The following are tra dema r ks or registere d trade ma rk s of their respective owner s. Other pro du ct
names mentioned in this manual may also be trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners. Registered trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks may also be registered in other countries. QMS and the QMS logo
are registered trademarks of QMS, Inc., and Crown, the Crown seal, PS Executive Series,
imPRESS, QUIC, and CrownNet are trademarks of QMS, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe
Systems Incorporated for a page description language and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Throughout this manual, “PostScript Level 2” is used to refer to a set of capabilities defined
by Adobe Systems for its PostScript Level 2 page descripti on language . These capabi lities,
among others, are implemented in this product through a QMS-developed emulation that is compatible with Adobe's PostScript Level 2 language. Adobe/Ad obe Sy stems Incorpo rated . 3Com,
3+Open/3Com Corporation. Aldus, Aldus PageMaker, Aldus FreeHand/Aldus Corporation. Apple,
AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macintosh, TrueType/Apple Computer, Inc. VINES/
Banyan. Centronics/Contronics Data Computer Corporation. CompuServe /H & R Block. DEC,
DECnet, LN03, VMS/Digital Equipment Corporation. PhoneNET/Farallon Computing, Inc.
Hewlett-Pa ckard, HP, PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/He wle tt-P ac kard Co. IBM PC, Token-Rin g/Inte rnational Business Machines Corporation. Intel/Intel Corporation. Microsoft, MS-DOS/Microsoft Corporation. Novell and NetWare/Novell, Inc. QuarkXPress/Quark, Inc. TOPS/Sun Microsystems,
Inc. UNIX/UNIX Systems Laboratories. Ethernet/Xerox Corporation.
The digitally encoded software included with your QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System is Copyrighted 1995 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduced , modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or
in part, without the express written permission of QMS, Inc.
This manual is Copyrighted 1995 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL 36618. All
Rights Reserved. This manual may not be copied in whole or in part, nor transferred to any other
media or language , witho ut the expre s s writt en perm is sion of QMS, Inc.
Number-Up Pri ntin g ....................... ....... ......... ...... ....... ....... ....... 2-22
Adding Paper to the Inpu t Bins .............. ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... 2-22
Using the Large-Capaci ty Input Tra y . ..... ............ ......... .......... ..2-2 4
Large-Capacity Bin Indicators 2-24
Adding Paper to the Large-Capacity Bin 2-25
Using the Large-Larg e- Capaci ty Input Tray . ............ ....... .......2 -27
Installing the LLCIT 2-27
Moving the Printer 2-27
Large-Large-Capacity Input Tray Indicators 2-28
Selecting a Paper Size 2-28
Adding Paper to the LLCIT 2-29
Selecting an Output Bin . ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......... ....... ...2 -30
Using the Side Media Exit ..... ..... ......... ....... ....... ......... ....... ...... ..2 -33
Using the Large-Capaci ty Outp ut Stack er ...............................2-34
Reduced Print Quality 4-17
White or Light Lines or Light Image 4-17
Stains on the Back of the Page 4- 17
Sharp Horizontal Black Lines (Across Feed Direction) 4-17
White Horizontal Shapes on a Black Print 4-18
Image Easily Smears When Rubbed 4-18
Placing a Service Call ............................................................... 4-18
What is a Session? C-13
How is a Session Used? C-14
Session Command C-15
Examples C-18
Sessions Document Finishing Terminology C-20
Document Finishing Command C-21
Administrati on—M is cel lan eous . ....... ....... ..... ....... ......... ....... ...... D -8
Administrati on —Di sk Op erations ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... . D-8
Character Encoding Tables ... ............ ............ ..................... ........ E-2
Standard Fonts Char acter Set .................................... ............ ... E-3
Symbol Encoding ........................................................................ E-4
ITC Zapf Dingbats Encod in g ................................ ....... ....... ..... ... E-5
Manual Notice F-2
Laser Safety F-2
Ozone Safety F-2
Electronics Emissions F-2
FCC Compliance F-3
Canadian Users F-3
Bescheinigung des Herstellers/Importeurs F-3
Declaration of the Manufacturer or Importer F-3
Installation F-4
Colophon F-4
■Printer feature s
■Optional accessories
■Where to find more information
The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System is a powerful but easy to use
departmental laser printer. By reading and following the instructions in
this manual, you should be able to make the most of your printer.
Take the time to review the illustration below for a quick introduct ion
to the parts of your printer.
1Output bins
2Control panel
3Input bins
4Optional large-capacity input bin
5Optional duplex printing module
6Print engi ne
7Side output bin
8Output stacker
1Output bins
2Control pa nel
3Input bins
4Optional large-large capacity input
5Optional duplex printing module
6Optional large-capacity output
7Print engine
8Side output bin
9Output stacker
At least seven pieces of documentation accompany your printe r. If
you’ve ordered any optional accessories or any optional manual,
you’ll have more. This section gives you an idea of how we have
organized information and which document s you’ll probably refer to
the most.
The following document s are shipped with your printer:
QMS 3825/3225/ 2025 Print Sy stem User ’s Guide
You’re looking at it right now. Use this manual to operate your
printer on a daily basis. It covers printing files, adding print media,
selecting input and output bins, duplexin g, collating , and maintaining and troubleshooting the printer. “About This Manual,” later
in this chapter, details the contents of the user’s guide.
QMS 3825/3225/ 2025 P rint System Admini strat or ’s Guide
Refer to this manual as you configure the printer initially and when
you change configuration. The instructions guide you through the
steps for setting up default values for many printer features. The
system administrator should get the most use from this manual.
QMS Crown Document Option Com man ds
This reference manual lists and explains QMS Document Op tio n
Commands (DOCs), which provide anot her way to control the
printer. DOCs are software codes you insert into documents to
enable printer features that cannot be accessed by your application or your page description language. In most cases, only
advanced users and system administrators need this information.
LN03 Plus Emulation for QMS Printe rs
Refer to this manual for informat ion on the f eat ures and capabilities of the LN03 Plus emulation. Users who want to print LN03
Plus files will find this inform at ion hel pful .
QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide
Refer to this manual for detailed inf ormat ion on establishing con nections between your printer and a remote console. This connectivity is especially valuable for system admini strat ors who
must monito r multiple printers.
QMS Crown Network Notes
This manual offers tips for using your printer on a netwo rk. It discusses 3Com 3+Open, Banyan VINES, LAN Man ager-based
LANs, Novell NetWare, TCP/IP, UNIX, DECnet, and VMS. In
most cases, only advanced netwo rk users and system adm ini strators need this information.
This manual is provided on disk in encapsulated PostScript
(EPS) form. Refer to the RE A DME file for inf orma tio n on prin tin g
a hard copy of the manual.
imPRESS Programming Manual
Refer to this manual for detailed inf ormat ion on the QMS
imPRESS programmin g language. Only users of the imPRESS
language need this informat ion.
This manual is provided on disk in encapsulated PostScript
(EPS) form. Refer to the RE A DME file for inf orma tio n on prin tin g
a hard copy of the manual.
Several other documents are also helpful when using your printer:
■If you purchased a printer option (for example, a network interface), you may have received separate documentation for it.
■Don’t forget that yo ur ap plicat ion documentation, your host op erating system documentation, and your network documentation all
contain useful printing informat ion.
■Further information on QMS printe rs is available through your
modem or fax machine. See appendix A, “QMS Custome r Support,” for details.
This manual explains in detail some of the features of your QMS
printer and how to use them. Use the following summa ry, the table of
contents, and the index to locate the information you may need .
■Chapter 1, “Introduction,” describe s th e QM S 3825/3225/2025
Print System documentation set, provides an overview of this
manual, and discusses the major feat ures of your QMS printer.
■Chapter 2, “Daily Operations,” covers the tasks you may
encounter on a day-to-day basis. It discusses such information as
the control panel, supported media types and sizes, selecti ng
input and output bins, printing files, duplexing, and collating jobs.
■Chapter 3, “Periodi c Main tenan ce, ” guid es you through the
scheduled maintenance tasks that keep your printer operating at
peak performance. It also covers how to turn off the maintenance
message once the mainte nance has been con ducted .
■Chapter 4, “Troubleshooting Printer Problems,” explains how
to clear paper jams and interpret control panel status messages,
and provides suggestions for resolving printer and print quality
■Appendix A, “QMS Custo mer Su pport, ” lists useful telephone
numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through
Q-FAX, the QMS Corporate Bulleti n Board, CompuS e rve, and
Customer Technical Support.
■Appendix B, “Pri nter S peci fic atio ns, ” lists the specificat ions
for the print engine, controller, and print media.
■Appendix C, “Document Option Commands,” lists the com-
mands supported by your printer and includes detail ed instructions for using new and revised commands.
■Appendix D, ”Factory Default Settings,” outlines the configura-
tion menus and shows how each choice or value was set at the
■Appendix E, “Character Enco di ng Tables,” shows character
locations for the typeface familie s available on your printe r.
■Appendix F, “Notices,” lists compliance information with various
safety and internati onal stan dards, as w ell as notices about this
■Glossary defines key te rms.
The following conventions are used throughout this manual:
Cour ier
Mixed case boldQMS DOC commands
lowercase italic
UPPERCASEFile and utility names
Text you type, and messages and information
displayed on the computer monitor
Variable text you type; replace the italicized
word(s) with information specific to your printer
or computer
Information displayed in the printer message
The QMS 3825/3225/ 2025 Print System offers a unique combinat ion
of high-performance processing, network/host connectivit y options,
innovative network features, and paper hand ling fe atu res. Your
printer can interface with any IBM PC or compatible and any Macintosh, plus most mainframes and min icom pute rs.
This overview outlines your printer’s major features and their benefits.
Specific chapters contain more information on each featu re. Consult
the index or table of contents for guidance in locating this information.
QMS Crown is a proprietary multit as king printer opera ting system,
which allows QMS to adapt advanced printer software to the evolving
printing needs of users in many different environme nts.
Crown’s multitasking capability allows your printer to process and print
jobs simultaneously instead of sequentially, by using advanced memory management techniques, such as simultaneous interfacing, emulation sensing processing, input buffers, job spooling, compile-ahead
processing, compressed data formats, error recovery, user-configurable memory clients, context switching, and spooling spillover.
■Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO)—Although many other
printers have multiple interface ports and automatically designate
a “hot port,” only one port actively receives data at a time. Your
printer is unique because SIO allows all of its interface ports—
LocalTalk, parallel, serial, and an optional network interface—to
be active at the same time. You can have more than one host
computer printing to the printer. Each interface has an input buffer
that receives data while another interf ace is being used to print.
■Emulation Se nsing Processo r (ESP) Technology—Most print -
ers can recognize only their native command language. Your
QMS printer, however, has ESP (Emulation Sensing Processor)
technology. Using a form of artificial intelligence, ESP technology
analyzes incoming file data from any of the printer ’s interfaces.
ESP technology, which works with most popular commercially
available applications, selects th e appropriat e emu lation from
those installed on the printer and processes the print job, freeing
you from the need to change printer switch settings or send software commands to accommodate different printer languages.
■Input Buffers—T he print er has expandable inp ut buffers, which
enable it to receive large amounts of print data over any or all of
its interfaces. This not only increases the printer’s performance,
but it also relieves the central processing unit (CPU) of time-consuming print data transmission tasks.
■Compile-Ahead Processing—Pioneered by QMS, compile-
ahead technology allows the compiling, rasterizing, and printing to
work independently but simultaneously. This significantly reduces
processing time by increasing printer controller throughput.
■Compresse d Data Format s—Crown printers convert dat a
received by the input buffers into intermedi ate, co mpressed
blocks until the data is needed for printing. These compressed
blocks of data are designed to be processed rapidly by the
printer, and many more can be stored in memory at one time than
can traditional bitmapped images.
■Automatic Jam Reco very— Crown technology also provides
automatic jam reco ver y. With most printers, if a media jam
occurs, you must remove the jammed media and then reprint the
job. On a Crown printer, if a media jam occurs, once you clear the
jam, the printer reprints the jammed page and cont inues wit h the
print job. This is possible because compressed data formats
allow more pages to be stored in memory . The printer remembers
the last page printed, pulls the necessary interm ediate blo cks
from memory, and automatically reprints any lost pages.
■User-Configurable Memory Clients— Printer mem ory is
divided among memory “clients.” You can configure the size of
most memory clients to meet your specific printing, computing,
and network needs best.
■Context Switching—This feature allows Crown printers to pre-
serve the “state” of a language or emulation — including down loaded fonts, forms, logos, macros, overlay s, and other data —
when you switch from one printer languag e or emulation t o
another. Other printers require repeated downl oading of these
capabilities each time they are needed, consumi ng valuable
input, processing, and printing time.
■Spooling Overflow—S poo led print jobs can transparently spill
over to the hard disk, so buffers are not limited to RAM capaci ty.
The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System provides PostSc ript Level 1
and Level 2 page description capabilities via QMS-developed emu lations that are compatible with Adobe’s PostScript Level 1 and Level 2
languages while providing additional capabilit ies. PostS cript controls
the appearance of text, geometric shapes, and images at the printer.
It can rotate, scale, clip, and orient graphic objects on all or part of a
page. The printer produces solid blacks and crisp fonts regardless of
the point size.
The PostScript Level 2 emulatio n supports the capabi lities of the second generation of Adobe’s PostScript software. Level 2 consolidat es
extensions to the PostScript language and provides new features and
functionality that expa nd the language’s capabilities and improve
overall performance. PostS cript Level 2 features include device-inde pendent color, improved memory and resource management, built-in
data compression/decompression filters to speed up transmission
times and save disk space, optimized graphics and text operators,
and patterns and forms support, includi ng patt ern and form cach ing.
Although your printer ’s primary emula tion is PostScript , it also supports HP PCL 5, HP-GL, CCITT, imPRESS, LN03 Plus, and Lineprinter. The optional QUIC II emulat ion can also be supporte d.
Your printer comes with 39 PostScript typefaces from 12 typefa ce
families. All resident PostS cript type face fami lies have mul tilingua l
character sets.
The fonts in all of these typeface families can be scaled from 4 points
upward, rotated to any angle in 1° increments, pattern filled, halftoned, shaded, shadowed, and cropped, depending on your application software. The following PostScript typefaces are resident on your
QMS printer:
Times Roman
Times Bold
Times Roman Italic
Times Bold Italic
Courier Bold
Courier Oblique
Courier Bold Oblique
Palatino Bold
Palati no Itali c
Palatino Bold Italic
New Century Schoolbook
New Century Schoolbook Bold
New Century Schoolbook Italic
New Century Schoolbook Bold Italic
ITC Bookm an Lig ht
ITC Bookman Demi
ITC Bookman Light Italic
ITC Bookman Demi Italic
ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic
This typeface does not come in any other
but the calligraphic italic style
Sans Serif
Pi or Symbol
Helvetica Bol d
Helvetica Oblique
Helvetica Bol d Obliqu e
Helvetica Narrow
Helvetica Narrow Bol d
Helvetica Narrow Oblique
Helvetica Narrow Bol d Obl ique
Helvetica Condensed
Helvetica Condensed Bold
Helvetica Condensed Oblique
Helvetica Condensed Bold Oblique
ITC Avant Garde Book
ITC Avant Garde Demi
ITC Avant Garde Book Oblique
ITC Avant Garde Demi Oblique
All of these typeface families are authent ic; they are license d, they
carry the true name, and they have multilingual character sets.
Your printer has the following resident HP PCL fonts. All fonts can be
automatically rotated to landscape orientation. Some are fixed in pitch
and point size while others are scalable . Unless otherwise noted,
samples are shown in 10 point size.
Serif Fonts
San Serif Fonts
Courier 12 pitch 10 point
Courier 12 pitch 10 point Italic
Courier 12 pitch 10 point Bold
Courier 10 pitch 12 point
Courier 10 pitch 12 point Italic
Courier 10 pitch 12 point Bold
Times (scalable)
Times Italic (scalable)
Times Bold (scalable)
Times Italic Bold (scalable)
Pi or Symbol
✤❉■❇❂❁▼▲ (ITC Zapf Dingbat s)
Your printer has the following resident HP-GL symbol sets. All come
in both fixed- and variable-spaced versions, and all are scal able:
9825 Character Set
!SO French
ISO G erma n
ISO IRV (International Reference Version)
ISO Itali an
ISO Norway, Version 1
ISO Norway, Version 2
ISO Portuguese
ISO Spanish
ISO Swedish
ISO Swedish for Names
ISO United Kingdom
Roman Extensions
Spanish/Latin American
Special Symbols
Your printer offers a choice of resolution. You may choose 300 x 300
dots per inch (dpi) resolution for everyday office needs or higher resolution for PostScript and PCL print jobs that require finer detai l, such
as camera-ready copy or for CAD drawings that demand tighter
angles. Available resolutions are:
Print SystemHigh ResolutionLow Resolution
3825600 x 600300 x 300
3225400 x 400300 x 300
2025400 x 400300 x 300
The 3825 Print System offers a choice of print modes — dark, normal
and light — which gives you an additional level of control over output
for graphics, CAD, or everyday use.
Your QM S printer provides job accounting, which can be used to
extract information such as paper utilization per user, time consumed
servicing print jobs per user, usage of different emulations, connectivity options, frequency of jams, times of peak use, features and
options most commonly used (such as duplexing or finishing options),
and number, complexity, and size of jobs per user. The accounting
feature does not prepare a list but provides the information you need
to assess printer use. The accounting is performed by the printer
rather than a host, and the extracted information can be uploaded to
any host by copying it to a floppy disk or by using the FTP get command (if your host supports this command). This information is useful
for billing, report generation , and site resource plann ing. For furt her
information see the “Accounting” section in chapter 3, “Operator Control Menu,” in your system admi nistrat or’s guide.
Your QM S Print System com es with enough RAM to handle most
printing tasks.
3825The 3825 Print System comes with 32 MB of resident RAM,
the maximum the printer can use and enough to handle virtually any printing task promptly.
3225/2025The 3225 and 2025 Print Systems come with 16 MB of
resident RAM, which can be upgraded to 32 MB if you need
more room for font downloading, font caching (tempora ry
storage space in RAM), spooling, or enlarging the printer ’s
buffers (the area where data sent from the comput er is temporarily stored).
Your printer comes standard with an internal hard disk of at least 170
MB, upgradable to 2.2 GB, and an internal 1.44 MB floppy disk drive.
You have the option of adding up to 6 external SCSI hard disks up to
2.2 GB in size to store downloaded fonts and emulations.
Specifications are included in Q-FAX document 6502, “QMS -tested
SIMMs and Hard Disks.” This document contains a description of
each approved hard disk, its manufacturers and part numbe rs, and
the QMS products on which it can be used. See appendix A, “QMS
Customer Support,” to find out how to access Q-FAX documents.
Using the control panel, you can set your printer to switch to lower
power usage during periods of inactivity. You can tai lor the power
saver to your needs by setting the interval before it takes effect.
Use the control panel to configure your printer. The printer also uses
the control panel to communicate with you by providing messages
about its status, including any co ndit ions that require your attent ion.
These messages can be displayed in a user-selectable language
(English, French, Ge rman, or S pani sh ). Se e “The Co ntrol Panel ” section in Chapter 2, “Daily Operation, ” in this manual fo r complet e info rmation on using the control panel.
Using a RISC-based processor,
3825the QMS 3825 Print System can deliver print speeds up to 38
pages per minute.
3225the QMS 3225 Print System can deliver print speeds up to 32
pages per minute.
2025the QMS 2025 Print system can deliver print speeds up to 20
pages per minute.
Your printer can use paper of almost any size from A5R (5.8" x 8.27";
148 x 210 mm) to Ledger (11" x 17"; 239 x 432 mm). It has two standard paper input bins that accommodat e 250 sheet s each. Optional
input and output bins increase the media capaci ty to 1,500 or 3,000
sheets, as well as giving you duplexing capabilities.
Provided in both PC and Macintosh ve rsi ons, the QM S PS Exe cutive
Series Utilities software is an easy-to-use tool for configuring the
printer. For example, you can set or change communication prot o col
between your printer and host compute r, download fonts, change
printer emulations, print screens from your monitor while the printer is
in PostScript-only mode, co nfigure the font cache, change input and
output bins, reconfigure printer buffers and hard disks, and change
the name of the printer. The QMS PS Executive Series Utilities also
provide an easy means for printing PostScript files. The on-li ne help
contains installation and operat ion instructio ns and further explains
the program’s functions.
The QMS 3825/3225/2025 Print System offers man y opt ions to
expand its capabilities.
The Advanced Paper Handling Option include s a duplex printing
module, a large-capacity input bin which accommodates 1,500
sheets of paper, and a printer supplies storage cabinet.
This optional tray is an input bin holding up to 2,500 sheets of
print media in sizes up to Ledger.
The optional stacker holds up to 2,750 sheets of 20 lb
(75 g/m2) paper or 2,400 sheets of 24 lb (90 g/m2) paper in Letter
or A4 size. Paper is stacked faced down.
A larger internal hard disk and up to 6 external hard disks can be
added to your system for permanent downloadable font and emulation storage and for increased job spooling capability. The system supports disks up to 2.2 GB in capacity.
The QMS 3225 and 2025 Print Systems come wit h 16 MB of
RAM, which can be upgraded to 32 MB to allow your printer to
grow with your needs. Additional RAM can provide room for font
downloading and font caching. Additional RAM also provides better printing performance and exp ands your printing capabilities,
allowing you to send large, graphics-intensive files without tying
up the host computer for long perio ds.
In addition to the three standard interfaces—parallel, serial, and
LocalTalk— th e QMS 3825/3225 /202 5 Print System supports a
variety of network options.
■A CrownNet interface allows you to connect simultaneously
✓an Ethernet network running AppleTalk, LAN Manager/
LAN Server, NetWare, and/or TCP/IP protocols, or
✓a Token-Ring network running LAN Manager/LAN Server,
NetWare, and/or TCP/IPprotocols
■Basic network interfaces, designed fo r printers operati ng in
only one network protocol at a time, include
✓a standard Ethernet option which supports both DECnet
✓a standard Token-Ring opti on which supports TCP / IP or
✓a standard IBM 3270A/5250 protocol
When you use an optional network interface and its accomp anying software, you also have the ability to estab lish a remot e console connection. Printer status messages appear on the rem ote
console as well as the printer’s control panel, so you don’t have to
leave your workstation every time the printer needs attention.
Moreover , y ou’ll know right away if the printer is tied up with a jam
or other simple problem requiring your attent ion .
and TCP/IP, or AppleTalk, or NetWare
Instructions for using a remote conso le are included in the
Crown Remote Console User ’s Guide
setting up a remote console session in TCP/IP and DECn et environments. Instructions for opening a remote console session in
all other protocols are included in the
Card System Administrator’s Guide.
manual is shipped with each optional net work interf ac e.
A Kanji upgrade kit, which gives your printer the capability of
printing Japanese fonts, is available for your QMS printer. Other
downloadable fonts for PostScript and HP emulatio ns are also
available. Con tact your QMS vendor for a list of all available
, along with instructions for
QMS CrownNet Interface
A copy of the appropriate
Daily Operation
■How to turn on the printer
■How to print files
■How to use the control panel
■How to select and store media
■How to duplex a print job
■How to collate a print job
■How to select resolution
■How to select page orientation
■How to select input and output bins
■How to refill input bins
This chapter explains daily printer operat ion. It contains informa tion
about printing on paper, labels, and transparencies; select ing and
storing media; using the control panel; adding paper to the input bins;
duplexing; collating; changi ng re so lution; and selectin g page
The printer ’s power switch is located on the right rear panel. Make
sure the power cord is properly connected to the printer and to a
grounded outlet before turning on the power switch.
The power indicator on the control panel lights when the printer is on.
Unless it’s disabled, a start-up page prints after the print er perform s
its initial self-tests. The start-up page lists the printer’s name, all available interfaces, and other useful inform atio n.
+ 192 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.