Yamaha SG3000, SG2000, SG1000, RGXA2, RGX220DZ Brochure

Reviving Roc k: Making a Bold Statement Yamaha’s Ev olution
IRA (Initial Response Acceleration)
If you’ve ever played another guitarist’s instrument and not been able to get the same sound, it’s probably because you are playing a different style than what the guitar is used to. Af ter playing the same guitar for years, the guitar adapts to the guitarist’s playing style. It takes time for a new guitar to adapt to your own way of playing. Stress found bet ween parts like fi nish, woods, body, neck, fi ngerboard, nut, bridge, etc., must be released before all of the par ts can resonate together as an instrument. It takes time and a lot of playing for this to happen. Using IR A technology, stresses like those between the fi nish and wood are release by applying specifi c vibrations to the completed guitars. Once this treatment is complete, the guitar responds accurately to the guitarist’s performance, and produces sound more easily. It also shortens the time needed for the guitar to adapt to your playing style. And it delivers excellent sustain.
Since its spectacular debut, Yamaha SG series guitars have accompa­nied many a musician on their road to success. From its rich tone and long sustain to its superior performance and refi ned design, all of its signature characteristics have stood the test of time, remaining relevant to this day. Trends and special requests by musicians over the last 30+ years have resulted in numerous spec changes and the release of special models. And while the latest SG3000/2000/1000 guitars look the same as the original, there are many refi nements that improve upon their perfection.
Ove r t he cour s e of the SG’s histor y, t hese th r ee new SG s, the SG1820/1820A/1802, represent the most dynamic approach yet. Look­ing at current trends in music and the sound requirements of today’s guitarists, we have taken three approaches to sound
SG1820: Modern rock sound. All-around instrument delivers a clear, rich low-end tone capable of everything from clean cutting tone to distortion. SG1820A: Designed for the next-generation guitarist. Delivers a beautiful hard distortion and releases an intense sound from its sharp styling. SG1802: Sound, looks, classic styling, its all there in this model. The combination of wide single coil pickups and SG body deliver a warm, clear tone.
The new SG also features a wide variety of refi nements including hard- ware modifi cations. A new page in Yamaha’s SG history starts here.
SG’s that are right for today’s music and musicians
Introducing 3 concepts equipped with the latest hardware
Back Contour
Eli minating the co nto ure d back found on pr ior m ode ls in cre ase s the v olu me of wood in th e body to deliver a woo dier tone.
Body Contour
Th e new S G has a mor e pro no unced arch compared to the earlier SG mod els. Regulating th e bal anc e in the ma pl e top’s th ic kn es s en ha nc es m id to low-end tone and delive rs smoother distortion.
Small Head Design
Ba l anc e h as a g r ea t er e f fec t o n playability than weight. Using a des ign t hat i s sma lle r and l igh ter than conventiona l heads m ove s the c enter of gravity close r to the body, improving playability.
Grover Locking Tuner
Lo ck s st rin gs i n pl ace a t th e tu ne r’s string post. Prevents pitch problems due to tuni ng peg slippage and makes sp ee dy s tr in g re pl ac em en t po ss ib le. Lightweight, sleek design does not affect instrument sound or playability.
Seymour Duncan ‘59 Pickups (SG1820)
This v intag e humbu cker pi ckup design de l ive r s lo ts of w ar m , dr y t o ne w i th smooth sustain.
Seymour Duncan SP90 Pickups (SG1802)
This single coil delivers a tone that is milder and warmer than an ordinary single coil pickup.
EMG85/EMG81 Pickups (SG1820A)
High-gain, low-noise active pickups. An E MG 8 5 on t he f ron t de li ver s ri c h harmonics with superior attack while an EMG81 at the re ar is designed to deliver distortion.
Three sound and design concepts to choose from. SG1820: New SG body with a pair of Seymour Duncan ‘59s installed. Delivers a well-balanced, all-around tone ranging from clean to distortion. Faithfully reproduces picking nuances with warm clear tone. SG1820A: Black hardware and parts on the monotone body create a cool look. Equipped with EMG pick­ups (EMG85 front/EMG81 rear) delivers a hard-edged sound. SG1802: Vintage SG look with a pair of Seymour Duncan SP90s. Delivers a wide palette of tone ranging from warm solo to bright, crisp comping.
Vintage White
Brown Sunburst
Model Construction Scale Length Fingerboard Radius Frets Body Neck Bridge/Tailpiece Pickups Tune rs Pickup Switch Controls Colors
Set Neck
24 3/ 4" (628. 6mm)
13 3 /4" ( 350m m)
Curved Maple, Mahogany
Tone pros A VRII /To nepro s T1Z
Front EM G85, Rear EM G81
Grover Locking Tuner
3-Position Toggle(Switchcraft )
Front Volu me, Rear Volume, Fron t Tone, Rear Tone
Black, Silver Burst
Set Neck
24 3/ 4" (628. 6mm)
13 3 /4" ( 350m m)
Curved Maple, Mahogany
Tone pros A VRII /To nepro s T1Z
Front S. Duncan SP9 0 (Cream) , Rear S.Dunc an SP90 (C ream)
Grover Locking Tuner
3-Position Toggle(Switchcraft )
Front Volu me, Rear Volume, Fron t Tone, Rear Tone
Gold Top, Black
Set Neck
24 3/ 4" (628. 6mm)
13 3 /4" ( 350m m)
Curved Maple, Mahogany
Tone pros A VRII /To nepro s T1Z
Front S. Duncan ‘59 Cove red, Rear S.Dun can ‘59 Covered
Grover Locking Tuner
3-Position Toggle(Switchcraft )
Front Volu me, Rear Volume, Fron t Tone, Rear Tone
Black, B rown Sunburst , Vintage White
Controls & Output Jack
The output jack is relocated on the bo dy s id e an d co nt rol kn ob l ayo ut i s modified in co nsidera tion o f playabil ity and usa bility. Control kno bs on all three models complement guitar designs. SG1820: Speed Knobs, SG1820A: Metal Knobs, SG1802: Barrel Knobs
Silver Burst
Gold Top
Head Design
The SG1820A featu res an outline head inlay t hat e vok es a n ima ge of flo wi ng streams of light. Its i mage is shared by the position marker inlay and monotone body’s binding. Both the SG1820 and 1802 feature block ty pe inlays.
Position Markers
Position marker designs complement th e in st ru men t’s l oo ks . SG 1820: SG Arrow, SG1820A: Outlined Arrow, SG1802: Dot.
The SG1000 with its set-neck body design and specially designed powerful pick­ups delivers great rock sound and attack. The SG2000 with its thru-neck body and sustain plate delivers rich sustain and premium tone. The SG3000 with its thru-neck construction and select woods delivers a rich, wood infl uenced tone. Everything is designed specifi cally for the SG, from body and neck designs, to pickups, bridges, circuitry, even down to the strap pins. As a last touch, Yamaha’s Initial Response Acceleration is applied for a matured resonance.
Brown Sunburst
Red Sunburst
Body Neck Construction
T Cross Maple (Neck Through) Design (SG3000/2000)
Bo dy an d ne ck ar e in te gr ated in to a single structure that lets string vibration loop through the string, neck, and body, reducing energy loss and delivering long sustai n. The cros s maple design cre ates a T shape that blends the tonal qualiti es of maple; good for high-range sustain, an d m aho g an y; go o d fo r l ow -r a ng e sustain, to produce long sustain that is well bal anced ove r a wide tonal range.
Bi-Sound System
A qu i ck pu ll of t he to ne c o ntr ol k n o b switche s betwee n Humbuc ker and single coil tone.
Pickup and Escutcheon (SG3000)
Utilizing a full cover type pickup c over delivers a milder tone by minimizing high frequencies. Compared to plastic, the brass escutcheon promotes a more effi cient fl ow of body vibrations to the p ick up ge nerati ng su bstanti al sustain.
Shell Binding
This precision The SG’s smooth bodylines are beautifully accented with Mexican Abalone binding.
Wine Red
Model Construction Scale Length Fingerboard Radius Frets Body
Neck Bridge Pickups Pickup Switch Controls
Neck Through
24 3/ 4" (628. 6mm)
13 3 /4" ( 350m m)
Carved Maple, Mahogany
Maple + Ma hogany
Maple + Ma hogany 3piece ( Neck Throu gh)
T-O -M Bri dge
Yamaha Alni co V Humbucker X 2
3-Position Toggle
Front Volu me, Rear Volume, Fron t Tone
Rear Tone wit h Push-Pull Swi tch
Brown Su nburst, Red Sunb urst, Black
Set Neck
24 3/ 4" (628. 6mm)
13 3 /4" ( 350m m)
Carved Maple, Mahogany
Maple + Ma hogany 3piece
T-O -M Bri dge
Yamaha Alni co V Humbucker X 2
3-Position Toggle
Front Volu me, Rear Volume, Fron t Tone
Rear Tone wit h Push-Pull Swi tch
Brown Su nburst, Red Sunb urst, Black
Red Sunburst
Brown Sunburst
Semi Open Humbucking Pickup
This original pickup was developed with an Alnico V alloy magnet for use on t he S G. I t pr od uc es a f at s ou nd that i s sweet and r ich. O the r ori ginal Yamaha d esig ns utilized h ere are the semi- open co ver, which co ntrib ute s both to noise prevention and power output, a nd tripl e support escu tcheon, which adjusts pickup height and angle.
Neck Through
24 3/ 4" (628. 6mm)
13 3 /4" ( 350m m)
Carved Maple, Mahogany
Maple + Ma hogany
Maple + Ma hogany 3piece ( Neck Throu gh)
T-O -M Bri dge
Yamaha Alni co V Covered Humbu cker X 2
3-Position Toggle
Front Volu me, Rear Volume, Fron t Tone
Rear Tone wit h Push-Pull Swi tch
Black Me tallic, Gold, Win e Red
Over Binding Frets
This precision design extends the fr e t al l t he w a y to t he ed g e of t h e n gerb oard, e ndin g at a point above the binding. It prevents string drops when bending or vibrating the strings, and offers dyna mic per forman ce.
12 3 4
56 7 8
A. I. R. (Alternative Internal Resonance) Design
Using Yamaha’s original Alternative Internal Resonance technology the RGXA2 and RBX4A2 offer players excellent lightweight characteristics without sacrifi cing sound quality.
The body consists of a lightweight core sandwiched between hard woods on top and back. (1)
Three metal tubes (sound tubes) installed under the bridge plate transmit string vibration to the body, and return body vibration to the bridge. (2)
(The story behind the development of the RGXA2 and RBX4A2)
Design of the RGXA2 centered on developing a lightweight instrument that would bring the guitar and player closer together. The focus was on providing the player with greater freedom, much like an air guitar, breaking down the boundaries between what is in the player’s head and what comes out of the amp.
In creating a lighter guitar, one absolute condition set down was that sound quality could not be sacrifi ced. For this reason, a great deal of time and effort went into the creation of numerous prototypes. The A2 project had to combine three crucial factors—great sound, light weight, and suffi cient strength to withstand the huge forces generated by strings under tension. Intensive research and development led to the creation of A.I.R. (Alternative Internal Resonance) technology. Although it uses a solid body de­sign, the incredible resonance created by the unique construction method produces a big, open sound that resonates throughout the guitar’s entire body. To match and compliment this instru­ment’s unique characteristics, original bridge and pickup systems were developed—the resulting tone and response shattering the widely accepted concept that “lightweight means light sound”. The RGXA2 brings a revolutionary approach to guitar design.
The quest for the perfect design naturally took the route of trying to build the lightest possible guitar, but early prototypes, while incredibly light, didn’t deliver the sound or playing experience that was essential. The fi nal weight for the RGXA2 was set at around 2.5kg, a perfect balance— around 30% lighter than a regular solid body guitar but with all the feel and sound that players were looking for. This is lightweight design taken to the extreme.
The Guitar and the Player... Becoming One
Original Pickups
Developed with the custom shop at Yamaha Artist Services, Hollywood, the A2 pick ups p er fec tly c omp lim ent the tonal characteristics of the A.I.R. body. Designed with the input of some of the world’s greatest guitar players, the A2’s power ful tone belies its light wei ght.
Original Bridge
In rethinking bridge design, Yamaha has succeeded at creating a c ompac t, lightweight bridge that delivers outstanding function. Removing protrud ing screw s leaves a simple design that delivers extended performance when pl aying close to the bridge. Spe cial sound tubes i nstalled un der the bridge pa s s th r ou g h th e b ody t ran s mi t ti n g string v ibration directly to the bod y.
LED Pickup Indicator
Th e s in gle v ol ume c ont ro l an d a 3 position rotary pickup selector are joined by LEDs surrounding the volume control, providing bright visual indication of the pickup in use.
RGXA2 Neck
Fi n ger b oa r d wi d th i s t he sa m e as gu i ta r s i n th e R GX s e rie s , li ke th e RG X 2 20 DZ , b ut w i th a m e diu m thickness. This design makes chords easier to hold and offers greater stability for the l ef t ha nd. Gre ater ne ck m as s also contribute s to a richer sound.
Weighing in at 2.5 kg, the RGXA2 is in the super lightweight class. Yamaha’s revolutionar y A.I.R. technology delivers a guitar so light that it fuses seamlessly with the player, delivering unprecedented comfort, amazing tone, and superior performance. The RGXA2, the guitar that lets you play the way you want to play.
* Actual we ight may vary sl ightly si nce the RGX A2 is made of woo d material.
White & Aircraft Gray
Jet Black
RGXA2 RGX220DZ/121Z/121ZL
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