Weed Eater VS2000BV Owner’s Manual

Por favor, no devuelva el aparato al lugar de compra.
1_ Please do not return unit to retailer.
Veuillez ne pas retourner I'outil au detaillant.
Manuel d'lnstructions
IMPORTANT MANUAL - Do not throw away MANUAL IMPORTANTE - No Io descarte
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before using this product. Failure to do so can result in serious injury.
ADVERTENOIA: Lea et manual de instrucciones y siga todas las advertencias e
instrucciones de seguridad. El no hacerlo puede resultar en tesiones graves.
Instruction Manual
Veuiltez Iire te manuet d'instructions et bien respecter tousles avertissements et toutes tes instructions de securit& Tout defaut
de te faire pourrait entrafner des btessures graves.
WEED EATER WEED EATER 1030 Stevens Creek Road 5855 Terry Fox Way
Augusta, GA 30907 Mississauga, Ontario L5V 3E4
545146904 Rev. 7 4/17/08 BRW
zi ____.....A
t_1 iIWAI-ININB: This unit can be dangerous! Careless or improper
use can cause serious injury.
and can follow all warnings and safety rules before operating the unit. Failure to do so can result in serious injury. Save operator's manual
1 Read your operator's manual carefully until you completely understand
The blower can throw objects vio- lently. You can be blinded or injured.
Always wear hearing protection and safety glasses marked Z87. Always
wear heavy, long pants, long sleeves, boots and gloves
Hazard zone for thrown objects. Keep children, by- standers, and animals away from work area a mini-
mum of 30 feet (10 meters) when starting or operating unit. Do not point blower nozzle in the direction of
people or pets.
not wear jewelry, loose clothing, or clothing with loosing hanging straps,
O 1Sec°rehairab°vesh°u'der'en0th
ties, tassels, etc. They can be caught in moving parts.
O cleaning or servicing
, AwYss°Puniianddisc°nnecsParkPugbf°re
_ll Wt&.R NING: Stop the engine before opening the vacuum inlet door. The engine must
be stopped and the impeller blades no longer turning to avoid serious injury from the rotating blades. Gently tilt the handle of the screwdriver toward the front of the unit to release the latch while pulling up on the vacuum inlet cover with your other hand
When using the vacuum attachment, the unit is designed to pick up dry material such as leaves, grass, small twigs, and bits of paper Do not
vacuum stones, gravel, metal, broken glass, etc., to avoid severe dam- age to the impeller
WARNING: Fire hazard. Never mix, pour, or store gasoline or
use the unit near a flame or sparks (including smoking, open flames, or work that can cause sparks).
WARNING: The muffler is very hot during and after use. Do
not touch the muffler, muffler guard, or surrounding surfaces, or allow
combustible material such as dry grass or fuel to do so.
nWARNING: Failure to follow all
Safety Rules and Precautions can result in serious injury.
Read your instruction manual carefully until you completely understand and can follow
all warnings and safety rules before operat- ing the unit.
Restrict unit to users who understand and will follow all warnings and safety rules in
this manual
WARNING: Inspect area before start-
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects such as rocks, glass, wire, etc. that can rico- chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or
damage during operation.
Use your unit as a blower for:
Sweeping debris or grass clippings from
driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc.
Blowing grass clippings, straw, or leaves into
plies, around joints, or between bricks
Use your unit as a vacuum for:
Picking up dry material such as leaves,
grass, small twigs, and bits of paper.
For best results during vacuum use, operate
your unit at high speed.
Move slowly back and forth over the mate-
rial as you vacuum. Avoid forcing the unit into a pile of debris as this can clog the unit.
Keep the vacuum tube about an inch above
the ground for best resu_s.
Always wear eye protection when operat- ing, servicing, or performing maintenance
on unit. Wearing eye protection will help to prevent rocks or debris from being blown or
ricocheting into eyes and face which can
result in blindness and/or serious injury. Eye protection should be marked Z87
Always wear foot protection. Do not go barefoot or wear sandals.
Always wear respirator or face mask when working with unit in dusty environments.
Secure hair so it is above shoulder length. Keep loose hair, loose clothing, fingers, and
all other parts of the body away from openings and moving parts. Hair, jewelry, loose cloth-
ing, or clothing with loosely hanging straps, ties, tassels, etc., can be caught in moving
Do not operate unit when you are tired, i11,up- set, or if you are under the influence of alco-
hol, drugs, or medication.
Keep children, bystanders, and animals away from work area a minimum of 30 feet
(10 meters) when starting or operating unit.
Do not point the blower nozzle in the direc- tion of people or pets
Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame (in- cluding smoking, open flames, or work that
can cause sparks) in the areas where fuel is mixed, poured, or stored
Mix and pour fuel in an outdoor area; store fuel in a cool, dry, well ventilated place; use
an approved, marked container for all fuel purposes.
Do not smoke while handling fuel or while operating the unit.
Make sure the unit is properly assembled and in good operating condition.
Do not fill fuel tank while engine is hot or running.
Avoid spilling fuet or oil. Wipe up fuel spills before starting engine.
Move at _east 10 feet (3 meters) away from fuel and fueling site before starting engine.
Always store gasoline in a container ap- proved for flammable liquids.
Ai_WARNING: Stop the engine before
opening the vacuum inlet door. The engine must be stopped and the impeller blades no longer turning to avoid serious injury from the
rotating blades.
Inspect unit before each use for worn, loose, missing, or damaged parts. Do not
use unti_ unit is in proper working order.
Keep outside surfaces free of oil and fuel.
Never start or run engine inside a closed room, building or other unventilated area.
Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
To avoid static electricity discharge, do not wear rubber gloves or any other insulated
gloves while operating unit.
Do not set unit on any surface except a clean, hard area while engine is running. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass,
eta. could be picked up by the air intake and thrown out through discharge opening, damaging unit, property, or causing serious
injury to bystanders or operator.
Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in unventilated areas or where explosive
vapors or carbon monoxide build up could be present.
Do not overreach or use from unstable sur- faces such as ladders, trees, steep slopes, rooftops, etc. Keep firm footing and balance
at all times.
Never place objects inside the blower tubes; always direct the blowing debris away from people, animals, glass, and solid
objects such as trees, automobiles, walls, eta. The force of air can cause rocks, dirt, or
sticks to be thrown or to dcochet which can hurt people or animals, break glass, or
cause other damage.
Never run unit without the proper equip- ment attached. When using your unit as a
blower, always install blower tubes. When using your unit as a vacuum, always install
vacuum tubes and vacuum bag assembly. Make sure vacuum bag assembly is com- pletaly zipped.
Check air intake opening, blower tubes, vacuum tubes, and elbow tube frequent{y,
always with engine stopped and spark plug disconnected. Keep vents and discharge
tubes free of debris which can accumulate and restrict proper air flow.
Never place any object in the air intake open- ing as this could restrict proper air flow and
cause damage to the unit.
Never use for spreading chemicals, fertiliz- ers, or other substances which may contain
toxic matadais.
To avoid spreading fire, do not use near leaf or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits, ashtrays, eta
Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
WARNING: Disconnect spark plug be-
fore performing maintenance except for carbu- retor adjustments.
Have all maintenance other than the rec- ommended procedures described in the in-
struction manual performed by an autho- rized service dealer
Use only recommended WEED EATER re- placement parts; use of any other parts
may void your warranty and cause damage to your unit
Empty fuel tank before storing the unit Use up fuel left in carburetor by starting engine and
letting it run until it stops.
Do not use any accessory or attachment other than those recommended by manufac- turer for use with your unit.
Do not store the ueft or fuel in a closed area where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an
open flame from hot water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
Store in a dry area out of reach of children.
WARNING: The engine exhaust from
this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth de-
fects or other reproductive harm. SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-
tions through prolonged use of gasoline pow- ered hand tools could cause blood vessel or
nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of people prone to circulation disorders
or abnorma_ swelling Prolonged use in cold weather has been _inked to blood vesset dam-
age in otherwise healthy people. If symptams occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek medical attention. An antivibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these problems. Users who operate power tools on a continual and regular basis must monitor
closely their physical condition and the condi- tion of this took
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
arresting screen which meets the require- ments of California Codes 44-42 and 4443. All
U.S. forest land and the states of California,
Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ore- gon, and Washington require by law that many internal combustion engines be equipped with a spark arresting screen. If you
operate in a locale where such regulations ex- ist, you are legally responsible for maintaining the operating condition of these parts. Failure
to do so is a violation of the law. Refer to the
MAINTENANCE section for information on maintenance of the muffler and spark arrest-
ing screen.
WARNING: Stop engine and be sure
the impeller blades have stopped turning be- fore opening the vacuum inlet door or at-
tempting to insert or remove the vacuum or b_ower tubes. The rotating blades can cause
serious injury. Always disconnect the spark p_ug before performing maintenance or ac-
cessing movable parts. _:_WARN]NG: If you receive your unit
assembled, check each step to insure your unit is properly assembled and all fasteners are secure. Follow all safety information in the manual and on the unit
A standard screwdriver is required for as- sembly.
1. Align the rib on the upper blower tube with the groove in the b_ower ouflet; slide the tube into place.
NOTE: Knob must be loose enough to allow
blower tube to be inserted in blower outlet. Loos- en knob by turning countercbckwise
6. To remove the tubes, turn the knob coun- terclockwise to loosen the tubes; remove
the tubes.
When greater air speed is desired, use the high-speed nozz{e
1 Align the slots on the nozz{e with the tabs
on the _ower blower tube
High-Speed Nozzle
Lower Blower Tab"
Tube Slot
2. Slide the nozzle onto the lower blower tube.
3. Turn the nozzle clockwise until a click is felt to secure the nozzle to the lower blow-
er tube.
1. Open the zipper on the vacuum bag and insert the elbow tube.
2. Push the small end of the elbow tube through the small opening in the bag.
Elbow Tube Rib
2. Secure the tube by turning the knob clock- wise.
3. Align the s_ots on the lower blower tube with the tabs on the upper blower tube.
Lower Blower
4. Slide the lower blower tube onto the upper blower tube.
5. Turn the lower blower tube clockwise until a click is felt to secure the lower blower
tube to the upper blower tube
NOTE: When the upper and lower blower
tubes are assembled together properly, the arrows on both tubes will be aligned
Opening _
NOTE: Make sure edge of the small opening
is flush against the flared area of the elbow tube, and the rib on the elbow tube is on the bottom.
3. Close the zipper on the bag. Make sure the zipper is closed completely.
4. Remove b_ower tubes from engine
5. Insert the elbow tube into the blower outlet. Make sure elbow tube rib is aligned with
the blower outlet groove.
6. Turn knob olockwiseto secure e_bew tube.
Small Opening
_ Groove
WARNING: Stopengine and be sure
the impeller blades have stopped turning be- fore opening the vacuum inlet door or at-
tempting to insert or remove the vacuum or
b_ower tubes. The rotating blades can cause serious injury
1. Insert the tip of a screwddver into the latch area of the vacuum inlet.
Vacuum Inlet Cover
2. Gently tilt the handle of the screwddver to- ward the front of the unit to release the
latch while pulling up on the vacuum inlet cover with your other hand.
3. Hold the vacuum inlet cover open until up- per vacuum tube is installed.
Vacuum Inlet
4. Alignthetabs ontheinsideofthevacuumin- let with the slotsonthe uppervacuum tube.
6. Align slanted end of lower vacuum tube as shown. Firmly push lower vacuum tube
into upper vacuum tube.
Slanted end of
1. Remove the elbow tube and vacuum bag by turning the knob counterc{ockwise to
loosen the elbow tube.
2. Remove the vacuum tubes by turning the tubes clockwise.
3. Close the vacuum inlet cover and make
sure it is tatched c{osed.
4. Reinstall the blower tubes (see SLOWER TUBE ASSEMBLY)
1. Hold the unit as shown with the muffler side facing away from your body and clothes.
2. Pass the shoulder strap over your head and onto your right shoulder.
3. Extend your left arm toward the rear of the
vacuum bag.
4. Adjust shoulder strap until the vacuum bag/shoulder strap seam lies between
your thumb and index finger.
5. Make sure air flows freeiy from the eibow
tube into bag. tf bag is kinked, the unit will
not operate properly.
5. Push the upper vacuum tube into the vac- uum inlet. Turn the tube counterclockwise
until a ctick is fa{t to secure the tube to the blower unit.
Compare the Jltustrations with your unit to famitJadze yourself with the location of the various controls and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference.
Upper Vacuum Tube Elbow Tube
Lower Vacuum Tube
Throtbe Switch Trigger _ Spark
Starter Upper Blower Tube
Fuel Mix Fill Cap
Primer Button
STOP SWITCH The STOP switch is used to stop the engine.
To stop the engine, push and hold the STOP switch in the STOP position until the engine stops.
THROTTLE TRIGGER The TH RO_LE TRIGGER is used to select the desired engine speed.
Blower Vacuum
PRIMER BUTTON The PRIMER BU_ON removes air fcom the carburetor and fuel lines and tills them with fuel. This alows you to start the engine with fewer
pulls on the starter rope. AcWate primer button by pressing it and a,owing itto return to _tsorigi- nat position
CHOKE LEVER The CHOKE helps to supply fuel to the engine
to aid in cold starting. AcWate the choke by moving the choke lever to the FULL CHOKE
position. After engine attempts to start, move the choke lever to the HALF CHOKE position. Once engine starts, move choke lever to the
Whi_e vacuuming or blowing debris, hold
the unit with the muffler side facing away from your body and clothes (see OPERAT-
ING POSITION illustration above).
To reduce the risk of hearing loss
associated with sound level(s), hearing protection is required.
To reduce the risk of injury associated with
contacting rotating parts, stop the engine be- fore installing or removing attachments Do
not operate without guard(s) in place.
Operate power equipment only at reasonable
beurs-not early inthe morning or late at night when people might be disturbed. Comply with
times listed in local ordinances Usual recom- mendations are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday though Saturday.
To reduce noise levels, limit the number of
pieces of equipment used at any one time.
Lower Blower Tube
High-Speed Nozzle
To reduce noise _eveis, operate power blowers at the lowest possible throttle
speed to do the job
Use rakes and brooms ta loosen debds be- fore blowing.
In dusty conditions, slightly dampen sur- faces or use a mister attachment when wa-
ter is available.
Conserve water by using power blowers instead of hoses for many lawn and garden
applications, including areas such as gutters, screens, patios, grills, porches, and gardens.
Watah out for children, pets, open windows, or freshly washed cars. Blow debris away safely.
Use the full blower nozzle extension so the air stream can work close to the ground.
After using blowers and other equipment, CLEAN UP! Dispose of debris in trash re-
_WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel
information in the safety rules before you be- gin. If you do not understand the safety rules,
do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call
1-800-554-6723. FUELING ENGINE
Ai_WARNING: Remove fuet cap s_owly
when refueling.
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded gasoline. Before operation, gasoline must be
mixed with a good quality synthetic 2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to be mixed at a ratio of 40:1. PoularyVVEED EATER brand
synthetic oil is recommended. Mix gasoline and oil at a ratio of 40:1. A 40:1 ratio is obtained by
mixing 3.2 ounces (95 ml) of oil with 1 gallon (4 liters) of unleaded gasoline DO NOT USE
automotive oil or marine oil. These oils will cause engine damage. When mixing fuel, follow instructions printed on container Once oil is
added to gasoline, shake container momentariEy to assure that the fuel is thoroughly mixed.
Always read and follow the safety rules relating to fue{ before fueling your unit.
Experience indicates that a_cohol blended fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or methanef) can attract moisture which leads to
separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gas can damage the fue{
system of an engine while in storage. To avoid engine problems, empty the fuel system before storage for 30 days or longer. Drain the
gas tank, startthe engine and let it run until the fuel lines and carburetor are empty. Use fresh
fuel next season. Never use engine or carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or
permanent damage may occur.
Release the throttle trigger.
Push and hold the STOP switch in the STOP position until the engine stops.
_WARNING: You MUST make sure
the tubes are secure before using the unit.
Fuel engine Move at least 10 feet (3 me-
ters) away from the fueling site.
Hold the unit in the starting position as
shown. Make sure the blower end is di- rected away from people, animals, glass, and solid objects.
_WARNING: When starting engine,
hold the unit as i_lustrated. Do not set unit on any surface except a clean, hard area when starting
engine or while engine is running. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the air intake and thrown out
through the discharge opening, damaging the unit or property, or causing serious injury to by-
standers or the o
engine after running out of fuel)
1. Slowly press the primer bulb 6 times.
2. Move choke lever to the FULL CHOKE
3. Squeeze the throttle trigger fully and hold
through all remefeft_J steps
Starter Handle
Primer Bulb
4 Pull starter rope handle sharply until engine
sounds as if it is trying to start, but do not pull rope more than 6 times.
5 As soon as engine sounds as if it is trying to
start, move choke lever to HALF CHOKE position.
6 Pull starter rope sharply until engine runs,
but no more than 6 pulls. NOTE: If the en- gine does n't start after 6 pulis (at the HALF
CHOKE position), move the choke lever to the FULL CHOKE position and press the
primer bulb 6 times. Squeeze and hold the throttle trigger and pull the starter rope 2
more times. Move the choke lever to the HALF CHOKE position and pull the starter
rope until the engine runs, but no more than 6 pulls. If the engine still doesn't start,
it is probably flooded. Proceed to START-
7 Once the engine starts, allow itto run 10 se-
conds, then move the choke lever to the
RUN posifJon. Allow the unit to run for 30
more seconds at RUN before releasing the throttle trigger. NOTE: if engine dies with
the choke lever in the RUN position, move
the choke lever to the HALF CH O KE posi- tion and pull the rope until engine runs, but
no more than 6 pulls.
1. Move the choke _ever to the HALF CHOKE position
2. Squeeze the throttle thgger fully and hold through all remefnfl_J steps
3. Pull starter rope sharply unfll engine runs,
but no more than 6 pulls.
4. Allow engine to run 15 seconds, then move the choke lever to RUN
NOTE: If engine has not started, putl starter rope 5 more pulls If engine still does not run, it is probably flooded. STARTING A FLOODED ENGINE
Flooded engines can be started by placing the choke raver in the RUN pcefflon; then, poll the
rope to clear the engine of excess fuel. This could require polling the starter handle many
times depending on how badb! the unit is flooded If the unit stil_ doesn't start, refer to TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE or call
IlllWAPIHII_IIJ: Avoid touching muffler unless engine and muffler are cold. A hot
muffler can cause serious burns.
WARNING: Stop engine and be sure
the impeller blades have stopped turning be- fore opening the vacuum inlet door or at- tempting to insert or remove the vacuum or blower tubes. The rotating blades can cause serious injury. Always disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance or ac- cessing movable parts.
The warranty on this unit does not cover items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value from the
warranty, the operator must maintain unit as instructed in this manual Various adjust-
ments will need to be made periodically to properly maintain your unit
Spark P{ug Boot
•A{r Filter
PARTS Contact an authorized service dealer for re-
p{acement of damaged or worn parts.
PuelTank - Donot useunitiffueltankshows
signs of damage or leaks.
Vacuum Bag - Do not use vacuum bag if it
is torn or damaged
After each use, inspect complete unit for
loose or damaged parts. Clean the unit and decets using a damp cbth with a mild deter-
Wipe off unit with a clean dry cloth. CLEAN AIR FILTER
A dirty air filter decreases engine perform- ance and increases fuel consumption and harmful emissions. Always clean or reptace
air filter after every 5 hours of operation or yearly, whichever comes first
Button _-'T
AirFilter #/_
Air FiItei_! _
Cleaning the air filter:
1. Clean the cover and the area around it to keep debds from fal+ing into the carburetor
chamber when the cover is removed
NOTE: Move choke lever to RUN position
before opening air fi_ter cover.
2. Open air filter cover by pushing button (see illustration) Remove air filter.
NOTE: Do not clean filter in gasoline or other flammable solvent. Doing so can create a fire hazard or produce harrc_JI evaporative emis-
3. Wash the filter in soap and water.
4. Allow filter to dry.
5. Apply a few drops of oil to the filter;
squeeze filter to distribute oil.
6. Replace parts.
Replace spark p_ug each year to ensure the engine starts easier and runs better. Set
spark plug gap at 0.025 inch (0.6 mm) Igni- tion timing is fixed, nonadjustable.
1. Twist, then pull off spark plug boot.
2. Remove spark plug from cylinder and dis-
3. Replace with Champion RCJ-6Y spark
plug and tighten secure{y with a 3/4 inch
(19 mm) socket wrench.
4. Reinstall the spark plug boot.
To replace fuel filter, drain unit by run ning itdry of fuel, then remove fuel cap/retainer assem-
bly from tank Purl fitter from tank and remove it from the fuel line. Install new fuel filter on fuel
line; reinstal+ parts
Fuel Filter
Once each year, ensure muffler mounting screws are tightened securely to prevent
' Mounting
WARNING: The muffler on this prod-
uct contains chemicals known to the State of Catifomia to cause cancer. As the unit is used, carbon deposits build up on the muffler and spark arresting screen,
and must be removed to avoid creating a fire hazard or affecting engine performance
Muffler Cover
'_ Arresting
/ Hood
Replace the spark arresting screen every 50
hours of operation or if any damage or breaks in the screen are noted
NOTE: Do not attempt to c_ean the spark ar-
resting screen.
1. Remove 3 screws from muffler cover. Remove muffler cover
2. Loosen and remove 4 screws from the muffler hood.
3. Remove the muffler hood and spark arrest- ing screen.
4. Install new spark arresting screen.
5. Reinstalt muffler hood and 4 screws. Tight- en screws securely.
6. Reinstalt muffler cover and 3 screws.
Tighten securely.
NOTE: if any part of the muffler is cracked,
broken or damaged, we recommend that the muffler be replaced.
CARBURETOR ADJUSTMENT The carburetor has been carefully set at the
factory. Adjustments may be necessary if you notice any of the following conditions:
Engine will not idle when the throttle is re- leased.
Idle Speed Adjustment
Allow engine to idle. Adjust speed until engine runs without stalling (idle speed too slow).
Turn idle speed screw clockwise to in- crease engine speed if engine stalls or dies.
Turn idle speed screw counterclockwise to decrease engine speed.
nWARNING: Perform the following
steps after each use:
Allow engine to cool, and secure the unit before storing or transporting.
Store unit and fuel in a well ventilated area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or
open flames from water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
Store unit with all guards in place. Position unit so that any sharp object cannot acci-
dentally cause injury.
Store unit and fuel well out of the reach of children.
Prepare unit for storage at end of season or if
it will not be used for 30 days or more
If your unit is to be stored for a period of time:
Clean the entire unit before lengthy stor- age.
Store in a clean dry area.
Lightly oil external metal surfaces
TION section of this manual, see messagela- be{ed IMPORTANT regarding the use of ga-
sohol in your engine
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alternative in
minimizing the formatbn of fuel gum deposits dudng storage. Add stabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank or fuel storage containen Follow the mix instructions found on stabilizer container Run
engine at least 5 minutes after adding stabilizes
Idle Speed Screw
Filter _--
Air _
If you require further assistance or are unsure
about performing this procedure, contact an authorized service dealer or call
Remove spark p_ugand pour 1teaspoon of 40:1,2-cycle engine oil (air cooled) through the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
starter rope 8 to 10 times to distribute oil.
Replace spark plug with new one of recom- mended type and heat range.
Clean air filter
Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts, and bolts. Replace any damaged, broken,
or worn parts.
At the beginning of the next season, use only fresh fuel having the proper gasoline to
oil ratio.
Do not store gasoline from one season to another.
Replace your gasoline can ifit starts to rust.
-11 -
_ WARNING: Always stopunitand disconnect spark plugbeforeperformingany ofthe
recommendedremediesbelow other than remedies that requireoperationof the unit.
Engine will not 1. Engine flooded. start.
Engine will not 1. Fuel not reaching idle properly. ;i carburetor.
Engine will not 1+ Air filter dirty. accelerate, 2. Fue{ not reaching lacks power, or carburetor.
dies under a 4 Carburetor requiresload. 3. Spark plug fouled.
Engine smokes excessively+
Engine runs hot.
2. Fuel tank empty.
3. Spark g_ug not firing.
4. Fuel not reaching carburetor.
5. Compression low
. Carburetor requires
;;3. Crankshaft seals worn
4. Compression low
5. Carbon build up.
6. Compression low.
1. Choke partially on.
J2. Fuel mixture incorrect.
3. Air filter dirty.
4-. Carburetor requires
ad ustment.
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3. Carburetor requires adjustment.
4+ Carbon build up
11. See "Starting a Flooded Engine"
in Operation section.
2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
3. Install new spark plug. Check for kinked or split fuel line;
ii4. Check for dirty fue{ filter; replace.
repair or replace.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
l. heck for dirty fue{ filter; replace
repair or replace.
i2. Contact an authorized service dealer. i 3. Contact an authorized service dealer
' 4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1. Clean or replace air filter.
2. Check for dirty fue{ filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
3. Clean or replace spark plug
4. Contact an authorized service dealer. and re-gap
i 5. Contact an authorized service dealer. ;; 6. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1 Adjust choke.
2 Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixture.
;;3 Clean or replace air filter.
4 Contact an authedzed service dealer
;;1. See "Fueling Engine" in Operation
2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
WEED CRATER, a division of Husqvarna Out- door Products Inc., warrants to the edginaJ con-
sumer purchaser that each new WEED EATER brand gasoline taol or attachment Jsfree from
defects in meferJal and workmanship and agrees to repair or replace under this warranty any defective gasoline product or attachment as
follows from the original date of purchase. 2 YEARS - Parts and Labor, when used for
household purposes. 90 DAYS - Parts and Labor, when used for
commercial, professional, or income producing purposes.
30 DAYS - Parts and Labor, if used for rental purposes.
This warranty isnot transferable and does not cover damage or liability caused by improper
handling, improper maintenance or alteration, or the use of accessories and/or attachments
not specifically recommended by WEED
EATER for this tool This warranty does not cover tune-up, spark plugs, filters, starter ropes, or blower and vacuum tubes that will
wear and require replacement with reason- able use during the warranty period. This war-
ranty does not cover pre-delivery setup or normal adjustments explained in the instruc- tion manual This warranty does not cover
transportation costs.
Inthe event you have a claim under this warran- ty, you must return the product to an authorized service dealer.
Should you have any unanswered questions concerning this warranty, please contact:
WEED EATER, a division of
Husqvama Outdoor Products Inc
1030 Stevens Creek Road Augusta, GA 30907
In Canada, contact:
WEED EATER 5855 Terry Fox Way
Mississauga, Ontario L5V3E4
Giving the model number, serial number and date of purchase of your product and the name
and address of the authorized dealer from whom it was purchased. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC
This is a lim_fedwarranty within the meaning of that term as defined inthe Magnuson-Moss Act
of 1975. The policy of WEED EATER is to continuous-
ly improve its products. Therefore, WEED
EATER reserves the right to change, modify, or discontinue models, designs, specifica-
tions, and accessories of all products at any time without notice or obligation to any pur-
Agency/California Air Resources Board and WEED EATER are pleased to explain the emis- sions control system warranty on your year 2007 and later small off-road engine. In Califor-
nia, all small eff-roed engines must be de- signed, built, and equipped to meet the State's stringent anti-smog standards WEED EATER must warrant the emission control system on
your small off-road engine for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance of your smal_ off-road engine. Your emission con- trol system includes parts such as the carbure- tor, the ignition system and the fuel tank (Califor-
nia only). Where a warrantable condition exists, WEED EATER will repair your small off-road engine engine at no cost to you Expenses cov- ered under warranty include diagnosis, parts
and labor.
MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY COVER- AGE: If any emissions related part on your en-
gine (as listed under Emissions Control Warran- ty Parts Ust) is defective or a defect in the mate-
rials or workmanship of the engine causes the failure of such an emission related part, the part
will be repaired or replaced by WEED EATER. OWNER'S WARRANTY RESPONSIBILI-
TIES: As the small off-road engine engine own- er, you are responsibfe for the performance of
the required maintenance {istad in your instruc- tion manual. WEED EATER recommends that
you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your small off-road engine, but WEED EATER
cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of re- ceipts or for your failure to ensure the perfor-
mance of all scheduled maintenance. As the small off-road engine engine owner, you should
be aware that WEED EATER may deny you warranty coverage ifyour small off-road engine
engine or a part of it has failed due to abuse, ne- glect, improper maintenance, unapproved rood-
ifications, or the use of parts not made or ap- proved by the edgina_ equipment manufacturer.
You are responsible for presenting your small off- road engine to an WEED EATER authorized repair center as soon as a problem exists. War-
ranty repairs shouEd be completed in a reason- able amount of time, not to exceed 30 days. If
you have any questions regarding your warran- ty rights and responsibilities, you should contact your nearest authorized service center or call WEED EATER at 1-800-554-6723. WAR-
ranty period begins on the date the small off- road engine is purchased. LENGTH OF COV-
ERAGE: This warranty shall be for a period of
two years from the initial date of purchase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR OR RE-
PLACEMENT OF PARTS. Repair or replace-
ment of any warranted part will be performed at no charge to the owner at an approved WEED
EATER servicing center If you have any ques-
tions regarding your warranty rights and respon- sibilities, you should contact your nearest autho-
dzed service center or call WEED EATER at
1-800-554-6723. WARRANTY PERIOD: Any warranted part which is not scheduled for re- placement as required maintenance, or which is
scheduled onty for regular inspection to the ef- fect of "repair or replace as necessary" shall be
warranted for 2 years. Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as required main- tenance shall be warranted for the period of time
up to the first scheduled replacement point for that part. DIAGNOSIS: The owner shall not be
charged for diagnostic labor which leads to the determination that a warranted part is de-
fective if the diagnostic work is performed at an approved WEED EATER servicing center.
This engine is certified to be emissions compliant for the following use:
[] Moderate (50 hours)
[] intermediate (125 hours) [] Extended (300 hours)
ER may be liable for damages to other engine
components caused by the failure of a war- ranted part still under warranty WHAT IS NOT COVERED: All failures caused by abuse, ne-
glect, or improper maintenance are not covered. ADD-ON OR MODIFIED PARTS: The use of
add-on or modified parts can be grounds for disallowing a warranty ctaim. WEED EATER is not liable to cover failures of warranted parts
caused by the use of add-on or modified parts.
HOW TO FILE A CLAIM: If you have any ques-
tions regarding your warranty rights and respon- sibilities, you should contact your nearest autho-
dzed service center or call WEED EATER at
1-800-554-6723. WHERE TO GET WAR-
RANTY SERVICE: Warranty services or re- pairs shatl be provided at allWEED EATER ser- vice centers. Carl 1-800-554-6723. MAENTE-
EATER approved replacement part used in the performance of any warranty maintenance or
repair on emission related parts will be provided without charge to the owner if the part isunder
PARTS LIST: Carburetor, Ignition System: Spark P_ug (covered up to maintenance sched-
ule), Ignition Module, Muffler including Catabjst,
Fuel Tank (California only). MAINTENANCE STATEMENT: The owner is responsible for the
performance of all required maintenance as de- ifned in the instruction manual
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