Xerox Color 800i, Color 1000i, Color 800, Color 1000 Remote Services Security White Paper

Xerox Color 800i, Color 1000i, Color 800, Color 1000 Remote Services Security White Paper

Focus On Security

Xerox Remote Services

Security White Paper

Table of Contents

3.A Proactive And Innovative Strategy


3.The Results Are Tangible

4.The Purpose Of This White Paper

4.Remote Services Overview

5.Remote Services Design Goals

6.Customer Network Category

6.Remote Services Design Goals (contd)

6.Transaction Security

7.Remote Services Architecture

8.Remote Services FAQs

9.Remote Services Data

February 18, 2009

Xerox Engineering Services

Xerox Corporation

Copyright 2009 Xerox Corporation

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XEROX® and all Xerox product names and product numbers mentioned in this publication are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. All non-Xerox brands and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies, and are hereby acknowledged.

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A Proactive And Innovative Strategy


NOTE: This document refers to Remote Services as a collection of tools used on various Xerox products. The features and information contained in this document refer to the Production Remote Services, prInteract and SMart eSolutions tools.

Xerox is responsive to the security concerns of our customers. Xerox Remote Services are designed to avoid making networks more susceptible to viruses. Remote Services transactions always originate from the device, based on authorizations made by the customer. Remote Services can only communicate with a secure server at Xerox that conforms to the stringent requirements of the internal Xerox Corporation information management infrastructure. Customers do not need to make any changes to Internet firewalls, proxy servers, or other security infrastructure.

Xerox systems are designed to integrate within customer workflows. They connect to the network and push machine data to Xerox Communication servers where the information can be reviewed and analyzed to be used to evaluate service issues as well as to automate billing and supplies replenishment. This built-in knowledge-sharing feature of Xerox systems is what makes Xerox Remote Services viable and its approach unique.

Xerox Remote Services helps differentiate Xerox machine performance and support from other equipment suppliers. While other vendors may remotely monitor some of their machines, Xerox has developed integrated systems and remote tools, and coupled them with highly skilled Xerox support teams who are tasked with working to make Xerox customers more productive and satisfied. This combination creates a high value Remote Services capability that provides proactive problem resolution, and a robust underlying knowledge of the customer’s needs.

A key enabler for creating these support processes is the ability to transmit machine performance data back to the Xerox infrastructure.

The Results Are Tangible

Transmitting machine data translates to faster preventative maintenance, predicts machine failure and reduces the cycle time to fix problems.

A multitude of engineering tools leverage data to monitor your machine’s health and performance, diagnose problems and recommend corrective actions to your service and support team.

Active remote monitoring enhances customer experience by using your machine’s data to understand your environment and set thresholds and action plans to accommodate your production needs.

Automated Meter Reading can save customer time as well as insuring accuracy over manually retrieving billing information.

Automated Supplies Replenishment can allow for ordering of supplies when needed without customer interaction.

On certain models, automatic downloading of software patches is supported to fix problems and add features.

The expertise of hundreds of Xerox engineers is available.

Transmitting machine data translates to more productivity and less customer attention required.”


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