Xerox DesignPro Tools for Xerox Getting Started Guide

DesignPro Tools for Xerox
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d G u i d e
1998-2008 Elixir Technologies Corporation . All rights reserved.
Elixir Technologies Corporation 721 East Main Street Ventura, CA 93001
Copyright ©2008 by Elixir Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved. DP200801V300
All product names and trade names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
To report any errors you might find, please send a note to Please note: e-mails are used to correct future versions of this guide and may not receive an individual reply. For technical support, please see “Customer Support” on page 10.
2 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
DesignPro Tools Overview....................................................................5
Associated DesignPro Tools Applications and Utilities........................6
About This User Guide..........................................................................7
Who Should Use this Guide?....................................................................... 7
Related Guides.............................................................................. .... ..... ...... 8
Typographic Conventions............................................................................ 8
Symbolic Conventions................................................................................. 9
Getting the Answers You Need...........................................................10
Customer Support...................................................................................... 10
Elixir Web Site ..........................................................................................11
Elixir Training ........................................................................................... 11
Product Help.............................................................................................. 12
Release Notes ............................................................................................ 12
Chapter 2: Installation 13
System Requirements.......................................................... .... ..... ............. 13
Software Requirements ....................................................................................13
Hardware Requirements...................................................................................14
Installing DesignPro Tools ....................................................................... 14
Select Components.................................................................................... 20
Complete DesignPro Tools Installation, Continued.................................. 21
Registering DesignPro Tools ..................................... .... ..... ...................... 27
Preparing and Downloading Initial Product License from the Internet ...........30
Downloading Existing Product License from the Internet...............................32
Viewing the Product License Information........................................................32
Deactivating the Product License File...................................................... ........33
Continuing the Installation ........................................................................34
Upgrading DesignPro Tools ..................................................................... 36
Modifying DesignPro Tools...................................................................... 44
Repairing DesignPro Tools ...................................................................... 51
Uninstalling DesignPro Tools .................................................................. 58
Contents 3
Installing DesignPro Tools in Silent Mode............................................... 63
Upgrading DesignPro Tools in Silent Mode............................................. 68
Modifying DesignPro Tools in Silent Mode............................................. 71
Repairing DesignPro Tools in Silent Mode............................................... 74
Uninstalling DesignPro Tools in Silent Mode .......................................... 77
Chapter 3: Configuration 81
Understanding Virtual Folders.................................................................. 82
Adding Virtual Folders.............................................................................. 84
Removing Virtual Folders......................................................................... 86
Chapter 4: Quick Start 87
Understanding the Design ...................................................................87
Opening Form Editor................................................................................. 89
Setting Page Properties ....................................................................................90
Adding an Image..............................................................................................91
Adding Text......................................................................................................95
Saving as an Elixir Form..................................................................................98
Importing Text..................................................................................................99
Editing Text................................ ....................................................................103
Adding Images...............................................................................................105
Drawing a Box...............................................................................................107
Drawing a Line............................................................................................... 110
Saving as a Xerox Form................................................................................. 111
Previewing Your Work .................................................................................. 114
Using PrintDriver to Create Forms.......................................................... 115
Creating a Form from MS Word Document.................................................. 115
Using Content from a Windows Application................................................. 121
Making Modifications to a Printed Form.......................................................121
Removing an Existing Image.........................................................................123
Adding a New Image..................................................................................... 123
Print Preview..................................................................................................125
Saving the Form............................................................................................. 125
Index 127
4 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
Chapter 1:
Welcome to the DesignPro Tools for Xerox Getting Started Guide. This guide is designed to get you up and running with DesignPro Tools. This guide provides the following:
Default installation, including installation of the system software and system
DesignPro Tools Quick Start exercises, which will lead you through a few exercises
for hands-on experience with DesignPro Form Editor and Elixir PrintDriver Pro.
Once you are ready to start working, the Quick Start exercise leads you through a
few exercises for hands-on experience with the DesignPro Form Editor and Elixir PrintDriver Pro. In the Quick Start chapter, you will create and edit forms.
This chapter defines who should use this guide, describes the guides within the DesignPro Tools documentation set, and provides Elixir Customer Supp ort and training information.

DesignPro Tools Overview

DesignPro Tools provides a Windows-based, visual design environment for the rapid and cost-effective creation of resources for the Xerox print environment. DesignPro Tools supports integrated resource editors that make it easy to create and edit the forms, fonts and images needed for Xerox printing.

Associated DesignPro Tools Applications and Utilities

DesignPro Tools for Xerox employs integrated applications and utilities to provide advanced functionality for creating resources such as documents, forms, fonts and images for Xerox jobs. Each application helps you create or modify one or more of these necessary resources in a simple environment.
Following are the DesignPro Tools for Xer ox applications:
DesignPro Manager: a Windows Explorer-based file management tool for
resources used in editing and creating forms, graphics and fonts. It is also a central launching area for the DesignPro Editors, Converters and other utilities.
DesignPro Form Editor: a page layout tool for creating and editing forms using
native Xerox, Windows or Elixir resources. Forms can be saved to Xerox, Adobe and Elixir formats.
DesignPro Graphics Editor: a bitmap editor that prepares scanned images for
printing. Images can be tiled into fonts to speed the printing process. Uses native Xerox, Windows or Elixir resources for bitmap editing.
DesignPro Font Editor: a bitmap font editor used to create and edit all Xerox fonts.
Easy to use editing tools give you precise control over font design, including resizing, pixel editing, filtering and special effects. Outline fonts can also be opened, edited and saved as a bitmap Elixir or Xerox font.
Elixir PrintDriver Pro: a utility for “printing” Windows documents into forms.
Windows documents can be opened in their original format and printed into forms using the Elixir PrintDriver Pro. All supported formats can be created using the Elixir PrintDriver Pro.
Elixir Scout: a system service that watches directories for a file or an event to
perform a number of actions like launching an executable (EXE or COM), running a batch file (BAT or CMD), or selecting a process (DLL).
Elixir Viewer: displays printstream and resource files.
6 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide

About This User Guide

This guide introduces you to DesignPro Tools. It provides assistance with system installation and configuration and provides a few exercises to help you feel confident in the use of DesignPro Tools.
This guide is divided into four chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Provides a general introduction to DesignPro Tools and the DesignPro Tools Getting Started Guide.
Chapter 2: Installation
Includes system requirements, registering, and installing your software.
Chapter 3: Configuration
Introduces the concept of virtual folders and leads you through an exercise in setting up virtual folders in the DesignPro Manager.
Chapter 4: Quick Start
Leads you through the DesignPro Form Editor and Elixir PrintDriver Pro using a set of sample forms.

Who Should Use this Guide?

This guide is for anyone who needs to create and edit resources for a Xerox printing environment. This includes Xerox users and print bureaus hosting a Xerox printing environment.
This guide assumes you are already familiar with Microsoft Windows operations, printer and font management operations and PC peripherals. You should also have access to reference manuals for PC software and hardware, including any printers you are using for the design and print process.
Chapter 1: Introduction 7

Related Guides

If you require further information about a specific topic or wish to obtain product background information, reference the following resources, all of which are part of the DesignPro Tools for Xerox documentation package.
DesignPro Tools Manager for Xerox User Guide DesignPro Tools Form Editor for Xerox User Guide DesignPro Tools Font Editor for Xerox User Guide DesignPro Tools Graphics Editor for Xerox User Guide DesignPro Tools for Xerox Migration Guide


Elixir products adhere to Microsoft Windows conventions for using menus, menu commands, dialogs, command buttons, icons, and mouse. See your Windows manual for more information.
This guide uses the following typographic and symbolic conventions to identify special information.

Typographic Conventions

The typographic conventions used in this guide are given below:
Convention Information Type/Example
Bold type Text for you to enter.
Field names, windows, toolbars, buttons, and workspace areas within a task step.
Example: select an item from the List of Used Fonts. Example: click the Options tab. Example: use rules set by the Start on option. Example: select the Text tool. Example: click OK to save settings.
Italic type References to other documents and books.
Example: refer to the DesignPro Tools Form Editor for Xerox User Guide.
8 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide

Symbolic Conventions

Look for the following symbols as you read through this guide to identify special information.
The Note symbol calls your attention to additional information.
The Tip symbol highlights a helpful tip.
The Shortcut symbol calls your attention to an easier way of accomplishing a task.
The Warning symbol warns you of problems you might encounter.
The Migrating Users symbol provides notes and tips for anyone migrating from a previous version of Opus.
The Question symbol refers you to the online help for more information.
To open online help:
From the Help menu, select Help Topics, or
Click in an open dialog.
Chapter 1: Introduction 9

Getting the Answers You Need

Elixir Technologies provides you with multiple ways to learn and use DesignPro Tools:
Customer Support (page 10) Elixir Web Site (page 11) Elixir Training (page 11) Product Help (page 12) Release Notes (page 12)

Customer Support

If you purchased this product directly from Elixir Technologies, you can contact the Customer Support Center for your region at the number listed below.
If you have purchased this product from some other source, please contact the authorized support representative from that source. Elixir provides customer support for products purchased directly from Elixir.
North and South America:
+1 805 641 5900 ext. 3
Monday - Friday, 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific Standard Time; if closed, press 2 to reach Elixir’s extended Support coverage.
Asia Pacific:
10 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
+44 (0) 207 993-4811
Monday - Friday, 6:00 am to 4:00 pm Central European Time
+1 805 641 5900 ext. 3
Monday - Friday, 4:00 pm to 2:00 am Central European Time
An Elixir Product Specialist will take your call and ask for the following information:
Your name, organization, telephone number and address. Elixir product name and version number. A complete description of the problem, including any error messages printed or
displayed on your monitor.

Elixir Web Site

You can obtain product support from the Elixir web page at Select Support to:
Ask a question of Elixir Support. Download the latest product releases and patches. View the latest product Release Notes. Sign up for Elixir Training. Renew your product license.

Elixir Training

Elixir Technologies offers training for its full-range of W indows-based products. For more information, contact Elixir Learning at +1 805 641 5900, ext. 4.
Chapter 1: Introduction 11

Product Help

Elixir software uses the Microsoft Windows Help program to provide online help for all product functions.
This online tool includes step-by-step procedures that you can follow as you work.
Context-Sensitive Help can be activated from within the software for certain
dialogs by clicking in the top right corner of a dialog.
Online Help can be opened from any component from the Help menu by selecting

Release Notes

Release Notes display at the start of product installation so you can review them before beginning the installation process. Once installation completes, you can access Release Notes from the product CD at drive:\Relnotes. There are two formats of the Release Notes file: Relnotes.pdf and Relnotes.txt. The TXT file can be viewed using either Notepad or WordPad. The PDF file can be viewed using Acrobat Reader.
12 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
Chapter 2:
In this chapter...
System Requirements
Installing DesignPro Tools
Installing DesignPro Tools in Silent Mode
This chapter guides you through the installation and registration processes of DesignPro Tools for Xerox. It describes the system requ irements necessary to install and run DesignPro Tools on your computer.
This chapter also describes procedures for upgrading to, repairing and uninstalling DesignPro Tools version 3.00.

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements for running DesignPro Tools are:

Software Requirements

To run DesignPro Tools, you need one of the following operating systems installed on your computer:
Windows XP with Service Pack 1.0a or higher. Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 3.0 or higher. Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6.0a or higher.
The application also requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or above.
Internet Explorer 5.5 is required whether or not you have an Internet connection.

Hardware Requirements

You need the following minimum hardware specifications to run DesignPro Tools on your computer:
Processor: 350 MHz Pentium required, Pentium III or higher recommended. RAM: 128 MB required, 256 MB recommended. Hard disk space: 10 GB (with 650 MB free space for Windows 2000 or Windows
NT, and 1.5 GB free space for Windows XP).
VGA or SVGA monitor that supports 1024 x 768 screen resolution or higher.

Installing DesignPro Tools

This section provides instructions for installing DesignPro Tools for Xerox.
It is highly recommended that you close all programs before you install or uninstall any software.
14 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
To install DesignPro Tools:
1 Insert the DesignPro Tools CD into your CD-ROM drive.
If your computer is set up to automatically run a CD, the Welcome to DesignPro Tools screen displays.
The Welcome to DesignPro Tools screen.
If your computer is not set up to automatically run a CD, you will need to run the installation manually:
2 From the Start menu, select Run. 3 Type drive:\Setup.exe (replace drive with the letter of your CD-ROM drive) and
click OK. The Welcome to DesignPro Tools screen displays.
Chapter 2: Installation 15
4 Select DesignPro Tools for Xerox.
This selection installs the Xerox version of DesignPro Tools. If you want to install both the AFP and Xerox versions, select DesignPro Tools Professional.
The DesignPro Tools setup prepares the InstallShield Wizard.
The Setup initializes.
The DesignPro Tools for Xerox Wizard displays.
The DesignPro Tools for Xerox Wizard.
5 Select Run Password Registration Process.
If selected, the password registration process runs automatically after the installa tion.
16 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
6 Click Next.
The License Agreement dialog displays.
Read the License Agreement carefully before proceeding.
7 Read the License Agreement carefully.
Chapter 2: Installation 17
8 If you agree, click Yes.
The Setup Type dialog displays.
Choose the type of setup you prefer in the Setup Type dialog.
9 As appropriate, select one of the following:
Installs all services and components; displays the Customer Information dialog.
Allows custom setup components selection; displays the Customer Information dialog and then Select Components dialog.
10 Click Next.
For specific options on selecting Custom components, see “Select Components” on page
18 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
The Customer Information dialog displays.
Enter your information and continue.
11 In the User Name entry box, enter your name. 12 In the Company Name entry box, enter your company’s name.
These entries are pre-filled using the default information from your PC. You can change this information if needed.
13 Click Next.
Chapter 2: Installation 19

Select Components

The Select Components dialog displays if Custom was selected from the Setup Type dialog in step 9. This dialog lists all available services and components.
Selecting DesignPro Tool components to install.
14 Select required services and components, then click Next.
You can also install Elixir PrintDriver Pro and Elixir Scout components separately. To do so, insert the DesignPro Tools CD into your CD-ROM drive. From the Start menu, select Run. Enter one of the following:
Drive:\PrintDrv\Setup.exe to install Elixir PrintDriver Pro (replace drive
with the letter of your CD-ROM drive).
Drive:\Scout\Setup.exe to install Elixir Scout Manager (replace drive with
the letter of your CD-ROM drive).
Click OK to install the specified component.
20 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide

Complete DesignPro Tools Installation, Continued

The Choose Destination Location dialog displays.
Setting the DesignPro Tools installation location.
15 Browse to select the folder for DesignPro Tools executables and DLLs if you want to
change the default directory.
The default path for DesignPro Tools application files is different than the Elixir Application Suite directory path. This allows you to run both applications at the same time. For more information on migrating from Elixir Application Suite, refer to DesignPro Tools for Xerox Migration Guide.
16 Browse to select the folder for Elixir documents and resources, if you want to change
the default directory.
If you are currently using Elixir Application Suite, you can choose from one of the two folder configurations:
You can use your existing directory structure; existing resource folders will
be kept intact.
You can create a new directory structure by browsing to a new directory
location other than drive:\Elixir.
Chapter 2: Installation 21
17 Click Next.
The Select Program Folder dialog displays with Elixir Applications\DesignPro Tools set as the default folder for placing application shortcuts.
Selecting the Program Folder for DesignPro Tools
In this dialog, you can either create a new Program folder for DesignPro Tools shortcuts or select from the existing folders listed.
22 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
18 Click Next.
The Log on As dialog displays.
Using system logon information.
By default, the Log on as System Account option is selected and all fields are unavailable. Proceeding with these settings will use your PC’s log on information.
The Log on As dialog does not display when installing Elixir PrintDriver Pro only. However, in Window NT the Log on As dialog displays when installing Elixir PrintDriver Pro.
You will need to change the default log on settings if you want to log on using a different login ID (other than the one you are currently logged on with). Logging on with a local machine/domain account will restrict DesignPro Tools use to authorized users only.
T o customize the log on options, uncheck the Log on as System Account option and enter your information in the available fields.
Chapter 2: Installation 23
19 Uncheck Log on as System Account.
Adding logon information.
20 Specify your domain from the Domain drop-down list. 21 Enter your User ID in the User entry box.
If you would like a list of users within a chosen domain, select Enumerate Domain Users. Then select a User ID from the drop-down list. This should be the User ID
that you would want to use when logging onto the PC to work with DesignPro Tools.
If DesignPro Tools is installed using one login ID, and then you log on with another ID, you will need to create a new profile using the Profile Editor. A new default profile is not automatically created for new users.
22 Enter your password in the Password entry box.
This should be the same password used to log on.
23 Enter your password again in the Confirm Password entry box.
24 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
24 Click Next.
The Start Copying Files dialog displays with the current setting details.
Review the Current Settings details before starting the installation.
The wizard confirms your settings before it starts copying DesignPro Tools files. If you need to make any changes to these settings, click Back.
Chapter 2: Installation 25
25 If you agree with the settings, click Next.
The Setup Status dialog displays with the installation’s progress.
DesignPro Tools installs.
Once the installation completes, you will be prompted to unlock DesignPro Tools for use.
Starting the software registration process as part of the installation.
26 Click Yes.
This dialog only displays if Run Password Registration Process is selected at the start of the installation process.
26 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
If you want to run registration as a separate process, click No. When you are ready to register, open the Start menu and select Programs, Elixir
Applications, DesignPro Tools, Product Registration.

Registering DesignPro Tools

Elixir Technologies Corporation provides li censes to use pu rchased copies of DesignPro Tools. The easiest method for unlocking your software is using the Internet. Connect to the Internet at this point to start the registration process.
You can continue with the registration process even if you are not connected to the Internet. Other options for registering are given in the last dialog of registration.
If you are not registering as part of the installation process, product registration is available in the DesignPro Tools program folder. When you are ready to register, open the Start menu and select Programs, Elixir Applications, DesignPro Tools, Product Registration.
The Elixir Product Registration dialog displays.
The Product Registration process begins.
Chapter 2: Installation 27
27 Click Next.
The registration process continues.
The Machine Serial number is automatically obtained from your PC.
Every computer has a unique, system-generated Machine Serial number. This dialog only requires the Customer Number provided with your Customer Activation Letter.
28 In the Customer Number entry box, enter your Customer Number and click Next.
Enter your password and PC Number from the Customer Activation Letter sent with your software.
28 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
29 Type in your Password and PC Number.
Elixir Technologies creates specific software registrations based on the unique combination of Customer Number, PC Number, and Password. This information is provided in the Customer Activation Letter.
30 Click Next.
The dialog displays a selection of registration choices.
Select a method for initial product registration.
You can select one of the following from this dialog:
Download the Product License via Internet:
See “Preparing and Downloading Initial Product License from the Internet” on
page 30.
See “Downloading Existing Product License from the Internet” on page 32.
Prepare the Product License if Not Connected to the Internet:
Contact “Customer Support” on page 10 for assistance.
Chapter 2: Installation 29
View the Product License:
See “Viewing the Product License Information” on page 32.
Deactivate the Product License:
See “Deactivating the Product License File” on page 33.

Preparing and Downloading Initial Product License from the Internet

31 Select Prepare and download my initial product license registration. This
workstation or another pc is connected to the internet. The Registration wizard communicates your licensing information with Elixir
Technologies using your Internet connection.
You will need to connect to the Internet before continuing with the registration process.
32 Click Next.
The Download Password dialog prompts if the PC is connected to the Internet.
30 DesignPro Tools® for Xerox Getting Started Guide
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