- The CiPress Tested Media List is an accumulation of papers that have been run successfully through the CiPress 325 or CiPress 500 system by Xerox under controlled conditions.
Xerox CiPress 325 and CiPress 500 Tested Media List
- The current CiPress published paper specification is 50 – 160 gsm on xerographic bond or offset uncoated plain paper. As such any papers that fall within that spec should be acceptable to run on the CiPress system. In addition, we have successfully tested papers outside this spec with
paper weights above and below the published spec as well as coated papers which are listed herewithin.
- Different jobs and job mixes can have an impact on the runability of papers. Customers can use this as a guide but Xerox recommends that papers are tested with specific jobs and across the full print manufacturing process and document lifecycle
- The papers tested below were tested at the specific weights listed. Most likely other similar weights of the same paper will also work on the CiPress system but have not been tested.
- The Tested Media list indicates performance through the CiPress print engine, but does not guarantee performance of the paper through finishing devices
- Xerox makes no guarantees or warranties, either expressed or implied, concerning the performance, use, or consistency of paper or throughput products. Customers should inquire directly with their distributor or manufacturer for any guarantees they may offer.
Region Brand Media Name Grade Type Weight (#)
North America Appleton Coated Utopia Book Coated Book 45# 68 Books
North America Appleton Coated Utopia Filmcoat Coated Book 40#, 45# 60, 68 Books
North America Appleton Coated Utopia Thinbook Coated Book 45# 68 Books
North America Avery Dennison 54# Semi-Gloss Laser/S2501/41# LF Coated Labels 54#-41# 160 Labels Customized solution. Contact Xerox Sales Rep
North America Avery Dennison 54# Semi-Gloss Laser/S2501/53# LF Coated Labels 54#-53# 160 Labels Customized solution. Contact Xerox Sales Rep
North America Cascades Rolland Enviro 100 Print Smooth Uncoated Recycled 50#, 60# 74,89 All 100% post-consumer recycled paper
North America Cascades Rolland Enviro 100 Satin Smooth Uncoated Recycled 60# 89 All 100% post-consumer recycled paper
North America Cascades Rolland Hitech 50 Smooth Uncoated Recycled 60# 89 All 50% post-consumer recycled paper
North America Catalina Opaque Vellum Uncoated Text 35# 52 Books
North America Domtar Husky Opaque Offset Vellum Uncoated Offset 50# 74 All
North America Domtar Lynx Opaque Digital Uncoated Offset 50# 74 All
North America Domtar Lynx Opaque Ultra Uncoated Offset 50# 74 All
North America Domtar Lynx Smooth Uncoated Text 40#, 50# 59, 74 All
North America Domtar WhiteHall Opaque Uncoated Offset 60# 89 All
North America Domtar WhiteHall Opaque Smooth Uncoated Offset 70# 105 Direct Mail
North America Domtar Enterprise Laser Form MOCR Uncoated Bond 24# 90 All
North America Domtar Enterprise Postal Advantage Uncoated Text 18# 68 Direct Mail
North America Domtar Reply Card Uncoated Reply Card 7pt 117 Direct Mail
North America Finch Opaque Bright White Smooth Uncoated Cover 65# 176 Direct Mail
North America Finch Opaque Bright White Smooth Uncoated Text 60# 89 All
North America Finch Opaque Bright White Smooth Uncoated Text 80#, 100# 118, 148 Direct Mail
North America Finch Opaque White Vellum Roll Stock Uncoated Reply Card 9pt 173gsm Direct Mail
North America Finch Opaque Bright White Smooth Uncoated Cover 80# 216 Direct Mail
North America Flambeau River Blue White Smooth Uncoated Offset 60# 89 All
North America Frasier Newsprint Uncoated Newsprint 52 Newspapers
North America Glatfelter Spring Forge Uncoated Offset 50# 74 All
North America Glatfelter Transform Laser MOCR Uncoated Bond 20#, 24# 75, 90 All
North America International Paper Accent Opaque White Smooth Uncoated Text 60#, 70#, 80# 118 All
North America International Paper Williamsburg Offset White Vellum Uncoated Offset 50# 74 All
North America Jericho 92 Offset Uncoated Offset 60 89 All
North America Jericho Reply Card 9pt Uncoated Reply Card 9pt 144 Direct Mail
North America Lenaro Catalina Lightweight Opaque Vellum Uncoated Offset 40 All
North America New Page Orion Satin Coated Text 70# 118 Direct Mail
North America New Page Sterling Ultra Matte Coated Text 100# 148 Direct Mail
North America New Page Sterling Ultra Matte Coated Cover 7pt 169 Direct Mail
North America New Page Sterling Ultra Matte Cover 9pt Coated Reply Card 9pt 209 Direct Mail 78# cover/9pt reply card, 325fpm only
North America ResoluteBook ResoluteBook Uncoated Text 35# 52 Books
North America ResoluteNews Newsprint Uncoated Newsprint 30# 49 Newspapers Require additional setup procedures
North America Twin Rivers Pharmopaque Uncoated Offset 44 Books Pharmaceutical paper
North America Xerox Color Xpressions Select 98 Uncoated Bond 24# 90 All
Europe Bolloré Primabrite Ultra Uncoated Text 25# 37 Insert Pharmaceutical paper
Europe Bolloré Primabrite Brillant 45gsm Uncoated Text 30# 45 Insert Pharmaceutical paper
Europe Clairefontaine RCC 14 Uncoated Offset 80 All
Europe Condat Hello Fat Matt Coated Offset 135 Direct Mail Matte coated
Europe CVG Crown Form Laser Uncoated Offset 80 All
Europe CVG Crown Form Laser Uncoated Offset 130, 150 Direct Mail
Europe Delfort Group/ OP Papírna OP Medical Print Uncoated Text 27# 40 Insert Pharmaceutical paper
Europe Delfort Group/ Tervakoski ThinCoatPlus Coated Offset 29, 39 Direct Mail, Books, Catalogs Wrinkle risk dependent on image content
Europe Delfort Group/ Tervakoski ThinCoatPlus Coated Offset 50, 60 Direct Mail, Books, Catalogs
Europe M-Real MODO PrePrintPlus Uncoated Offset 80 All
Europe Sappi Opus Matte Coated Cover 65# 176 Direct Mail
Europe Sappi Somerset Matte Coated Reply Card 7pt 155 Direct Mail
Europe Steinbeis Classic White (W70) Uncoated Recycled 80 All 100% recycled - Low whiteness may impact missing jet correction
Europe Steinbeis Evolution White Uncoated Recycled 80 All 100% recycled
Europe Stora Enso Lumiset Uncoated Offset 80 All
Europe UPM PreLaser Uncoated Offset 80 All
Europe UPM Pre-personal Uncoated Offset 80 All
Europe UPM Star Bulk H Coated Offset 70 Direct Mail
Europe Ziegler Z-Bond Classic RL Uncoated Offset 80 All
Applications (Transaction,
Direct Mail, Books, Catalogs,
Updated: August 1st, 2014
Comments / Caveats
©2014 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox® and CiPress™ are trademarks
of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.