 7
Scene memory........................................................................... 8
Added scene memory function ................................................................................ 8
Graphic EQ, Effects, and Premium Rack ................................... 9
Enhanced Graphic EQ functions............................................................................... 9
User settings ........................................................................... 10
Functions added to the channel name display ....................................................... 10
Recorder (Nuendo Live) .......................................................... 10
Added Recorder (Nuendo Live) function ................................................................ 10
Other functions....................................................................... 11
Added GPI functions.............................................................................................. 11
Added functions that can be assigned to the USER DEFINED keys .......................... 11
Added functions that can be assigned to the USER DEFINED knobs ....................... 11
Added functions that can be assigned to the assignable encoders.......................... 11


INSERT OUT buttons INSERT IN buttons

Added fader function

The TOUCH AND TURN function assigned to one of the USER DEFINED knobs enables you to control the fader in the FADER field of the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen.

Added insert function

You can now insert two devices into a single channel or bus.
Setting inserts
1. Use a bank select key or [SEL] key to select the channel or bus to which you want
to insert devices.
2. In the INSERT field of the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen, press the popup
button to open the INSERT/DIRECT OUT popup window (1ch). (In the OVERVIEW screen, press the INSERT/DIRECT OUT field to access the INSERT popup window (8ch).)
3. Press the INSERT OUT or INSERT IN button.

Input channels

AGDG ALL ON button/ AGDG ALL OFF button
AGDG ALL ON button/ AGDG ALL OFF button
AGDG LINK button
: Link is on.
: Link is off.
4. Select an output port or input port.
• There is a limit to the sum of INSERT 1 and INSERT 2 for each channel group, as shown in the table below. You can select any output or input ports.
CH1-16 CH17-32 CH33-48
INSERT OUT 16 16 16 16 8 30 8
INSERT IN 16 16 16 16 8 30 8
• If you exceed the INSERT OUT or INSERT IN limitation, the indicator will light up on the left.
(CL5 and
CL3 only)
(CL5 only)
Input channels

Added gain function

If GC (Gain Compensation) is enabled, you can link the digital gain to the analog gain operation.
While you are controlling the analog gain, the Gain Compensation function enables you to modify the level on your own console without affecting the level of other consoles.
Linking the gains
1. Press the GAIN knob in the GAIN/PATCH field in the OVERVIEW screen (or
2. Press the 1ch tab or 8ch tab in the GAIN/PATCH popup window.
• If the limit is exceeded, invalid ports will be marked with a strike-out line.
• If the limit is exceeded, the following ports will take priority per channel group (listed in the table above.)
1 INSERT 1 will take priority over INSERT 2. 2 Lower-number channel will take priority.
3. Press the AGDG LINK button to turn the link on.
Using the AGDG ALL ON button and AGDG ALL OFF button enables you to turn the link between the analog and digital gain for all input channels simultaneously.
You can also view the link status in the SELECTED CHANNEL VIEW screen.
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