This manual supplement explains the functions and specifications
that have been added or changed in version 2.0 of the AW4416’s system software. “Operation” explains how to use the new functionality,
and “Reference” provides detailed explanations of all items in the
pages that were added. Since revisions have also occurred in the
MIDI data format in the appendices, this material is also provided.
Extensions to the Quick Rec function............ 3
Quickly assign input sources to tracks.......... 3
MIDI data format .........................................37
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
Extensions to the Quick Rec function
The Quick Rec screen now has two pages: Quick Rec
1 and Quick Rec 2. Operations corresponding to what
was the previous Quick Rec page are performed in
the Quick Rec 1 page, and the newly added Quick
Rec 2 page allows the various input signals/input
channels to be freely patched to the tracks of the
By using the appropriate page (Quick Rec 1 or Quick
Rec 2), you can make patching settings more efficiently.
Quickly assign input sources to
By using the Quick Rec 2 page, you can quickly
assign any input source/input channel to a recorder
track. Here’s how.
In the WORK NAVIGATE section, press the
[Quick Rec] key
The Quick Rec 2 page will appear. This page displays the following information.
[F2] (Quick Rec 2) key.
To change the input source that is assigned
to an input channel, move the cursor to
the number box of the corresponding
channel, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial.
The following types of input source can be
assigned to an input channel.
• AD 1–AD 8.............Input signals from INPUT
1–8 jacks
• SL1-1–SL1-8............Inputs 1–8 from an I/O
card (slot 1)
• SL2-1–SL2-8............Inputs 1–8 from an I/O
card (slot 2)
• DIN L/DIN R..........L or R channels from the
• SMP 1–SMP 8..........Sampling pads 1–8
• MET........................Internal metronome
MIX.CH (Input channel)
This area shows the type of input signal that is
assigned to each input channel 1–16. The
symbols (jacks) displayed at the right of this area
indicate the direct output of each input channel.
REC.TR (Recorder track)
This area shows tracks 1–16 (Tr1–Tr16). The
symbols (jacks) displayed at the left of this area
indicate the input to each track.
In the MIX.CH area, move the cursor to the
patch-source jack, and press the [ENTER]
The corresponding input channel will be highlighted, and selected as the patch-source.
If you move the cursor to a highlighted input channel
and press the [ENTER] key once again, the selection
will be cancelled.
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
AW4416 Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
In the REC.TR area, move the cursor to the
jack for the desired patch-destination track,
and press the [ENTER] key.
The patch-source and patch-destination in the
screen will be connected by a patch cable.
• You may perform steps 3 and 4 in reverse order.
• It is also possible to connect the direct output of the
same channel to multiple tracks. However, it is not
possible to connect multiple direct outputs to a single track.
Make connections for other input channels
in the same way.
When you are finished making patch cable
connections, move the cursor to the EXECUTE button located in the lower right of
the display, and press the [ENTER] key.
The following popup window will appear.
To execute the Quick Rec function, move
the cursor to the OK button and press the
[ENTER] key.
To cancel the operation, move the cursor to the
CANCEL button and press the [ENTER] key.
When you execute Quick Rec, the internal settings of the AW4416 will change as follows.
• The input patch and recorder input settings will
be set according to the settings of the Quick
Rec 2 page.
• Assignments to the stereo bus will be forcibly
cancelled for any input channel to which a
patch cable is connected.
• Channel library number 01 will be recalled for
the monitor channel of any track to which a
patch cable is connected, restoring it to the
default condition.
• To cancel a specific patch cable, move the cursor to
the CLEAR button located at the right of the corresponding recorder input, and press the [ENTER] key.
• To cancel all patch cables, move the cursor to the
ALL CLEAR button located at the upper right of the
display, and press the [ENTER] key.
If desired, each input channel to which a patch cable
is connected can be initialized when you execute
Quick Rec. To do this, move the cursor to the FLAT/
CURRENT button located in the upper left of the display, and press the [ENTER] key to make the button
read “FLAT.”
[Reference pages]
Details on the Quick Rec 2 page → P.23
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
Shortcut key definitions
The new version of the system program lets you assign
desired functions to various combinations of the
[SHIFT] key located at the right of the display (the
[CTRL] key), in order to create your own shortcut
In the UNIT section, press the [UTILITY] key
[F5] (CTRL Key Assign) key.
The CTRL Key Asgn. page added in version 2.0
will appear.
In the RIGHT SHIFT KEY area, move the
cursor to the CTRL button, and press the
[ENTER] key.
The buttons in the RIGHT SHIFT KEY area are
used to switch the function of the [SHIFT] key
located at the right of the display. When you turn
on the CTRL button, the [SHIFT] key located at
the right of the display will function as a [CTRL]
key to access shortcuts. (Even in this case, the
function of the [SHIFT] key located at the left of
the display will not be affected.)
If you turn the CTRL button on, you will be able
to assign specific functions (e.g., access a page or
turn a certain function on/off) to combinations of
the [CTRL] + [F1] – [CTRL] + [F5] keys.
Select the shortcut key combination
(CTRL+F1–CTRL+F5) to which you want to
assign a function, move the cursor to that
combination, and press the [ENTER] key.
The corresponding symbol will be highlighted,
allowing you to assign a function.
When the AW4416 is in its initial state, all shortcut
keys are set to No Assign.
Move the cursor to the function list, and
use the [DATA/JOG] dial to select the function that you want to assign.
For a list of the functions that can be selected,
refer to page 25.
If you select SCENE RECALL as the assigned function,
a field allowing you to specify the scene number will
appear at the right of the function list. Move the cursor to this area, and use the [DATA/JOG] dial to specify the scene number.
Move the cursor to the ASSIGN button,
and press the [ENTER] key.
A popup window will appear, asking you to confirm the assignment.
Function list
Assign button
To return the [SHIFT] key located at the right of the
display to its normal function, move the cursor to the
SHIFT button and press the [ENTER] key.
To confirm the assignment, move the cur-
sor to the OK button and press the [ENTER]
To execute the assigned function, hold
down the [CTRL] key (the [SHIFT] key at
the right of the display), and press the corresponding function key.
[Reference pages]
For details on the CTRL Key Asgn. page → P.25
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
AW4416 Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
Added/modified MIDI functions
MIDI-related functionality has been significantly
enhanced in version 2.0. The following functions and
specifications have been added or modified.
●The various items in the previous MIDI Setup page
and MIDI Sync page have been reorganized into
the MIDI Setup 1 page and MIDI Setup 2 page.
●You can now use control changes or parameter
changes to operate the parameters of the AW4416
from an external MIDI device.
●Internal AW4416 settings can now be output via
●A “MIDI Remote” function has been added, allow-
ing you to use faders 1–16 and [ON] keys 1–16 to
control external MIDI devices.
●As an MTC output destination, you can now select
MIDI/TO HOST/OPTION (option slot 2) in addition
to the previous choice of the MTC OUT connector.
●MTC is now transmitted from the MTC OUT con-
nector at all times.
●As the port used to transmit/receive MIDI mes-
sages, you can now select OPTION (option slot 2)
in addition to the previous choices of MIDI/TO
HOST. This setting will be valid when a I/O card
able to transmit/receive MIDI messages (such as the
mLAN card “MY8-mLAN” expected to go on sale
soon) is installed in option slot 2.
The additions and changes for each item are
explained below.
Changes in the MIDI Setup page/
MIDI Sync page
The various items in the previous MIDI Setup page
and MIDI Sync page have been reorganized into the
MIDI Setup 1 page and MIDI Setup 2 page. The content of the new pages is as follows.
MIDI Setup 1 page
Here you can select the MIDI transmit/receive channels, turn transmission and reception of various MIDI
messages on/off, and make settings related to MIDI
Here you can make settings for program change
message transmission/reception. Each button has
the following function.
● TX
If this button is on, the program change number
assigned to a scene will be transmitted when that
scene is recalled.
● RX
If this button is on, a scene will be recalled when
the program change number assigned to that
scene is received.
If this button is on, program changes of all MIDI
channels will be received regardless of the Rx
CH (Receive MIDI channel) setting (8).
If this button is on, received program changes
will be “thru-ed” (retransmitted) without change
from the MIDI OUT connector/TO HOST connector.
Here you can make settings for control change
message transmission/reception. Each button has
the following function.
● TX
If this button is on, operating a parameter of the
AW4416 will cause the control change assigned
to that parameter in the CTL Asgn. page to be
● RX
If this button is on, receiving a control change
will cause the AW4416 parameter assigned to
that control change in the CTL Asgn. page to
If this button is on, control changes of all MIDI
channels will be received regardless of the Rx
CH (Receive MIDI channel) setting (8).
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
If this button is on, received control changes will
be “thru-ed” (retransmitted) without change from
the MIDI OUT connector/TO HOST connector/
option slot.
Here you can make transmission/reception settings for system exclusive messages that control
the AW4416’s parameters (parameter change
messages). Each button has the following function.
● TX
If this button is on, operating a parameter of the
AW4416 will cause the corresponding parameter
change to be transmitted.
● RX
If this button is on, receiving a parameter change
will cause the corresponding AW4416 parameter
to change.
If this button is on, received parameter changes
will be “thru-ed” (retransmitted) without change
from the MIDI OUT connector/TO HOST connector/option slot.
Here you can make settings for bulk data reception. If the BULK RX button is on, the AW4416
will be able to receive bulk dump data and messages requesting a bulk dump (bulk dump
When using MTC (MIDI Time Code) to synchronize the AW4416 song with an external MIDI
device, this setting selects whether the AW4416
will function as the MTC master (MASTER button
on) or MTC slave (SLAVE button on).
In the previous version, the MTC MASTER indicator in
the level meter/counter was lit or dark depending on
whether MTC output from the MTC OUT connector
was turned on or off. However in version 2.0, MTC is
output from the MTC OUT connector at all times. For
this reason, the lit/dark status of the MTC MASTER
indicator now indicates the on/off state of MTC output from the MIDI OUT connector/TO HOST connector/option slot 2.
When using the AW4416 as an MTC slave, this
lets you shift the absolute time of the AW4416
relative to the received MTC. The range is “24:00:00:00.00” – “+24:00:00:00.00”
H Rx CH (Receive channel)
This specifies the channel (1–16) of the MIDI
messages that receive received by the AW4416.
This sets the device ID (1–127) used to distinguish between devices when MMC (MIDI
Machine Control) messages are used to perform
remote control between the AW4416 and external MIDI devices.
Use the following three buttons to make settings
for MMC reception and transmission.
● OFF button
If this button is on, the AW4416 will not transmit
or receive MMC.
● MASTER button
If this button is on, the corresponding MMC
command will be transmitted from MIDI OUT/
TO HOST connector/option slot when you operate the transport of the AW4416.
● SLAVE button
If this button is on, the AW4416 will obey MMC
commands received from MIDI IN/TO HOST
connector/option slot.
In order to use MMC, the device ID of the AW4416
and the external MIDI device must match. The device
ID of the AW4416 is specified by the MMC DEVICE
setting (
This sets the permissible range of variation in
MTC timing when using the AW4416 as an MTC
slave. Select one of the following three settings.
● OFF button
If this button is on, the permissible range will be
the least, and the AW4416 will synchronize to
incoming MTC with the highest precision. However if MTC with significant variation is received,
synchronization may be lost or become unstable.
This setting is suitable when two AW4416 units
are being operated in synchronization.
● 1 button/2 button
Turning on the 1 button will increase the permissible range, and turning on the 2 button will set
the permissible range to the maximum setting.
These settings are suitable when an external
device with significant variation in MTC (such as
a tape recorder or computer-based sequencer) is
used as the MTC master.
G Tx CH (Transmit channel)
This specifies the channel (1–16) of the MIDI
messages that will be transmitted from the
The SYNC AVERAGE setting is valid only when the
word clock source is set to “INT” (internal clock). If
the AW4416 is synchronized to an external clock,
operation will automatically be the same as when this
setting is OFF.
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
AW4416 Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
■ MIDI Setup 2 page
In this page you can select the port that will be used
for MIDI transmission and reception: MIDI OUT/
THRU connectors, TO HOST connector, or option
slot. Here you can also select the synchronization
messages that will be transmitted to external devices.
In this page, signal routes along which MIDI messages
flow are shown by a solid line ( | ), and signal routes
along which MIDI messages do not flow are shown by
a hollow line ( || ).
• THRU......................The MIDI messages
received at the MIDI IN
connector will be retransmitted from the OUT/
THRU connector.
• OUT........................Messages generated
within the AW4416 will
be transmitted from the
OUT/THRU connector.
Set the transmission speed of the TO HOST connector according to the type of computer you are
using. Move the cursor to the TO HOST connector
graphic, and turn the [DATA/JOG] dial to select
the transmission speed from the following.
MACApple Macintosh series
*1 Select PC1 or PC2 according to the driver you are
*2 Only for models that provide a modem/printer
port. On the software you are using, set the clock
to “1 MHz.”
NEC PC-9800/9821 series
IBM PC compatible, NEC
PC-9800/9821 series
31.25 kbps
38.4 kbps
31.25 kbps
This selects the port that will be used to transmit/
receive MIDI messages. Move the cursor to this
area and press the [ENTER] key to cycle through
the following three settings.
• MIDI .......................The MIDI IN connector
connector will be used.
• HOST ......................The TO HOST connector
will be used. The transmission speed is set by
the TO HOST setting.
• OPTION..................The OPTION I/O slot will
be used.
The OPTION setting is valid only if an I/O card that
can transmit/receive MIDI messages (such as the
mLAN card “MY8-mLAN”; planned for availability in
the near future) is installed in option slot 2. MIDI
message transmission/reception cannot be performed via option slot 1.
B OUT/THRU switch
This switches the function of the OUT/THRU
connector. Move the cursor to this area and press
the [ENTER] key to cycle through the following
two settings.
D MTC ON/OFF switch
This is an on/off switch for the MTC messages
that are sent to the MIDI OUT connector/TO
HOST connector/option slot.
E MIDI CLK ON/OFF (MIDI Clock on/off)
This is an on/off switch for the MIDI Clock messages that are sent to the MIDI OUT connector/
TO HOST connector/option slot.
Version 2.0 Manual Supplement
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