Intuos 4 S tab let
157.5 x 98.4 mm ( 6.2 x 3 .9 in)
309.0 x 208.0 x 12.0 mm
(12.2 x 8.2 x 0.5 in )
approx imatel y
800 g (1.76 lb) app roximat ely
no Exp ressKey
displ ays
PTK-44 0-EN /4 949268 614382
Intuos 4 M tab let
223.5 x 139 .7 mm (8 .8 x 5.5 in)
370.0 x 254. 0 x 12.0 mm
(14.5 x 10.0 x 0. 5 in)
approx imatel y
1.0 kg (2. 2 lb) a pproxi mately
8, next to Exp ressKe ys
PTK-6 40-EN /4 949268 614467
Intuos 4 Wire less t ablet
203.2 x 127.0 mm (8.0 x 5.0 in)
363.0 x 253.0 x 15.0 mm
(14.3 x 10.0 x 0.6 in)
approx imatel y
900 g ( 2.0 lb) appr oximate ly
(with battery)
8, next to Exp ressKe ys
PTK-540WL-EN/4 949268 615402
Intuos 4 L tab let
325.1 x 203.2 mm (12.8 x 8. 0 in)
474.0 x 320.0 x 14.0 mm
(18.6 x 12.6 x 0.5 in)
approx imatel y
1.8 kg (3. 96 lb ) approximate ly
8, next to Exp ressKe ys
PTK-84 0-EN /4 949268 614542
Intuos 4 XL ta blet
462.0 x 304.8 mm (19.2 x 12.0 in)
623.0 x 4 62.0 x 28. 0 mm
(24.5 x 18.2 x 1.1 in)
approx imatel y
3.0 kg ( 6.60 lb) app roxima tely
8, next to Exp ressKe ys
PTK-1240-D/ 494926 8 614368
(DTP model ) & PTK-1240-C /
494926 8 614320 (C AD mod el)
Availab le as DT P or CAD model.
Active area ( W x D)
Physic al size (W x D x H)
Touch Ring
Expre ssKeys
Expre ssKey™ displ ays
Produc t Code / EAN Co de
Wacom Eu rope G mbH • Eu ropar k Fich tenhai n A9 • 47807 Krefe ld • Ge rmany • ww
© 2010 Wacom Company, Limited. All r ights r eser ved. Wac om, the logo a nd Intu os are tradem arks o r regi stered trade marks of the Wacom Com pany, Ltd. A ll othe r comp any names and produ ct
names are tra demarks and /or registe red tr adema rks of t heir re spec tive own ers. M odific ation s and errors excepte d.
Intuos 4 Air brush
(opti onal a ccess ory )
162.5 x 17.5 x 32.5 mm
(L x W x D)
(6.40 x 0.69 x 1.28 in)
23 g (0 .81 oz)
approx imatel y
1 stan dard ni b,
1 stroke nib,
1 flex nib,
1 felt n ib.
finger wheel
approx . 1,024 level s
of reso lutio n
KP-40 0E
494926 8790512
Intuos4 Ink ing Pen
(opti onal a ccess ory )
151.5 x 12.5 mm (L x D)
(5.97 x 0.49 in)
12 g (0.42 oz)
approx imatel y
2 stan dard ni bs,
3 inkin g car tridg es.
494926 879053 6
Intuos 4 Ar t Pen
(opti onal a ccess ory )
156.2 x 15.5 x 15.8 mm
(L x W x D)
(6.15 x 0.61 x 0.62 in)
20 g (0 .7 oz)
approx imatel y
2 chise l-sha ped
stand ard nib s,
2 chise l-sha ped
felt ni bs, 3 st andar d art
nibs, 3 felt ar t nibs.
360 de gree s
of bar rel rot ation
494926 8790529
Intuos 4 Clas sic Pe n
(opti onal a ccess ory )
150.7 x 12.2 mm (L x D)
(5.94 x 0.48 in)
12 g (0.42 oz)
approx imatel y
1 stan dard ni b,
1 stroke nib,
1 flex nib,
1 felt n ib.
KP-30 0E
494926 879050 5
Intuos 4 Lens Cursor
(optional accessory)
159.0 x 66.0 x 33.8 mm
(L x D x H)
(6.26 x 2.60 x 1.33 in)
75 g (2.6 5 oz)
approx imatel y
Suppli ed as s tanda rd
with In tuos4 XL CAD
494926 879048 2
Physic al size
Includ es
Additi onal fe ature
Produc t Code /
EAN C ode
Intuos 4 Grip Pen
156.5 x 14.9 mm (L x D)
(6.17 x 0.59 in)
18 g (0.6 3 oz)
approx imatel y
thick-bodie d
replacem ent grip, box
content S, M, Wi reless,
L, XL (DTP version ):
5 standard n ibs,
1 stroke nib, 1 flex nib,
3 felt nibs; b ox content as
accessory: 1 standard
nib, 1 stroke nib, 1 flex
nib, 1 felt nib.
494926 879049 9
Intuos 4 Mous e
(optional accessory)
102.9 x 61.8 x 38.6 mm
(L x D x H)
(4.05 x 2.43 x 1.52 in)
83 g ( 2.9 oz)
approx imatel y
5 mous e butto ns
and 1 fin ger wh eel