Weissgauff HVF 642 B User Manual [ru]

lectromagnetic comp atibility as re quired by Eur opean directiv e
e 2004 /1 08/EE C of 15 Decem ber 2004.
User’s In structions ( Fig. 1)
1 Pow er ON / Po wer OF F 2 Slider sensor 3 Pow er key 4 Pause 5 ON/OF F LED 6 Slider LED 7 Pause LE D 8 He ating z one and setting dis play 9 Tim er indi cato r zo ne 10 Tim er
Instal lation
All operatio ns relative to installation (electric co nnection) should be carried out by skilled pe r force. As fo r th e specific inst ructions se e part perta ining t o installer.
Func tionality S lider TC:
Slide r: sen sor tec hnolog y of the no vel Slider TC allow s as well an adjustm ent of t he cooking levels (1 – 9) as the t ime r value ( 1-99 ) by tou chi ng and pulling the finger over the designated area. Pulling to the r ight is increa sin g and to the left is decreasing
dant val ue.
accor Moreover a direct sele ction o f the desig nated value is also poss ible on the slider area.
ON/OFF Touch Control
After conne cting to the ma ins the T C unit takes 1 seco nd to prep are for operation. After a re set a ll dis play s and LED s flashes up for 1 secon d. After 1 seco nd all dis play s an d LE Ds ar e switc hed off again. The TC unit may now be switch ed O N by pressing the ON/OFF key “1”. Displa hot cooking zo nes [H ] are displaye d in alternation with [0] and th e sync hro nously display dot. T he display dots on t he coo k to p displays fl ashes up every s econd (0. 5 s ec. o ff, 0.5 se c. on). Electronics remains activated f or 20 seco nd s. If there is no coo king level or tim er se lection do ne in t his period the ele ctronics
ys s how a stead y “0“. Possible opt ic wa rnings for
so nnel i n con form ity with th e rule s in
automat ically reset s to the Off-mo de b The TC may only be sw itc hed on by pressing the power key as sole input In cas e of an othe r key is pre ssed (single or in paralle l with the pow er key), the co ntro l u nit is not sw itched on. By pressi ng the O N/OFF key “1” of the contr ol unit in O N-M ode, the T ouch Control may be switched off at any time. This is also applicable fo r lo cked control unit s (activ e child lock). T he ON key take s a lways priority w ith t he POW ER-OFF functio n.
Automatic Swit ch Off
The T C sw itc hes from Power O N to O FF after 20 sec., pr ovided that no cooking zone is activated or a select key is pre ssed during that time. In ca se of a se lecte d cooking zon e (w ith cooking st age is “0“ ) this Auto P ower off time is com pos ed of a 10 sec des election time and 10 s ec Power o ff time.
ON/OFF Coo king Zone
In case o f O n-stat e of th e TC a cooking zone may b e sele cte d b y touching the dedicated dis play (Sele ct-S ensors “8 ”). Th e respective display c han ges to a stea dy display dot and “0 “ instead of “H“ – in case of a hot cooking zone -. On all ot her coo king zone d isplays the dot expires.
That followe d a coo kin g le vel ma y be s et by using the S lide r area. Thus sw itches the r esp ective coo king zone on. End st ops are „9“
ight side) a nd „0“ (left side).
Swit ching O ff a single cooking z o ne: A single cookin g zone ma y b e switched off by selecting a nd
setting cooking level to [0]. In case of an optic w arning for hot coo king z one s [H] t his is disp layed in a lter natio n w ith [0] and the sync hro nously display dot. After the T C is sw itc hed Off the display remains b lack respectively [H] is displaye d for an optic w arn ing for ho zone. Swit ching O ff all cooking zones: Immediately switching o ff all cook ing zones is always poss ible b y using the O N/O FF key.[ H] possibly appear s on al l hot cooking zones . A ll ot her cooking zone dis play s re main b lac k.
Power Stages
The pow er of the cooking zo ne is adjust able in 9 differe nt stages; the res pect ive stage i s disp laye d ([1 “] to [9]) via LE D-seve n­segment-displays.
Automatic P
Whe n A utomatic par boiling is a ctivated, t he power of the cooking zone is switched to 100 % for a pe riod of time depe nd ing on the selected on boiling stage. As s oon as t he parbo iling tim e is over, the pres elected on boiling stage is va lid a ga in. Proc edu re to start A uto matic parboiling:
The control unit is switche d o n and a coo king zo ne is se lected.
arboiling (selectable)
y re leasing a signal to ne.
t cooking
After setting coo king stage “9“ A utom atic par boiling is activ ate d by pre ssing at the right slider se nsor. “A” a ppears on t he dis play imm ediately. Now t he required onboiling stage is select ed via Slid er area. The “A” sym bo l appears aft er 3 sec . upon relea sing t he key ­alternating with t he onbo iling stag e (500 msec. “A” and 1. 5 se c. onbo iling st age). The onboiling stage may be cha nge d within 15 se c after activatio n with out switching off t he par boiling boost. There fore, the coo kin g z one is to be selected a nd the re levant co oki ng zon e is to be set afterwards.
In case o f a select ion after 15 sec a low er co oking stage m ay be set; auto matic onboiling is sw itched o ff. a high er o nbo iling stag e ma y be s elected; th is lea ds to the parb oiling time being a uto mat ically bro ught in line wit h the curre ntly selected onboiling stage
Multi Circuit Ac tivation (Optional)
The control unit ma y trigger – depending on the typ e – dual circuit or trip le circuit. Multi Circuits are switched autom atically on after activatin g a coo king zo ne. Activ ation/D eactivatio n of dua l circuit HL By act uating the dua l-circuit key “3” the respective double o r outer circuit is deactivated. Re-actuating the dual-circuit key “3 ” activate s the outer circ uit agai n, An active doubl e or outer circuit is also shown by t he assigned LED “11” is stat ically il luminated. Activ ation/D eactivatio n of t riple circuit HL For t riple -circuit the follow ing operation proc edure is pr ovided:
-By actuat ing t he multi-circ uit k ey “3” the res pect ive dou ble a nd triple circuit s of an active coo king zo ne are deactivat ed.
-Re -act uati ng the m ulti circuit ke y “3” act ivates th e first outer circuit a nd the assigned LE D “11” illuminates again.
-A seco nd actuatio n of the multi circ uit key “3” activates th e second outer circuit an d t he a ssig ned LE D “11” illuminat es aga in.
Residu al H eat
The determination of how long a cook ing zone has residual he at after operat ion and switc h off – w hic h may lead to burnings whe n contact ing – is calculated. Stat us i s calculated de pen ding on: Sele cted power sta ge (from “0” to “9”) On/O ff T ime of the Relays
The re sid ual hea t ind ication of each cooking zo ne remains activate d u ntil the calculat ed t em perature is sma ller tha n + 60 °C.
Automatic Swit ch-off (Op erating T ime L imitation )
For ea ch act ivated cooking zone a ma x. operati ng tim e is defined. Th e max. operating time is depe nd ing on the se lected coo king sta ge. A fter the e xp iratio n of the max. operating tim e the coo king zone is automa tic ally switch ed off. Eac h actuatio n of the coo king zone status (cha nging th e coo king level etc.) resets the co unt-down t ime r to the initial start ing val ue. Timer set ting s ta ke priority vs. operat ing t ime limitations f or high coo king sta ge setti ng.
Protec tion against unintention al activat ion
The el ectro nic s ystem cuts off autom atically in case of a n identifie d perman ent use of keys for a bout 10 seconds. The control unit rel eases a n audible sig nal for 10 sec of the malfunction ( period: 1000 msec., 500 m sec. ON) and the error code “E R 0 3” flashes on the disp lay (0.5 s ON 0.5s OFF ). If the perm an ent actuation excee ds 10 sec., only th e error code “ER 03“ kee ps flashing as long as the m alfunction oc curs a nd is identifie d as su ch. In c ase the cooking zone is at sta ge “hot“ the [H] sym bo l alternates with the error co de ( 0.5 sec S ym bol 0.5 se c “H“). Water sprink led on the glass sur face do es not always lead to a key actuatio n and cannot be surely detected. ( After wiping the glass covering the ke ys, all keys are ready for operation in no time ). If no cooking zo ne is activate d w ithin 20 sec after pressi ng POW ER O N, the co ntrol u nit is reset t o Off-mode (black dis pla ys).
Key Lock (Optional)
The a ctu ation of t he key lo ck key “4” in t he wait or act ive m ode locks the keyboar d and t he a ssigned key -loc k LED “7” is staticall y illum inat ed. Here, the actu atio n tim es of t he ke y-lock key have to be ta ken into acc ount. The control continu es to wo rk in the set mode, but may no longe r be operate d with any key, exce pt t he key-loc k key its elf or t he o n/off key “1”.
The sw itc hing OF F wit h the o n/off key “1” is also po ssible in the locked con ditio n. The ass igned key- loc k LE D “7” fades whe n switc hi ng off the co ntrol The key -loc k function included LED is active again w hen sw itc hing on (in wait mode 10 s) until this is deac tivated by a re peated act uat ion of t he key-lock ke y. T he activatio n/deactivat ion of the key-loc k fun ction in the o ff mo de is not possible. When prog ram me d t ime rs expire, th e respective tim er alarms may be confirmed by a ctuating a ny key w ith out nee din g to unlock the c ontrol. The repeated actuation of the key- loc k key in the w ait or act ive mode unloc ks the key board a nd the assig ned key-loc k LE D fades. A ll se nsor keys may be operat ed as usual aga in.
Acou stic Feedback (Buzzer)
The f ollowing activit ies occurring during operatio n of the TC unit are fed bac k audibly v ia a buzz er: Short single to ne fo r regular actuation of a key Long er, int erm itte nt tone f or permanent us e of keys o ver a longer perio d of time ( 10 sec ) Expiry o f the tim er
Timer -func tion (op tional)
The timer fu nct ion is available in t wo type s:
-Stand-alone-timer 1..99 m in: Au dible s ign al with timing. This func tion can only be act ivated as long as no cooking zone is in operation (all stages = 0). Is any c ooking zone started with operation (l evel >0) t han the st and alo ne timer keep s in o peratio n. If the t ime r sh all be use d to cut off a cooking z one (see cooking zone time r) then the control must first be sw itc hed off (powe r sens or) and switched o n ag ain.
-Coo king zo ne timer 1..9 9 min: Th is function can only b e activate d as long as a co oking is active (stage < 0; display dot). Audible sig nal with timing , four cooking zones to be cut off are freely programmable.
Sett ing a timer value: By a dju stme nt w ith the sli der area . Prim aril y the adjustment of t he first digit takes place and
thereafter the adjust me nt o f the se co nd digit . Within 10se c after the adj ustm ent of the second digit the value
might b e reset. ( Illumin ated d isplay dot in the t imer display and in case of a co oki ng z one sp ecific timer a b linking ass igne d LED). In ca se of an act ive timer d isp lay t he t im er value m ay be set to [0] directly by p ressing [0] on the slider area (left side)
Swit ching off a n ac tive tim er: A tim er can be switche d of by sett ing its value to 0. A sta nd alo ne timer c an be switche d of by a double actu atio n of the pow er key “ 1”.
Timer St and-Alone: If the contr ol unit is swit ched on (all co oking zo ne displays show [0]), the stand-alo ne tim er may be activated by pressi ng the timer selec t key. T he tim er dis play show s “00“. The decim al dot on the timer di splay flashes. The timer is cut off after 10 sec (bla ck display) if no furt her s ettings are m ade. I n c ase of a timer value is set w ith no activation of a co oki ng z one wit hin 10sec, the cooking zone displays are c ut o ff (interposing relays are also c ut off). Possible optic warn ings for hot cooking zones [H] are displaye d perm an ently As long as the timer is selected (d ispla y dot flashes for 10 sec ) it can be set . The setti ng ran ge is 0 -99 minutes in single ste ps; by Slide r area. Direc tly after the t imer value is set co unt dow n starts wit h the la st set value. The timer is deselected a utom atically after 10 se c and the timer display indic ates the timer value. After expiring of the set tim e an aco ust ic sig nal is given and the tim er display flashes „00“. The aco usti c signal is term inated
-afte r 2 min an d/or
-by act uating a ny key. Thereafter time r d isp lay sto ps bli nking a nd ext inguishes. Po ssible optic w arn ings for hot coo king zones [ H] are disp laye d perm an ently. By pressing t he ON/OFF key “1 ”, t he c ontrol unit m ay be switc hed from „purely tim er op erat ion“ to cooking zo ne at any time -with or w itho ut an activated St and-Alone timer -. Switching bac k to TC active m ode with an active Stand-Alone tim er the timer i s selecte d first (dec imal dot on t imer display flashes). After a coo king z on e is s elected, the decimal dot disappea rs from the timer display and a stea dy decimal dot o n t he cook ing zone display fla she s on. W hen sw itching o ff the control unit by ON/O FF ke y “1”, the Stand-Alone timer – if still in operatio n -is also sw itched o ff.
Coo king zo ne s pecific timer progr amming
Swit ching on the TC enables timer setting for dedicate d co oking zones.
By a ctu ating a cooking zo ne (cooki ng zo ne stage > 0 ) fol lowe d by selec ting the timer displa y (within 10 sec) a timer val ue may be assig ned to the co oki ng z one as a c ut-off function. The LED around the t ime r “9” indic ate s which co oking zone the timer ha d been act ivated for. As soo n as the timer is selected the ac cor ding LED is blin king and the dot in t he tim er display is f lash ing permanently. In c ase of a cooki ng zone is select ed therea fter, t he dot extinguishe s and the LED stops b linking.
When sw itc hing fr om one co oking zone to another, t he timer display indicate s t he curr ent tim er value of the re spe ctiv e cooking zone. Ti mer sett ings of other coo king zones sta y act ive.
Further s etting is like w ith the stand-a lon e tim er In case of mor e than o ne active timer the display indicates the lowe st t imer value (after 10s d eselection tim e). After expiring of t he set tim e an ac oust ic signal is given a nd the timer disp lay flashes „ 00“. The related tim er LED is blin king sync hro nously. The programmed coo king zon e is cut-off, a perm an ent “0” is displayed an d the cooking zo ne is select ed automat ically. After 10 sec. (deselectio n time ) a perm anent “H “ is displayed on a „hot“coo king zo ne. Ot herw ise, the symbol “ 0“ is indic ate d.
The acoustic signal and the blin king of t he cooking zone t ime r Led is te rminate d
- after 2 m in a nd/or
- by actuating an y key. Thereafter tim er dis play stops extinguishes a nd the cooking zo ne stays un sele cted. Behavio ur of the cooking zone specific tim er is s imila r to the stand alone tim er. In case of a t imer is programmed fo r a co oking zone the operating tim e limitat ion is dep endent of the tim er value and not of the st and ard table value.
Pause mode
Activating the Pause function:
While at least one coo king zone is worki ng, the cooking zones can be switch ed off by t ouching t he “P ause” key for more tha n 1 sec.
During the pause:
Timers already programm ed are disco ntinued an d rem ai n in this cond itio n during the pa use. The pa use mode can last for max. 10 min. If t he stat us is not cancelle d within this period, the control unit switches off. T he T C unit can be sw itc hed off via th e ON/O FF key a t a ny time, a poss ible pause mo de is, t hus, aborte d.
Terminating the Pause mode:
Touching Pause key togethe r with any other one key w ithin 10 sec causes a re -est ablishm ent of the stat e pre vailing p rior to the pau se mode. If no further key is touched within 10 sec, the TC unit switches off.
Settin gs recove ry
If the touch control is turned off by mist ake w ith the O N/OFF button "1", it is possible to reco ver th e previous settings w ith th e recovery function. Once it is turned off, t he user ha s 6 se conds to turn it on again, and the n anothe r 6 secon ds t o pre ss t he pause button "4". This functio n allow s yo u to recov er the prev ious coo king pow er and tim er v alu es for each coo kin g zo ne.
Precau tion s (Fig. 2)
- When one ma kes use o f heating eleme nts, w e a dvis e rece ptacles with f lat b ottom having sam e diame ter or lig htly higher t han t hat of the hot area.
- Avoid o verflow s of liquid, the refore when boiling has happened, or in any ca se w hen liquid is heated, reduce the heat supply.
- Don’t leave the h eating ele me nts o n w ithout receptacles on the top o r with void pot s and pans.
- If the surf ace of the hob is damaged, imme diate ly disconnect the applia nce from th e mains to pr event the poss ibility of electric shoc k.
- Ne ver use a steam clean er to cle an the ho b.
- Th is a pplia nce ho od is not de signed to be used by people (including child ren) w ith red uced phys ical, se nsorial or me nta l capa city, or w ho lack experi ence or knowle dge about it, unless they have had su pervision or i nstr uctions on how to use the appliance by someone wh o is responsible for their safet y.
- Children m ust be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the applia nce.
Maintenan ce (F ig. 3)
By means of a scr aper imm ediately remove any a llum inium foil bits, food spills, gr ease sp lash es, s ugar marks a nd other hig h sugar conte nt food from th e s urface in o rder to avoid d am aging the hob. Subs equently cle an the surface w ith som e tow el and appropr iate prod uct , rin se with water and dry by m ea ns of a cl ean clot h. Under no circ um stance sho uld spo nges or a brasive cloths be used; also avoid using aggressive chem ical detergents such as oven sprays an d sp ot removers.
Instal ler’s Instructions Instal lation
Thes e I nstructio ns are for the qualified techn ician, a s a guide to insta llation, adjust ment and maintena nce, according to the laws and standards in forc e. Th ese o peratio ns must alw ay s be carrie d out w hen t he appliance has been disc onnected from th e ele ctri c syst em.
Posi tioning (Fig. 4)
The fixture is especially designed for fitting into a work-top as show n in t he corres pondi ng figure. Pla ce the supplied sea ling agent alo ng the hob perim eter. Do not install the hob over a n oven; in case you do, m ake sure of the fo llow ing:
- the oven is eq uip ped with an appropriate cooling system
- the re is no warm-air leakage from the oven tow ards the hob
- suitable ai r-inlets are provided a s show n in the figu re.
1 Front view 2 Front sid e
Electrical connection (Fig. 5)
Prior to carr ying out th e electrical co nnect ion, please ensure that:
- the plant charact eristics are such as to fo llow what is indicated on the matrix plate placed at the botto m of the working area;
- that the plant is fitt ed wit h a n efficient earth conn ect ion, fo llow ing th e stan dards and law provisio ns in force. The earth connection is com pulsory in term s of the law .
Should t her e be no cable and/or plug o n the eq uip ment, use suita ble absorptio n m ater ial for the working te mperature as w ell, as indicate d o n t he m atr ix plate. Und er n o c ircumst ance must th e cable reach a te mperature above 50°C of the room temperature. Should a direct co nne ction to the netw ork be r equ ired, it w ill be nece ssary to interpose an om nip olar switch wit h min. aperture betw ee n t he 3 mm . co ntac ts, d imensio ned to b ear t he plate load and it m ust follow the standards in force (t he yellow/green e art h cable m ust not be interrupted by th e switch). The plug o r om nipo lar switch must be ea sily reached on the installed equ ipme nt.
The man ufact urers decline a ny resp onsibility in the event of no n­com pliance wit h w hat is de scribed above and t he acc ident prevent ion norm s not being respe cte d and f ollowed.
To a void all risk, if the power cable be come s damaged, it must only be replaced by the manu facturer, by an au tho rize d service cen tre, or by a qualified ele ctri cian.
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