Xerox CentreWare für Unicenter NSM User Guide

Xerox CentreWare für Unicenter NSM User Guide

CentreWarefor Unicenter NSM

User Guide

Version 1.1.6

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 1

© 2007 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.

Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyright material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, etc.

Xerox®, The Document Company®, the digitized X, and all Xerox products mentioned in this publication are trademarks of Xerox Corporation®. Unicenter NSM is a registered trademark of Computer Associates International, Inc. ® (CA). Product and trademarks of other companies are also acknowledged.

Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographic errors will be corrected in subsequent editions. Technical updates will be included in subsequent editions.

Published in the United States of America

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 2

Table of Contents



Unicenter NSM 3.1


Key Benefits and Features .............................................................................


System Requirements ...................................................................................


Hardware Requirements ...................................................................


Software Requirements ....................................................................


Unicenter NSM R11


Key Benefits and Features …………………………………………………………………….. 30

System Requirements …………………………………………………………………………… 31

Hardware Requirments ………………………..……………………………………… 31

Software Requirments ………………………………………………………………… 31

Before You Start CentreWarefor Unicenter NSM .............


For new printers ..............................................................................



For existing printers .........................................................................



How to use this Document .........................................................



For initial installation......................................................................................................



For day-to-day tasks ......................................................................................................



CenterWare for Unicenter NSM Software Installation...............


Web Installation..............................................................................................................



Using CenterWarefor Unicenter NSM



Unicenter NSM 3.1



Printer Discovery ............................................................................................................



Color-Coded Device Status............................................................................................



The Xerox Agent.............................................................................................................







CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 3



TrapRegSingle.exe / TrapUnReg Single.exe...............................................


TrapRegviaMenu.exe / TrapUnRegviaMenu.exe ........................................


Unicenter NSM R11


Printer Discovery ........................................................................................


Color-Coded Device Status...........................................................................


The Xerox Agent.........................................................................................


Dynamic Business Process View …………………………………………………….34

TrapRegSingle.exe / TrapUnReg Single.exe......................................


TrapRegviaMenu.exe / TrapUnRegviaMenu.exe ................................


Launch of CentreWare™ Internet Services ....................................................


Integration with Xerox CenterWare Web / Xerox Device Manager ...................






Description of Xerox Agent popup menu .......................................................


Object View...................................................................................


View Node.....................................................................................


View Agent....................................................................................


Integration with Enterprise Managers


Unicenter NSM 3.1


Integration with Enterprise Managers ...........................................................


Event Management ........................................................................


Problem Management ....................................................................


Integration with Advanced Help desk............................................................


Unicenter NSM R11


Integration with Enterprise Managers ...........................................................


Alert Management ……………………………………….…………………………….. 35

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 4

Integration with Advanced Help desk ………………………………………………………… 36


Unicenter NSM 3.1- Troubleshooting ……………………………………………..25

Unicenter NSM R11 - Troubleshooting …………………………………………..39

Appendix – Xerox Agent Installer / Un-Installer


Unicenter NSM 3.1


Installer ........................................................................................




Unicenter NSM R11


Installer ........................................................................................




CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 5


CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 6


Xerox CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM* provides the added identification of several different types of Xerox printers in the general discovery performed by Unicenter NSM.

Once successfully installed, you will be able to see all the discovered Xerox printers under one Unicenter NSM Business Process View. In addition, CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM provides full integration with Event Management,and the choice to integrate with Problem Management and Advanced Help Desk.

Key Benefits and Features





Printer Discovery

Provides the automatic identification of Xerox printers on

your network and presents them with recognizable icons.




Color-Coded Device Status

Automatically changes the color in the printer icon to


reflect the printer status.



Access to the printer embedded

If your printer contains an embedded web server, you can

web server, Internet Services

easily access it though the icon displayed in the Xerox





Custom Business View

Managing the Xerox printers on your network will be made


easier by displaying all the discovered Xerox printers in a


single business view.



Full integration with the features of

Provides full use of Event management, Problem

Unicenter NSM

management and Advanced Help Desk.



Automatic trap registration for all

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM will determine if the Xerox

supported Xerox printers

devie supports SNMP traps and will register/deregister


devices automatically.



* Unicenter NSM and its options are proprietary software programs belonging to Computer Associattes, Inc. (CA) and / or its licensors.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 7



Hardware Requirements

512MB of RAM

50MB of hard disk space

Software Requirements

Following software must be installed on your PC before installing CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM.

oMicrosoft Windows NT 4.0 Server (for x86 Processor Architecture) with Service Pack 6a or higher required.

o Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, with any later maintenance.

oMicrosoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, with any later maintenance.

o Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (32-bit version). o Microsoft SQL server 6.5 or equivalent.

o Microsoft SNMP Services o TCP/IP Protocol

oCA Unicenter TND 2.4 or NSM 3.0 with agent services and unicenter manager.

oCA Unicenter NSM Problem Management Module If you intend to use this feature.

oAdvanced Help Desk (AHD) server if you intend to use this feature.

oMicrosoft Internet Explorer® or Netscape Navigator® versions 4.0 or later, if you wish to access a printer embedded web page.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 8

Before You Start CentreWarefor

Unicenter NSM

For new printers

Unpack and set up your printer with all consumables and optional equipment according to the instructions provided with your printer.

If the printer did not come with the network card installed, install it with the instructions included with the card.

Turn on your printer. If your printer supports it, review the startup page to verify proper operation.

Connect your printer to an active network with appropriate cabling.

Ensure the printer has a valid unique IP address.

For existing printers

If your printer was not previously networked, add the network card and appropriate cabling.

Ensure the printer has a valid unique IP address.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 9

How to use this Document

This document assumes that you have a working knowledge and familiarity with CA Unicenter NSM. Only procedures that differ from the normally expected operation of Unicenter NSM are described.

You may print all or part of this document at any time from your Adobe Acrobat reader by clicking the File menu and the selecting Print. You may then select a single page, a range of pages, or the entire document for printing.

For initial installation

Read and follow these section

CenterWare for Unicenter NSM Software


For day-to-day tasks

Read and follow these sections:

Using CenterWare for Unicenter NSM


CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 10

CenterWare for Unicenter NSM Software Installation

Web Installation

The lastest available version of CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM is available from the Xerox web site at

After downloading the file to a temporary folder, double click on the icon to extract the files.

Double click on the file XeroxCentreWareforUniceterx.x.x.exe..

Select your language from the first screen.

The software will begin the installation process. After a few moments, the Install Shield Wizard will load.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 11



for Unicenter


Printer Discovery

Creation of Xerox


Unicenter NSM provides the discovery of Xerox devices. CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM has added the identification of different type of Xerox printers to a general discovery performed by Unicenter NSM.

The primary discovery identifies the Xerox devices on the network and presents them with general Xerox icons for 2-D and images for 3-D.

Afer successful installation of CenterWare for Unicenter NSM, the user will see all the discovered Xerox printers under one Business Process View. It will also display the current status of all the discovered Xerox printers. The name of this business process view is “Xerox Printers”.

The printers will now be present in the Business

Process View as well as the IP Map.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM will automatically add Xerox printers to this view as they are attached to the network and discovered by Unicenter NSM. At start up the program xupdate.exe will be run.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 12

Color-Coded Device


Each printer will be denoted by an icon. Each icon will be color-coded to represent the current status of the printer. The color-coded status is provided via the Unicenter NSM policy. The policy also contains a property for the polling rate. The Xerox Agent default polling rate will be set to 10 minutes.

If the printer support traps and is registered, the status will be updated when a device sends a trap.

The color of the icon is determined by using the combination of the Xerox Agernt and Ping Agent. The color will also propagate to the top of the network.

The relation between the color-code and the printer state is presented in the following table.

Printer State




Down (Ping Agent)*





Low Toner




No toner




Low Paper




No Paper




Door Open








Service Requested




Paper Jam




*Only available printer state for DC220/230

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 13

The Xerox Agent

The Xerox Agent provides the interface between the Xerox devices on the network and Unicenter NSM. It interprets messages from the Xerox devices and forwards them to Unicenter NSM.

The following described software modules that are a part of the Xerox Agent solution.


This module has two basic functions:

1 Creates the Xerox Business Process View.

2 Checks the repository for all object device classes and reclassifies the Xerox devices to their specific printer class.

If you have deleted the Xerox Business Process View and wish to recreate it, run the module, xbusiness.exe. It can be found in the Xerox folder in your NSM folder.


This module is running at all times to check for a newly discovered Xerox printers and add them to the Business Process View.

TrapRegSingle.exe / TrapUnReg Single.exe

This module will run when the Single Printer Trap Reg or Single Printer Trap Unreg right click menu selection is made when a Xerox device is selected.. One device is configured or unconfigured to send SNMP traps to the Xerox Agent.

TrapRegviaMenu.exe / TrapUnRegviaMenu.exe

This module will run when Auto Trap Registration or All Printers Trap UnRegister right click menu selection is made when a Xerox device is selected. All devices in the repository are configured or unconfigured to send SNMP traps to the Xerox Agent.

CentreWare™ for Unicenter NSM User Guide 14

+ 30 hidden pages