White Electronic Designs EDI8L3265C25AC, EDI8L3265C20AI, EDI8L3265C20AC, EDI8L3265C15AI, EDI8L3265C15AC Datasheet

64Kx32 SRAM
64Kx32 bit CMOS Static Random Access Memory Array
 Fast Access Times: 12*, 15, 20, and 25ns  Individual Byte Selects  User Configurable Organization
with Minimal Additional Logic  Master Output Enable and Write Control  TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs  Fully Static, No Clocks
Surface Mount Package
 68 Lead PLCC, No. 99 (JEDEC-M0-47AE)  Small Footprint, 0.990 Sq. In.  Multiple Ground Pins for Maximum
Noise Immunity
Single +5V (±5%) Supply Operation
* Advance Information
Pin Configurations and Block Diagram
64Kx32 CMOS High Speed Static RAM
The EDI8L3265C is a high speed, high performance, four megabit density Static RAM organized as a 64Kx32 bit array. Four Byte Selects, two Chip Enables, Write Control, and Output Enable provide the user with a flexible memory solution. The user may independently enable each of the four bytes, and, with minimal additional peripheral logic, the unit may be configured as a 128Kx16 array. Fully asynchronous circuitry is used, requiring no clocks or refreshing for operation and providing equal access and cycle times for ease of use. The EDI8L3265C, allows 2 megabits of memory to be placed in less than 0.990 square inches of board space. The EDI8L3265C can be upgraded to 128K, 256K or 512Kx32 in the same footprint using the EDI8L32128, EDI8L32256 or the EDI8L32512C. (See page 6 for up­grade paths).
Note: Solder Reflow temperatures should not exceed 260°C for 10 seconds.
Pin Names
AØ-A15 Address Inputs EØ-E1 Chip Enables (one per word) BSØ-BS3 Byte Selects (One per Byte) W Master Write Enable G Master Output Enable DQØ-DQ31 Common Data Input/Output VCC Power (+5V±5%) VSS Ground NC No Connection
Notes: 1. See page 6 for upgrade paths.
March 1997 Rev. 4 ECO #8302
White Electronic Designs Corporation  (602) 437-1520  www.whiteedc.com
Absolute Maximum Ratings*
Voltage on any pin relative to VSS -0.5V to 7.0V Operating Temperature TA (Ambient) Commercial 0°C to + 70°C Industrial -40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature -55°C to +125°C
Recommended DC Operating Conditions
Parameter Sym Min Typ Max Units
Supply Voltage VCC 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Supply Voltage VSS 0 0 0 V Input High Voltage VIH 2.2 -- VCC+0.5 V Input Low Voltage VIL -0.3 -- 0.8 V
Power Dissipation 3.0 Watts Output Current. 20 mA Junction Temperature, TJ 175°C
*Stress greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions greater than those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
AC Test Conditions
Input Pulse Levels VSS to 3.0V Input Rise and Fall Times 5ns Input and Output Timing Levels 1.5V Output Load Figure 1
(note: For TEHQZ,TGHQZ and TWLQZ, CL = 5pF)
DC Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Sym Conditions Min Max Unit 12ns* 15ns 20/25ns ns
Operating Power ICC1 W= VIL, II/O = 0mA, 500 460 420 mA Supply Current Min Cycle Standby (TTL) ICC2 E ³ VIH, VIN £ VIL or 60 60 60 mA Supply Current VIN ³ VIH, f=ØMHz Full Standby ICC3 E ³ VCC-0.2V 20 20 20 mA Supply Current CMOS VIN ³ VCC-0.2V or VIN £ 0.2V Input Leakage Current ILI VIN = 0V to VCC ±10 ±10 ±10 µA Output Leakage Current ILO V I/O = 0V to VCC ±10 ±10 ±10 µA Output High Volltage VOH IOH = -4.0mA 2.4 V Output Low Voltage VOL IOL = 8.0mA 0.4 0.4 0.4 V
*Typical: TA = 25°C, VCC = 5.0V *Advanced Information
64Kx32 SRAM
Truth Table
E W G BSØ-3 Mode Output Power H X X X Standby High Z L H H X Output Disable High Z ICC1 L X X H Output Disable High Z ICC1 L H L L Read Dout ICC1 L L X L Write Din ICC1
X Means Don't Care
White Electronic Designs Corporation  (602) 437-1520  www.whiteedc.com
(f=1.0MHz, VIN=VCC or VSS)
Parameter Sym Max Unit
Address Lines CA 20 pF Data Lines CD/Q 10 pF Write & Output W, G 16 pF Enable Lines bF Chip Enable Lines E, BS 9 pF
These parameters are sampled, not 100% tested.
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