Welch Allyn Connex® with EarlySense Monitoring
Quick Reference Card
Connect the patient movement cable
1. Align the EarlySense cable connector with one of the EarlySense ports on the
right side of the monitor.
2. Insert the cable connector until it clicks into place. Also check the stress relief
connector on the cable to ensure that both parts of the cable are tightly connected.
3. When you are ready to monitor a patient, position the bed sensor (sensing unit)
as follows:
• horizontally under the patient’s mattress
• the top surface of the sensing unit facing the mattress
• the sensing unit under the patient’s chest area
• the sensing unit cable extending toward the head of the bed

Configure movement alarms and patient turn reminder
Follow these steps to set alarm limits for patient movement.
1. Verify that you are using the Continuous Monitoring profile.
Note If “Allow profile change” is enabled in Advanced settings, the device
attempts to shif t automatically to the Continuous Monitoring profile
when you connect the sensor cable.
2. Touch the Alarms tab.
3. Touch the Movement vertical tab.
4. Ensure that the Exit alarm and Motion alarm controls are set to ON.
Note If any parameter’s alarm limit control is set to OFF, you cannot adjust
alarm limits on the Alarm tab, and no visual or audio signals occur for
that specific parameter.
5. Adjust the following settings as desired:
• Exit sensitivity. Use the up/down arrow keys or the keypad to choose a
sensitivity level ranging from 1 to 6. Setting 1 is the least sensitive, and
setting 6 is the most sensitive.
Note Levels 5 and 6 are highly sensitive and might trigger an alarm as a
result of minimal movement while the patient is in bed. Correct
patient assessment is the key to minimize false alerts.
• Turn reminder. Select the desired turn schedule from the list box.
6. Touch the Home tab.
The new alarm settings take effect immediately.
The EarlySense monitoring screen
1. Respiration rate
2. Respiration rate alarm limit control
3. Pulse rate
4. Pulse rate alarm limit control
5. Patient movement level
(0, L, M, H, EH)
6. Exit alarm sensitivity indicator
7. Patient turn indicator
8. Patient turn indicator timer
9. Bed mode indicator
10. Pause monitoring button
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