Model 3LSC8255EQ0
Version 8537 805 15000 Page
Whirlpool Europe
Customer Services
Service Manual
Technical data 2
Spare part list 3 - 4
Exploded view 5 - 8
Diagram 9
This documentation is only intended for qualified technicians who are aware of the respective safety regulations.
Date: 18.07.1997 Subject to modification
Document-No.: 4812 712 12611

18.07.1997 / Page 2 3LSC8255EQ0 Whirlpool Europe
Doc. No: 4812 712 12611 8537 805 15000 Customer Service
Technical data
Height max. 108,0 cm
Width 68,0 cm
Depth 66,0 cm
With package ~ 82 kg
General specifications
Voltage 230 V
Frequency 50 Hz
Fuse 5 A
Agitation Low ~ 120 strokes/min
Agitation High ~ 180 strokes/min
Spinning Low ~ 423 rpm
Spinning Low ~ 640 rpm
Number of cycles 8
Super Wash
Regular - Normal
Regular - Light
Perm. Press - Normal
Perm. Press - Woollens
Perm. Press - Knits Gentle
Extended Soak
Ex. Large w/load 82,1 l
Ex. Large w/o load 87,6 l
Large w/load 69,3 l
Large w/o load 73,8 l
Medium w/load 63,6 l
Medium w/o load 67,7 l
Small w/load 56,8 l
Small w/o load 60,6 l
Ex. Small w/load 45,0 l
Ex. Small w/o load 48,1 l
Max. load 8,2 kg
Size 1/2 Hp
Extra rinse

Whirlpool Europe 3LSC8255EQ0 18.07.1997 / Page 3
Customer Service 8537 805 15000 Doc. No: 4812 712 12611
Spare part list
Model 3LSC8255EQ0
Service No. 853780515000
Version 853780515000
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
001 0 4819 440 19485 Cabinet
002 0 4819 039 47509 Lid
004 0 4819 039 46512 Base
004 1 4819 039 46509 Plate
004 2 4819 535 98416 Rod,pull
010 0 4819 039 49476 Table top
010 1 4819 039 50994 Guard
011 0 4819 462 48269 Foot front
011 1 4819 462 48271 Foot rear
011 2 4819 535 98417 Pin knurled
024 0 4819 039 51123 Panel, rear
024 1 4819 529 18048 Batten
025 0 4819 039 50194 Bracket
040 0 4819 417 19197 Hinge
041 4 4819 417 19195 Hinge left
041 5 4819 417 19196 Hinge right
041 6 4819 462 48262 Shock absorber lid hinge
041 7 4819 520 18016 Bearing lid hinge
065 2 4819 529 18049 Pad plate
065 3 4819 033 63660 Block
084 0 4819 462 48266 Shock absorber lid
084 1 4819 325 68038 Grommet motor
130 0 4819 003 57913 Lever
190 0 4819 466 69993 Gasket f. tub
200 0 4819 418 18309 Tub
Pos. No. 12NC Code Description
341 0 4819 039 48587 Orn.disk, knob
343 0 4819 033 63663 Cam
400 1 4819 690 18152 Clutch
400 2 4819 033 64003 Insulation
401 0 4819 039 50297 Motor
401 2 4819 466 88949 Plate,mounting
421 0 4819 039 48448 Capacitor
430 0 4819 360 18249 Pump
490 0 4819 039 50972 Cable clamp
490 1 4819 039 50817 Cable
501 0 4819 039 50560 Timer
571 0 4819 033 60397 Valve
583 0 4819 033 56464 Switch
620 0 4819 039 50837 Switch
621 0 4819 276 18205 Switch motor
621 1 4819 039 50298 Switch
701 0 4819 033 66916 Hose
708 1 4819 039 48705 Connection Hose
711 0 4819 033 62952 Drawer
718 0 4819 310 38727 Siphon
718 2 4819 526 48273 Connector
718 3 4819 418 78644 Outflow-set
750 0 4819 526 48326 Connection drain hose
753 1 4819 466 98643 Chamber,air
754 0 4819 039 50340 Connection Hose
200 1 4819 039 50206 Ring
210 0 4819 404 79186 Support
211 0 4819 033 66877 Cam
220 0 4819 418 18299 Drum
223 0 4819 033 63003 Agitator
223 1 4819 515 28201 Drum lifter
223 2 4819 466 98891 Spacer
223 3 4819 039 46501 Agitator CPL.
223 4 4819 522 38015 Gear
223 5 4819 522 38016 Gear
276 0 4819 039 49118 Housing,gearwh.
276 1 4819 462 79449 Cover box transm.
276 2 4819 033 66851 Housing,gearwh.
276 3 4819 522 18002 Pinion
276 5 4819 528 38381 Segment,toothed
276 6 4819 528 38382 Actuator shift
276 7 4819 522 28007 Shaft
276 8 4819 310 38725 Accessories
277 0 4819 535 98415 Brake + drive tube
277 1 4819 532 38058 Tube
277 2 4819 532 68535 Spacer
277 3 4819 466 88954 Brake shoe
277 4 4819 528 38383 Cam
277 5 4819 526 48271 Drum lifter brake cam
277 6 4819 466 48009 Ring,retaining
761 0 4819 033 55454 Clip
761 1 4819 480 58293 Filter
781 0 4819 033 57090 Extension piece
781 0 4819 039 51609 Hose 4 ft
781 0 4819 529 28175 Hose,draining 10 Ft.
781 1 4819 033 59816 Hose
781 2 4819 033 57027 Nozzle
781 3 4819 033 63920 Adapter hose
783 0 4819 530 28893 Hose pressostat
783 2 4819 530 28889 Hose, inlet
791 2 4819 466 69832 Ring,sealing
791 3 4819 466 69833 Gasket
791 4 4819 003 39985 Gasket
791 5 4819 390 38023 Sealing
794 1 4819 325 68037 Ring,sealing
794 8 4819 532 38055 Washer
901 0 4819 401 18548 Clamp,hose
901 2 4819 401 18542 Clamp,hose
901 3 4819 003 70451 Clamp
901 4 4819 033 66912 Clamp
901 5 4819 492 68607 Holder suspension spring
901 7 4819 401 18546 Clamp,hose
902 3 4819 466 98642 Spacer
902 5 4819 404 78289 Support
902 6 4819 039 49496 Clamp
301 0 4819 039 50965 Panel
301 1 4819 039 50975 End block
301 2 4819 039 50974 End block
331 0 4819 039 48580 Knob
331 1 4819 039 50759 Knob
902 7 4819 404 78291 Clamping piece motor
902 8 4819 404 78292 Clamping piece pump
902 9 4819 033 52944 Clip
903 0 4819 003 87710 Grommet,cable
903 2 4819 033 66913 Clamp